《Evil Cultivator》Chapter 13


Vlad walked through the large castle, no matter how many times he walked past this place, he was always mesmerized, especially the large garden beside the training hall and he was quite curious as to who this young lady was, every time Vlad went past the garden, he could see her in the same position.

Vlad wanted to approach her, but he quickly dismissed this thought as he continued his way to Ria's room, Vlad was walking slowly, it was quite late so the orange late-night lights were on. These made the scene even more amazing. Suddenly Vlad saw someone similar it was Kagae, she was the other maid of Ria besides Alice. He had interacted with Vlad quite some times, so they were familiar with each other.

Kagae also seems to notice Vlad, as age approached him, she quickly sized Vlad up before noticing something.

"Vlad you broke through the muscle tempering realm rather quickly, no wonder young lady Ria chose you after all the faster you increase you strength, the faster you can be of use to young lady Ria."

One thing Vlad had noticed these days regarding Kagae, was her unchallenged loyalty towards Ria, she believed in Ria like some God, Vlad even concluded that she might have feelings for Ria, but this was none of his business.

'Maybe someday I can use this relationship to my advantage' Vlad thought.

"Yeah, I just broke through and was just heading to meet Ria," Vlad replied.

"What are the odds, I was also heading to young miss Ria's room, plus you should call her young miss Ria or something more formal, after all, she is your master."

"Ok..." Vlad gave a simple answer, he had heard this same sentence from her quite a few times.

As Vlad followed Kagae, they eventually reached Ria's room, they both didn't engage in any talks, Vlad already knew his relationship with Kagae wasn't to a good start.


Vlad would try to improve this relationship if we can but, this isn't his main goal, his main Vlad is getting stronger, after all, strength is the deciding factor of this World.

Just from reaching muscle tempering, Vlad saw a huge increase in strength, something that couldn't have been possible in his previous life.

This made Vlad acknowledge the most important thing in this world, it wasn't influenced, beauty, money, or any other material thing, it was strength.

As they both entered Ria's room Vlad saw a rather robust man in military attire sitting beside Ria, Vlad could feel a strict yet calm aura around the man like a sea before a calm.

Vlad quickly greeted Ria and this man, he had some idea who he could have been, but he wasn't sure.

"So this was the young lad that saved you," the man said as he looked at Vlad.

Ria nodded respectfully.

Suddenly a wave of energy burst out in the air, Vlad could feel his body shaking as it passed through his body and it seems like it specifically targeted him.

"Ohhh, interesting he has excellent energy affinity, even though he is just muscle tempering, you indeed found a rare gem." The man said.

At the same time, Vlad also realized why Ria was so adamant about her investment in Vlad.

'Seem like I have a rather impressive talent level, which attracted her attention, if I knew this before I could have further negotiated the contract.'

But what was done was done, he had already signed the contract, Vlad let go of these thoughts as he once again listened to their conversation.

"Yes, uncle," Ria muttered.

Ria also just realized that Vlad broke through to the muscle tempering realm and she was surprised at how quickly he broke through and elevated that her investments were not going down the drain.


'I need to improve our relationship, so he can become fully loyal to me, he could be quite a useful pawn'

"Vlad, I am currently in a conversation with my uncle, so can you wait and kagae did you get the thing I asked for," Ria said in a rather strict tone.

Kagae simply nodded as she handed Ria a small box, you could see the happiness on her face

Ria quickly took out the box and took out a small black rock, as she poured some energy into the rock, 2 voices started coming out of the box, one was Ria and the other one was unknown.

Vlad was quiet to identify it as a voice recorder.

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