《The Special Forces》Volume 1 Chapter 3: The Gladiators


Volume 1 Chapter 3: The Gladiators

“Ha! You call yourself Axe? My blade sings as it cuts you!”

“Come to me Bradwarden! You inferior beast!”

Two muscular figures carrying massive battle axes squared off in the field of battle.

One was red-skinned with heavy scars all over his body, and bulging muscles.

Another was a half man half beast, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. A so called centaur.

Both were fighting an exhibition match for the largest Arena of the continent, the Battlegrounds of Nazir.

As the Bradwarden circled aroung the arena looking for an opening, Axe disappeared and suddenly appeared right next to the centaur and taunted him.

“Is that all you’ve got Centaur? The beggars in the streets hit harder than you!”

As Bradwarden started hitting Axe, he started counterattacking, spinning with his axe whenever he was hit.

However, Bradwarden seemed to take no damage and ignored the attacks made by Axe.

“Your attacks tickle me Axe, try harder!”

Axe’s axe seemed to bounce off the skin of the centaur and in fact, it seemed to damage Axe due to it’s toughness.

The two continued the fight, unaware of the eyes, both malicious and hopeful, watching them.

The General picked up the reports and started reading about all the people his scouts have found to have some sort of skill that might prove of use to the war.

”Well they’re talented no doubt. I didn’t know there are so many people with such special talents exist.”

One of his assistants spoke up and handed another set of reports to him.

“They’re not the only talent we have seen. New reports have come in and far in the north, there is a bar frequented by people skilled in hand-to-hand fighting . In the deserts, a woman with extreme with fire may be promising and the Temple of Xin and his apprentices might be of help. Amanda also found young talent in the south, one of which is the abandoned son of Lord Taren Ross."


"If his son is there, that means his twin sister should be there too right?"

"Yes, it seems that he is the servant of his sister."

The General took out a profile of Erica and started reading it.

"Well, we need to expend efforts in recruiting Ms. Erica Ross, it seems she is one of the best young talent we have."

Just as the General finished the report, one of his guards entered and saluted.

“General! There is a person outside claiming to be a captain of the Royal Guard sent by the King.”

“Let him in, I have been expecting him.”

The soldier led the man inside and he introduced himself.

“Good morning General, my name is Fadlan. I am the captain of the Second Squad of the Royal Guard, the Dragon Corps. His Highness sent me and my troops to help you in the execution of your plan.”

“I have heard of you Fadlan, one of the best and the most trusted by the king himself. You made your name in the fight against the Terror of The Tide did you not? A pleasure to have you here.”

While they were about to talk about his plan, another messenger barged in and relayed a message to the General.

“General! It seems the Empire is about to make a move towards the Battlegrounds of Nazir. The scouts there are requesting aid in order to secure the gladiators!”

“Damn! Fadlan how long will it take you to reach the City of Nazir?”

“Don’t worry, we are the fastest squad in the army due to my Skill, we can reach Nazir in an hour and a half. ”

“Then I will be right behind you, lead the way Captain.”

The General and Fadlan rushed outside and started preparing to move to rescue the gladiators.

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