《Steel fangs》Tempering


In a hidden chamber in Asgard

A man sits in the shadow watching a mirror that that shows Myka and Ded in the smithy.

"This boy seems interesting and may provided some much needed entertainment." man in shadows.

the man in the shadows gets up and picks up a helmet with two large horns on it.

"i should call Ratatoskr he should be perfect for this." Loki

Back at the smithy

"if thats your plan boy then i won't stop you. You have a week to finish your weapons and armor. Thats when you'll begin training for the tournament, Laz should be back by then he'll train you in real combat skills instead of the self defense skills you've been learning" Ded

"How did you know i would fight in the tournament?." Myka

"I didn't brat, Laz was an old friend of me and your father. He was going to escort us out of this shithole. Remember when there are other people around pretend like you don't know him." Ded

"why" Myka

"just trust me. It'll be less for you to worry about, Plus why ruin the surprise. Now get started on your making your gear i'll make a set of rogues gear for Laz so that you can put some mana veins in it we can't expect him to work for free. Training You till the tournament won't be cheap even if he is a friend." Ded

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