《Origins of Void.》Chapter Nine - Ambiances Part Two


The sun gently gazed upon a large temple just outside the castle of Avalon, the shrine comprised of a Japanese type of architecture would appear to be empty, apart from a few figures standing just outside the temples door. Areyth, standing just below the steps to the shrine gently held Alina in her arms, the blood from her wound had dried up, as she lay in Areyth’s arms, her small hands gently clutching the hems of Areyth’s dress. A rather petite lady stood at the doorway, wearing a snow white kimono, her long, jet black hair hung down to her ankles, her light green eyes gazing at Alina as she spoke.

“Oh my…It seems she has been injured…Please, come inside and I will heal her” The female spoke as she stepped aside, waving her hand gently as Areyth walked passed her into the shrine.

“Thank you for taking your time to see her…Scarlet…” Areyth spoke softly as she laid Alina down on a futon, gently brushing her golden hair out of her face as she kneeled before her.

“It’s quite alright, she is my sister after all” Scarlet spoke as she too kneeled in front of Alina, holding a small, silver flask of water in her hands. “May I ask what had happened to her?”

“Well…I took her to go see the lake just outside the castle and…Arlos appeared out of nowhere and attacked us…” Areyth spoke softly as she held Alina’s hand, letting out a gentle sigh.

“I thought Arlos lost his life in battle six months ago…” Scarlet spoke softly as she unscrewed the lid of the flask, gently pouring some of the water into the palm of her hand.

“I did too…But he was dressed in a large suit of black armour…It was strange…He was allot different than the man I once loved…I fear that he had been possessed” Areyth spoke softly as she looked up at Scarlet.


“I see…Well, he must have been…I can sense a rather repulsive aura seeping from both of you, it seems you were tainted…But don’t worry, Ill purge it before it will cause you any harm” Scarlet spoke softly as she tipped the handful of water onto Alina’s wound, the glowing water would instantly heal the wont upon impact. The water would then evaporate into thin air afterwards.

“There…Her wounds are healed” Scarlet spoke softly as she placed the flask down next to her as she gently placed her hand on Alina’s forehead. “It seems that the impact did cause some internal damage…I don’t think I will be able to heal her any further…”

“So that’s why she said she couldn’t see…The force of the impact most likely caused her to lose her sight…” Areyth spoke softly as she looked at Alina, who was just waking up.

“I think so…” A gentle sigh escapes Scarlet’s rosy lips as she spoke, looking down at Alina as she tried to sit up.

“W…Where am I?..” Alina spoke gently as she placed her hand on her head, still dazed from the impact. “A…Areyth…Are you there…”

“I’m here sweetie…You’re at the shrine right now…Scarlet is healing your wounds…But she won’t be able to give you back your sight…I’m sorry…Its…My fault...” Areyth spoke softly, gripping Alina’s hand as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Sis…It’s not your fault…”Alina spoke gently as she looked up at Areyth, laying back on the bed as she gripped Areyth’s hand.

“It is…If I were strong enough I could have protected you…I’m weak…” Areyth muttered, wiping the tears from her eyes as she gazed down at Alina.

“You’re not weak. In fact you have powers that you can’t even imagine…It seems something within you has awakened…If you learn to tame it then you will grow stronger…” Scarlet spoke softly as she looked up at Areyth.


“What do you mean?...” Areyth raised an eyebrow as she spoke, rather shocked at what Scarlet had said, not having any recollections of what had happened when she saved Alina.

“I would not know, that is for you to find out. But the power within you is on par with a Holy Knights…Its very odd. No member of the Royal family has had such abilities” Scarlet spoke gently as a gentle smile crawled across her features.

“A Holy Knight? You have to be kidding me…There is no way I could possess such a power…” Areyth spoke softly, rather surprised at what Scarlet said.

“Its true” Scarlet spoke softly, the image of her starting to ripple like a puddle of water, soon her voice flooded out by the faint melody of a distant piano. Causing Areyth to shake off the though, the memory of what had happened ten years ago.

A gentle sigh escaped Areyth’s lips as she reached for the faucet, turning it off as the flowing water seized. Her naked form still dripping wet with the warm water as she slowly stepped out of the shower, reaching for a large, white towel. Slowly placing it against her form as the fabric soaked up the water, gently drying off her figure as she wrapped the towel around her curvy body. Lifting her hands up behind her neck she would grip the long strands of ebony hair that hung down to her mid-section, slowly ringing out her hair and wrapping another smaller towel around it to soak up the excess water.

“I’ve really got to stop doing that…I always seem to reminisce when I’m in the shower…” She spoke in a soft tone as she walked out of the large bathroom, opening the wooden door that lead into her private quarters.

Walking into her chambers she would look around the large room, the walls endowed with dark blue and black markings declining down the walls to the soft carpets. A large bed sat against the wall of the large room. Lined with an azure cloth that would hang off of the edges of the bed, several pillows would decorate the head of the bed, resting against a large, simple headboard.

At the other end of the room a large window would look out into the courtyard below, cerulean drapes would hang across the window. Sitting in the corner of the room a large case would hold a suit of shining silver armour, resting next to it a long katana would sit inside its sheath.

“Hmm…” Areyth sighed ever so gently as she looked around the room, her hands crossed over her chest, holding up her bust as a few droplets of water would drip off of her skin. Walking over to the bed where a set of clothes would rest on its surface, neatly folded sitting next to a pair of lingerie.

Slowly she would drop the towel onto the ground, revealing her naked form as she began to dry herself off, taking the smaller towel off of her head as her still wet hair would drop down gently, using the towel to dry the remaining water from her hair. After completely drying herself, she would then proceed to get dressed.

“Hmm…I wonder if she is still awake…” Areyth spoke softly as she dressed herself. Now wearing a dark blue dress, matching the colour of her azure eyes, the hems of the dress lined with black to match her long, elegant strands of hair.

“I should go check on her…”

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