《Elemental Artists》CH.8 Aishe


Draydon and the server walk into the center of the room. Beatrice angrily slams the door and turns around only to be even more infuriated by the scene of the server hugging Draydon's arm without a care in the world.

She takes a deep breath and looks at the server.

"How about you introduce yourself to the third prince of Zrados?" The server twiddles her fingers while looking down. Then gains the courage as she put her hands to her side as she looks at Draydon. An effeminate voice stutters.

"T-third P-prince-sama"

"Call me Draydon" She mumbles his name over and over again to familiarize herself with it. Then she takes a deep breath.

"I don't think you remember me, but my life was saved by you, before." Draydon's face turns to confusion. 'When did I do that?' Her face has this brilliant smile of joy, remembering the events that took place.

Flash back

A little boy is seen adventuring into the words near the Zrados capital city, Zaven. His name was Aishe. A boy who grew up with parents who raised livestock. One of the sheep managed to run out of the gate and into the words by chance, which led to Aishe adventuring. He journeys through searching until he finds blood trails upon the ground leading up to the clearing. Wanting to get a closer look, he edged his way to the closest tree to the open area.

He heard a rough snarling noise that also seemed to have something in its mouth. GRRRRRRR!

He looks and sees a massive wolf, eight foot tall, long canine fangs peering out of its mouth on both the upper and lower jaw, bloodshot eyes. Silverish black fur covers its body as a few white strips spread along the sides. He knew it was a sad outcome for the sheep as he saw the limp figure in its jaw. Blood spilling out of both sides of the wolf's mouth.


The wolf smells something and turns its head towards Aishe, dropping the mangled corpse of the sheep. Aishe startled by becoming the new target, falls back as its blood red eyes stare at him. It starts walking step by step towards Aishe. Aishe paralyzed by fear couldn't even move an inch as the wolf looms over his body. He closes his eyes and prepares himself for his fate. The wolf sees this and raises his front paw. Swiping at Aishe, launching him across the forest grounds and landed back against a tree. Feeling the pain of the wolf's attack, Aishe starts to cry as he lays there in agonizing torment. The wolf again slowly prowls toward the boy. Enjoying the misery befalling upon its prey as it bares its teeth.

A thundering force is heard running towards the scene as the wolf's mouth comes closer and closer to the boy's head. The wolf pauses and snarls at the thing interrupting his snack. Turning its huge body around to face this incoming enemy. Readying its body in a crouch to pounce in hopes of a surprise attack. Its claws start turning into a metallic color, digging into the surrounding dirt.

The moment the figure came into attacking range for the wolf, it launched. Flinging massive amounts of dirt as the it turned into a silver bullet. CHING! An explosion of dirt and wind occurrs blocking Aishe's view.

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