《The Special Forces》Volume 1 Chapter 5: The Rendezvous


Volume 1 Chapter 5: The Rendezvous

“General, I have received a message from Nazgrel. They have escaped the city and are hiding in a homestead 1.7 kilometers southeast.”

A scout approached the General and relayed a message that was sent by Nazgrel with one of his hawks that were trained for communication.

“Send a rider ahead to inform Fadlan and the Dragon Corps about their whereabouts. We will meet them there.”

As the scout left to do as he was told, the assistants of the General approached him and asked questions.

“General, did they really attack Nazir just so we are denied the chance of recruiting the warriors? I do not think that diverting men from the war just to kill some few above average people is worth it.”

“Judging by the fact that they sent an army instead of assassins, the gladiators are probably not their main goal in the takeover.”

“Also, the takeover of the city is not gonna last long. They are in unfamiliar territory and dispatching an army is easy for us due to how close Nazir is to our base. This points to the fact that this might be an in and out operation. General, is there something of value in Nazir that we do not know about?”

The General was shocked for a moment but then shook his head and laughed.

“I am truly lucky to have such insightful and smart assistants. If the Battlegrounds is the most recognizable place in Nazir, then the Library is the second. It is to scholars what the Battlegrounds are to warriors. There are rumors that the Library houses an artifact that could help in the war. Even I am unsure of the truthfulness of this rumors but this must be what the Empire is after.”


“Then we need to hurry up and retake Nazir General. We cannot let the Empire take the Library if an artifact is indeed there.”

“Don’t be too hasty. An old friend guards the library and I’m sure that he can hold it for at least a week.”

And thus the army marched towards Nazir preparing to recapture it from the invaders.

“So, was I right about the artifact?”

“Yes, you have been a great help to us.”

“Then does this mean I get to be an adviser for the Empire now? I’ve provided you with information about their plans, it’s time for you grant your promise.”

“Of course, go to the capital. The minister will grant you what you want.”

“I can’t go yet. If they notice I’m missing they might be suspicious. I’ll go there when I get the chance.”

As the man left, the one who remained suddenly scowled.

‘You really think I will make a traitor into an adviser? When you go to the capital I’ll have you killed so you don’t get a chance to betray us too.’

It was evening. Fadlan and the corps where rushing towards the city when they received the whereabouts of Nazgrel and the rescued fighters. They turned around and were near the farm when they were ambushed by a patrol of common soldiers.

“Really? You lot seek to stop the Dragon Corps? This is a waste of our time.”

Fadlan’s first lieutenant, Fealryc complained as the Corps proceeded to wipe the floor with the enemy soldiers.

“It can’t be helped, you don’t send elites out patrolling.”

Fadlan’s second lieutenant, Emma responded as she pulled her sword out of the chest of the captain of the enemy patrol.

“Good job, we are pretty near the homestead according to this map, everyone stay here. I’ll approach alone so I can avoid enemy patrols. I’ll meet them and bring them here and we will wait for the General and his army outside the city. I’ll leave the Corps to you two.”


“Sir, yes sir!”

The corps saluted which Fadlan returned before he left.

“Captain, I need to go relieve myself. Can I go towards the woods?”

“Do it fast, we need to move in 6 minutes.”

The soldier moved towards woods and was about to lower his pants when he saw movement on the woods.

“Who’s there?”

He shouted out loud while unsheathing his sword. He moved further into the woods and unsheathed his sword.

“I know I saw you. Come out with your hands up and-”

That was all he could say before a dagger pierced his skull and instantly killed him.

“Shit, I need to hurry. The people he’s with will notice he’s gone.”

Fadlan dragged the body behind a rock and retrieved his dagger from the corpse. He started running towards the homestead and arrived there with no problems which he found unsettling.

“The Empire’s dead.”

“Long live the Kingdom.”

When Fadlan mentioned the code word, Nazgrel walked out and said the response.

“My name’s Fadlan, Captain of the Dragon Corps. Are you Nazgrel?”

“I am Nazgrel. I have heard of the Dragon Corps and all their glory. It is an honor to have you come get us.”

Fadlan explained the plan of meeting the General outside the city and Nazgrel called out to the two warriors.

“Bradwarden, Axe, we need to leave. The General probably needs us to retake the city.”

“Axe is awake. Axe is ready to leave and fight!”

“Calm yourself, we still need to wait for the Kingdom’s army.”

The two gladiators emerged from the darkness and they prepared to move out.

“Well then, let’s get out of here. My soldiers are waiting for us.”

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