《Heaven of the Dream Fantasy - Going for a pacifist record》Chapter 8: MVP
This is reporter Shadyna reporting from site zero of a guild war~
With me as party leader, everyone's stats skyrocketed!
Not really up to heaven per se, but attribute-wise they probably have somewhere around 20 level ups. Considering their equipment and even distribution of points, it's not that much, but still a considerable amount.
I don't know how much my [Cheer] helps, but it's the thought that counts. Thankfully it does not add to my [Damage dealt] record.
I mean, just look at 's expressions! He's crushing pots continuously to stay alive!
But this is really a problem huh. They have lots of pots, and while they need an animation to activate, it's not hard to keep up with 's attacks as long as the enemies do not die in one stab…
Sateri, please nerf the pot spam~
The support players behind are also being a nuisance. Is there any way for me to kill them without damage…?
Technical pacifism is going strong today~
If only I knew how to perform the killing technique against the Merexxa, I would be more than happy to let them have a taste of it.
Let's see, I was running at the time… and then I tripped…
_ Olkan: What the hell is this strength?! Your new menu?!
_ Hessenria: No, just .
_ Olkan: Why would you eat that boss-murder-level guild-economy-crippling meal in this forest?!
Why, indeed~ If a rich man says that, that course must have been really expensive!
…I am not going to wash dishes for the next few years in this game, right?
Which was the main damage… The running, the tripping, or the flying…?
_ ???: GOT YOU!
I find myself lifted from the ground, with a sharp blade next to my throat.
Oops, I forgot about the henchmen all around me. Looks like they finally noticed my presence at the worst time!
[??? - Apprentice assassin - HP: ==========]
Ah, it's that ill-mannered archer and co again. There's no chloroform this time so it's an improvement?
_ Warrior: Sorry about back then, but uh, really want to get some revenge on you.
The only sane person in the group is trying to cheer me up huh? Well, I'm still being held hostage so it doesn't matter much.
_ Shadyna: Hello again~ Are you members of ?
_ Warrior: Ah, no, we aren't. We are just joining their side because doesn't like you.
From your expression, that might have been rough being with this guy. I would give you a pat but I'm kind of stuck here~
_ Maximus: Shut the chitchat, . Hey , stand down if you don't want this little brat to get hurt!
A true hostage development~
Not just Hessy, everyone in the vicinity stops whatever they were doing and turns to me. I'm famous now, kind of?
_ Olkan: Nicely done, !
_ Shadyna (Party): Sorry~, I wasn't checking my surrounding.
_ Mage: Of course, you can count on our to be the worst jerk you can find in the game!
_ Maximus: One sentence too many, !
_ Olkan: Now, , it's time to surrender.
_ Tippe: Blackmail / Humiliation genre switch! Please stare at me with those hateful eyes!
Please keep your fantasies to yourself~
_ Hessy (Party): This is why I told you to run, idiot!
_ Mera (Party): Hessy is going to join the adult world~
_ Hessy (Party): You shut up!
_ Shadyna (Party): I will be fine~, but can you buy me some time?
_ Hessy (Party): How?
_ Shadyna (Party): …Join the adult world?
Those scornful eyes are for me now~
_ Hessy: What are you planning, freaking min-maxer?
Wriggle, wriggle~
_ Maximus: Just want payback for the things she made me go through!
_ Ignar: To be fair that was your own damn fault…
_ Shadyna: Hey, ~, what happened to ?
_ Ignar: He became the laughing stock when he failed to chase you down. Really sorry about that, by the way.
_ Shadyna: Don't mind~, is strong though?
should be laughed at too, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
_ Ignar: Speed min-maxer. Should have been the best guy for bounty hunting. Should have.
Ah, so that's why he alone became the joke.
_ Shadyna: Sorry~
Sympathetic smile, on~
_ Maximus: Shut the hell up! Why are you still holding weapon, ?! Put them away! What do you think would happen if my blade touches this 20 HP scrub?!
Wriggle, wriggle~
_ Olkan: Take off your clothes too while you are at it. This situation usually goes like that.
Drop dead, pervert~
_ Shadyna (Party): Almost there~. Taking off clothes is optional, but I won't stop you~
_ Mera (Party): Please do~
_ Tippe: Thank you for the glare but why do I have the feeling those weren't for me!
Because that would be for , , or me. Most likely me.
Now, Gelly!
*BOIN* *Thud*
I am released from the captor. To be more specific, dropped dead in one hit and my feet can reach the ground again!
_ Everyone: Eh?
Next target~
*BOIN* *Thud*
And the mage pioneer in chloroforming little girls is down!
I try to unsummon, but fail because it's considered to be "in combat". No time for , so I just pick up Gelly, who is bouncing on 's body, and high tail out of there!
Are you really going to ask that? I was "fighting" for survival there.
But that was really lucky for me, because he wasn't paying attention to his feet to evade Gelly's attacks. Credits to Hessy's (impending) show, of course~
Another factor is that has practically no HP due to min-maxing, and is a low level mage so probably has no defense either. Gelly's 200 PAT (last checked, unbuffed) will have no problem destroying them if not evaded.
I want to run away from all these dangerous people chasing after a little girl, but not yet, because Hessy is still here.
When in doubt of your destination, run in the opposite direction!
In my case, right into the bulk of forces!
_ Everyone: What the hell?!
_ Maximus: KILL HER! , rekt that nub!
can only sigh. Must have been rough~
_ Player: Wait, what the… Stop right there!
Thanks to me recklessly charging into where the enemies least expected, the confusion was top-notch. It may look reckless, but running anywhere else will end up with me in a clear area, allowing them to target without obstacles. That would be the end of me as I only have 1 HP after sharing the damage of something-long-rod with Gelly. The end of both of us, actually.
I run past Hessy's fight, which is becoming noisy again as she's resumed the carnage. This time she is voluntarily solely focusing on without my words. She's really not happy with his choice of words huh.
…Does this imply an inevitable hell of endless suffering waiting for me after this is over?
_ Ignar: Oh come on! Aren't you too fast for a 0-stats?!
How would I know? [Inspect]-chan didn't tell me the reasons of my stats.
I slip past the gaps between players, not losing any momentum. I will die if I stop now!
Oh, spotted the support players~ The typical priest outfits really give it away huh? Even though this game has no official religion in the lore. Maybe crafters were indoctrinated with that image from other games?
Still, this is great chance as they don't have high offensive capabilities and are sitting ducks when engaged~
Go, Gelly~
*BOIN* *Thud*
My beast while having (probably) decent SPD still looks sluggish in practice, so instead of letting it menacingly wriggle into the enemy, I just throw it right in their face!
Because it's technically Gelly doing the damage, my technical pacifism status is ensured! Evil laugh echoing! Wait, I'm not the bad guy here, right?!
And it's weird… I thought earlier victories were because of the enemies' low HP, but I doubt these players are that weak, with their equipment and all. Why did my newest victim die in one hit?
Still, no time to ponder. I catch Gelly as it bounced into the air and fling it down towards another player nearby. Un, dodgeball girl Shadyna is making her debut~
_ Player: GUAH!!!
[Skill Leveled up: ]
…So it was YOUR doing!!!
I didn't expect the "Increase damage" part to include damage of thrown objects (beast)!!!
Still, to be killing players in one hit, isn't this kind of overpowered?! I wonder if I will see the damage formula at higher level [Inspect]?
_ Unlucky player: Pin her down! Pin her do…BLARG!
Another one bites the dust~
Wanting to be in the vicinity to help Hessy as needed, I don't run straight but around the main battle. That, and (indirectly) pulverizing nearby players~
Dodgeball girl Shadyna is having a 100% accuracy using her favorite ball (beast)! The enemy defense stands no chance against such magnificent display of skill (firepower) despite their best efforts!
[Accelerate Power] is leveling up steadily too. Nice~
_ Ignar: Attack her when the monster is in flight! Try to stop its retrieval!
Uh oh, the opponent's ace player is here~
Violence in a match is foul you know! Even if that match involves people literally dying (in-game) upon touching the ball (beast)!
Since they will be trying to disrupt Gelly's flight path now, I have to refrain a bit. We will be screwed if Gelly flies out of my reach.
Or was that their goal? To psychologically force me to slow down my attack?
Seeing me stop throwing Gelly around for a moment, and other melee players suddenly rush in from all sides!
_ Hessy: Damn it!!!
_ Olkan: Oi! I cannot let you save her at this time can I!
The typical cliché of helpless allies not being able to help the main characters when they need it most has arrived~
Hessy has her hands full so not I should not have much hope, sigh.
They intend to push me down and die with me as the magi use area-of-effect spells?!
You are going to be branded lolicons for pushing a little girl you know?! They will forever sing songs to remember how you fully grown men and women risk your very lives to kill a defenseless girl you know?! Or how you two dozen adults cannot even win against a middle schooler in dodgeball!!!
And yet you still want to do it?!
_ Mage #1: Oh fire of purification…
_ Mage #2: The spirit of light…
_ Mage #3: Divine boobs of heaven…
Out! That last one is definitely out!!!
I can't see any mage, so neither can they, yet they are willingly chanting their probably strongest spells they have!
They are betting everything on the melee players led by to keep me here. No matter how much agility I possess, I cannot slip by if there is no gap to begin with!
Why!!! Why are you doing such last resort attacks against a young girl who can't even stop running in order to survive!!!
_ Melee players: CHARGE!!!
, please use that desperate determined-to-die expression on a last boss, not a little girl!!!
Ah, darn it! If you guys want foul plays I will give you foul play! Gelly, fusion!
I toss Gelly on top of my head as I keep running towards . If I just throw Gelly, it will bounce back and get caught in the blast, leaving me all alone against the world.
No thanks to that!
Shadyna's ultimate killing technique, "Tripping on nothing"!!!
I leap forward as if doing 3-spin aerobatic jump in the air. In simpler terms, I jump head (Gelly) first into the enemies!
_ Ignar: GAAAAH!!!
Before he could swing down his sword, Gelly crashed into his stomach, crushing him.
[Ignar - Dead apprentice knight - HP: ……….]
The dead part is also considered new information huh~
We bounce as we hit the ground with momentum and get thrown out of the encirclement. As I "fly" I get a glimpse of the melee players' faces filled with shock and despair looking at me leaving the area.
The bombardment area, to be exact.
A big fiery explosion, a big light column crashing down from above, a series of lightning bolts and many other flashy skill effects can be seen decimating the area I was in a second ago.
They sure look beautiful as long as you are not at the center of it all!
Out of the danger zone, I throw Gelly at an unwitting player turning his back to us. It can't be helped. He was in my flight trajectory~
Luckily for both sides, there are fewer players in my path. I wonder why?
Catching Gelly who bounces back to me after pulverizing (figuratively) the unlucky player, I crash-land, roll a few times before stopping.
It doesn't seem to hurt. But that was seriously exhausting mentally!
I seem to have landed in another encirclement. The one where Olkan and Hessy are fighting in. Of course, why else would there be fewer players in this place?!
Both of them stare at me in awe.
[Hessenria - Apprentice waitress - HP: =====.....]
She has like 50% HP left. But she had this abnormal HP bar when we first met, so she must have been taking a lot more damage.
[Olkan - Apprentice merchant - HP: +++=======]
Yeah, like that.
This is not the time. I have to keep moving or even small fries (to Hessy) will murder my 1 HP!
_ Olkan: Die, lack of chest!
I hate this guy~
No chivalry at all, swinging down his sword against a girl lying on the ground, still sitting on his throne no less!
_ Hessy: Tsk!
Hessy jumps in between us like a true sidekick in the scene where they die protecting the protagonists! The dramatic "Tell my wife I love her!" is optional, but often seen together as well!
_ Olkan: Fooled ya! , the backup!
Oh come on!!! At least use a different killing technique!
But this guy sure is rich! Was he intending to have matching equipment with Hessy if she joins his guild?
The whole close quarter battle must have prevented him from using it, because he has to focus on blocking attacks with the shield.
With Hessy stopping the constant stabbings and unable to move to shield me, she will have to get hit.
[Shared Fate]!
The magical chain appears again, but this time connecting Hessy and me just as the [Dark Bolt] hits her right arm.
Yikes! I hate this indirect pain thingy!
[Hessenria - Apprentice waitress - HP: ..........]
But at least, it worked. Phew.
After all, because she was "above 1" HP before the damage, she cannot die, even if I'm already at 1 HP. Both of us have to be "at exactly 1" to die.
I wasn't sure if that was how the skill works, but after using Gelly to block the first long rod, I was certain.
And yes, I will call that thing a long rod until the end of time.
But still, all three of us are at 1 HP, which is not a good situation at all.
At least the enemies are too shocked to attack.
_ Olkan: Just… ho…
_ Player: [Shared Fate]! She used [Shared Fate]!
This is not the time to be suddenly observant, henchman!!!
_ Olkan: Then you only have 1 HP left! DIE!
He switches to his sword and charges (flies on throne) forward! His other hand has not switched to the shield.
Seeing that, Hessy, being disturbingly calm, crushes a green orb which appears in her hand.
[Hessenria - Apprentice waitress - HP: ++++++++++]
And one same orb is dropped in front of me too.
_ Hessy: No, it's round 2.
Scary! Your dark smile is too scary, Hessy!!!
Everyone freaks out, including me, who is her ally!
_ Hessy: [Dark Bolt]!
[Olkan - Apprentice merchant - HP: =====.....]
_ Olkan: Crap!
He frantically equips his shield.
_ Hessy (Party): , kill anyone who interferes!
But I am a pacifist!!!
Sorry, not-so-innocent henchmen, I don't want to be at the receiving end of her wrath so please get destroyed!
I crush the orb in my hand which probably heals me to full. Now that I am not worried about dying in one hit anymore, I switch the [Shared Fate] to Gelly, who has no pot to use.
Let's ask Mera to teach me healing skills later!
…Uh oh, the alarm!
Things just refuse to be in favor of .
It all started with the damn Jelleaf taking the scepter's attack. They know it had a [Shared Fate] to keep it alive now, but back then they could not afford to think it through. To deduct that someone was interfering with the fight.
was just dominating, but she could not decisively win against this hundred players working together. Her stats were abnormal, even for a top-tier player, for unknown reasons. They know it now. After all, there was only one other player on her side in the area.
Still, even then, it might have turned out alright. "That" was just standing there, witnessing the fight. , for all his abilities, broke that semi-neutrality.
He was a top player. His maxed skills and experience as a bow user would have helped greatly in the struggle against . When it comes to PVP few people are as capable as him.
, the party's tank, can withstand several [Dark Bolt] and cover from danger, would also be an invaluable asset. Even , who discarded his old character from closed beta, is armed with experience from back then, would help coordinating those around him and provide support.
And yet they decided to be 3rd-rate villains!!!
In their defense, even if they had helped , would most likely be put in a dangerous situation and the end result would be the same.
Reality is that they ( mostly) did something underhanded, to a little girl, and they are going to get flamed on the board for it. Idiots!
The blackmailing was cartoonishly hilarious. was pouring oil into the fire. They expected nothing because it was a game, and from her expression at the time, Illusive Sprout was amused too.
And that was the catalyst for the disaster striking at everyone in , starting with the kidnappers (permanent title).
got rekted by a single attack. Even with min-maxing, he should have at least 200 HP, 10 times the amount of a level 0 with 0 attributes! A level 2 monster like a Jelleaf is not even going to make a dent in his HP. A normal Jelleaf, that is! Illusive Sprout's Jelleaf was definitely not normal.
became the next victim. No one expected it because it happened so fast after 's demise, but in hindsight, it was clear as day. The monster has more than enough PAT to just crush these two.
They went down as fast as expected for the villainous roles they were playing.
was spared, but Illusive Sprout escaped. Rather than saying she escaped, it was more accurate to say she was let loose.
The hell embodiment in the form of a little girl, Illusive Sprout, broke loose.
_ Player #1 (Guild): I died! She killed me in one attack at full HP and buffs!!!
_ Player #2 (Guild): I died! What the hell is she?! Who was the idiot that said she has 0 stats?!
_ Player #3 (Guild): Use [Inspect] on her, now! We need to know what we are dealing with!!!
_ Player #4 (Guild): I can't! She is too fast!!! Crap! I died too!
She jumped right into their lines, killing players regardless of their HP and defense by throwing her beast like a ball. Except that it's not a ball but a blob that spells "CERTAIN DOOM" to whoever it touches.
Without standing still for a split second, she avoided being aimed at by almost all ranged attacks. They could blindly shoot, but their own guild members will be in the crossfire.
_ Player #2 (Guild): Can someone redo the buffs? I just got revived.
_ Player #3 (Guild): Give me a se… Oh god, she's looking at me! Save me!!!
The conversation would later be posted on the board, where people actually sympathize them for what they have gone through.
Illusive Sprout deliberately lingers in the back line of , where most of the magi are. As soon as someone uses any type of [Resurrection] skill, she would charge at them and pulverize said player immediately.
The equivalent of attacking the medics, even in-game, was horrifying.
If they attack, they get pulverized. If they support, they get pulverized. If they do nothing, no one becomes a priority target and a random someone will get pulverized!
_ Player #1 (Guild): gathered melee players! They will do a suicide attack on her!
_ Player #3 (Guild): And who's going to resurrect them?!
_ Player #2 (Guild): At this rate we will have no one left to do anything at all!
The encirclement, the attrition war, the target snipe everyone was working so hard to build up, start falling apart like a house of cards.
Before they even comprehend what they have unleashed onto the poor underserving world, they are already at death's door. They are forced to sacrifice two full parties to pin her down for a few seconds, with one encircling her and one filling the whatever gap she creates by pulverization.
With 's signal, everyone charged knowing this is the only chance they will have. The next time she will not let herself be surprised again.
Brave men and women of bring forth their mighty trump cards. The encirclement completely blocked vision of the other side. They have to use their AoE to make sure Illusive Sprout cannot just evade their attacks, with their own members as collateral damage. It is a sacrifice they weren't ready to made, but a sacrifice that is required, not to regain the initiative, but only to have a believable chance of regaining it.
As the skills are cast, was thrown away from the site. He, who courageously rallied everyone and gave them hope, was destroyed in a single headbutt from a girl with a weird fusion form.
It was so fast the second line could not fill the gap in time. Besides, had anyone tried to block her path, they would have been destroyed the same way, as proven seconds later.
Two parties of brave heroes, volunteered to bring Illusive Sprout down with them, could only look as she made her escape. And with her, their lives, hopes, and any chance of winning.
Some people were not paying attention to the dramatic atmosphere, like , as Illusive Sprout landed into his sight. Everyone built up such a good mood for it and he just acts like an out-of-place murderous pervert! For that reason alone, he will get a long lecture from devoted roleplayers in his guild later.
Still, is not a guildmaster for nothing. He is a strong player. He hid his second ultimate weapon until a golden chance appeared.
However, he who did not witness the might of Illusive Sprout, still thinks that his biggest threat was .
The little girl proves him wrong almost instantly. She once more thwarts his comical evil plans with a single D-rank skill, [Shared Fate], which no one uses because of the better [Devotion]. It was not common knowledge that such seemingly useless skill could be abused to prevent single-hit instant-death attacks.
Despite the dirty play, does bring his guild a new chance for victory. His scepter's power is real, so both and Illusive Sprout will take damage, if not outright at 1 HP. Even a defensive player can just end these two right now.
It's also possible they have plenty of HP left, but everyone has no choice but to believe as attacks. The sacrificed players are still being slowly resurrected, and many more are still left lying on the ground. The encirclement got a big hole in its perimeter, and with the alliance pressuring from the other side, they will surely fall if they have to fight on two fronts.
They all agree that the two girls are worth a whole battlefront without holding a census.
If could strike those two down, would get its much needed recovery.
If, being the keyword.
is known as a harsh mistress who would not hesitate to use harsh words on her patrons. In a way, she is similar to . However, her attitude partly came from entertainment purpose, and because she would not do personal attacks, so she is much more loved by others. Her words can be nasty, but they also bring joy.
And today, it is despair that those words bring forth as closes their distance.
She pops a consumable, with a smile on her face. A sadistic smile which is thought to only be seen on , the second-in-command waitress.
_ Player #1 (Guild): Ohnonononononono!!! This can't be happening!
She has not used any consumables during the whole fight, using only evasion and pure offensive capabilities to maintain her HP. That's how good she is.
Players who were fighting her thought she had used all her potions beforehand, and had hope that they would prevail once that HP bar depleted.
The despair once more hits like a tidal wave. The waitress just casually crushed every chance they had under her heels (figuratively of course). She didn't even glare at them. She didn't even curse them with words. She simply conveyed to them that all their efforts were for naught, with a beautiful smile covered by a black aura that shouldn't even happen in a game!
All witnessing players, including ones not having such fantasies, are praying to have their usual abusive waitress they know back.
_ Player #4 (Guild): She has elixirs… Guildmaster! Please retreat and have those scepters recharged! Or have someone do so! We cannot win against her without instant-kill!
_ Olkan (Guild): Gave them to managers! Hold the line until then!
Their only remaining option is somehow getting such a lucky hit again. Since she used items, her HP must have been at critical level. If they can drop her HP to 1 again and everyone piles up on both girls before they could use consumables, even [Shared Fate] won't be able to save them!
_ Player #2 (Guild): Ohcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap! She's coming this way! AAAAAARRRRGGG!
Illusive Sprout used an elixir while everyone was mesmerized by the waitress. No longer staying back like at the beginning, she starts going full offensive, totally ignoring and .
That's when players know, even just recharging the scepters may be impossible now.
Now knowing the power of Illusive Sprout's play-like attacks, everyone scatters to avoid the casual instant-death that the scepter wasn't even capable of.
And the Jelleaf leaves behind a big crater on the ground, killing three players in the impact area, after missing its target.
_ Player #3 (Guild): Why… why! How could it be more devastating than hitting the target?!
No one could answer that.
_ Player #1 (Guild): This is bad! She wasn't throwing at long range before!
They can see the new recklessness from her.
Little did they know it was a combination of confidence on HP, fear of 's wrath and her own real life alarm clock that would give birth to a tactic with so little regards to her own life and full commitment to delete every signal on her map.
_ Ignar: Get hit! Do everything in your power to get hit! If that thing hits the ground everyone will die!
who has been resurrected is taking command again.
With that order, the scramble to avoid attacks becomes the scramble to receive attacks. If a player receives it in the face, they die. If it hits the ground, potentially a whole party will die. Someone has to die either way.
Rushing to pick up her beast, a few attacks managed to reach her. However, she shrugs it off like it was mild annoyances at best.
_ Ignar: Melee players, follow me! We need to restrict her movem… BLARGH!
This time the potential hero of 's side couldn't even take action before he's dead again.
_ Ignar: You know, don't res me. She'll just murder me again.
Even he has had enough. The poor guy really has it rough these last two days.
With the newfound knowledge, Illusive Sprout one-sidedly pulverizes the area. Realizing that long-range strikes have the disadvantage of long retrieval time, she goes back to close-range decimation as it's harder for players to deliberately get hit.
The whole place is littered with craters and bodies, as if suffered from a bombing run. Because she jumps up then throws the Jelleaf to the ground, it may actually be considered a type of unguided bomb from a bomber…
As the dust settles, a single girl is seen running the around the once-forest barren land, looking for any survivors or reinforcement to finish off. She does not join the fight against , despite knowing that he would also be destroyed in one hit.
Even without the little girl, the last fight has come to an end.
in a way did his very best against an unwinnable opponent. He ran out of higher quality consumables, partially because his inventory is filled with other rare equipment, and succumbed to 's relentless attacks.
_ Olkan: Damn it, that was a good fight even if the sprout is just absurd!
_ Hessenria: You don't say.
_ Olkan: Have any [World Voice]? I will pay you back later.
_ Hessenria: Sure.
The cheers from players can be heard from Tyrel to the forest. And with that, the event finally concluded, to the relief of a little girl.
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8 97 - In Serial8 Chapters
betrayed op gojo deku
izuku midoriya who had just witness his mother die only to be knocked out and beaten by his friends to near death as he unlocks a new power powers of gojo satoru and another power while those who didnt betray him felt so much rage that they their quirks evolved but izuku decides to go to i-island to be with the person he loves melissa shield but she will share izuku with afew more girls too.And this story is a short story not a one shot but not over 10 chapters long but i hope you will enjoy :)
8 75 - In Serial30 Chapters
TAILS ❪ season two ❫ // 1960's slang for the word 'shadow' COMPLETEfive hargreeves x fem!readercover by malewifemurdockwritten by funkyenderboy
8 188