《Ramblings of a Bored man》Chapter 4 : History.. sucks.


--Chapter 4--

Dab me hallo!

It yer man, the manliest, smartest man, chen-chen!

Topic, topic… what is it about?

Let’s talk about.. my world, the one that I came from, I guess…

So, according to the author, you came from a world where you haven’t converted to solar only yet, and never got a human landing on mars.

Tsk tsk, shame on you, and you dare judge me while being so technologically braindead? Tsk..

Shut up chen boy, speak about your world. I hear you saying.


If I were to describe the daily life, it would be…

Flying neon-lighted cars.

Human-like robots.

Huge towers.

And my university.

By ‘my’, do you mean the one you stay at?

Nooooo… I built it, before I died, it took the top 2nd university.

Just if I was able to live longer, I’d have been able to get it to first, damnit.


“Connecting… Done. Welcome, Violett Blue.”

What? Isn’t that too early? We haven’t passed the first page yet..

Cool down? What do you mean cool down, I’m fiiineee..

.. actually, I’m not, I need Violett..

So, once again, I appear in this new world… In the middle of the air.

Right.. I got disconnected in the middle of my flight, did I not?

Looking below me, I notice that the trees have changed, all up to the mountain, but not on the trees on the mountains themselves.


Because the golden statue’s range is just before the start of the mountain.

Anyhow, trees, done, now for metals.

Oh.. I seem to be falling…



With a kick in the air, I’m blown even further at the mountain, and finally falling in the correct position.

Bending my knees, I brace for impact.. except for the fact that I started floating like a feather before reaching the ground.

Chen boy, where imps go?

After their jobs are done, they disperse, and all the items in their inventories are sent to mine.


Do I make dwarves?

I need some good species who can make use of the metals… but I fear that they will secretly assimilate weapons and then wage war for conquest.. for no reason.

‘Tis the nature of people, after all.

How about.. I create a species that is 100% loyal to me, and they will oversee whatever is happening.

Yes yes, and they will definitely do their mission, so the first one of them will make sure that weapons aren’t being assimilated in secret, only in moderation, since I will produce monsters, hehe.

Actually, why not make a dungeon?

Yes yes, later, though.

Too much planning and no actions, I need to stop that..

Anyhow, I need to start mining, so I create a Mana Pickaxe.

And a shovel.

… or just use Earth Manipulation to open a cave and look for the veins.

What an idiot, I am.

After that, I just expose a vein, and start mining.

-Acquired Corromium Ore x1

-Acquired Corromium Ore x1

Now then, time to ‘Smelt’ the ores.. or just use magic to instantly separate their impurities.

The best Corromium is a pure Corromium, unlike other metals.

Now using the ‘Crafting’ skill, I turn my first bar, combined with this high quality wood, into a hammer.

Then, I enchant it with unbreakable-ness, although it is incredibly resilient, under so much pressure and power, it can break.

...or not..

Corromium is known as the naturally unbreakable element, but that is only after it has become a tool or so, then channeled with large amounts of mana.

So, it was all for naught.


Anyways, I expose the other veins around the mountain, and with that, I’m ready.

Trees, check.

Veins and caves, check.

Water, check.

All I need to do is spawn them, and wait.

…. Before that, I need to make up the new species’ name.

The one that will prevent war and such.


Hmm, let’s just make them humans but will serve me as long as they live.

No chance of betrayal, no siree.

I spawn one in front of me right now.

It is.. an adult man with sullen face, wearing a white tuxedo.

His black, disheveled hair, and brown eyes burning with passion, and a height of 180cm, he looked ideal for the job.

“As you command, master.”

“Good good, I’ll just transmit my thoughts to you, so no misunderstandings could be made.”

Now I just give him what I think of.

Basically, if they assimilate the weapons near the beach, and keep guard there, he will do nothing, unless they wish to attack each other.


If invaders somehow capture the place, he is free from his work, and could join me wherever I was.

Giving him 10 thousand stats, and a couple of great skills, I made sure that he is the ready for his job.

But chen boy, why would you make him go and not protect the island? Doesn’t it have incredibly overpowered stuff?

But.. you know, once the invaders come close, the trees with catch on fire, the mountain will become a volcano and erupt, and the statue will melt and turn into molten stone, rather than gold.

I’m not so generous that I’d let them take over my island, ya’know?

But chen, what if they secretly take over the island?

The calamity will still happen, also, I forgot to say.. after the volcano erupts, flaming sprites and golems, so they shall pay dearly.

But chen, what happens if there are prisoners, or the disaster ends?

They only have themselves to blame, I gave them an overpowered forest, overpowered metals, and overpowered land, then they lose it?


They should be ashamed and pay with their dear lives.

So.. yeah, it is all or nothing, literally.

But chen, how does it detect the invaders or fighting or so?

The immortal follower, Fallo, which I created just now, has the ability to split into 5, at the cost of splitting his stats as well, so he can be everywhere at any time.

Now then..

I guess the writer will disconnect me now?


Ahh, what a shame.. I wanted to play more.

Speak about your history, says the writer.

Fine fine, but I don’t really remember well, ya’know?

Let’s see.. let me tell you a true story, in my world, that is.

About 50 years before I died, a new war erupted.

More accurately, a civil war.

The two factions, Planes with Faces and Birds with Hands fought each other due to the Planes winning the election by using faked votes.

But chen boy, where did this civil war occur?

I think it was in.. Norway?

Anyways, thousands died, they kept fighting until Advius Russius, Russia’s leader, decided to nuke them.

By the way, we achieved totally green nukes, so as long as we have reason, we can nuke the world.

Of course, he warned both factions before, and also tried to mediate them, actually, more countries tried, but with no luck, so all of them unanimously agreed to nuke it, resulting in the devastation of Norway.

But chen boy, what is the catch?

Well… we fucked up.

The nuke somehow gave one of the survivors superpowers, and the Nut Man was born.

I’m not going to describe him now, no siree, but I can tell you that compared to kite man, he is definitely falling rather than floating or flying.

So.. yeah, that is some nice history, isn’t it?

But chen boy, what happened to Norway?

It gor occupied by the nearest countries, heh.

Oops, looks like time is up, wish I could have played more… sigh..


Wait, before you go, can you just go jump off that bridge? I REALLY need those souls for my-

--Chapter 4 end--

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