《Door to Nowhere (On hold for a remake)》Chapter 6


“Why did you decide to help me Rosary?” At this point, I didn’t care if she was just a figment of my imagination. If this was a story that my mind concocted and I was secretly the cause of everything then at the very least I may as well play around. Things seemed to have gotten way more interesting, albeit scary, actually scratch that downright horrifying. But at last, there was something that seemed significant.

“It felt wrong what they were doing.” She responded meekly.

Wasn’t she supposed to be like them though? Demonic like beings with tentacles or whatever? Why would she be so different from them that she would choose a stranger over them? That thought reminded me of when I first saw her, so lonely, so beautiful. She had seemed different somehow even then.

“Can you change yourself the way they did?” She shook her head, “No, they were born of Beelzebub, I was not. I am a child of the Late Lady Weyden. Former ruler of the Forest of Beelzebub though back then it was called the Forest of Youth. Those Fae are Fae born from Beelzebub after Beelzebub killed Lady Weyden.” She looked at me with a forlorn look, as if the question had scrounged up terrible memories, or at least memories left forgotten. I wanted to know more, why were the Fae so different from her? Why would changing a ruler change how a creature was born? But looking at those eyes, eyes that looked as if they were fighting back a deluge I couldn’t help but stop myself from asking any more.

“Thank you, Rosary, you don’t need to tell me more. I would have died if you hadn’t warned me.” She was so brave, looking back on it if I were in her shoes would I have gone so far for someone that I barely knew just because I felt it was wrong? I’d like to think I would but deep down I feel like I wouldn’t have cared. Or if I had cared it wouldn’t have been enough.


The conversation lulled down then, both of us exhausted, I got myself some food to finally lull the hunger, and I tried to sleep, though the fear of returning to that dream before made it hard.

“You know Daniel, Lady Weyden isn’t going to be happy if we keep her waiting!” I seemed to be in a dream. In the dream, I was much younger I couldn’t have been even 10, why didn’t I remember any of this? It all felt so Nostalgic. I was running around with a group, a boy with chestnut brown hair, ghostly grey eyes seemed to be clinging to my younger self as if scared. He was the one who had made the comment about Lady Weyden.

“Hah Lady Weyden doesn’t scare me.” My younger self retorted, before getting whacked by a young girl with blonde hair and, her face seemed to have taken on a highly irate look. This girl didn’t seem quite human she had a puffy tail that matched her hair and feline with blue feline-like eyes.

“You better give the Lady more respect then that Daniel!” She responded, her cute contorting in an aggressive manner. Behind the girl was another girl, shy, quiet, she had an almost mystical quality. The air seemed to hum around the young girl, her eyes pale grey matched her platinum hair. Oddly enough her eyes stared at me. “Daniel, why are you watching us from over there?” The girl asked her face perturbed, Could the girl see me?

Little me groaned as if tired of something, “Clair I’m right here not over there.” He seemed pretty intent on just ignoring the cat-like girl, an action that had probably been meant to spite the young woman. It worked, her face contorted in anger and she pounced onto him, “Don’t just ignore me, DUMMY!” She yelled as she wrestled with him.


“You’re so scary Bell.” The younger me responded grinning like an idiot as he engaged the girl in wrestling. “I’ll beat you this time Daniel” Bell, the cat girl, or at least that’s kind of what she looks like said the look of anger was gone. Instead, she was also grinning like an idiot. “Stop it you two!” Whined the young man who had been clinging to me earlier.

“Sebastian,” Little me grunted as he tried to exert himself over the girl, “I can’t back out now.” It seemed that the young me had successfully rolled himself on top of the girl named Bell. Clair stared at me for a moment longer before jumping into the younger me. “No fair two on one isn’t fair.” Clair giggled and Bell got a devilish look on her face, “Save me, Sebastian!” Little me yelled playfully.

I turned away from the group of kids as the sound of walking came from behind me. A muscular panther looking man was walking up the road, his face like an unreadable stone wall. Covered in Black fur the only thing he wore was a pair of trousers. “Children,” the man growled, “Lady Weyden has issued a summons, it would be unwise to make her wait.” The man was incredibly muscular even being covered entirely by fur one could see that he was a powerful lean man who was best not trifled with.

Bell was the first to respond, her tail momentarily scuffed out as if panicked. “Yes, sir Pan.” The rest followed after, I tried to follow, but the scene had ended and I found myself awake in my room. Was that a dream? It felt so nostalgic and yet I couldn’t remember any of it. Why? It felt so real, if I had a childhood like that would I have been happier?

They all were so familiar, looking over to the canvas I distinctly got the feeling that if I wanted to know more, if I were to break away from this Apathetic shell that I called life, that that canvas was the answer to it. The urge came back, but for the moment I stifled the feeling and instead closed my eyes.

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