《Elemental Artists》CH.7 A Kiss


As Draydon was wallowing in his brain about the situation that is soon going to happen. A server makes her way over to the table. It was a server of small stature. The server had brown hair that went to her shoulder. It felt like they were actually struggling to bring the tray of water for the booth. Clink! clink! clink!

Draydon hears this and turns toward the server. Suddenly the server's arms start to crumble under the weight and fall backwards. Draydon bolts into action as he rushes over the nine feet distance in a flash. Catching both the tray of water in one hand and the server in the other, arm caressing the arch of the person's back.

"Are you oka-" The reason for the pause was that Draydon saw the most adorable person when the server's hair part to show her face. Big doe eyes, a pink flush across their cheek, and mouth parted from being saved from the almost incident. The server's face turns bright red all over. It felt like visible steam erupts from the server's head as her eyes close shut and her body scrunches from embarressment.

Griselda whistles.

"Look at this lady killer right here, Moca. It could be yours." Moca that was looking at the situation that just transpired hurriedly turned back to look at the decor of the dining hall. The worried expression for the server quickly turned to blush like she just got caught.

The entirety of the dining hall turned their way when Draydon went to save the server from falling. The clink clank of the tray attracted their attention as they saw the scene of Draydon courting the server. Out of nowhere, one of the tables started chanting which was soon joined by the rest of the hall.


"KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!" Draydon surprised by the sudden turn of events looks around to see the chanting audience. Then looks back at the server. The server looks at Draydon like they were waiting for him to make a choice. 'What is one quick kiss?' He leans in close to the server. The server astonished by Draydon going for it, closes her eyes and puckers her lips in anticipating. Right before they were about to touch lips, Beatrice walks out of where she ran away to. Sees the situation then yells at the top of her lungs.

"STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!" The audience all turned their heads to Beatrice along with Moca and Griselda. Draydon pauses and tries to turn his head. But the server took advantage of the pause. Opening her eyes and stealing Draydon's lips while closing them again. Draydon is given a shock to the unexpected attack due the interruption but indulged in the passionate kiss, the server stole from him.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Beatrice runs in and separates the two of them. Saliva dripping from the kiss session between the two. The server just looks at Draydon with lovestruck eyes as she touch her lips with her hands. Cheeks covered in a pink haze blush like never before. Reminiscing in the intimacy she just had. Beatrice looks at Draydon with a hateful glare while balling her fists in anger. Griselda holds her hand to her mouth in awe at what transpired. Moca just looked at the scene. Staring a hole into the server's eyes.

Draydon gets pulled along with the server into a backroom by a very furious Beatrice. As they were getting pulled, the server took advantage and snuggled up to Draydon. Draydon was just confused. 'Why does she like me so much?'

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