《Elemental Artists》CH.2 Class Rumble


The majority of the class leaves, filing out to get on with their lives in happiness. Four students remained in the class, along with Griselda, who walked up to a sleeping girl and started nudging her gently. The eyes of the other three students looked on in interest wondering why she would. That was until they noticed the similarities between them and connected the dots. Griselda had long black hair, ameythest eyes that attracted the wanderers' eyes, and healthy light brown skin that glowed with the sun. As expected of Pharos royalty to have light brown skin due to the overbearing sun in the south. The girl she nudged also possessed the same skin tone.

"Moca~. Why didn't you show off your element~" The girl named Moca, slowly opens her eyes, rubbing them with her delicate fingers. Evoking the charm of a sweet little girl.

"Mmmm, too tired. Don't want to move." She goes back to sleep on the desk. Griselda looks at her with an expression of 'what am I going to do with you?'

"Then, do you want me to come back with food~? She asks in a gentle tone. Moca responds with a head shake then mumbles. Griselda manages to be the only one that hears it. "Of course, anything for my little sister~" Then she skips off through the door to the classroom. The realization dawned on the other three students that Griselda's little sister was none other than Moca Pharos. The second princess of the nation of Pharos. Not many knew of what she looked like, due to her exposure to the public was almost non-existent.

The remainder of the class consisted of a young female and male, who seem to be of civilian birth, and one royalty. The female had radiant blonde hair, gleaming green eyes, and a face that exuded the feeling of gentleness. The male had a small disposition, wearing a pair of glasses, and had brown hair that reached below his eyes. The royalty male had fit body, black short cut hair, and a soft, kind face that didnt suit his frame.


"All right class, now let's begin." Ms. Everborn claps her hands, causing the magic ball to portray the human body with arrows going in and out. " The world is filled with mana of different elements. This causes the body to become infused with every single one. Most of it remaining within the elemental heart dead center in the person's chest. However, each person is only ever able to display one element due to their body's disposition."

The screen then switches to show a picture of a red shadow human being. "This here class is the enemy that caused our continent to go into 600 years of peace, the Elemental Shadow. This being is almost like a human containing a mana heart, but sometimes they can have more than one. Leading to a dual-elemental, or even a tri-elemental. This causes more than one color to occupy the Elemental Shadow's body. So far, none have been seen having more than three. Luckily, our warriors are able to repel such beings for now. Them being creatures from an archaic time, the technology for us to attain such an ability is out of our hands. Grotesque experiments formed by cultists lead to individuals either becoming brain dead due to the higher influx of mana or becoming another Elemental Shadow." The three students get shivers thinking about such operations. While Moca continues to sleep, unaware.

"Now that we understand our bodi-" Before Ms. Everborn could finish her sentence. The wall to the classroom is burst apart, debris and rubble flying everywhere while a body is seen rocketed into the other side of the classroom. Smashing desks and chairs until it gets stopped by the opposite wall. The body is in sitting position with its upper body hunched forward. It spits out some blood and gets up to reveal Jared staring daggers at the broken through wall. " Jared! What is the mean-"


Footsteps are heard coming from the wall towards the class. Ice is seen forming a road straight towards Jared.

"Hah, you really did get stronger, Damien. Must be nice to be the first son of Zrados." Jared says spitefully as he rubs his blood stained mouth.

The civilian male and female hide themselves slowly making their way to Ms. Everborn for safety. The royalty male edges his way to Moca since she was still asleep in the back.

"Damien! Stop this nonsense at-" Ms. Everborn tries to intervene but the backing behind both individuals prevented her from doing so.

"Quiet, this is a matter between me and him" Damien makes his way towards Jared. Behind Damien seems to be a majority of the class watching the showdown.

Flash back to when the students were let out.

Jared approaches Damien from behind. Damien looks at a girl in front of him with long purple hair cascading down her shoulders. She takes a peek back at him then continues walking.

"Damien, I see you got stronger since the last time we fought"

Damien heaves a sigh."So?"

"Let's fight again"


"Hah, the first prince of Zrados turning down a challenge. What a surprise." The Mavedos nation has harbored ill will towards Zrados in the past since they were betrayed and taken over. But due to the peace treaty, they were allowed to be reformed. Their families would always try to pit Damien and Jared against each other to show superiority.

Damien tries to walk away but Jared grabs his shoulder.

"What, scared? How about I tell my family that you backed out since you didn't have the guts to fight me?" Jared continues to antagonize Damien

"What!" A freezing circle appears around Damien forcing Jared to back off. Damien shoots a glare at Jared as he grits his teeth.

"Hah, that's more like it" Jared raises both his hands, palms up releasing light orbs around his body.

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