《Aki's Abnormal Life》Chapter 1 - In another world.


Our life has been so ordinary up until now. Yeah, until now. And then, we got teleported into another world by a girl who doesn't look like a human. Looks like we also have been surrounded by three guys in a black cloak. They also doesn't look like a human.

They were staring at us, surprised by our sudden appearances. Miyuki avert her eyes from them. Me, on the other hand, was unfazed by their gazes since i have used to it.


A sudden pain reach my head. It feels like it will split at any seconds. Since we were teleported from another world with a weird ass method, i assumed it won't be easy. If we were to teleported without warning, our body will sure have to pay a cost. There is no exception.

This is also not a fantasy novel. This is a reality. Although our situations is exactly like a fantasy novel. I glance at Miyuki. Judging by her face, i'll assumed that her head hurts exactly like mine.

I try to ask her.

"Miyuki, are you alright?"

She nodded. I feel relieved. Other than the headaches, she looks physically fine.

"I am sorry for the costs that you have to paid. The faults lies within us."

The girl who apologize to us just now, start to approach us slowly, step by step. Looks like she was watching our well being since our first arrival.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Daikra Meiko Vanzie, the queen of Vanzie."

"Uhh.. you're a queen?"

"Yes, i'm a queen."

"Oh..i see.."

Now that i look at her properly, she does looks like a high class rich character. She has the looks, money, and power. Heck, she also a queen.

After she introduce herself, the silent echoes. Those guys in a black cloaks still staring at us, so i guess they won't say anything. Even the pain is starting to fade away. I guess Miyuki is also the same.


After that, Miyuki, who haven't say any single word since we've arrived, start to ask her a question.

"Where is exactly are we?"

The queen start to chuckle.

"We're in a world where demons and angels lives. This is a kingdom called Vanzie."

"Ohh..a kingdom of Vanzie.."

Miyuki is nodding her head. In shorts, we have been teleported to a world where demons and angels lives..



That's not the point here!!

"So,how do we get back into our world?"

I tried to asked her. I don't want to live in another world. I just want to have an ordinary life like all the other side characters.


The queen had sighed. Her face start to turn dark. This doesn't look good.

"We're really sorry. In order for us to teleport you into your world, we need a magic gem. This magic gem can only be obtain at the city of Lantis, a city that will magically appear once a year. The prices is ridiculously high. Even a royal member like me had a hard time to afford it. But, since this is our fault, we will try our best to give both of you a place to sleep. Give us a year to obtain the magic gem. Until then, both of you will have to stay in this world."



"Wait a minute. You can't be kidding me, right?"

"Unfortunately, i am not joking."

The queen avert her gaze from me. I can't believe it..

Basically.. We were trapped?! Not quite a dream, huh?

"Before i proceed to the main topic, i would like both of you to save your questions for later. Right now, we must go to a warmer place. We will continued our conversations inside the castle."

Now that she mentions it, i do feel a little bit cold. Looks like this place's temperature has dropped. I can even see Miyuki is shivering.

"Not only that, i assumed both of you were hungry, right?"



I do feel hungry. I've skipped my lunch, and my stomach can't stop growling like a beast. Miyuki has already eaten, so she won't be too hungry.

"Yes. Thank you, Daikra-san!"

Miyuki bow her head.

"No, its fine. In any case, lets go outside."

She started to walk through a big hole that is near the purple circle, the spot where we have been summoned. Although she is a queen, she has been really nice to us since we were summoned. I though this kind of character will be a little bit.. you know, haughty.

Both of us are just following her steps from behind. She's the only one who knows how to leave this dark place.

Now that i look at this place carefully, this place look exactly like a cave. A dark, big cave. Other than that, i don't see anything out of ordinary. Except those three guys in a black cloak didn't even budge an inch. That's seems sketchy.

I mean, is she really tried to summon us? Why are we even here in the first place? I have a tons of questions for her.

Despite all that, this situation is exactly like a fantasy novel setting. I get this feeling that either she want us to slay this certain creatures, or let us become an adventure. I hope it wasn't any like that. It will be a major pain to deal with this world's problem.

And with all these thoughts on my mind, we continue to walk through this dark cave.




'Step' 'Step' 'Step'.

After a while, we saw a ray of light at ahead of us. And now we have left this place. Its feel a little warmer here. And now i can see the light-...


Goddammit, its dusk here. This world isn't that bright. Have we arrived into an alien planet or something?

...This is an another world, after all. Nothing is too surprising.

"This world.. its beautiful."

Miyuki said those words with praise. Looks like she was amaze with this world. I agreed that this world is really one hell of a world.

First off all, its dusk right now. There is barely a ray of light here. I can't even see a sun. Its like this is a demon world or something.

Wait..She did mention this is a world of 'demons' and 'angels'.

"In this world, there is no 'sun'. Pretty unique,right?"

I agreed on that one. Wait, what?

"Enough of sightseeing. We will be going."

Both of us nodded. After we walked for a while, we saw a carriage parked near the exit signboard. There is a coach sitting around, playing with the grass. He must be bored when waiting for us.

The queen greet him. He look pleased. Now that i see him carefully,he has a pointy ears and a blond hairs. The queen start to get inside the carriage.

"Now, lets go."

The queen invited us to the carriage. I let Miyuki go first, and then i'll go second. Because, why not? Now that all has aboard the carriage, the carriage begin to move.




After a few hours, the sky start to turn dark. I assumed its a night time. I can see the blue, dull moon is shining brightly throughout the dark sky.

And then our carriage start to past all the houses and cities. I can only say that this is a medieval era, the 'RPG' era.

After a while, we have arrived into the castle. It was huge. It is twice much bigger than those cities in Tokyo. When we left the carriage, i can see the there is a line of maids and butlers near the entrance. They aren't that different from those maids and butlers from my world.

When we left the carriage, they were bowing at us. I assumed they are welcoming us. Looks like this girl wasn't lying. She is the real queen.

After that, we go inside the castle.

Thus, we've arrived into a so-called kingdom called 'Vanzie'. I wonder what will happen next.

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