《Origins of Void.》Chapter Ten - An Unfolding Story


The soft tune of the piano would gently melt away the silence; the blissful melody would swiftly caress the ambiance of the night. The moons gentle hue would gaze upon the top of a hefty, black piano that sat next to a large window. Sitting atop the piano a small candle would light up the area in its tender bask, the small flame dancing quietly, as if it were in rhythm with the tune of the piano’s harmony.

Slender fingertips would trace along the keys of the piano, gently pressing upon them as they glide up and down the keyboard, its calm tune bringing a tranquil feeling upon the room’s atmosphere, yet the glimmering hint of sorrow would tickle its way through the melody.

The figure sitting at the piano would perch themselves upon a small, black stool of which they sat on as they played the soft tune. A trivial smile upon their features, letting the music envelop their very being. Her long, smooth golden hair would gently hand over her shoulders, resting upon her curvy chest and stopping mid-way down their back. Her form endowed in a graceful, pinkish-white coloured dress, the hems of the clothing would stop at their wrists and knees, a rather simple attire made from soft, breathable fabric.

Another figure would sit upon a large couch near the piano, sitting on the couch with her legs crossed over and a book in her lap. Her willowy fingers gently brushing aside the pages as her azure eyes gazed upon the books contents. Her long, jet black hair tied up ever so immaculately, a thin red ribbon holding it in a small bun. A few loose strands hanging over her face, gently brushing up against her pale skin as she listens to the sweet melody of the piano. Slowly closing the book as the female looked over to the one sitting at the piano, a gentle smile upon her rosy lips as she spoke in a kind tone.


“You’ve gotten really good at playing haven’t you, Alina?” The female spoke as she placed the book upon a large table that sat in front of the couch. Slowly standing up as she approaches the Alina, who was still playing the piano.

“Yea…It was hard for me to begin playing again after I lost my sight, but as you told me, I shouldn’t give up…” Alina spoke softly as she continued playing the piano, smiling softly as the female wraps her arms around her neck, resting her chin on Alina’s shoulder, gently hugging her from behind as she lets out a soft chuckle as she spoke.

“Well, I think you have gotten allot better ever since, your music is allot more…Sensual…”

A soft blush crawled upon Alina’s features as she looked away, her hands moving away from the piano keys. “T…That’s not true…Areyth”

“It is sweetie…You have grown up allot since then…You and I both” Areyth chuckles softly as she gently kisses Alina’s cheek, her soft lips pressing against her rosy cheeks.

“Wha...What was that for?” Alina spoke softly, her face beet red as she looked away, rather embarrassed.

“No reason, I just love it when you get embarrassed, you are just so cute” Areyth chuckled softly as she whispered into Alina’s ear.

“Y…You know I don’t like being teased…” Alina muttered, shivering slightly as Areyth whispered in her ear, her warm breath hitting her soft, sensitive skin.

“You two are so indecent…” Another voice would speak, accompanied by a figure sitting on a small chair near the window. Her short, curly brown hair would bounce softly as she looks up. A large book sitting on her lap. The female wore a pair of glasses, hiding her light yellow eyes, her cheeks covered in small freckles. Wearing a dark blue pair of pants and a short, black t-shirt that gently grasped her bust.


“How long have you been there?” Areyth muffled as she stood up, pulling away from the hug as she looked over to the woman sitting on the chair.

“The whole time. You know I always come here to listen to Alina’s music while I read” The female spoke softly as she closed the book, letting out gentle sigh as she fixed her glasses, placing her slender fingertips upon the rim of the glasses.

“That’s true. But most of the time you are so quiet that it’s like you are not even there, Shey. And most of the time you are usually in Abby’s room” Areyth spoke gently, placing her hand on her hip as she looked at Shey.

“Abigail is sleeping right now; I didn’t want to disturb her” Shey spoke in a soft tone as she placed the large book on a stool that sat next to the chair. “By the way…I sense an...Odd presence nearby…”

Just outside the castle, ontop of one of the guard towers a figure would stand merged with the shadows the black figure would look upon the castle. A long pole in their hands, with a slightly curved blade at its end, dripping with blood. The guard that was stationed at the tower laid dead on the floor, his head missing, only to be seen hanging from the hands of the one who murdered him. A sanguine voice would then speak.

“Now the fun begins”

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