《Evil Cultivator》Chapter 12


Several days went by, and Vlad continued his training, at this point he was already addicted to training, Vlad felt a huge increase in his strength, even his body was looking refined his 6 abs were clearly visible, his arm and leg muscles had also grown significantly.

Vlad had also improved in his practice of martial arts, he could now do the 1st stance of Wrathful spear arts 3 times, Vlad had tried to practice the 2nd stance, but it required too much strength and Vlad judged he could do it once he reached muscle tempering stage.

Vlad had also tried to practice the basic sword arts, but he didn't have any significant improvement, because he had no training partner and this martial art required a partner to practice with.

During this whole time, Vlad placed his whole attention on training, on his first few days people approached Vlad, they were rather curious about his relationship with the young mistress Ria, Vlad would have like to ignore them but he thought it was unwise so he gave them a simple answer that she was his Master, but he didn't entertain them anymore, plus he also heard that Ria's uncle was coming back soon from his mission.

'Let's hope, I can break through soon.' Vlad thought as he started another day of training.

Vlad had quite significantly increased his training exercise, he now did 2 whole sets of his previous routine, basically doubling it.


As Vlad continued his daily practice, he was getting quite tired, he had already used his stamina regeneration pills, he was already on his last few stamina regeneration pills, Vlad had already decided to ask Alice for more.

As Vlad ate a muscle enchantment pill, he felt quite a weird and different feeling, Vlad felt a sudden surge of energy spreading out in his muscles as he felt a tingling sensation as this energy settled in his muscles Vlad could feel the density of his muscle rapidly increasing as they hardened, this was quite a weird sensation.


Vlad's body ached and tingled for a while, although it was extremely uncomfortable, Vlad's heart was over the roof, cause he knew that he had finally broken through to the muscle tempering realm.

After a while, it stopped as Vlad felt his body return to normal, Vlad was truly excited.

"I have finally started my journey as a cultivator..... but this is only the beginning," Vlad muttered excitedly.

Although Vlad knew this was just the start, he was elevated, he hadn't experienced this feeling in a long time, Vlad had finally found something that he could truly enjoy doing.

Vlad felt a whole new sensation of strength in his body, as he tried to figure out his level of growth, Vlad decided to perform his 1st stance, holding the spear Vlad trusted with his whole strength, the spear tour through the air, Vlad suddenly heard a loud boom as the metal blade of the spear tour it's bonding to the wooden handle and flew off colliding with the wall as a large hole formed in the wall.

Vlad was surprised not only has his strength drastically increased but he also didn't feel that tired, he reckoned that he could easily perform this stance more than 10 times.

The strength increase was huge, this made Vlad wonder how strong you would be once you can use your energy.

"It seems, I need to meet up with Ria once again, I need a refill on pills plus I should also ask for a training partner so that I can finally practice the basic sword arts, although I can use the arena for practice, it is rather risky as a beginner, so that isn't a viable option." Vlad thought

Vlad quickly showered and wore a new set of clothes, with his new refined body figure Vlad looked even more appealing, Vlad exited the training room as he headed for Ria's room.

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