《Elemental Artists》CH.9 Metal Wolf


The smoke clouds settle, revealing the standoff between the figure and the wolf.

The wolf's metallic claw against the person's black katana. The person revealed had silver wings sprouted from their back, the armor covering their body was whitish silver from head to toe. A red hue emanated from the person's body as if resonanting heat, spreading to the sword as well.

The wolf swings its other claw attempting to break the stalemate. Causing the person to fall back. The wolf looks at the metal warrior and howls toward the sky.

A change was seen in the wolf, beginning from its mouth, all the way down to its feet. A silver steel sheen is seen covering the wolf's body. It shakes its body, creating a scratching, grating noise.

Aishe covers his ears in pain over the wolf's transformation. The metal wolf looks at the figure infront of it. Gauging the enemy's next move as it readies itself again. The metallic figure swipes the katana to the side and puts it back in the scabbard at their waist. Holding it in an Iatsu form (keeping the drawing hand on the handle while the other hand on the scabbard. For quick drawing) They both look at each other in deadlock. Seconds tick by, as the clouds soon cover the sun.

The wolf launches its attack. Propelling itself towards the figure like a silver bullet. The figure spreads his wings, then propels himself into the air above. Narrowly dodging the razor sharp claws of the wolf.

The wolf lands at the spot where the figure just was and looks around to find it. In the mean time, the figure sixteen feet in the air, closes his wings and starts rotating towards the earth like a top. The wolf hears the cutting of the wind and looks above to see its opponent.


Readying its claws, it reaches up to meet the warrior. The warrior continuous drops in a rotating fashion. When he was one foot away from the wolf's claw. Time seem to stand still as the warrior locked eyes with the bloodshot eyes of the wolf. All that could be heard was the slight draw of the katana. SHING! A flash occurs from the collision of sparks.

Aishe opened his eyes to see what happened. The metal wolf was seen, running away wimpering. The paw used to attack the warrior lying on the ground.

The warrior walked up to the paw and placed their hand over it. The paw slowly turned into particles that were soon absorbed into the warrior's body.

The warrior then walks over to Aishe. Him, not knowing anything other than the warrior fended off the wolf, collapsed and fainted, falling towards the ground.

The warrior seeing this suddenly accelerated, catching Aishe before his head hit the ground.

A slight grin appears on the warrior's face as he looks at Aishe.

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