《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 9: Exile
Hi, Shadyna here~
It's finally over!
Five minutes after the in-game early alarm rang, Hessy finished off and ended the war. That was a long hard fight!
_ Ignar: It's over then? Need to go back to town for repair…
_ Olkan: Hold on. Everyone please stay where you are for a bit longer. Illusive Sprout, could you take a few photos with them? Their bodies, I mean.
Is this some kind of new whacky fantasies in their heads? And I don't know if I like that title at all…
_ Shadyna: But~
_ Olkan: I will give you a full equipment set of your choice in my inventory as payment.
Materialism is such a formidable temptress!!!
I just want something other than the grass equipment (trash) I'm wearing, so I chose a weak but stylish set of leather armor (normal quality). insisted that I take some stronger armors, but I declined while the dead bodies mutter "So precious!".
You guys are good players as long as you keep your mouths closed, sigh.
And so I go around the battlefield to allow dead bodies to take photos. Meanwhile, Hessy pulled out the earlier picnic mat. and some other nearby players begged her to use their bodies as a chair, but she just coldly spread the mat on top of him and sits on a different corner.
As expected of a professional waitress (?), she wastes no time with degenerates.
_ Mera: We're back~
The remaining waitresses have arrived. More importantly, they come with another party of little girls who look like they are in a cosplay event.
I have a bad feeling about this~
_ Hessy: The war's already over.
_ Nerin: Sorry about that. Somehow we walked into every single ambush they setup along the way. For every step we take they just appeared seemingly out of nowhere to stop us!
_ Player from afar: Then don't walk the main route we use to reinforce our lines!!!
So that's why there was barely any reinforcement for the enemy~
A little girl with red and blue eye (Heterochromia) in gothic clothing walk up to us. She uses short wavy hair with a dark blue color. Overall, she gives the impression of a cute witch.
_ Little girl: To think would kill so many… Did you guys lose on purpose to get stepped on you sickos?
_ Player: We did not but we did get stepped on as she rekted ! Very grateful for that!
_ Little girl: Maniacs. At least have the Illusive Sprout here do the stepping! Can't you see the -censored imagination- as she -censored imagination-?! Lolis for life!
Can I logout now? This cute girl is rotten to the core!
_ Ignar: And is only responsible for a small part of the people here, just to let you know.
_ Hessy: You are here for her, are you not, ?
Yeah, I figured as much. I don't want to think about having another pervert on my tails.
_ Shadyna (PM): So~ why were you looking for me?
While I'm talking to , the other members along with the waitresses start reviving the dead bodies. The majority decides to just go back to town as is, as they plan to hunt in other areas.
_ Vladina (PM): I'll get straight to the point. You have SG skills, no?
_ Shadyna (PM): S rank, Globally Unique, was it?
_ Vladina (PM): Indeed. You started roughly the same time the SG update was released, and without any attributes. Of course there was a chance you had a high rank/level skill that 's [Inspect] failed to see, but at level 0 I doubt it was the skill level that blocked the [Inspect].
Ah, so that's why he was trash-talking me so much. He couldn't see [Accelerate Power].
_ Shadyna (PM): But you can see my skills, can you not? Why bother asking?
_ Vladina (PM): I can't. Currently level is capped at 20. Even B-rank skills and titles are impossible to see in [Inspect] as of now. I can only see your [At-will Beast User] and [Halfblood] titles, for example.
The ill-mannered archer's [Inspect] is probably not as high as this witch's, so I think [Accelerate Power] is at least C in rank?
_ Shadyna (PM): Sorry, I cannot see the rank with my current [Inspect].
_ Vladina (PM): Don't worry, just give me the names and I can do it for you. For free of course, and I can provide you a lot of information of the skills/titles in exchange. Does that sound good enough for you?
Maybe HP regen skill is in my reach~
_ Shadyna (PM): Sure~ Let's see… When I started out I got [Accelerate Power] and [Absolute Zero]. Also, these are acquired later but could you tell me about [Against All Odds] and [Beast Tamer Origin]?
The latter two are titles with vague effects. I want to avoid further surprises with them like with [Accelerate Power].
Because [Unstopping Hero] is personal, I am keeping it to myself. If that is the only SG I have, so be it.
_ Vladina (PM): [Accelerate Power]… [Absolute Zero]… [Against All Odds]… not [Against The Odds] huh… [Beast Tamer Origin]…
Then, she suddenly laughs maniacally, like a true mad scientist looking at her lab-made monster! Everyone, me included, was startled by her actions.
_ Vladina: Oh dear oh dear oh dear! I was too arrogant to think you are going to be a rival to and his S-rank beast! , did you pick her up knowing who she is?
_ Hessy: What are you saying all of a sudden… She's the rumored 0-stats, isn't she?
_ Vladina: Ah, so you didn't know. Damn it , you really got a good haul today!
_ Vladina (PM): Here, the result. I am looking forward to future business with you, former 0-stats. You should get [Inspect Resistance] ASAP, or you will be in trouble very soon, if not already.
The result text was so long, but from what I understand, she was hysterical for a good reason.
The [Beast Tamer Origin], S rank, doubles the LDR effect on my beasts, giving them a LDR/4 bonus to all attributes instead of LDR/8 like the party leader's bonus.
The [Against All Odds], A rank, gives a flat attribute bonus same as the title's stack (the value next to the title). I was getting 14 points on all of my attributes from this one alone. This is only acquired because I dealt the majority of damage to the Merexxa. Otherwise I would only get the [Against The Odds] title, which is much weaker. I wonder if they would stack together?
The [Accelerate Power], SG rank, was absurd, as expected from its rank. Giving a SPD + skill level multiplier to the PAT of my attacks, resulting in Gelly's one-hitting everything in its way, and the AoE effect on the ground was due to sheer power against the earth. If I had 50 SPD and the skill was at level 5 like it is now, I would have my damage increased by 55 times. The downside is its requirement to trigger, which I overcame accidentally by my pacifist play style.
The remaining one, [Absolute Zero], also SG rank, is probably going to be the scariest one in the long term. Discarded points (DP) are discarded attributes/5 plus discarded skill points. Its effect is giving me a (2 + DP/5) multiplier on ALL titles' attribute and skill bonuses! Currently, its value is 3, hence my +42 on all attributes. With time, it may even surpass [Accelerate Power] in effect, as I get new titles and more DP.
No wonder why no more than one person can have these. They are too strong! Sateri, please stop abusing Balance-chan!!!
Because I semi-volunteered to work with Hessy, we split the 1000 Gold coins 50-50. How am I even going to spend this amount of money?!
_ Vladina: I will give you both 500 more if she joins, by the way. What do you say?
_ Shadyna: Sorry, but I'll pass~
I don't want to get groped on a daily basis~
_ Hessenria: Haha… Was it worth it for you though?
_ Vladina: I would say I underpaid her. As expected, I see the amount of absurdity one needs now.
Is she talking about the requirements for the SG stuff?
[Absolute Zero] is given to the first person rejecting Sateri's, the Goddess's, blessing.
[Accelerate Power] is given to the first person dedicating their life to charging forward. It doesn't mention [Unstopping Hero], surprisingly enough.
As she said, if anyone plans on getting a SG, they have to do outstanding things, and be the first to do it.
Maybe there are SG not requiring to be the first, but the best. I have only seen my own SG, so not really sure on that.
_ Vladina: Since I'm in a very good mood, I'll share something with everyone here for free. Consider it your rewards for fighting so valiantly with or against Illusive Sprout.
She casually speaks as spins around like a girl of her age. If she just stays silent people would think she's an innocent little girl for real!
_ Vladina: If you think she's a defenseless little girl who only runs away, you will never defeat her.
Her eyes were dead serious. Hey, why are you helping them killing me~
_ Vladina: You have to be quick, be decisive. Once she starts running, consider yourself deader than dead.
_ Ignar: Sateri-chan damned it all, I thought so too but couldn't even stop her!
He was pretty close though, just that I had prior experience with the Merexxa which allowed me to pulled some of those moves~
_ Vladina: Well then, shall we go back?
_ Mera: Uh huh~ Everyone, please stay close to me~ For I will bring your endless agony and suffering to its conclusion~
Can this person say anything without freaking people out?
And so, everyone group up together at the shore.
_ Mera: [Mass Recall]~
A bright light engulfs all of us. As it goes away, we are already back in Tyrel.
_ Shadyna: I am going to logout now, thank you everyone~
_ Hessenria: Find me at the tavern if you need help. I am indebted to you.
_ Mera: Hessy, gap moe~
I leave the game world as Mera gets stabbed in the head again.
_ Shadyna: Mera, next time let's just use this skill instead of waging war, okay~
falls on her knees as departs.
_ Hessy: Why… did we not think of that?
The whole war could have been avoided if Mera has just cast [Mass Recall] at the beginning.
_ Mera: Well~ the mood was so good I forgot about it too~
_ Olkan: Our heroic last stand would not have happened if you had done that.
_ Vladina: Last stand of the perverts.
The other players go back to whatever they were doing. However, the head waitress and two guildmasters decide to visit guild hall to discuss various things.
_ Olkan: That girl was crazy. Vanguard, rearguard, support, tanks, nukes, she just obliterated them all.
Hessy wanted to say that the girl was doing a "pacifist run", but feels like she shouldn't for a variety of reasons, mainly the "That was a pacifist?" looks she would be getting!
_ Vladina: Ah, so that was her doing? I was wondering if could even be strong enough to do so.
_ Olkan: She did murder me though.
_ Hessy: Your own damn fault, pig.
At the front door of , a few people are standing.
The guildmaster, , and all currently-online managers of the guild, are there.
_ Hessy: I'm back. You were late for the party, by the way.
_ Torenis: What have you been doing?
He's not yelling, but it was clear in his voice that he is not one bit happy.
_ Hessy: Fighting against ? I will ask Illusive Sprout to join tomorrow when she has time. and wanted to talk with you too so I brought them here. I don't think I had called you yet though…
In other words, the supposedly-away guildmaster is here for reasons unknown to her.
_ Torenis: Declaring war without consulting anyone, dragging and other players in too. Don't you have anything to say about that?
_ Hessy: Ah, were you occupied? I will mention that on-site personnel don't have to go back next time. My bad.
_ Olkan: My on-site members were not participating either, but that was the biggest fight in the game history!
_ Vladina: Oh the majority of isn't even here. Next time let's do it when they are not on the other side of the world map.
_ Torenis: Outside people please keep silent. , you wasted time and resources on both side for trivial reasons. I did not make you a manager to one-sidedly ruin people's day.
_ Hessy: But it was an optional player-held event. Everyone participated for fun, not for whatever rewards Sateri-chan is giving away?
Her guildmaster is talking like a disappointed parent scolding their child. The thing is, he is not her parent, and she would be against it if her own parents start talking in that "You are a disappointment, and I won't explain why" tone too.
_ Torenis: I see you do not feel any guilt from troubling others. , I hereby revoke your manager privileges.
_ Olkan & Vladina: What the hell, ?!
Both of them voice their objection in vain.
_ Torenis: Outsiders should not interfere with our internal matters.
Disregarding both, turns to again, who is dumbfounded at the decision of her leader.
_ Torenis: Once you have reflected your actions, you can request for manager position again. If the majority of managers vote for you, I will grant it ba…
_ Hessenria: You don't have to.
_ Torenis: …Excuse me?
_ Hessenria: I said, you don't have to.
[ has left the guild]
_ Hessenria: Thank you for everything until now. Bye.
And with those parting words, she leaves the guild hall, then quickly disappears into the crowd of players in the streets.
_ Vladnia: That's not how you treat someone, .
_ Olkan: Yeah, I can understand if I myself was against the declaration. But that wasn't the case.
_ Torenis: You two just love to be nosy don't you? She was my manager, who is to act as my arms and legs, not a wildcard that acts however she pleases at the expense of the people around her.
_ Vladina: That's not how…
_ Torenis: Not for you to decide. Now, do you have business with me, or with that jobless waitress?
The two fall silence for a moment.
_ Olkan: Since you don't seem to be interested in future player-held events at the moment, I will excuse myself.
_ Vladina: I confirmed the first known SG skill's requirement, and have some ideas on how to get them. PM me if you want to know the price.
And the two guildmasters leave the guild hall as well.
_ Olkan: What the hell was with him? If that was a joke, it wasn't funny.
_ Vladina: Probably angry that could act and do outstanding work on her own. He was always bragging how he was the reason could be as big as it is today after all.
_ Olkan: Dear Sateri-chan if I had to micromanage every single member of my guild like that I would go crazy.
_ Vladina: You are already crazy when it comes to boobs though.
_ Olkan: Is that something a DFC maniac even allowed to say? By the way, didn't you intend to say something to him? I doubt you just wanted to inform him the cost of your cutthroat services.
_ Vladina: Intangible assets don't seem to be so valuable until you find yourself dying without it. I wanted to give him a warning out of kindness, but since he's like that I'll just post my knowledge on the board instead.
_ Olkan: Mind giving me the spoilers?
_ Vladina: His S-rank beast is becoming obsolete if he does not improve the situation.
There was something else should worry about, but no one realized it until much later, when pointed out for them as she wandered on the board.
and had forgotten to stop the streams.
It was an uproar in the tavern.
The waitress who just organized the biggest PVP event since release, is announced to have resigned from for personal reasons.
Of course people would be in an uproar.
_ Waitresses: We are sorry, but we do not possess the information regarding her departure. Thank you for your understanding.
The sisters really want a raise for having to deal with these degenerates asking to be glared at and stepped on because their usual source of abuse is no longer here.
--- Topic: Waitress quit? ---
## Heaven Piercer
The tavern mistress is no longer there!
How am I going to get my daily dose of abuse now?! orz
## Mage of Sin
You serious? I was just admiring her beauty earlier! (* ̄m ̄)
## CuteIsJustice
Have a look at the first two links in Operation Zero Glory thread. Seems like more than one person were uh… careless. (-"-)
The waitress herself confirmed that she had left the guild and currently has no intention of rejoining.
## Serious Mage
Is that guildmaster for real?
Did he not know that "jobless waitress" (his own words) is the reason why his guild is not fading to the background when he's screwing around somewhere faraway?
Ask anyone about Pathwrecker, see if that name means anything to the people in town, especially newbies!
To anyone who doesn't know, Pathwrecker is one of the biggest 4 guilds in the game right now. They are on a campaign to fight the border boss and barely anyone remembers them.
Phoenix Ashes is going down the same way without that waitress.
## Flame knight of Darkness
They will be alright, I think.
There are still 13 waitresses, all with their own quirks.
Most players are used to the tavern by now. It will be a long time before that is changed.
## CuteIsJustice
Until the remaining waitresses also leave, or the former head waitress starts her own crusade for vengeance.
## Heaven Piercer
I for one would gladly become her target!
--- Topic: SG master thread #2 ---
## Manly Warrior
Was busy in Zero Glory. Care to share anything, @Nearseeing Sage?
## Nearseeing Sage
How did you know?! ( ゚ Д゚)
Were you stalking me, lurking in the dark, then kidnap me to do dubious things as I enter a dark alley?!
Illusive Sprout did teach me about a SG skill. It turns out Sateri-chan wasn't joking around when she said Globally Unique.
Due to the stupidly hard requirements for them, we DFC Sages suggest only guildmasters or players of similar caliber to attempt finding them. Expect guild-economy level of cost for the information.
## Manly Warrior
In other words, your usual business schemes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I did have my suspicion on how you info hoarders were after a "rare item". Well played.
Edit: Was not stalking you, just following Olkan's stream.
## Nearseeing Sage
Can't risk you guys sniffing out the SG before I do! All according to plan~
Edit: He was streaming?! Dear Sateri-chan luckily I was PM-ing Illusive Sprout!
--- Topic: Operation Zero Glory AAR ---
!Displaying thread in [Compact View] due to number of posts. Click [Here] to switch back to [Standard View]!
## Manly Warrior: This is the After-Action Report thread of player-held event Operation Zero Glory.
For players who are new to AAR, this is where you discuss an event after its conclusion. We do this to improve ourselves and avoid mistakes in the future. Consider it a history lesson created by ourselves.
Streams, photos and various other materials can be found here: [Link]. If you wish to contribute to the archive, send them to me anytime!
## CuteIsJustice: Attempted kidnapping, assassination, blackmailing, kidnapping AGAIN, ganging up, useless sacrifices, getting rekted comically. Did I miss any villainous deeds of BB Conglomerate and co today?
## Newbie Charisma build: That sounds about right. Olkan demanding Hessenria to strip was hilarious. Too bad Illusive Sprout stepped in like a protagonist.
## Serious Mage: BB seemed to be more organized. I think it was because they had guild chat to coordinate. The alliance was a ragtag bunch of misfits.
## Curious big boobs elf: Can confirm, BB was doing well at the beginning because managers were giving orders to everyone. Near the end it became a screaming platform for players around Olkan, so that needs to be fixed before the next event.
## Newbie Charisma build: So that's why they could reinforce the forest while alliance's reinforcement got sniped one by one.
## Flame knight of Darkness: Tavern also needs an emergency stockpile. It ran out of food and really disrupted the alliance's capabilities.
## Serious Mage: We need a large-scale communication method that is not tied to guild. Sateri-chan should take note!
## Flame knight of Darkness: Agreed. We had overwhelming number in Tyrel but were getting pushed out of the forest. Considering our objectives we were losing both the battle AND the war!
## Newbie Charisma build: But we did win. Watching the last fight's footages now.
## OP alchemist: Why are all the later footages of Illusive Sprout sped up? Must be at least x2 speed.
## Serious Mage: Really? Gimme a sec, I was too busy by the fighting I only put those up moments ago.
## Serious Mage: Sorry for double post, but none of them were sped up. The setting numbers in the corner were all x1.
## OP alchemist: WTF?
## Newbie Charisma build: Just saw it now. But WTF is that speed!!!
## Flame knight of Darkness: What? What? Edit after view: Dear Sateri-chan that girl just refused to slow down! Her speed makes Maximus looks like a 0 SPD nub!
## Mage of Sin: Witnessed it from the ground. Can confirm she was accelerating the whole time. Maximus was also a 0 SPD nub at the time, because being dead is not really mobile LOL.
## Silver Merchant: BB Conglomerate just got decimated one after the other! She's a fighter jet in human… no, elf form!
## Serious Mage: To think I did not check the videos before uploading… Jet fighter fits her destructive power, but not her constant speeding up.
## Silver Merchant: Speeding up and throwing things for a world-ending explosion? That one is called a Particle Collider!
## Mage of Sin: Agreed.
## Flame knight of Darkness: Agreed. Particle Lolider!
## CuteIsJustice: Poll coming right up~!
## Manly Warrior: This turned into another Illusive Sprout thread…
## Heaven Piercer: Would you prefer talking about Hessenria's heavenly sadistic second form when she saw Olkan aiming at Illusive Sprout then?
## Serious Mage: Uh, is the footage with Torenis intended? Can someone confirm with Olkan or Hessenria?
## Manly Warrior: Welp. @Nearseeing Sage just semi confirmed it being a mistake. I'll cut that part out. It wasn't directly related to the event anyway.
## Serious Mage: In a way it does, since the event itself was the cause…
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