《Aki's Abnormal Life》Chapter 2 - Different world, same life.


Right now, Miyuki and i are in another world. Reason? Because we got teleported from our world. And then, the queen who summon us, Daikra.. uhh.. or whatever her name was, apologized to us because she has troubles us. (Note: Its Daikra Meiko Vanzie.)

Not only our heads hurts like hell, we also have to live in this world for a year.. I hope its a year.

And now, we are inside this castle. We are escort on our way to a certain room. We just follow these two maid's steps properly. As for this castle, all i can see is it just looks exactly like your typical medieval era castle, if you know what i mean.




After a few minutes, those maids stop moving. As expected, we were brought into a certain room. The queen order both of those maids to bring foods to us. After she told them, they bow their head to us. After hearing those orders from the queen, they disappear from our sight.

The queen began to open the door. Inside, i can see a big table. I assumed its a dinner table. I can also see a big painting display near the backseats. I glance at the painting.

Inside the painting, i can see a pink hair woman, who seems to be carrying the baby, sitting next to a man with a blond hair. There is also a little boy with a pink hair inside the picture. He was smiling while standing next to the woman.They all looks happy.

"Oh, that is my family."

The queen told us all a sudden. She realized that i was staring at the painting.

"What happen to them?"

Miyuki asked her. Whoa, Miyuki. You just burn her. The queen just smile at us.

"I will tell you later. Now, let us sit."

She point at one of the chairs. I sit next to Miyuki. The queen sit opposite from our seats. And then, she begin to explain.

"First of all, let me clear this misunderstanding."

The queen's tone begun to sounds serious. Although she is always serious. Both of us is trying our best to pay attention.

"Actually, we didn't intend to summon both of you from your world. Originally, we are trying to summon another person. An important person to us. That means, we have accidentally summoned both of you. I am still sorry about this."

Ohh.. So she didn't even try to summon us. Oh.. I get it..


So we were in this mess because of some summoning accidents?!

"So why must WE got summoned instead?"

The queen look away.

"I don't know the reason why. But, i will try my best to pay my debts."

There she goes again.. The same sweet words to prevent us from asking more unnecessary questions.

All this 'summoning' stuff really sounds complicated. I mean, why they even want that guy to be here? This is really making me confuse.


All a sudden, she said those words.

"About what?"

"Your school uniform."

She point toward our school uniforms. And then, the queen start to chuckle.

"I assumed your world have a facility called 'school', am i right?"

Miyuki and i nodded.

"This is a high school's uniform. We are from a world called the 'Earth', and a country called Japan."

The queen looks surprised. I don't know why she should.

"Oho.. Interesting indeed."

She keeps muttering those words. I wonder what happen to her. And then, her smiles is getting bigger. I guess she have an idea.


A sudden cold reach my back spine. I get this feeling that this is not a good news for me.

"How about this one? I shall allow both of you to attend our kingdom's high school. Then, you won't feel that different from your original world."

Wow! What a fantastic idea. She's right. We got to go to this kingdom's high school so that we won't feel that different from our original world. That must be sweet!


Like hell it is!

I despise school. When i said 'i don't want to be an adventure or anything', i didn't mean it like this. I mean, why we have to go to the school of all things?

Right now, i hope i can be an adventure or anything.


Miyuki looks excited. I don't even understand why she even like that. I utterly hates school.

"Yes. In this kingdom, there is two high schools. Both of you will attend the same high school like me."

She explain to us. So there are two schools. Ohh..

..Hell no. Absolutely no.

"Aki-kun, aren't you excited? Now we can still go to school together. I won't mind.. staying here with you.. forever.."

Miyuki said those words to me while blushing.

Whoa, Miyuki. Stop blushing.

I wasn't excited, i don't like school, and i don't want to stay here forever. I just want my life back. That's all.

But i have to be nice to her, so that she won't make that sad face again.

"Uhh.. Yeah?"

"So i assumed both of you have agreed?"


Miyuki nod. This really doesn't look good. Ahh... I guess i have to accept my unlucky fate. I also nod at her.

"Well then, i want to tell something important to both of you."

The queen's voice started to become serious, once more. Her face also has turns dark. Both of us pay our attention to her.

"In this world, none of the demons and angels like humans. They hate humans, and will do anything to destroy them."

Wow.. Not only we have been accidentally teleported. The residents in this world also hates humans?! How unlucky can we get?

I guess we have been showering with bad lucks since our arrival here.

"Since this world doesn't accept humans, i have one plan. It will guaranteed your safety."

"What plan?"

"Both of you will have to pretend to be a demon. That way, you will be safe from any demons and angels."



"Whoa! Wait a minute. First, we have been accidentally summoned. And second, we have to go to the school while pretending to be a demon?! I don't want to do that."

I disagreed with her decision. I hate to be someone else. Especially if i have to lie throughout my life. It will be a major pain in the ass for me to do.


The queen sighed. I can see that she was disappointed.

"Ara.. Since you seems so dissatisfied, i guess i have no choice. I will let both of you to choose your own choices. Stay here while pretending to be a demon and live, or go outside while staying human and die."

Of course i will choose the latter. I won't think more.

Before i want to choose my own choice, Miyuki stand up. All a sudden, she looks energetic. She stare at the queen and me with passion.

"Both of us will stay here while pretending to be a demon."


Whoa! Wait, wait, wait! You can't just decide that without me. I didn't even agree to this. Oh.. this sucks.

Judging by Miyuki's face, she looks enthusiastic. I guess i have no choice here. If i reject her choice, i guess she will be sad.

Oh well. I guess i have to accept my another unfair fate.

"I guess we have to."

The queen look pleased. Miyuki also looks excited. I don't even know why are we agreed to this.. Before the queen start to open her mouth, i try to ask her something.

"So.. What are we learning at the school?"

The queen looks surprised. Miyuki too.I don't even know why they would surprised.

"Hmm.. languages, writing, maths and science. We also have a gym class."

She stated that. Both of us were surprised. I mean, why the subjects are exactly like the school in our world? Even this whole school business is strange enough.

From what i have seen, this world is exactly like all those fantasy novel have always pictured about. Medieval era, demons, angels, and stuff. So why is there even a school in a middle of a fantasy world?

"If you have been wondering why there is even a school in this kind of world, the answer is simple. Humans from your world are the ones who bring all these school system."

The queen told us that. Its as she was reading all my thoughts. She really is one hell of a queen.

"What? I thought you said demons and angels hates humans."

"Indeed, we do hate humans. Remember, this is a world where demons and angels live. The humans that exist here are all teleported from your world 10 years ago."

"Eh. I didn't know such incident had occurred."

Miyuki looks surprised. I was surprised as well. Damn those humans.. if you guys didn't create this whole school system in the first place, i won't have to go to a school in another world.

Wait, humans got teleported 10 years ago? I guess i'll ask her later.

"Any questions?"

Both of us shake our heads. The queen looks pleased.

'Knock' 'Knock'

Someone's knocking the door. After the queen permitted their entrance, those two maids from the last time bring us foods. Just like what the queen has ordered them to.

Damn.. look at those foods.. they all looks tasty.. I guess i will drool. Before we start to eat, the queen open her mouth.

"Before we start eating, i would like to have your names."

She's directing this question toward us. So it has come down to this, huh?

"I'm Kurozaki Akihime. I'm this girl's childhood friend. Although i do like you to call me Aki."

I told her my name. I rather not to tell her everything about me. Looks like its Miyuki's turn.

"M-my name is Akari Miyuki. N-nice to meet you."

She told her name shyly, while bowing her head. This is what you call a pure innocent and shy character.

"Oh, Kurozaki and Akari. Nice meeting both of you. Well then, we shall dine."

"Oh, and call me 'Meiko'."

After that, we all having a dinner. But seriously, these foods is too good. I hope i can eat a lot of these foods without upsetting my stomach.




After we have eaten, the queen... I mean Meiko, assigned those two maids to us. They would be our own private maids. I got a cool looking cat maid, Ahiro Lucia Mikuri, or Lucia.

Lucia is just your typical cool and spicy glasses 'cat' maid. She has cat's ears and tail, and a pair of yellow eyes. Her hairs was short, and her left eye was covered by a bang, just like that emo guy. (refer to Prologue) Her hair's color was dark blue.

Miyuki got an outgoing pink-haired maid, Starri Shihaya Fumio, or Shihaya.

Right now, Lucia was guiding me to my room. I can say that this castle is pretty huge. I can get lost pretty easily. I also think that i will even lost my way to the toilet.

All a sudden, Lucia say something.

"Listen this, human. Don't get too cocky. I know Daikra-dono has approve your existence, but don't you think i would. I rather die than becoming your servant!"

She said those words with anger. Yeah, i can feel that she is angry. Looks like she has shown her true colors. She was a nice maid a few minutes ago. That.. sneaky.. bastard!

Also, judging by her dialogues, i could say that either she hates me, or hates humans.

"Nah, no need to worry. I won't even ask you to do anything to me. I don't know why you hate me that much, but i do know that i am burdening you. I also rather die than burdening anyone."

She looks more angry. Did i touch a nerve? Whoops.

Man, my speech wasn't even that harsh. Although the last one does seems to hurt her.


Oh no.. And now, i have witness a cat maid turning into a super saiyan. She also walk much faster than me. Looks like she is angry. If i can see her face right now, i'm sure it will be much scarier than my mom's angry face.




After a while, we have arrived into my own room. Lucia open the door with a key. Inside, there is nothing. Its just empty. I can only see a bed, two closets, and a small, rounded window.

When we enter the room, Lucia give the key. Her face does looks scary. Without any words, she left my room.

After she left, i realize that there is a big, red button near the door. It writes with some foreign alphabets, so i can't make any sense of it. Meiko does told us that our alphabets isn't the same. I can only assume that this is what they use to call maids. Although i won't use it.

If i use it, Lucia sure will be much angrier than before. Heck, she will even turn into a super saiyan stage two if i try to talk to her.

Ahh... Forget it.

I throw myself into the bed. Ahh~ This bed.. is too soft~ I can feel that my body is sinking into the bed.

Ahh~ Is this a heaven?


No, this is a hell. We got summoned into this world, and now we have to pretend to be a demon while going to the school.

All of this really sounds like a dream.. Except the school part. That one doesn't make any sense.


I want to play some games.. And even watch anime or reading manga.. (Anime - Japanese cartoons? / Manga - Japanese comics?)

I am so boring..


The queen.. I mean Meiko told us that tomorrow will be our first day going to a school in a fantasy world.

I wonder what kind of school life i will be having inside this fantasy kind of world?

---Author's Note---

Omake // Dinner's conversation (Cover some important parts when they are eating dinner.) Next one!

Sorry if this chapter has too much talking ;-;

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