《Evil Cultivator》Chapter 3


Vlad stood in front of the large ration hall, there was a huge queue mostly consisting of children's, but from the memories, this was normal, due to the recent wars, a lot of children's were homeless, their parents were either dead soldiers but these children's were supported by the government hence they were rather well of, next were the people who got caught up in the fighting and died, they were left in the world alone to fend for themselves, they barely survived because of these rations.

'The original owner of this body also had his parents killed by the enemy, they were rebels supported by the tsar of Rus.'

Vlad quietly stood in the line, after almost 30 minutes, it was his turn, arriving at the counter Vlad saw a large muscular man, without a top giving the food in small trays, his body was covered with a slight layer of sweat.

He looked at Vlad for a second and signaled Vlad to pick up his tray, as Vlad held his tray and the man placed bread and poured some stew in his tray, Vlad was rather disgusted but also a little scared from his gaze, it was like the natural human instincts that warned him.

Vlad then went off to the large sitting hall, it was already filled with people, as Vlad spotted an empty stop, he sat down and began eating his food, although the bread was a little hard, it didn't taste that bad, the stew tho was awful, and Vlad could barely eat half of it.

As Vlad was eating he was also thinking about his next plans, not like he had a plan of his own.

'I shouldn't try to deviate too much from his plan unless I have another option, for now, I will have to live like this.' Although Vlad was a little disappointed, not like there was anything he could do.


Vlad had already left the ration hall and was heading towards his shack, just as he was about to reach his shack, he heard a feminine scream, after hearing it one more time Vlad had finally realized it was someone screaming for help, looking around he saw no one besides him, it was already late plus this street was secluded from the main area of the city, so few people ventured here.

Vlad seeing the dark ally was already giving up hope and wanted to run, not like it was any of his business, he didn't want to be a hero but it would be a lie if he said he wasn't curious.

Vlad didn't know why but suddenly he couldn't run away as if his body didn't agree with him, and was constantly urging him to go.

Cursing his curiosity, Vlad as vigilant as he could move towards the alley, as he got near, the screaming intensified, and finally, after a while, it stopped.

Vlad peeked around a small corner, what he saw terrified him, a young girl was getting r*ped by 2 young men with masks and it looked like they were almost done as the girl laid on the ground unconscious unknown if she was alive or dead.

This scene terrified Vlad, although he had heard a lot about r*pes on his previous planet and he had also gotten a fair share of memories relating to them but seeing it happen was a lot different than hearing stories about it.

A rare emotion of sadness and pity appeared in his heart, although he wasn't a social justice warrior in his previous life, he also wasn't someone who would justify such disgusting behaviors, plus it was a feeling inside him that constantly wanted him to help.

Vlad quickly calmed himself as he thought about what to do, after a while he had finally come up with a plan, even though he knew what he was going to do is extremely stupid, he just couldn't stop himself, it was like someone inside him was deciding for him.

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