《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 10: The typical (?) elf
Shadyna the Dodgeball girl has returned~
Two days into the game and a lot have happened!
Most importantly, I have friends now! Let's visit Hessy and have her teach me good place to train, without fighting! True pacifism will prevail!
By the way, people at school were talking about the event as well as something something particle collider. Why is such a hi-tech thing having anything to do with a fantasy-themed game? And they were misspeaking it as particle lolider something… Weird, right?
I receive mails as soon as I login. One is the weekly patch announcement from Sateri. It's really vague, only noting about various updates for PvP-related contents. I guess she prefers to have players exploring the new changes?
Second mail is another system message from Sateri.
[Warning: A has appeared. Caution is advised.]
Totally not ominous at all. Let's ask Hessy about it as well.
My first visit to the tavern was a failure due to the noisy atmosphere. Even though I don't like it, I have to brace my fear. Sateri, please give me a [Noise resistance] skill~
_ Shadyna: Please excuse me~
It's not the cliché adventurer guild first visit where the protagonist will inevitably get threatened by a big rude guy, acting as the stage for protagonist's debut. In the first place, this is a tavern! It won't hurt being polite though.
Pacifists maintain peace using diplomacy, and a nice greeting is the first step!
Somehow, everyone falls silence the moment I go through the door.
Stands in front of me is a party of four. They were probably leaving.
The female knight falls to her knees, crying profusely.
The archer behind her starts frothing at his mouth.
The priest prostrates himself on the floor and asks for mercy along with random gibberish words…
The only sane person, a warrior with a greatsword on his back, sighs heavily.
_ Warrior: Sorry, they were a bit… impacted by yesterday. I don't think you remember us, but we were helping when he… charged. Good move at that time by the way.
_ Shadyna: Ah~
Sorry, I do not remember you guys at all! I do remember that heroic charge (against a little girl) though.
_ Archer: My [Arrow Rain] hit so many friendlies that I got a [Rapid Backstabber] title!
Hard to explain that on the resume… I mean, party request…
_ Priest: My [Light Blast] gave me [Corpse Defiler] then upgraded it to [Corpse Destroyer] because I blasted so many people after they were dead! I have irrevocably sinned!!!
Oh, so my [Aspiring Pacifist] may really turn into a better title! A priest known to destroy corpses instead of reviving them huh…
_ Knight: [Forever Betrayed]… [Blasted Shield]… [Hate Dump]… [Rest in Particles]… Please, make it stop…
I'm surprised you can gain that many titles in such a short amount of time! I think most of these titles give pretty whacky and useless effects though…
You made a lot of passive-aggressive titles too huh, Sateri~
_ Warrior: I also got…
Look, I'm sorry about that, but could you guys please not get PTSD in a game?!
Parting ways with the unfortunate party, I walk to the counter. Seems like Nerin is on duty today.
_ Nerin: Hello there. Everyone was talking about you, despite the Magnus Bestia popping up… Is there something you need?
_ Shadyna: Un, I just want some general guidance on the areas around here. Some skill and title guides would be nice too!
_ Nerin: Sure thing.
_ Shadyna: Oh, before that, is Hessy going to play today?
Nerin is probably the best tutor, but if Hessy is more free I will ask her first. Mera is out. Insanity is inevitable around her!
_ Nerin: …*Sighs* So this is why Mera asked me to stand in for her today.
and share a street in Tyrel. It is the border between the two guilds when it comes to territory in town.
The part where the lolicons setup their base is sparsely populated, as their number barely changes from the two dozen mark. All members are powerful in exchange, so just because they are few in numbers doesn't mean they cannot defend their land. It is the smallest territory compared to the other three, but each oriental building there is a massive lump of wealth.
The boob-obsessed merchants developed their land into a free-for-all market, resulting in no major style. If anything, they would say that the diversity is the style. And in the big plot of land bordering the remaining territories, a marketplace is run 24/7 by most merchant players in town. It is where one would go to should they need a new sword, provided they have the coins for it.
On 's side of this border, a small building appeared last night, facing the marketplace which is just across the street. It was originally part of the untended garden of the mansion nearby, but that is no longer the case.
Above the wooden door that is out-of-place compared to the sliding doors in the lolicons' mansions, a sign was just put up.
Thanks to a certain lolicon lending the land, and a certain pervert lending the fund, this new shop was built in a single night.
_ Hessenria: Well then, let's get started.
She definitely has seen better times, but right now she's not exactly depressed either.
Her customers are waiting on the few seats inside. There's no place to eat except for the small counter in the back. The stools are merely for customers to wait for their turn.
_ Hessenria: [Cooking]!
With her cooking equipment in the back, there's no need to use [Field Cooking] which is at lower level. The waitress's productivity remains at its peak today!
_ Shadyna: Hessy!!!
That was one customer the owner wasn't expecting.
_ Hessenria: Welcome.
A few customers start panicking if not outright breaking down mentally, but decides not to mind.
_ Shadyna: I am so sorry! Because of me…
_ Hessenria: Hmm? Oh, did Mera tell you?
_ Shadyna: Nerin did. She said you would be here…
_ Hessenria: …Right. Sorry, something transpired after you left yesterday, so this is my new home now.
The lack of verbal abuse freaks out even more customers.
_ Customer: Who are you and what have you done to our mistress?!
_ Hessenria: Shut the hell up pig. You got your order, now get out.
It was the same as always, to the relief of her die-hard patrons.
_ Shadyna: But… If I hadn't…
_ Hessenria: It is fine. Now then, would you like to try my new menu?
_ Shadyna: I do!
_ Vladina: So precious…
_ Olkan: Though it hurts a bit when they are just flirting despite our presence here…
I walk past the elf corpse lying on the floor and sit on a stool at the counter, next to and .
Sorry, I was too occupied with thoughts of Hessy I didn't notice you two at all!
_ Shadyna: Hiyo~ Are you usual customers of Hessy too?
_ Vladina: No, but I will come here every day if you would~
_ Olkan: I got a lot of flak in the past for visiting her, but now she's right next door you can be sure as hell I will!
_ Hessy: I would rather you two drop dead and never come again.
Exactly what I was thinking!
_ Vladina: Would be nice if the little sprout said that to me… Anyway, we were talking about the new big bad Magnus Bestia. Won't you join us too?
_ Olkan: Now I'm more worried that she will just decimate the poor thing given the chance…
_ Shadyna: Mmm… But I'm a pacifist, so I'll pass…
_ Everyone: …What?
Why are you all looking at me like that? I am just your peaceful pacifist girl in the neighborhood~
_ Hessy: Surprising, isn't it? My brain stopped when I learned that too.
Uuu… No one believes me at all!
_ Elf corpse: Are you just going to ignore me?!
_ Vladina: *Sighs* To be honest, we are.
_ Hessy: Be a good corpse and shut your dead mouth.
I feel like I will get into a lot of troubles doing this, but here goes…
_ Shadyna: So uh… why are you lying there?
_ Elf corpse: About time you asked! This brute there murdered me in cold blood as I used this once in a lifetime chance to kill her when she wasn't surrounded by high-level maniacs!
Uh, no, that's called self-defense. This one feels as much shame as the two perverted guildmasters here huh…
_ Vladina: If you are thinking of something rude, please keep your expressions in check, little sprout.
_ Olkan: Is she? She has no boobs so I wasn't even looking.
I don't want to be looked at by you either! And stop staring at Hessy's body so shamelessly!
_ Elf corpse: What are you waiting for?! Resurrect me so I can teach that damn woman a lesson!
_ Shadyna: …By the way, Hessy, do you know how to acquire more skills? I was thinking about getting [Cooking], [Alchemy] and non-combat skills like them!
[Ignore] skill to the max~ Just kidding.
_ Elf corpse: Hey! Don't ignore me!!!
Hessy turns to me with a mischievous smile.
_ Hessy: They should have those skill scrolls sold in the marketplace. Why don't you have a look, and sell that meat bag to get some funding too?
_ Shadyna: Sure~ I'm going then!
The 500 gold coins I got yesterday should not be spent carelessly after all!
Waving goodbye to everyone, I grab the elf by the ankle and drag her out of the door. Is this one considered burnable or non-burnable trash I wonder? Then again if we consider resurrection, wouldn't she be recyclable trash?
_ Elf corpse: Let go of me! I have to kill this hag first!!!
_ Vladina (Party): Now that we have some peace, let's get back to our previous topic.
_ Olkan (Party): Are you going to just let her go like that? She was insanely powerful.
_ Vladina (Party): …She's a pacifist.
_ Olkan (Party): Suuuure.
_ Hessanria (Party): I agree with . That girl was really panicking when she thought she had attacked a Merexxa. She doesn't want to fight most of the time, I think.
"Most", not "all", being the key here.
_ Olkan (Party): If you say so. That leaves only and to deal with this Magnus Bestia.
_ Vladina (Party): Isn't that fine? Both and are all conveniently far away right now. Unlike them, we rarely mobilize to raid bosses. To have this thing popping up so close is most likely the first and last chance we have to get our hands on its rewards.
_ Olkan (Party): A SG title for the one slaying it would be nice too.
_ Vladina (Party): S-rank, possible. SG, probably not.
_ Olkan (Party): Why are you so sure?
_ Vladina (Party): is fighting a Magnus Bestia too. Wouldn't SG patch be released the day we found it instead?
_ Olkan (Party): You have a point. Or Sateri-chan was waiting for them to be slain first…
_ Vladina (Party): Well, you are going to have to pay if you want my opinions on that~
_ Olkan (Party): Damn greedy brat. , I will be counting on you to lead the alliance. Both of us are too limited in combat capabilities.
is the type that depends on his powerful gear, allowing him to have the upper hand in a fight compared to other players.
, on the other hand, exploits her enemies' weaknesses using her capped [Inspect], so while her attack power is not amazing, it really, really hurts because she knows how to make the most out of it.
Neither of them has anything against an overwhelmingly mightier foe, as their "advantages" will not do much.
That's where , who specialized in simple, but optimized attacks, comes in. Aided by both guilds, she is the best warrior they can muster.
_ Hessenria: I don't mind, but please find me a LDR min-maxer and a full party of support players to buff my status. I have witnessed a Magnus Bestia. Even all of us may not be enough.
_ Vladina: Obviously, but once those two guilds return they will just take the boss away from us so there's nothing to lose!
_ Olkan: Rare items, please! And boobs too!
No longer in a guild, lends her help to her benefactors who were just rivals until yesterday.
That's how she's going to pay off this debt.
_ Shadyna: Hmm~, this won't do…
Dragging the corpse around the market, I browsed and browsed, but in the end bought no new skills.
Not because I don't want them, nor having insufficient funding…
These scrolls are like instant noodles.
They give you the skills at its level immediately. Which is really nice since some players don't have time to grind their skills.
However, I noticed it.
There's no attribute-increasing item!
[Alchemy] turns out to be the main way to create consumables. They increase the non-attribute statuses temporarily, or heal HP/MP. Not attributes, and definitely no permanent attribute increases.
So comes [Cooking], which has temporary attribute increases, as proven by yesterday. But there's no permanent increase…
[Armor Craft] and [Weapon Craft] are similar to [Alchemy] as to what they buff, but permanently as long as you equip them.
And yet there's no skill that has permanent attribute increase?!
Well, I'm not bothered much by it. The main problem is skills being affected by other stats beside the skill levels. Therefore, if I just buy the scrolls, I will not have the attributes for the skills and will be weaker compared to players who trained from scratch.
No wonder why Hessy's [Dark Bolt] was so feared. She probably trained it manually and grinded the hell out of the attributes to increase its damage to the peak… It was the basic darkness-type attack skill by the way.
_ Elf corpse: What? Can't decide on main skills?
She stopped screaming sometime after the trip started. The merchants were a bit confused, but they read the mood and just went on with their advertisement. How professional!
_ Shadyna: That too~. Crafting skills are fewer than combat skills, but there are still so many of them~
[Alchemy], [Cooking], [Armor Craft], [Weapon Craft], [Construction], [Enchant], [Enhance], are the main branches. They have variants and upgraded skills, but are pretty much separated into those groups.
[Construction] is how players built the town around us. While not directly related to combat most of the time, this skill group creates the infrastructure to boost other crafting skills, which is crucial.
[Enchant] focuses on giving magic (skill) effects to other items. The skill scrolls are also a product from this skill group, but the main money maker is as expected, giving skill effects to equipment. I wonder if [Accelerate Power] can be enchanted into a weapon…
[Enhance] is all about slapping more expensive stuff onto your favorite swords or armors. It doesn't give new effects. Instead, it strengthens the current ones, not unlike my [Absolute Zero] title. Looks like the RNG (Random Number Generator) is the main deity of players maximizing this skill.
Too many professions, Sateri~
_ Elf corpse: Going for a craft build? [Alchemy] is the best for beginners. Potions are vital regardless of levels and always in shortage. [Cooking] is that damn woman's monopoly, and the remaining markets are dominated between and .
_ Shadyna: Miss Corpse is surprisingly knowledgeable…
_ Elf corpse: Who the hell are you calling Miss Corpse?! And that "surprisingly" wasn't needed! Resurrect me already!
Kind of like , this person has a really unfriendly personality, but she did explain things properly to me so she's already a level higher than that jerk.
_ Shadyna: But I don't even know [Resurrection]~
_ Elf corpse: Get a [Minor Heal], then cast it on me! That's the common way to unlock [Resurrection]!
…That sounds like a futile attempt from a heroine who just lost her loved one.
And to give you [Resurrection] from doing that, Sateri was really rubbing the salt on the wounds… Scary~
_ Shadyna: Wouldn't it be faster to just respawn? I don't have [Minor Heal] either.
_ Elf corpse: Respawning will count towards [Death] play record! I am gunning for a no-death character!
With this kind of reckless personality?! And it is already a "Technically no death" situation!
Not that I can say anything about it, considering my technical pacifism record… Sigh.
_ Shadyna: Alright, I will try to help, but could you tell me how to get [Minor Heal] too?
_ Elf corpse: I expected more from 's friend! Just how new are you?!
_ Shadyna: Including today… Three days-old?
_ Elf corpse: …To get [Minor Heal]…
She's a kind person huh… Observe and learn, !
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Minor Heal Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Alchemy Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Cooking Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Weapon Craft Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Construction Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Enchant Lv.0"]
[Condition fulfilled. Unlocked Skill: "Enhance Lv.0"]
_ Elf corpse: You don't intend to revive me at all do you?!
_ Shadyna: Just kidding~ I will now. [Minor Heal]!
She was surprisingly patient with me too!
_ Vladina (Party): I wasn't expecting yesterday's level of participation, but this was… somewhat disappointing.
_ Olkan (Party): Can't help it. There was no boob involved this time.
_ Hessenria (Party): Is that how your guild gauges the urgency of an order?!
The two guilds gathered volunteers to fight against the new Magnus Bestia, but only number to around 10 parties. Even 's battle had more players than this!
_ Vladina (Party): Oh well, everyone is still recovering from yesterday. Then, we'll try to scout the enemy's strengths and weaknesses instead of outright killing it.
_ Hessenria (Party): I agree. With our current strength I don't know if we could even get into range to [Inspect] it.
_ Olkan (Party): Counting on you two. I'll be handling the strategic parts of this operation.
_ Vladina (Party): By the way, a guild member just told me something interesting.
_ Olkan (Party): Another expensive rumor to sell?
_ Vladina (Party): No, unfortunately. Illusive Sprout was seen dragging a dead body around town unlocking skills.
_ Olkan (Party): …This is where I shut up and pretend I didn't hear that, isn't it?
_ Former elf corpse: Geh. So much wasted time…
If you are so busy, why not refrain from assassinating Hessy in the first place…?
_ Shadyna: Sorry~
[ has invited you to a party.] [Y/N]
_ Shadyna: Eh?
_ Fuelri: What? You can't craft without materials. I'll help you grind in a higher level field to get started.
…Too kind!!! Why are you so kind, you weird elf with enormous boobs!!! Do you know if you are too kind to people your home village will get burned to the ground, your girlfriend will get kidnapped and your best friend will die tragically as you hunt down the last boss?!
And elves like you aren't even supposed to be so kind to begin with!!!
_ Shadyna: You are definitely not going to get a holy sword and kill the demon king right? Please promise me you will never do so to protect your hometown!
_ Fuelri: …What are you even saying…
Oops, I got too worked up there!
And so, a beautiful elf with heavenly bust has become my mentor! I sure hope she wouldn't die horribly to a random last boss passing by~
_ Shadyna: So, where are we going?
_ Fuelri: Let's see… There are various fields we can go to, but depending on your main attributes it's better to choose one that you can take advantage of. Are you going to use physical or magical attacks?
_ Shadyna: …Physical, probably?
I doubt throwing Gelly can be counted as magic. The only magical thing about that is its firepower.
_ Fuelri: Why is that a question?! What about speed?
_ Shadyna: I can keep up with most players, so I guess it's kind of high?
…Let's not mention about yesterday, at least for now. She probably wouldn't believe it anyhow.
_ Fuelri: In that case let's go to a field with slow hitting enemies. They will be tougher but have higher drops, and you can outrun them if there's trouble.
_ Shadyna: Roger~
And with that, we depart from Tyrel, in the opposite direction of the forest. I wonder what scenery I will see this time~
The tavern's atmosphere has dampened.
If had silently stopped working, players would be sad for a few days, and that would be the extent of the damage.
Of course, that's just wishful thinking on , the waitress. Having watched the accidental streams herself, she knows is not really at fault, but this mood in the tavern right now is just unbearable! It's like watching a revolution, and if she does nothing she will be on the wrong side when it raises up.
Stupid Mera for skipping and dumping this hellish responsibility on the poor bow user!
--- Topic: Magnus Bestia 2 ---
## Manly Warrior
Thanks to… something, the second Magnus Bestia has appeared.
Until the leader of DFC Sages gets its deep dark secrets using Inspect, the only thing we know about it is its appearance. [Pics]
EDIT #1: Forest area has been changed. It is now the battleground for the Magnus Bestia. All forest spawns have been moved to the area right outside, so players should be careful.
EDIT #2: DFC Sages and BB Conglomerate are going to try a probing attack against it. Best hope to them!
## Newbie Charisma build
I just got wasted in the forest. Nothing but snakes in there now. They are stronger than Merexxa too! (>_
## OP alchemist
RIP the poor souls in the forest when it appeared. (._.)
On the plus side, we can farm forest monsters without worrying about party size now.
## Maximus Archery
Lolicons and perverts are attacking it.
Those scrubs still haven't learned anything from the first one. Idiots.
## Mage of Sin
Hessenria was seen with them, so they won't lose against the minions.
Not sure how you would attack the boss itself. (~_~)
## Fire mage of Justice
If the first one is anything to go by, this one will have a weakness we can exploit.
…Although the first one's "weakness" is game-changing, it doesn't make the fight easier.
--- Topic: Cute girls appreciation thread #36 ---
## Mage of Sin
Hessenria seems to doing well with her new shop, Hessenria's Instant Takeouts. [Pics]
She just casually waged an economic war against her old guild. (ーー;)
## Heaven Piercer
Olkan probably backed her up. Is she in BB Conglomerate now?
By the way, she really softens when Illusive Sprout is around. [Pics]
Please give me my cruel mistress back, Illusive Sprout!!!
## CuteIsJustice
Found Illusive Sprout double-timing with another elf!!! [Pics]
She has good taste, I'll give her that.
## Silver Merchant
The on duty waitress has a very cute troubled face too. [Pics]
Definitely suffering from Hessenria's betrayal.
## CuteIsJustice
Are you talking about the shop, or romance?
I am digging the spaghetti romance these girls are making.
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