《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 12: Still a pacifist
Shadyna the doom bringer has arrived!
Elri the mad elf is on a rampage with her newest toy. It's business as normal for her, but she's much more efficient because of the one-hitting weapon halberd. I left the party so she can get full experience, and because I am a true pacifist that do not wish to benefit from others' misery!
…The halberd was from the Merexxa. Not my fault!
I am staying in the makeshift tent made by [Construction] to dismantle whatever corpse she brings back. Hmm, a pacifist butcher shop? That sounds kind of wrong…
[Character Leveled up]
Got to level 5!
[Profession change available]
…Something weird came again.
_ Shadyna (PM): Elri~ What is profession change?
_ Elri (PM): It's what will appear in the [Inspect] result if someone uses it on you. You can use whatever option you want. I asked around but no one knows what it actually does.
Ah, so that's how I see the "Apprentice assassin" and such. The "Beginner/Apprentice" part is probably something else? Something to do with their levels?
Maybe once the level cap goes up I will finally see "Master sage" and such. Seeing Hessy as "Apprentice waitress" is so misleading it's not even funny!
[Available profession:
- Beginner farmer
- Beginner miner
- Beginner butcher
Why is it a butcher instead of dismantler or something like that…?
It looks like the available options depend on your attributes, skills and titles. If there's no effect, I wonder if it is just a way to advertise yourself to others? Because you need the skill to get the profession, you can't lie on your resume ([Inspect] result).
In the whole long list of professions, there are a few that caught my eyes.
- Beginner hero
- Beginner terminator
- Particle lolider
- Beginner zero
- Illusive sprout
…I am pretty sure at least two of them are not normal professions. And what the hell is a lolider, Sateri!!!
I wonder why the nickname people gave me became one of the professions. Was Sateri gathering data from the forums?
Who the hell thought "Particle lolider" was a thing?! Stop polluting Sateri's mind, you weirdoes!
Can I discard all of these? I would rather have a boost to [Absolute Zero] instead of this public humiliation!
[A random profession will be chosen. Continue?] [Y/N]
Sateri, you hold grudges for too long!
Fine! Show me what your RNG is made of!
[Profession changed to ]
_ Shadyna: SATERI YOU IDIOT!!!
Of course you would pick the worst one possible to torment me! Random Number Generator my butt! More like Ridiculous Number Generator!!!
_ Elri: What the heck?!
Looks like Elri has returned with a new batch of corpses.
_ Shadyna: Sateri was bullying me~
_ Elri: I don't know how that is even possible, but wouldn’t that be your own fault?
Harsh! Where did the kind and caring mentor go?! You are not Hessy, so don't throw out abuses like that!
_ Shadyna: Elri you meanie!
_ Elri: Why am I in this?! I haven't done anything!
Level 5 seems to be what you would call a milestone level. I got 6 attribute points and 5 skill points from level up. 6 attributes per level is a good increase, but I think 5 skill points is only for milestones. Otherwise skill points will be inflated.
Not to mention, with 5 skill points per level, my [Absolute Zero] would become even more overpowered than it already is.
Discarding those points, I now have 26/5 (attributes) + 9 (skills) = 14.2, which gives a total of 2.84 + 2 = 4 times the attribute bonus using [Absolute Zero].
…I do not have 4 times the attributes.
I am having 5 times the attributes, according to my status screen.
In other words, I should have at least 15 DP. Where is the point that was not accounted for?
…Don't tell me Sateri really gave me at least 1 DP for not choosing a profession!
_ Elri: Why do you look like you are experiencing both bliss and despair at the same time?
_ Shadyna: I told you, Sateri is bullying me~
_ Elri: Must be your own fault then.
No one believes me at all…
_ ???: Anybody home?
Someone was calling for us from outside. This voice…
_ Elri: Who's there?
_ Ignar: Just passing by. Oh, we met again.
It's the three weirdoes!!! [Summon]!
_ Ignar: Woa! We are not looking for a fight! Could you put that beast away for the time being?
_ Shadyna: No.
I keep Gelly ready right at my face level so I can retaliate the moment they do anything funny. Definitely not taking chances against them!
_ Maximus: Dear Sateri-chan why is it this scrub again?!
_ Ignar: Can you shut up this time? Uh, look, we are just going to grind here by accident. I promise none of us will bother you, okay?
_ Tippe: She doesn't look like she trusts us at all. What a surprise huh.
Indeed. Our first meeting ended with trash-talking me. The second time you guys tried to chloroform me. The third time you tried to make Hessy strip! It's a surprise I haven't thrown Gelly at you guys on sight!!!
_ Ignar: Totally our fault though… Uh, are you dismantling at this place? Would you help us with dismantling the corpses in inventory? I'll pay of course.
_ Fuelri: What the heck have you done to a newbie… Actually, why do you guys look so traumatized?! Aren't the roles reversed?!
Why, indeed!
_ Tippe: It's… a long story. Oi, Ignar, we have [Dismantling], we don't have to…
_ Ignar: Having another pair of hands saves us time. If we don't hurry the food buffs will run out.
_ Tippe: …Fine.
_ Shadyna: …Come in. I have a dismantling rack inside.
_ Ignar: Thanks. You're a big help.
_ Maximus: What in the world happened to your stats, scrub?!
Sigh. This guy simply refuses to be peaceful, doesn't he?
_ Fuelri: What's with her stats?
_ Ignar: Max! This isn't time to…
_ Maximus: See for yourself! What the heck is this!!!
[Character information]
[Name]: ???
[Level]: 5
[Profession]: Particle lolider
- HP: ======.... (505/792) (767+25)
- MP: =========. (1004/1109) (1104+5)
- PAT: 385 (373+12)
- PSP: 17 (15+2)
- PDF: 454 (439+15)
- MAT: 529 (529+0)
- MSP: 19 (15+4)
- MDF: 593 (578+15)
- SPD: 48 (46+2)
- STR: 73 (3+70)
- DEX: 73 (3+70)
- CON: 72 (2+70)
- LDR: 76 (6+70)
- FOC: 71 (1+70)
- WIT: 72 (2+70)
- MEN: 71 (1+70)
- LUC: 72 (2+70)
[Skills - Active]:
- Cheer
- Shared Fate
- Armor Craft
- Weapon Craft
- Alchemy
- Enchance
- Enchant
- Cooking
- Construction
[Skills - Passive]:
- Beast Empathy
While everyone was standing there dumbfounded by my attributes, I rush forward and slam Gelly into the idiot's face, pulverizing him instantly!
_ Maximus: GUAH!!!
Lucky for him, he died in one hit. If he was expecting my attack and dodged it, I would have thrown Gelly at the ground and killed his whole party! And I didn't even see if Elri was out of the blast range or not!
I wonder if I should blast him a few more times. It's not like [Corpse Destroyer] title would give you bad penalties, right~?
_ Ignar: Let's start dismantling then.
_ Tippe: Yeah, let's.
_ Elri: I'll help you guys.
Everyone has decided not to know !
_ Maximus: You traitors!!!
Hold on, if I blast him so hard he gets thrown back to Tyrel similar to Merexxa's devour ability, his party will have to buy food again. Since they were not on his side this time, I will feel bad if I trouble them…
Well, let's just leave him here and help dismantling~
_ Maximus: Tippe, res!!!
_ Tippe: Some min-maxer genius refused to learn [Dismantling] because it does not help grinding DEX. We can't afford to take his time in a dismantling party right?
_ Ignar: Just sleep there and roam the board or something. We'll res you once it's done.
_ Maximus: I am so going to find another party after this!!!
Agree, part ways so I do not have to check for civilians whenever I need to blast you to pieces. Make sure to find like-minded jerks so I can blast them as collateral damage too.
The world just has to drive me away from true pacifism…
[Skill Leveled up: ]
and co defeated a boss nearby. Thing is, that boss had a dozen minions so their inventories are filled with corpses. Not to mention the aggressive monsters they had to kill on the way until now. They were looking for a place to do dismantling when they heard my screams…
I am not going to bother with the boss corpse. Just the normal corpses will do well enough to grind my [Refinery]. With [Silent Cast], they can't know which skill I am using. Spared me the complaint if they have one against my skill choice!
_ Ignar: Whew, that was a lot of corpses!
_ Tippe: Lots of loots too… that LCK is insane, Illusive Sprout.
While not considered a dump stat as much as LDR, LCK is not a good attribute for min-maxing. It barely affects your statuses, and even with LCK you are still at the mercy of Sateri's sadistic RNG.
Yes, I am holding a grudge!!!
Well, the thing is, LCK seems to affect the loots. Since I have a more LCK compared to a normal player and am the party leader, Elri and I were getting a considerable amount of items from the corpses.
Even with this LCK, the amount of coins is just… sad. Maybe I should mine some copper and craft the coins myself…?
_ Ignar: Hey, mind partying with us for dismantling the boss corpse? You can have the equipment drops.
_ Maximus: HEY!!!
_ Shadyna: …You meant I can have the trash drops, right?
_ Ignar: No, you can have the equipment. Our gears are already from stronger bosses. We are just looking for the [Giant Shining] crystal items that are used for [Enchant] and [Enchance]. They are the minimum to get above +5 or level 3 skill enchantment.
Wow, that sounds tough. I guess throwing in random stuff only works for low levels huh. My crafting skills are still crappy, but I should learn more about these things to prepare for the future.
_ Shadyna: Alright. Do you have any good food left? Anything that increases my LCK is good right?
_ Ignar: I only have this meal that increases 30% attributes. It's emergency ration.
_ Shadyna: It will do. Mine increases 5%...
The gap between me and professional cooks are still so big…
_ Tippe: In that case, isn't it better to have Illusive Sprout dismantle it? The loot amount increase from [Dismantling] won't do much since we only get 1 or 2 from the corpse at best.
_ Ignar: …You have a point. Will you do it, Sprout?
_ Shadyna: Hmm~ Well, if you don't mind the long time…
_ Ignar: Please do. We are already ahead of schedule thanks to your help.
Eating the lunch box from , I check my skills to see if there's anything that can improve further.
Wait, I do.
_ Shadyna: [Weapon Craft]!
[Received Green Crystal Refinery Dagger (Faulty) x1]
_ Shadyna: [Enchant]! [Enhance]!
[Green Crystal Refinery Dagger]
- Creator:
- Quality:
- Enhancement: 1
- Enchantment:
- PAT: 8
- PSP: 1
- Skill: Dismantling Lv.1
A dagger that bestows [Dismantling]~… Even though it's called "refinery dagger".
I don't know if it will help, but since it doesn't take a lot of time to create these tras… faulty equipment I might as well stack up the odds.
…Probably won't do much when I am against Sateri who gave me that one title out of the dozens in the list.
[Dismantling] is hard to grind.
Even if you use it on every monster you defeated, you can only use it once per monster. That is not taking into account the amount of time that could have been spent on grinding attack skills.
After level 3 of [Dismantling], most players simply crush monster corpses, and save the skill for bosses and their minions. Corpse items are heavy, so they are not worth bringing back to town when you can get the same amount of loots by killing a few more monsters.
Even at level cap, , who has the highest [Dismantling], still only has it at level 6.
By stacking skills from her equipment, Illusive Sprout was having an effective level 3 [Dismantling]. It is still not comparable to 's, but the difference is not as big as everyone there thought.
And combined with the LCK of a high level min-maxer, was correct in asking her to do the dismantling. Even for players who dismantle for a living, they would not max out LCK as that would cripple their abilities to fight.
Little did everyone know, including the person herself, they were about to get more items than they expected.
_ Shadyna: Um, ? What decides the loots you get from [Dismantling]?
_ Ignar: Hm? Well…
_ Fuelri: Each corpse has a list of possible item drops. The number of drops you get increase with skill level, DEX and FOC, while the "quality", or what kind of item you get from the drop, increases with skill level and LCK.
_ Ignar: That's what DFC Sages published on the board, but I admit, it's hard to verify due to how RNGod-dependent it is…
_ Tippe: Why are you asking though?
Because there's no reason why she would ask after dismantling the corpse.
_ Shadyna: I don't know if this is because it's a boss but… I think I got a lot of items?
A player with so much LCK does not have DEX and FOC. It was the tradeoff between "quality" and "quantity" using attributes. For a normal player, that's what their build will dictate when they dismantle.
For a not-so-normal player, who happens to have attribute values so high, that tradeoff never exists to begin with.
The "normal" players here were so absorbed in the "quality" aspect that they subconsciously ignored the "quantity", until now.
[Received Giant Shining Crimson Crystal x2]
[Received Giant Shining Lime Crystal x2]
[Received Giant Shining Azure Crystal x3]
[Received Twin Corsage (Unique) x1]
[Received Floral Bracelets (Unique) x1]
[Received Floral Anklets (Unique) x1]
[Received Giant Red Crystal x12]
[Received Giant Blue Crystal x6]
[Received Giant Green Crystal x8]
[Received Shining Red Crystal x9]
[Received Shining Blue Crystal x11]
[Received Shining Green Crystal x7]
Too many! Aren't there too many drops compared to the meager dozen copper coins and a few colored crystals from a normal monster?!
Especially the equipment! I don't know how good [Unique] quality is, but I don't think it's supposed to throw out that many in one boss!!!
There are a ton of common items from normal monsters as well so I can't be bothered to read them all!
_ Ignar: What did you get? Usually you should get 1-2 [Giant Shining] crystal and a piece of equipment. A [Rare] quality [Moving Crystalline] in most cases, but once in a while you would get a [Unique] quality [Living Crystalline] piece.
…This is not normal, definitely.
_ Shadyna: Are [Rare] and [Unique] good?
_ Ignar: The best you can get if it's in your level range. Sateri-chan creates the pieces procedurally so it's not certain what kind of equipment you get, just that you get a set effect with 3 or more [Rare] or [Unique] of the same series.
_ Tippe: Also don't worry if you get a set below your level. [Weapon Reforge] allows you to craft a weapon of the same series using [Rare] and [Unique] as materials. [Weapon Art] allows you to craft a new series of your own using same materials. They are stronger skills of [Weapon Craft] and there are equivalents for armor too.
Thank you, Exposition Party~
…In other words, I definitely did something terribly right just now.
_ Ignar: Other than that, I suppose there're common items that can be looted from normal monsters, but we are not interested in that…
_ Shadyna: We-well, here's what I got from it…
It was an eerie silent atmosphere. No one said a word. Elri, why are you facepalming?! , , don't join her!
_ Ignar: Oi, Max, any idea why this happened?
_ Maximus: What? I was looking at the board an… What the actual -censored-?!
You know you have a problem when even a min-maxing corpse has not expected this result. Other than that, immersion ruined.
_ Ignar: Do you have any boost to [Dismantling]? You don't have to say of course, but this loot is not normal…
_ Shadyna: I don't think I do…
Except for [Unstopping Hero], I have a pretty good idea of what my skills and titles do. None should be boosting [Refinery].
_ Maximus: One sec, checking formulae… This amount… A level capped idiot that has min-maxed LCK with high level [Dismantling], food buffs and some good actual luck may pull it off.
_ Ignar: Ah, it's normal then.
_ Tippe: Nothing unusual.
_ Fuelri: So it's possible huh.
Why are you guys waving it off too easily?!
_ Fuelri: You have too many attributes, so they compensate the lack of skill level and good food.
Do not read my mind, Elri~
_ Ignar: …We have one boss left on today's list. Would you wait until then to dismantle it as well? You can have equipment and common items from the dismantling.
Somehow, I have been asked to be a professional butcher!!!
_ Shadyna: I don't mind, but will you take Elri here with you?
I want Elri to get stronger by farming boss monsters as well!
_ Warrior: Excuse me, do you do [Dismantling] here?
_ Inerin: We do, but it's not advised to request our service for non-boss corpses. Do you wish to hire our service?
_ Warrior: Ah, yes. Our guild just hunted down a field boss but has no one with high [Dismantling]. How much are you charging?
_ Inerin: We charge a base fee of 1 silver coin per corpse and 10% of the non-equipment loots. If you wish to pay in coins instead of loots, we also allow negotiation in market rates.
_ Warrior: I'll pay in loots. Just hoping to get some good [Unique] items.
_ Inerin: Very well, please follow me to the back.
While not the main function of the building, [Dismantling] is one of the reasons one would go to the tavern after one hard boss fight…
--- Topic: Wealth grinding? ---
## Newbie Charisma build
Is there any better way to earn a lot of coins? The loots barely pay for the potion costs!
## Silver Merchant
You should keep in mind the actual profit (total earned - expenses) before entering a field. If the loots are not enough to keep you fed, maybe it's time to choose a weaker field that has worse drops but does not require as many consumables per fight.
On the other hand, you don't have to invest too much in self-sufficiency. You will not be able to get out of beginner fields if you grind all fancy attack skills AND crafting skills.
## Serious Mage
You can also find a good party or guild. More people = more damage = fewer consumables.
Checkout the guild advertisement threads, there are many new guilds, not just the big 4.
--- Topic: Boss KS ---
## Flame knight of Darkness
With the surge of new players, field bosses are becoming a luxury!
Our guild just visited the Crystal Valley and someone had killed the crystal tree boss there.
## Heaven Piercer
Guard the whole area like what the Phoenix Ashes is doing to Magnus Bestia.
I do think there should be more ways to acquire good loot. Strong but rare normal monster like Merexxa maybe?
Or we go full dungeoning and have each party having a separate boss "instance". That way there's no need to compete.
## Fire mage of Justice
Dungeon instances will solve most issues, but I prefer the open-world nature of the game. It gives me the immersive feeling of the world being alive with its eco system instead of the "gamey" isolated dungeons.
No offense to dungeon lovers of course. I would like to see dark sinister dungeons as well, just not the "one instance per party" implementations.
## Bountiful Hunter
Agree with open dungeons. Can't have big guild fights over the boss room otherwise!
Inb4 the consumables costing more than the rewards because so many players get killed.
Keep the ideas coming, maybe Sateri-chan will notice us!
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