《Aki's Abnormal Life》Omake - Dinner's conversation.



And now, three of us is eating these good looking foods. The queen.. i mean Meiko, is eating gracefully like all high class character would. And as usual, when Miyuki is eating, she eat them slowly and politely ..



Stop it, Aki. She is not for you. I have told you before.

"By the way, Meiko-san, how do we speak the same language, despite we are not from the same world?"

Miyuki started the conversation. Or should i said, started another question and answer section?

Well, she does has a point. How do we even speak the same language? This doesn't make sense. Unless this is a convenient plot from a fantasy novel.

Meiko looks confused. Well, i am confuse as well.

"Now that you mention it.. You got a point.. This seems interesting."

Meiko looks excited. Well, she does seem happy enough.

"What kind of language do you speak?"

Meiko asked us.

"Japanese language."

At the same time, both of us answered her question. She looks impressed right now. I don't know why she keep changing her mood.

"Oh, i see.. Certainly, humans from 10 years ago told us the same thing."

Wait, what?

"Events about humans from 10 year ago.. What is exactly happened 10 years ago?"

"Ara.. are you curious, Kurozaki?"

I nod. Meiko stare at me while grinning.. whoa.. scary.

"But i can't tell you. Try to ask your classmates tomorrow."

She told me those words with a sarcastic tone.. Goddammit, you..

Although, it does sounds important. I guess i'll pass. Maybe i will know about it, sooner or later.

"As for the language, our language was called Jepiso."

Jepiso? Ha! That sounds like a third rate name for Japaneses language. Don't they have a better name?


"How about writing system? Do you write Hiragana or Kanji?"

(Hiragana / Kanji - Writing system they used in Japanese languages.)

Miyuki is firing those questions toward Meiko. Well, if the writing system is the same, i guess we have been blessing with some convenient plots. From whoever create this. (Author - What the hell?)

"Well.. I don't know any of those writing system you just told me. Instead, let me show you an example of our writing system."

Meiko give an order to the maid that is standing next to me. She bring a piece of paper from the the small drawer that is located near the painting. Meiko show us that paper.


From the looks of it, it looks like an important document. But, the problem is..

"What the hell is this?"

I don't understand any of those alphabets! Oh god.. I hope we can get a convenience plot right now. I mean, look at those complicate kinda alphabets. It looks like some ancient writing or something. Even Miyuki looks surprised as hell.



Meiko let out a sigh.

"I already know that our writing system isn't the same as the writing system from your world. But, at least you do know English language?"

Both of us were surprised, once again.

"E-English?! There is such language here?!"

Both of us said those words at the same time. Haha.. why there is an English language in this world?

"Yes, there is such language. That language is easier to learn. So, humans from 10 years ago teach us that, so that we will be able to communicate through English alphabet."

Whoa.. Convenient plot strikes again..

"So, how are we gonna learn inside the school if we can't read this alphabet's world?"


I direct this question to Meiko. There isn't any point of learning if you can't read the goddamn alphabets.. And an ancient alphabets on top of it.

"Don't worry about it.. I will think for a solution later. Right now, we should be eating, not talking."

"Yeah, you do have a point."



Forget it. I guess we have to pretend to be a demon, AND pretend to understand the alphabets. We can talk the same language, but not writing the same thing.

"Anyway, after we have eaten, i will assign both of these maids to both of you. They will be your own private maid from now on. They also will be guiding both of you to your respective rooms."

I can see one of the maid's reaction. She looks displeased.

"But Daikra-dono-"

"No buts. I know you cannot be with them, but i have to paid my debts."

The displeased maid become silent after Meiko told her that. Well, i don't really want to know them. I don't even want a maid.

"This maid will be your maid, Kurozaki."

She point toward the maid from before. The one who is displeased.

"My name is Ahiro Lucia Mikuri. Call me Lucia. Nice meeting you, Ku-ro-za-ki-do-no."

She introduce herself with a disguised face on her look while sounding like a polite girl. I get this feeling that she really hate me.

"And Akari, your maid will this girl."

She point toward a maid with a pink hair. She smile at her while making cute face.

"Hi, hi! My name is Starri Shihaya Fumio~ Call me Shihaya~ Nice meeting you, Miyuki-pyon~ "

Whoa, that is one hell a way of talking. She talk like those moe kinda characters. (Moe - cute?)

"Err.. Nice meeting you."

Miyuki bow her head. I swear, every time she meet someone new, she will bow her head.

"Nah~ No need to to be shy~"

She told her that. Yeah, Shihaya or whatever. Tell her that. Although i do like her being shy and all that..

...Am i really that pervert? or am i...

Never mind.

"Since both of you have know each other, i will leave it to both of you. And now, lets continue to eat. We have to go to school tomorrow."

Meiko told us that. Well, if tomorrow is our first day, then both of us have no choice here.

All of us continue to eat. Thus, this is the end of our dinner's conversation.

//End of Omake//

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