《Door to Nowhere (On hold for a remake)》Chapter 5


The apartment got eerily quiet after Emma left, strangely enough, I felt myself wishing that she hadn't left. As if reading the tension in the air Rocky waltzed into my lap and started purring. What the hell is going on? First I find myself in a cave, get chased around by Fairy-like creatures.

What did I do to deserve this, before I could think any further on the matter the phone that I had forgotten for so long started ringing? Tentatively I reach for the phone doing the best I could to try not to disturb Rocky. Momentarily blinded by its light I could see that the message icon had popped up with Emma’s name, "Don’t you forget that we’re hanging out tomorrow." It said.

God, she’s so nosy.

"Are you talking about that girl that was just here?" A melodic voice asked from seemingly nowhere. “Who’s there?”

A beautiful red-haired woman showed up in front of me, her face giving me a perplexed look, though she was much too small to be a normal human it was Rosary. I couldn’t help but be surprised what was she doing here? “It’s me Rosary.”

“Where are we?”

At this point Rocky had taken notice of the little girl, his eyes stared intently as if planning his next meal, Rosary definitely seemed out of place and still a little frightened. But then again, I couldn’t blame her. I’m honestly surprised that we made it out of that. “We’re in Seattle,”

“Seattle?” She tilted her head as if unsure of what I meant. But then her face lit up as if realizing something. “Are we in Elsewhere?!”

“Huh? What are you talking about Rosary?”

Elsewhere? What kind of name for a place is that? Rosary flapped over to my art stand there was something strange about the canvas; the page was empty as if I had never laid my brush or pen to it. Where did the painting go? As soon as Rosary touched the Canvas colors started pouring back into it as if hiding.


The scene I had initially drawn was gone. Instead, a vast snowy landscape filled the canvas. Snow seemingly untouched except for the one trail leading up to the middle of the page, where what looked like blood seemed to have blended into the snow, as if the snow itself had been used as a canvas.

The scene only lasted for a moment before leaving the canvas blank once again. “Long ago, my grandfather talked about a time when Elsewhere and Nowhere were still connected.” The young woman said, her face still glued on the empty canvas.

“That place that you live is that Nowhere?” I asked,

She looked over to me, her lonely frightened eyes affirming my suspicions. “How did I get there?"

“Grandpa used to tell me that our God would kidnap beings, and bring them to Nowhere.” She said with a little awe.

“Rapientem, lord of Nowhere and god of the Fae.” She looked at me with wonder then, that and fear. “Daniel, if our God took you away from Elsewhere then why are we back?”

I didn’t know, I had felt an itching sensation, like the feeling that something inside me had wished to express itself. It had led me to Nowhere, and later it had led me back. If this is real then how much of it was even of my own will? I clenched my fist; I was angry, pissed even, this didn’t feel like the first time that I had been led around. “Rosary, please turn around,” I mumbled

“Why?” She asked innocently, “I’m going to get some clothes and change.” She cocked her head, “Are you afraid of me seeing you naked still? I’ve seen plenty already though, and I don’t mind, we fae don’t usually wear clothes.” She blushed a moment as if remembering something, "and it’s not as if you’re terrible to look at if you weren’t so big."


Her remark about not wearing clothes reminded me very acutely of her womanly body, though small and foreign from a normal human it seemed almost perfect, her perky breasts covered with just a little crimson made me acutely aware of being a man. Fuck, I could feel it, cheeks growing red, I decided I might just need a little cold water to calm me down.

“Ju-ju-ju-just turn around Rosary.” I stammered out, trying to hide the growing proof of my manhood with my blanket. Rosary also seemed to be embarrassed, as her cheeks were almost as crimson as the feathers on her body, she turned around quickly pretending to inspect the canvas that she was standing on.

I rushed to the bathroom, opening the closet next to it. I grabbed some clothes and shut the door. I felt almost guilty, why did I find myself so aware of her body when she was maybe the size of a doll. I could only imagine some of the names if Emma or anyone else were to find out, and I’m pretty sure pervert would be a pretty tame name among them…

The water from the shower had washed away all the blood, god was I a mess, but strangely enough, the messiest wound seems to be one that should have only been in my dreams five angry red lines which cumulated into a handprint near where my heart would be. What or who was that? It was unlike any dream I’d ever had before, but then again this whole experience is so unreal.

I had just finished changing when all of a sudden I heard a commotion outside, a small feminine scream and more crashing. "Leave me alone beast!"

Outside I was greeted by the sight of my cat Rocky intently chasing around Rosary his tail swishing around excitedly pouncing after rosary as if she were a bird. Seeing the door, open Rosary sped over with tears in her eyes get this beast away from me please she pleaded with me as she latched herself to my neck. The feeling of her breasts again made me acutely aware that she was a woman. That and the sweet, earthy smell that came from her made me almost dizzy.

Rocky ran up to my leg and started meowing persistently "No rocky, stop Rocky." I said to him

"MROW," he said complaining. Finally, I decided that for the moment I would have to lock him in the bathroom.

It was a good couple minutes before I could convince Rosary that things were clear. Though when she finally decided to let go of me, I almost sighed in disappointment.

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