《Elemental Artists》CH.10 Aishe's Dilemma


Aishe suddenly wakes up out of his rest. Raising his upper body as cold sweat permeates down his back. Remembering he was about to die in the claws of the fearsome metal wolf. Then remembering the dashing face that started running towards him. Redness start coloring his cheeks from blush. He suddenly shakes his head.

'No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no. Dad said that a man only belongs with a woman.'

He then starts to remember the way the warrior fought and saved him.

'He did come to my rescue.........NO! Dad will kill me if he found out.'

Looking around, he notices that he's back in his bed. Bandages cover a majority of his body. Indicating the pain inflicted from the foul wolf. Raising his hand to check it, a sting of pain is sent through his body. Aishe involutary lets out a shout. OW! His mother at his bedside stirs awake. Noticing her son conscious again, she bolts out of her chair onto the bed.

"Thank goodness you're awake." She says as tears fell from her eyes.

"How did I get here, mother?"

"Oh, a man in armor with a red glow brought you here." She wipes her tears, remembering the stranger.


"Yes, he arrived yesterday with you in his arms. I was so worried about you that I didn't even bother to ask his name and went to treating you. He also left after I finished bandaging you up. How did you meet that man?"

"He saved me from a big wolf that turned metal. I didn't really get a good look, only saw his armor and the red glow."

"Well, I'm glad he saved you. Now then, what were you doing away from the farm." Her sincere and caring face instantly switched over to look like a smile, but more ominous. In the past, she has warned Aishe from playing in the woods multiple times.


"Um......a sheep got away and I chased it down in the woods following the blood trail. Only to meet the wolf with the sheep in it's mouth."

"And you didn't think to just let it go after seeing the blood trail?!? Hah, good thing he showed up when he did. Make sure to thank him the next time you see him." She sighs after reprimanding Aishe. Getting up, she exits the door to prepare dinner.

"Stay in bed, I'll take care of the sheep and bring you dinner later."

Before she left, Aishe worked up the courage and asked.


"Yes, hun?"

"Why can't two boys or two girls be together?" Aishe patiently waits for an answer that came almost too quick.

"Well, of course they can be together." Aishe's mom not understanding his question gives Aishe false hope.

"They can?!" Aishe shouts from the surprise information from his mother.

"Yes." Not knowing what his question actually entailed, agrees.

"So, why is dad against it so much?"

"You know, he can be pretty stubborn in what he wants. That's why I agreed to be with him." She reminises a bit on how they got together. Love struck eyes are seen as a blush also covers her cheeks before pulling herself back from the past. She goes back out the door to get what needed to be done, accomplished.

'So it could happen.......'

Aishe rests in bed and stares at the ceiling in his bedroom. He then notices that there is a weight in the palm of his other hand. Lifting it up, a silver ball is seen. Examining it further, writing is engraved on its surface,

'Get well soon'. He holds it close to his chest, ignoring the onslaught of pain to hold it close to his heart as a smile appears on his face. He drifts away into sleep, who knows what he was thinking about at that time. The sunlight entering the room slowly dims indicating nightfall.

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