《Elemental Artists》CH.3 A Rude Awakening


Griselda walks by.

"I advise both of you to take this elsewhere. Disturb my sister and there will be hell to pay."

"Stay out of this, Pharos!" Shouts Jared. She didn't bother to argue back and left with an expression of 'I warned them' while rolling her eyes. She curtly left to go and get food for her adorable little sister.

The orbs around Jared shine brighter and brighter becoming hard to see from the light. Damien erects a two feet thick ice wall from the ground immediately. The orbs of light fire rays converging on a single point straight into the wall. Steam billows out from the collision covering the hallway.

"Hahaha, no matter how strong you get. Ice will be no match to the radiance of my light." The steam slowly disperses leaving the scene of an almost melted through wall of ice with Damien no where to be seen. Jared panics and tries to locate him but a five feet tall ice fist takes him by surprise. Blasting him straight through the walls of the classroom.

Back to the classroom

Damien holds his hand out and clenches it at Jared. The ice road underneath Jared rose up quickly covering him from the neck down in ice.

"Cooldown for a bit" Damien deems this his victory and makes his way back out the hole in the wall. Seemingly looking for someone.

"You think this is over?!" An intense light converges in the belly of Jared. It then shoots out blasting the ice covering him in the air. The light then hits the back of Damien propelling him forward before landing on his hands and knees. Damien quickly recovers from the shock and makes his entire right arm into an ice lance. Running towards Jared who has his light finger like a gun raising it towards Damien.


The shattered ice spreads about with a particularly big piece headed towards the sleeping Moca. The male royalty notices this and tries to protect her. 'Come on! Use your power! She's in danger! No, I can't risk showing it yet. Not now.' Raising his fist and smashing it towards the ice. He manages to break it up into pieces but his arm becomes shocked with pain from the head-on collision. He crouches down in anguish as he caresses his arm. Unknowingly, a small piece of ice flies at the girl, heading towards her face. Before it could hit her, a tiny spark lit off, disintegrating it.

"WHO THE FUCK DISTURBED MY SLEEP!?!" Thunder is heard as the sleeping beauty turned into a thunder witch out of nowhere. Lightning streaks across her body as the desk she was previously sitting at turns to charred lumber. Her eyes raised in anger, scanning the room. She looks at the two individuals known as the Chilling Star and Photon Star about to duke it out without knowing of the Shocking Star they awakened.

Shocking Star was known as a discrete individual who has assisted in fighting the Elemental Shadows due to her element's destructive force. No one knew who she was, just that she was one of the royalty and always wore a mask into battle.

She raised her hand in the air above the two creating an electric cloud.

"Moca! No!" Griselda runs in with a bag to see the transformed Moca, with her hand in the air.

But it was too late as Moca dropped it. Thunder rained down on Damien and Jared. BOOM!

Electrifying them to their very core, they drop to the ground, charred like her desk.

Griselda immediately moves into action. Summoning two big orbs of water and engulfing both of the still intact bodies of Damien and Jared. She glares at them. 'They just HAD to do some dumb shit' Slowly, their bodies stopped looking like they're out of moisture and regained their breathing. She immediately dropped them to the ground and proceeded to skip towards Moca.


"Moca~. I have your favorite~" Moca immediately turns back from her thunder witch form into the little girl from before.

"Yay, gimme" Griselda hands the bag over to Moca and notices the boy on the ground in pain along with the shattered ice. Piecing together the situation. She then envelops his arm in water soothing it.

"Thank you, for protecting Moca. Ermm, what's your name?" The boy's anguished expression slowly goes away and answered.

"Draydon, Draydon Zrados" The boy answers back. "Thank you for healing me." Griselda just smiles back. Then she turns around to Moca.

"Say, thank you, to Draydon" She says like a mother to a child. This causes Moca to mumble while she takes the food she was cutely nibbling on out of her mouth. "Louder~"

"............Thank ..........you" Moca then proceeds back to nibbling her food, which was squid. 'Oh, the staple food in Pharos' thinks Draydon as he looks at Moca. Griselda gently plays with Moca's hair while thinking, 'Hah, what am I going to do with you?'

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