《Warped World: The Nether Dungeon》Chapter 10 Mini-Bosses Assemble
Yes, yes, yes, yes Cicatrix’s promotion turned out better than I could have hoped, he earned it.I mean I have no idea what exactly he did during Raged Fueled Supremacy, but it must have been amazing for him to be my Boss Monster for the 1st floor. The next thing I did was dismiss Cicatrix. He gave me a quick salute and walked to the center of the fort, where he barked out a few orders to his Champions and sent them to specific areas around the fort.
Now let's see exactly what my Mini-Bosses will be capable of. First up lets the Dire Wolf. I focused on this particular individual and my vision zoomed north to an open area of the forest. Sitting in the middle surrounded by smaller wolves and a few puppies of all things is a huge wolf. The regular Dire Wolves were about the size of a donkey but this one, the one the Mini-Boss alert showed me was as big as a horse. This is gonna be sweet. Let’s see his details. (Inspect)
Race: Alpha Dire Wolf (Evolution Available)
Abilities: Lord of the Pack, Hellish Howl
Lord of the Pack: lead from the front, protect the young, as the strongest of your pack you command respect and empower your allies.
Hellish Howl: unleash a burning howl from the depths of hell to disorient, demoralize, and set your enemies on fire.
Not bad but not really good. The howl could be useful since it can set people on fire, but he relies on his pack a little too much. Hopefully the evolution that's available will help in that regard. If not, I’ll just have to increase the number of Dire Wolves up there.
“Umbra, is there an evolution system that I can use by thinking about it?”
“Yes, the Abominable Evolution System.”
“Okay, thanks, I didn’t expect that name though.” (Abominable Evolution System)
Abominable Evolution System Active Please Select Monster
(Dire Wolf Alpha Evolutions) Barghest Alpha, Amarok, Warg
Amarok-(Epic) A fantastical giant wolf from the barren lands said to hunt alone rather than with a pack of its lesser kin.
Barghest Alpha-(Rare) Fiendish lupine monsters that have devoured the body and souls of countless goblins.
Warg-(Common) An even larger, shaggier Dire Wolf with piercing red eyes, and large slavering jaws.
Well, this is an easy choice to make. I don’t want any of my Mini-Bosses to be dependent on another weaker monster to function properly right now. I know this seems stupid especially since strength in numbers can really turn the tides of battle, but I don’t really want the Mini-Bosses to be this huge roadblock to anyone coming into my dungeon. It seems foolish but a part of me is nagging that I shouldn’t make them too strong this early.
I chose the Amarok, and as soon as I did the already huge Dire Wolf grew twice as large. His once black fur turned a pure white and his dust brown eyes a piercing blue. He stood and walked away from his former pack, they didn’t try to stop him, and headed deeper into the forest. Once he was near the north eastern edge of the forest and waited. I'm not proud to say it took me a couple of minutes to realize he was waiting for me to acknowledge him.
I started what I thought would be a one sided conversation “Hello there, as you probably know I am the core that controls this dungeon and I have just applied you Mini Boss evolution.”
“Yes, my creator, I can sense the changes that have affected my body. I understand my place in the dungeon. I am to challenge any invader that enters my area and kill them only the strong will prevail against me.”
Wow just wow. I did not expect him to be able to talk, must be the evolution or maybe all Mini-Bosses gain the ability to talk if they didn't have it before. Either way mind blown. “Alright from today onward you will be Hail.” The second he was given a name, his claws and the tips of his fur turned a deep blue, then the area of forest surrounding him froze over.
“I understand my master.”
Race: Amarok
Abilities: Glacial Strike, Blizzard Cloak, Piercing Howl
Glacial Strike:Coats the claws in hardened ice that is used to slash a target, may freeze the target.
Blizzard Cloak:While in the designated area the ice and snow hide your movements unless attacked or attacking.
Piercing Howl: Unleash a frigid cold howl that pierces deep into an enemies body slowing them for some time.
Now that I’m done with Hail my new Amarok I can move on to my goblins. Firstly, let’s get the Savage Goblin out of the way. I realize that I said I’d treat them better, but they still rub me the wrong way. It’s gonna take some time before I really get behind using them to their full potential.
So, what is the little maniac doing now anyways. It takes far less time to find him than it did to find the former Dire Wolf. He was sitting out in the open on top of a small dirty red hill on the far side of the dungeon in between the forest and the swamp. As I zoomed my perspective over to him, I noticed as I got closer that the hill was in fact not dirty and red but covered in dismembered Savage Goblins and drenched in blood. Not gonna lie it looked pretty badass.
Okay now I can get behind this. He looks so amazing, no longer the hunched back disappointment the other Savage Goblins are he can now stand straight up. He appears to be about the height of a High Goblin give or take a centimeter or two. He just looks so gnarly covered in pulsing red veins, then there's his left arm, looks like it's gonna just fall off from rot any second but he still moves it around and doesn't appear to be in any pain, and his face looked like someone took a razor to it. He no longer had lips and his teeth were visible, it had a disturbing vibe to it, a permanent smile for the world to see.
Time to make myself known. “You have done well little goblin. Your new form pleases me, and I believe you will make a fine Mini-Boss.” I told him with a little laughter in my voice. I was just that proud at the moment.
“My master at last. I your servant I kill the others for you. Know you hates us type of gobbos try to tell them be useful. They no listen so I get power and make them pay for no listen.”
Damn that kinda hurt to hear. New plan, check his current abilities then name him and move on. (Inspect)
Race: Savage Goblin
Class: Blood Mage
Abilities: Hemokinesis Magic
Hemokinesis Magic: magic that allows them to cast magical spells related to blood, The user is able to use this in two ways to gain access to (esoteric/mystic/magical) blood-based powers/abilities or to cast spells that require or are related to blood.
So, I can’t tell if this one ability he has is stupidly overpowered or if I’m getting screwed over again. At this point I really should stop caring. Time to name him, watch what happens to this patch of land and move on. “I appreciate your loyalty and have decided to give you a name to go along with your new position as one of the first floor Mini-Bosses. You will be known as Atrocity from now on.”
His transformation was a little disappointing. All he gained with it was a constant trickle of blood from his mouth, everything around however was great. The severed hog skull that lay at his feet rose into the air, how did I not notice that thing, a spine sprouted from the stump and extended out. Muscle and black pulsing flesh grew with it and a baleful orange light filled the cold dead eyes. Atrocity took hold of this perverted magic staff with his right hand. The hill around him erupted with blood; it flowed down and pooled at the entrance to a cave. This is good so far it seems that my Mini-Bosses get custom places to fight when named, cool.
Race: Savage Goblin
Class: Blood Mage
Abilities: Hemokinesis Magic, Blood Thrall.
Hemokinesis Magic: magic that allows them to cast magical spells related to blood, The user is able to use this in two ways to gain access to (esoteric/mystic/magical) blood-based powers/abilities or to cast spells that require or are related to blood.
Blood Thrall: allows creation of a thrall through the use of the user's own corrupted blood. Blood Thralls have no will of their own and live only to serve their creator.
“Thank you for more power master. I kill all who defy you.”
“Yes, yes I accept your loyalty. Stay here and guard your area in the future. You will be needed.”
After saying my piece, I quickly left the slightly demented goblin alone and sought out the next Mini-Boss. As luck would have it all three of the remaining candidates were at the same location.
Deep in the swamp in one of the biggest Weeping Willows i placed surrounded by spiders sat my three High Goblin girls. The two regular sized ones and the shorter one Umbra told me already had an ability. I’m going to check their stats before talking to them. They may have some skills that can explain how they made it unharmed into the deep swamp.
Race: High Goblin
Class: N/A
Abilities: Big Brain Plays, Psionic, Bond of Sisters, Spider Dominance
Big Brain Plays: Increases intelligence and all mental skills but reduces size effectiveness of all physical skills. Unlocks a random mental ability.
Psionic: Allows the wielder to exert their mental prowess onto another creature or thing, if targeted by another with this ability a contest of will shall ensure and the loser will be dominated by the winer.
Bond of Sisters: The bond you share with your sister can’t be broken, not even in death. As such you are able to locate and tell the status of your sisters no matter how far apart you are. Bonus to attack and defence when fighting together.
Spider Dominance: You have dominated and enslaved the mind of an arachnid type monster.
Race: High Goblin
Class: N/A
Abilities: Bond of Sisters, Heartpiercer
Bond of Sisters: The bond you share with your sister can’t be broken, not even in death. As such you are able to locate and tell the status of your sisters no matter how far apart you are. Bonus to attack and defence when fighting together.
Heartpiercer: Heart shots are easier to land and have an increased chance to pierce armor that covers the chest.
Race: High Goblin
Class: N/A
Abilities: Bond of Sisters, Critical Glee
Bond of Sisters: The bond you share with your sister can’t be broken, not even in death. As such you are able to locate and tell the status of your sisters no matter how far apart you are. Bonus to attack and defence when fighting together.
Critical Glee: This one has found joy in dealing death and loves to watch her enemies panic as they bleed. Critical hits cause panic and apply bleeds to targets.
This is nice, this is really nice. With abilities like these I can see how they made it this far into the swamp unharmed. Plus, it explains why the spiders weren’t hostile to them. These three would make an epic main floor boss. I need to check with Umbra later to see if it's possible to move monsters to new floors later on. I hope it's possible.
Even more things to do in the future time to reintroduce myself. “Hello my goblins girls I take it you all are doing well.”
They looked up from their positions around the small campfire and spoke as one. “Yes, great core, we are doing fine. How may we be of service to you?”
“You have done well fighting for me against your fellow dungeon denizens and as such will be rewarded. Each of you will be made a Mini-Boss on the first floor.”
They grimaced at the same time when I gave them the news. They most likely thought that by becoming Mini-Bosses I would have them separated at all times.
“There is no need to worry, while each of you will become a Mini-Boss I won’t force you to go your separate ways. I feel deep down that all of you work better as a team, and I want to leave you that way.” I could see them calm down after I told them that. Now to the naming and the change.
“I have thought long and hard of names for each of you, and I believe they suit your personalities just right.”
The smart one chose that moment to speak up. “My Lord Core we would be more than happy to accept any name you would bestow upon us.”
“You have a way with words and I’m sure that you will be a driving force for your sisters as such I name you Savvy for your intelligence is not just given but earned.” As I have grown to expect, a bright light encased her for a few seconds. When it died down, she stood in the same spot except now she wore a complete set of what appeared to be rough spun cloth clothing with sandals and an oversized green leather coat that reached her feet.
I then turned to her closest sister, the one they called Bow and prepared to give her a name. “Bow please step forward and receive your name from me.” She walked forward a few steps and stopped. “You have keen eyes and strike your enemies down before they can retaliate. You shall be Thrush.” Upon being named the same as her sister a light enveloped her. It died down and she stood. Although now she wore what I think is padded leather armor that had been colored a yellow and strapped across her back where her longbow was now sat a sweet looking crossbow.
Last but certainly not least was Daggers. The entire time I had been naming her sisters she had been bouncing on her heels in place waiting her turn. It was adorable. “Daggers you can calm down, it's your turn now and I know what to name you. For one who takes great joy in striking down those who challenge her and still be able to smile even in the face of uncertainty I name you Trixy.” She damn near jumped and screamed with joy but the flash of light distracted her.
When she stepped out of it, she sported hardened leather, but unlike her sisters whose armor was a single color her armor was dyed white, pink, and red, plus she had a hood attached to her vest, and a new pair of wickedly sharp dagger at her waist. The smile that now split her face was worth it.
My High Goblin sisters are named, armored and ready to fight. One last thing to do before I start asking Umbra more questions about what to do next.
Race: High Goblin
Class: Crafter
Abilities: Big Brain Plays, Psionic, Bond of Sisters, Spider Dominance, Mixologist
Big Brain Plays: Increases intelligence and all mental skills but reduces size effectiveness of all physical skills. Unlocks a random mental ability.
Psionic: Allows the wielder to exert their mental prowess onto another creature or thing, if targeted by another with this ability a contest of will shall ensue and the loser will be dominated by the winner.
Bond of Sisters: The bond you share with your sister can’t be broken, not even in death. As such you are able to locate and tell the status of your sisters no matter how far apart you are. Bonus to attack and defence when fighting together.
Spider Dominance: You have dominated and enslaved the mind of an arachnid type monster.
Mixologist:Mix various ingredients to create unique potions, bombs and poisons.
Race: High Goblin
Class: Marksman
Abilities: Bond of Sisters, Heartpiercer, Cover Fire
Bond of Sisters: The bond you share with your sister can’t be broken, not even in death. As such you are able to locate and tell the status of your sisters no matter how far apart you are. Bonus to attack and defence when fighting together.
Heartpiercer: Heart shots are easier to land, and have an increased chance to pierce armor that covers the chest.
Cover Fire: You can use cover more effectively and deal increased damage when firing from cover.
Race: High Goblin
Class: Assassin
Abilities: Bond of Sisters, Critical Glee, Assassinate
Bond of Sisters: The bond you share with your sister can’t be broken, not even in death. As such you are able to locate and tell the status of your sisters no matter how far apart you are. Bonus to attack and defence when fighting together.
Critical Glee: This one has found joy in dealing death and loves to watch her enemies panic as they bleed. Critical hits cause panic and apply bleeds to targets.
Assassinate: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe catch a sucker with a death blow, they won’t holler so why not kill slow Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Drop down, sneak up, kill and blend with the shadows again. If you attack an enemy undetected your attacks will kill in one hit.
Hahahaha these girls are going to be the death of many adventures, dungeon diver, whatever the hell they are called. I feel safer already and can’t wait for them to show up thinking they can walk all over me. Not a chance I may be a new dungeon, but I intend to make them fight for every step they take in my domain. It's time to ask Umbra how to reach the surface.
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