《The Special Forces》Volume 1 Chapter 4: The Great Escape


Volume 1 Chapter 4: The Great Escape

Just as the battle between Axe and Bradwarden was about to reach it’s peak, an explosion rattled outside the Arena and interrupted them.

“Everyone! Please calm yourselves and exit through the emergency doors.”

The manager of the Arena shouted and took control of the situation in order to stop the panic.

He led everyone towards the backside of the arena and started evacuating the spectators out.

As everyone was leaving, a person in a hood ran over to the two gladiators.

“My name is Nazgrel and I’m from the army, we have been watching over you and believe that the explosion outside is part of a plan by the Empire to capture you. Please follow me so we can escape.”

As the hooded fellow motioned for them to follow, Axe refused to and stopped him.

“Why should Axe trust you? You don’t look like a soldier, how should Axe believe that you are from the army?”

“I am not a soldier but a scout, a spy you could say. We have been watching over you because we wanted to recruit you.”

Nazgrel replied to them and showed them his insignia, the badge for the Reconnaissance Company.

“Hmmm, I shall believe you stranger but our style of fighting does not fit an army, why would you recruit us.”

They finally managed to reach outside, only to be met by raging infernos that set the houses ablaze.

Nazgrel spotted 10 soldiers all with armors that had no identification and guessed they were from the Empire.

“I don’t have much time to explain, let’s just say you two are gonna be part of something greater than an army.”

Nazgrel then pointed out to the soldiers and said:

“See those soldiers? They are after you. We need to hide until reinforcements come and rescue us.”


“Hide? Axe does not hide! Axe fights!”

Just as Nazgrel turned around to run, Axe suddenly rushed towards the enemy with his axe raised high.

“That fool! You can’t fight them alone!”

Bradwarden was forced to follow Axe as he was worried that he would get himself killed but that was proven unfounded.

Axe jumped right in the middle of the enemy and started ravaging them with devastating hits from his great-axe.

“HAHAHA, Come to Axe!”

He managed to kill 4 of the 10 before Bradwarden arrived to help him kill the rest.

“You done showing off? Let’s go, there are more incoming according to reports from my comrades.”

Nazgrel led them away from the center of the city and made their way south.

“How do you know there are more incoming? Do you have some sort of Skill?”

Bradwarden questioned Nazgrel as they were weaving throughout the alleys.

“I have a hawk hovering around the city. I can use a Skill to make me see what my hawk sees. Get ready, there are 5 approaching in our direction in that intersection.”

They waited and ambushed the patrol with a Stomp from Bradwarden that stunned them.

“Taste my steel!”

Bradwarden used his own axe to kill all 5 with a single blow and they continued on their escape.

“Axe noticed that they are burning the houses. Who are these people?”

“They’re from the Empire, they’re here for two things. You two and to destroy this city.”

“Why would they do that? And where are the guards of this city?”

Centaur asked Nazgrel as he managed to kill two more of the enemy soldiers.

“They managed to inflitrate the city by posing as tourists to watch the fights. They smuggled in armor and weapons and killed the guards.”


Nazgrel stopped in a park and near a boulder, retrieved a greatsword buried near it.

“Prepare yourselves, we might need to fight our way out of the city, the gate is guarded by about 50 soldiers.”

“Then when we reach the gate, I shall use a Skill of mine. I can increase the movespeed of my allies and everyone we hit will get stunned.”

“Axe will jump in, Axe can kill all of them with my axe!”

Bradwarden and Axe discussed a plan with Nazgrel until they reached the gate.

“Axe shall go in first then! Come to me!”

Axe ran straight into the enemy troops and taunted them while counter-attacking with his axe.

Centaur activated his skill and also ran into the middle, using both his hooves and his axe to wreak havoc on the enemy ranks.

Nazgrel stayed on the fringes of the battle, picking off stray soldiers while shouting warning to the two about what he could see from his hawk.

Axe and Bradwarden stood side-by-side and destroyed the formation of the enemy and managed to reach the enemy captain.

“You will get nothing! Good day sir!”

Axe smashed down on the captain with his axe, killing him in one strike.

This opened up a path to safety and the three of them ran out of the city.

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