《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 13: Unseen boss fight
Hello~ Shadyna is wandering around in a surreal world~
Elri reluctantly joined and co in their boss hunt, much to the protests of . Well, she is not at level cap, so she can be called a "Leecher" by his standards.
What pissed him off more, however, is me being the party leader of this group. I didn't want to either, you know! I am a pacifist, not a warlord!
After the disbelief of me being (obviously) pacifist sank in, suggested me becoming the party leader to take advantage of my LDR. That was against true pacifism, but because I was entrusting my daughter (Elri) to them, I couldn't decline.
If a hair of her is harmed, all three of you are going to get a Gelly in your face!
I finished dismantling the remaining corpses left in the tent, so I am just walking aimlessly to see the scenery, with Gelly.
Unlike me, Gelly seems to gain experience only by fighting and using combat skills. Well, it can't do something like [Dismantling] to begin with, so leveling up with only crafting skill grinding is not feasible.
Oh, before I forget, let's put on the [Living Crystalline] set I acquired unexpectedly… and were not against me having it, even though these pieces can fetch a good amount in the market.
Their reasons being "If words get out that we go against our words, we will be ruined like Max". I almost sympathized with that jerk, but only almost.
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Cell Revitalization Lv.0"]
Ah, it's [Cell Revitalization (Equipment)].
Elri said that these granted skills can become permanent by leveling them up. Well, I did it with [Accelerate Power] so there's no disputing it. I wonder how this skill is grinded though…
[Cell Revitalization: Imbue vitality of life force from crystals. Increase regeneration and barely survive fatality once in a while.]
Oh! HP regen get!
…What the hell is that second effect?
_ Shadyna (Party): Excuse me, anyone knows what [Cell Revitalization] does? The "barely survive fatality" part in particular!
_ Tippe (Party): Ah, it automatically resurrects you after death once, after a long time and even a longer cooldown before it can be used again. The "barely" part means you get like 1% HP back when it triggered, basically.
…At least it's not 1 HP.
_ Shadyna (Party): So I have to die to grind this skill?
_ Tippe (Party): You can, but waiting with less than full HP works too.
_ Shadyna (Party): Ah, right, it does give regeneration… Thanks for the info~
_ Ignar (Party): I think that's a skill with no acquisition condition? Did the equipment grant it?
_ Shadyna (Party): Un, so I'm planning to grind to keep it.
_ Ignar (Party): Good luck with that. It's [Unique] so you probably can wear for a long time.
Luckily we don't need to take a bath in this game huh…
Okay, so how to get my HP down to kick off the regeneration…
…My [Leather Belt (Normal)] has +25 HP. Fortunately no one is around, because taking my belt off in front of others is a bit…
[Skill Leveled up: ]
After walking around and shamelessly putting on and away my belt, it's finally done. Level 0 to 1 is always easy huh. Though higher levels after that is increasingly harder. I blasted at least a few dozen yesterday and only got [Accelerate Power] to 5!
Okay, no more pseudo stripping around! Let's wait until I have some equipment that does not make me look like a pervert by constantly equipping and unequipping!
_ Maximus (Party): Found it! Oi scrub, let it focus on . If you get hit will have to waste time healing you!
_ Elri (Party): Can you convey your thoughts without insulting people?!
_ Maximus (Party): Get to level cap before talking back to me nub!
_ Tippe (Party): Our food buffs do not wait, guys…
This is going to get rowdy, I can see it.
Let's not put Elri near again in the near future.
_ Ignar (Party): Okay, attack!
Oh, there's something shining behind that tree line. I wonder if it's a big lake again?
It seems like a big rainbow-colored mini-sun from where I stand. A big lake with oil spills? Then again such things don't really shine in real life…
_ Ignar (Party): Get behind me, ! You will get focused if you keep hitting it that hard!
I hear nothing~
_ Shadyna (Party): Our shop does not allow refunds, sorry~
_ Maximus (Party): Sateri-chan damned it it's you again huh you little brat!!!
Okay, let's see what's behind these crystalline trees~
Putting aside worldly affairs like a true hermit, I walk into the area enclosed by the dark red trees.
The ground has a light rainbow tint on top of its usual brown color. Rather than part of the ground, it looks more like a thin liquid surface running towards the center.
At that place, the "liquid" gets pulled up into the air, into the shining white sphere floating about a meter above ground level.
So uh… shouldn't the colors be pouring out of it instead of the reverse?
A chunk falls off the sphere, revealing a jet black color behind the white shells… With the white around it, it kind of resembles an eye. An eyeball without the eyelid, welp.
[Laetque Eye: The left eye of an ancient god. It holds the "magic" while the other eye holds the "power".]
…Where's the other eye, may I ask?
And since I can use [Inspect] on it, is it an item or a creature?
A few more chunks fall off from the white shell. They have the shapes of curved bricks that you would use to build a tower. Why would you have bricks in this kind of crystalline environment?!
While I was daydreaming, the fallen blocks form into smaller circles facing me, then each changes into a reflective crystalline texture with a color.
Blue, green, teal, red, brown, yellow.
Are they… the six elements? I mean, the brown color is a dead giveaway. If it had been a rainbow color, I might have been tricked into thinking of a true rainbow!
Considering the whole area is dedicated to this thing, I can't think of it as anything less than a boss. And because it's already pointing at me, it's definitely hostile!
I frantically avoid the fireball that came straight at me. Even so, it's homing towards me like a missile!
Yesterday, it's easier to avoid attacks because I could use others as fodders. But here there's only the lonesome me and Gelly, so I have to avoid it swirling around for at least 2 or 3 times before it disappears.
It would be fine and all if that's the only thing I have to evade!
A water ball, a sharpened tree branch, a big rock, a zapping bolt and a howling teal thingy are all chasing me as well!
Anything but the needle-like tree branch, please!
_ Shadyna (Party): Anyone knows anything about [Laetque Eye]?!
_ Tippe (Party): …The strongest boss of this area?
_ Maximus (Party): Focus you idiot! Don't stop the healing!
_ Tippe (Party): I didn't become a mage to do the work of a priest damn it!!! Anyway, just run! It needs at least two level-capped parties to handle!
Let's not bother them again for some time. If they die, I would never hear the end of it from .
Honestly, if I run out of the surrounding tree lines and run back to throw Gelly, I can probably take a good chunk out of its HP if not outright killing it. My damage reached 5-6 digits if I divide the total [Damage dealt] by the [Players defeated] play record of Gelly. Even for HP sponge bosses, I don't think they can just shrug off the damage at that magnitude.
Oh, and I am just a cute level 5 player.
But hey, I am also a true pacifist. Even if the enemy is a murderous eye of mass destruction hell-bent on killing everything it sees, I do not wish to harm it.
Can we just come to a mutual understanding or something? I didn't know this was its territory in the first place…
For now, I take cover behind the trees. Didn't take many hits for a tree to be destroyed, but there're a good number of trees here and unlike real life, they respawn after a while. No thanks to deforestation!
So, what to do…
Elri said this area is for level 7 to 13. Merexxa was the apex predator in the level 5-10 forest despite not being a true boss, and was level 15… I guess it's safe to think this eye is at least level 17?
Then again I have no idea how strong a level 17 boss is supposed to be…
The warrior back then lost roughly 30-40% from each attack… Is it optimistic to think my attributes can at least reduce the damage taken to 20%?
I have [Cell Revitalization] so even if I die in one hit I will be alright. Sateri's wisdom didn't say anything about it eating players so…
Worth a try right? I will not awaken to some weird hobbies after getting hit on purpose, right?
Enemy's attacks take down another tree. The fire, earth and water are left.
Avoid the first two, because they look painful!
Then before the last one disappears, I touch the water ball with my hand.
I did get hit yesterday, but I was so busy I didn't mind it much. Concentration backfired!
[- HP: =========. (935/1002) (977+235)]
67 per hit? I wonder if that's a lot or little. Since there're six attacks at a time, wouldn't I lose 40% HP if I could not dodge?
…Scary. These attacks here are relentless, unlike [Merexxa]'s one at a time patterns. If I were attacking it, I don't think I could avoid them all.
Being able to avoid them at all is already cheat-like to me. Hessy could continuously evade as well, but she's at level cap so I'm sure she has many skills to enhance her agility~
I have to use my weird attributes to compensate for that, and it wasn't easy even with all these trees…
My HP is higher than expected? Don't mind, just the effect of 's handmade (emergency) lunch!
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Water Resistance Lv.0"]
…As expected from the sadistic Sateri, you really have to get hit to get [Resistance] skills.
And there're all six elements here conveniently enough…
Fine~ I'll do it, okay? Just for the skills, mind you! I am definitely not enjoying this at all, okay?!
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Fire Resistance Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Earth Resistance Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Lightning Resistance Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Wind Resistance Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Nature Resistance Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Elemental Resistance Lv.0"]
Done~ With my SPD, I managed to selectively get hit to get all the skills! That needle was mentally painful to take though!!!
Gelly wriggles slightly on my head. You sure are enjoying yourself up there huh~ You are still my ally in this combat you know?
So let's see if you can learn skills as well!
A few attacks and >
Gelly only has around 600 HP though, and seems to take more damage than me. I have to use [Shared Fate] to keep it alive but other than that all is well!
When I run out of the tree lines, the attacks still persist, but finally stop after I gain a good distance from the boss.
It can retaliate from quite a distance huh. Because it looks so immobile, that range is probably needed to avoid magi throwing spells in a safe spot from afar.
Let's wait for my HP to regenerate then go back for round 2~
Not just round 2, but until Elri finishes the boss on her side~
A small guild is on a boss hunt in the valley, supposedly.
After finding the boss area empty for the third time, they snapped.
Bosses are much stronger than normal monsters, so players usually leave them alone. However, the increasing amount of players are increasing competition. It's not to the point of a guild camping the area for days yet, but it's getting there.
Respawn time is a few hours, which is not bad. The problem lies in how players strengthen themselves to fight bosses: food buffs.
Good food buffs do not last long, so they cannot just camp a dead boss until respawn! And because of Sateri-chan's recent updates, foods have expiration dates! In the future, more items are planned to have expiration. Organic items and corpses are definitely getting it in soon.
So keeping food items in inventory doesn't work either, because longer expiration is another hit to food quality…
Abandoning the hope of finding live bosses today, the guild's objective became hunting down the kill stealers!
The targets killed bosses by themselves, so it's not exactly kill stealing. Such trivial details matter not to the angry players who got all their wealth grinding ruined!
Mowing down stray monsters in their path, the guild came across an abandoned tent with a dismantling rack.
_ Guildmaster: The footprints are still new! They must be nearby!
_ Member: Uh… There's no way to know if they are new because footprints don't exist in the first place…
_ Guildmaster: The mood is important!
Player buildings do not disappear over time, but there're special "raids" that roam the game world every now and then. The monsters in those raids are extremely aggressive and act as "cleanup crew" until they reach the town, where the fortifications will kill them for nice loots.
So players only build temporary shelters if needed. But who would build one when the area doesn't even have environmental damage!!!
_ Member: Must be a newbie to build this tent just for the atmosphere… I don't think they are related…
_ Member #2 (Guild): There's fighting at the [Laetque Eye]!
_ Member (Guild): Uh… we don't have the strength to fight it…
_ Guildmaster (Guild): Doesn't matter! We PK them as they are weakened by the boss and make a run for it!
If a guild is fighting the boss above their capability, that guild must be stronger as well. Still, a good ambush when the enemies are busy is enough! If they can snipe the healers, the whole boss fight is devastated!
Medics are favorite targets in games, as always…
Because waiting for full HP regen is boring~, I have decided to change my grinding tactics!
I learned how this boss fights, at least in its current stage. It will just use the same basic homing skills against me, at the same time. It will not use the skill again until it hits or expires because of my evasion.
Which means, I don't have to worry about accumulating a massive unavoidable pile of projectiles chasing me! Avoiding six of them at all times is still a pain, but I can manage.
So I started abusing [Shared Fate] with Gelly.
I just let myself get hit until I get to 1 HP. Gelly's HP doesn't matter here.
Once I have 1 HP, I run around evading until [Cell Revitalization] brings me above 1 HP again. Even with only 2 HP, I can survive a whole 60+ HP hit because of [Shared Fate]'s "at exactly 1 HP" condition to die.
That saves me a lot of time!
Thanks to being in game, I do not get exhausted either. Still, I get a stats debuff for being below 20% HP… Did not notice that before… Oh well, I am still evading properly so it's fine!
…Now that I have the situation under control, I notice that my speed is increasing steadily as long as I keep running.
Damn it, [Unstoppable Hero], it's your doing isn't it!? Players don't keep accelerating like that! That's not how physics work!!!
If I run too fast it becomes hard to time the evasion, so I slow down every once in a while to keep the pace.
[Skill Leveled up: ]
Level 4, get~!
For a supposedly slow skill to grind, being a combination skill and all, I managed to get the levels up nicely. I wonder if the experience gain for the skills is constant or variable depending on the fight?
[Cell Revitalization] went up to 2 as well, but it's not helping me much. It increases the HP restored per interval, but doesn't decrease the regeneration interval at all! I suppose [Shared Fate] would be quite overpowered if my HP regenerates immediately after each hit, so this is how Sateri prevents that…
Me being overpowered or not, please make up your mind already, Sateri~
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Inspect Resistance Lv.0"]
Why did I get this skill just now?
Sure, [Inspect] takes a lot of effort to even level up, so I'm not surprised if it takes quite a lot to even unlock the resistance skill. The problem is, why at this moment?
I don't think this boss uses [Inspect]. Even if it does, I think it's weird for it to take more than an hour of [Inspect] usage to get me the resistance.
…In other words…
Sigh. I know the moment I start taking it easy something weird would happen! That kind of cliché happens all the time!
Okay, who's the pervert stalking me…
Pretending not to know anything, I keep running circles around the boss, but I don't let myself get hit again. I throw glances around the place where I unlocked the skill.
The same direction as my dismantling tent, since the other way is right at the boss… I think you can't use [Inspect] without line of sight, so they are probably hiding somewhere behind the trees.
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Detect Presence Lv.0"]
I can kind of feel the boss's presence without looking at it. And the "enemies" too. Although the range seems to be kind of limited. I cannot feel them on the other side of the area.
If only I could feel hundreds of players at the same time like yesterday~
It's much easier to see parts of them poking out when you know where they are.
[??? - Apprentice knight - HP: +++=======]
[??? - Apprentice archer - HP: ++========]
[??? - Apprentice wizard - HP: ==========]
No need to check further. They are above my league, and outnumbering me too.
What league am I in again, considering I am a [Particle lolider] instead of the normal beginner professions…?
Let's not think too deeply!
With the amount of players, I assume they are after the boss here.
It was fun playing with you, [Laetque Eye], but I'll let you greet the other guests~
I run to the opposite side and pass through the empty tree lines. Evading the last few futile projectiles from the boss, I safely evacuate from the area with Gelly on top of my head as usual.
Seeing new skills being blasted all over above the trees, I go around and return to my dismantling tent.
My alarm had rung by the time Elri and co returned, so I just quickly dismantled all of the corpses with great haste and logged out after giving all the loots to them.
I didn't even have time to check what kind of items I pulled out of the cold dead bodies!
_ Ignar: So… uh, what are we going to do with 's share?
Despite the hiccups at the beginning, was a great help. Her charging attacks were dealing massive damage, to the surprise of everyone. It still cannot compare with 's maxed out DPS build, but has already surpassed and .
And thanks to that, they managed to return before had to logout, which is the ultimate goal. Even the grumbling is not protesting against sharing the loots with her.
The problem is that left, before distributing loots.
It would be unfair not to give her anything after all she had done for them, that's for certain.
_ Maximus: Just give that scrub an equipment piece and be done with it.
While not as lucky as the last attempt, she still managed to get 2 pieces out of the boss.
[ Flame Staff (Rare)] and [ Heat Shield (Unique)]. The staff is a good choice for magi who specializes in fire skills, and the shield will give good MDF with some fire resistance.
The boss was literally burning, so its equipment effects are expected.
_ Fuelri: She might use the shield for protection. Staff is out, probably.
Because can use neither, she's not really interested. Just having the pile of common loots is good money and enough crafting materials for days.
_ Ignar: She seems to have a "plant" theme, so having a burning equipment might backfire a bit. How about we give her a [Giant Shining] crystal?
_ Tippe: I don't mind, this run has been a lot more successful than planned thanks to her.
_ Fuelri: …Ah.
_ Ignar: Something's troubling you?
_ Fuelri: This halberd I'm using… the damage is from her [Enchant], using trash materials.
_ Everyone: …Oh.
Everyone starts fearing for the game's balance as a whole should gets access to good fodders like a giant crystal… Worse still, they can't think of another reward for her!
In the end, they decided to turn a blind eye and give a [Giant Shining Lime Crystal] as they returned to Tyrel. They only requested her to give the crystal to whenever she has the chance, without saying anything further.
Because they would lose if they think about it!
_ Fuelri: Does anyone know how to attack without losing speed?
The elf girl asks the general patrons of the tavern after ordering her drink.
_ Archer: The easiest way would be using a ranged or throwing weapon, since you won't be stopped by the recoil. In addition, not being in the vicinity of enemies' weapons helps with maintaining your speed.
Having a look at the halberd-wielding heavy-armor-cladded elven knight, can't help but sigh.
_ Inerin: That might be a bit too different from her current build. Dear patron, why would you want such playstyle? Not everyone can imitate Illusive Sprout, even if she looked like she was playing around in yesterday's battle.
was asked many times today about the weird girl's build/playstyle. However, as implied, her power is off the charts, most likely because of her SG skills. Imitation is impossible once the word "Globally Unique" comes into play.
_ Fuelri: Seriously, what the heck has she been doing?!
Saying not being involved at all would be a lie, so doesn't argue on that. She was surprised to see being an actual walking anomaly instead of an idol-like newbie glorified through misinformation and gossips too! 's lethal (for himself) [Inspect] really changed her view on the little girl.
_ Inerin: I see you haven't watched yesterday's footages.
haven't had the chance, but fully intends to do so right after playing thanks to what happened today!
_ Fuelri: We-well, do you have any idea? I prefer being able to keep using my current weapon.
Because that's the whole reason she has to ask these questions! Using anything else would be defeating the purpose!
_ Inerin: I suggest visiting to learn attack skills suitable for your new style. Other than that, having lighter armor will allow you to be more agile.
_ Merchant: If you have the money or ability to grind for it, getting a fast summon beast mount may be a good investment. I have a few for sale!
_ Fuelri: …I see. Thanks for the help. Get me the usual meal too.
_ Inerin: *Smiles* Understood.
There's only one option.
And it's not light armor, because that is for "typical elves"!
--- Topic: Defeating Particle Lolider ---
## Flame knight of Darkness
Particle Lolider KS-ed our bosses, but we are catching her off-guard! Here's the stream if anyone wants to see the legend falls.
## OP alchemist
That sounds like the start of a questionable plot. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And she's soloing a boss herself. WTF!
## CuteIsJustice
Don't hurt the precious girl! ┻━┻︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Her HP bar is empty. Too bad your Inspect doesn't give more info.
A bunch of perverts stalking a weakened girl in the forest. Reported.
## Serious Mage
I was hoping for a new build theory to defeat her, not this "murder robbery" act. Reported.
Edit: LOL she ran away!
That evasion is absurd. You are not supposed to avoid homing skills like that!
Speed is amazing as before.
## Bountiful Hunter
Welp, she ran too far, and the boss changed target to the perverts in range instead.
This changed from a horrendous crime into a self-humiliating exhibit real fast. RIP.
## Newbie Charisma build
The criminals aren't winning against the boss. RIP.
Illusive Sprout was not attacking at all, but looked like she was deliberately getting hit?
Is that how she grinds skills?
## Fire mage of Justice
To players who are thinking of using that boss to grind skills: Don't.
It hits like a truck even for a level 20. It is immobile but has a long range. Unless you are as fast as her, it will kill you before you can retreat and reconsider your life choices.
## Nearseeing Sage
@Flame knight of Darkness: Your guild has been added to DFC Sages' blacklist. Either stream yourself profusely apologizing to her, or pay triple for our services.
EDIT: Tavern and Hessenria's Takeouts' blacklists as well. You guys kicked a hornet nest.
## Silver Merchant
Economic sanctions, go~. Too bad BB is not worried about little girls so at least you can buy your potions at normal price!
--- Topic: Anti-Lolider Strategy ---
## Serious Mage
The previous thread about defeating Illusive Sprout/Particle Lolider turned out to be a fluke.
Still, I am curious to see if we can think of a strategy to fight against her.
Go to Operation Zero Glory thread if you want to see why we need this thread.
Her latest appearance, because she has new equipment now. [Pics]
## Bountiful Hunter
She was soloing Laetque Eye, the strongest boss in the Crystal Valley. Therefore, it might be safe to conclude she's at least as strong as two capped parties.
Emphasis on "at least". orz
## Manly Warrior
So she's about as strong as the big guilds' guildmasters now? That's… worrying. It would be nice if someone can get an [Inspect] on her.
## Nearseeing Sage
I did get her stats yesterday.
You should prepare your whole treasury if you want to know (^_-)
A girl's measurements are precious after all~
## Maximus Archery
Scrub's stats are ridiculous, and that's without good equipment.
## Bountiful Hunter
Mind sharing with us, oh great Max?
## Mage of Sin
He can't. If he tells you the consequences will be worse than her blasting his head off for the THIRD time LOL
I can tell you that having her around in a boss hunt is the best thing that can happen.
## CuteIsJustice
The new flower equipment looks really cute on her~
…Whose texture is Living Crystalline series. It is very good for defense builds. Sateri-chan helps us all…
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❛THEY WOULD TELL YOU OF A KING WHO STOLE ME HELPLESS FROM MY SUNSHINE GARDEN.❜They won't tell you about the woman who came to him sublime, lily eyes and lily lips. A king does not ask permission from his prize, but she, oh she, she knelt, kissing my flower crown fingertips, and laid a kingdom at my feet. A Hades and Persephone retelling.❛AND WHEN I PLACED MY DREAD HEART IN HIS PALM; HE CALLED IT A KEY AND ME A QUEEN.❜rubyruins | all rights reserved ©
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