《Evil Cultivator》Chapter 2


He was walking through the streets, after a stressful day at the office, he was heading home when suddenly a huge truck appeared to his left side.

'I am dead,' Vlad thought one last time.

It was a small but meaningful last thought.

Vlad was a normal guy, he had little above average looks but wasn't overly attractive, he worked for a small garments company, he lived alone in a small apartment, he had little interest in socializing, hence he only had few friends.

His love life was also dull, he had tried to be in a relationship many times, but they ultimately broke up after a while. After some time Vlad has finally realized, it was due to his nature of being overly stoic, and occasionally outright ignoring his girlfriend.


Vlad felt a period of nothingness, he didn't know how much time had passed away, he felt like he had been in this state for a million years but also like a couple of seconds.

Vlad could feel his eyes open after a period and when they finally he saw the roof of a dirty shack when suddenly a disgusting smell assaulted his nose, Vlad tried to move his body but he found it extremely hard, Vlad was in a state of shock and confusion, he didn't know what transpired, the only thing he remembered was getting hit by a truck and a slumber that felt like millenniums yet seconds.

Vlad tried to call for help as he yelled, yet no one answered. Just as Vlad was thinking about what to do, a wave of unknown memories washed over his brain as unknown images appeared in his brain, he was again hit with a sharp headache.

'How unlucky am I?' Vlad thought as he recalled the past events.


Vlad barely held on with his will as he tried not to fall unconscious.


Approximately 10 minutes had passed and the pain was almost gone. Vlad finally let out a sigh as he felt the pain decrease, today was truly a shit day for Vlad.

After starting at the roof for a while John got up after mustering all the strength he could, he had gotten answers that solved his previous confusion, but these answers were something quite bizarre and surprising to him.

'According to the memories, this world is called Parthia, and it is entirely different from my previous world Earth, this world is like a cultivation world in the novels, I used to read in my previous life and I seemed to have taken over this guys body.' Vlad thought as he looked at his arms.

'It seems this guy was just heading towards the ration hall when I suddenly took over his body, this reincarnation is truly a surprising thing, even in this guy's memories there was no mention of reincarnation, but there are indeed rather interesting things.' As he recalled the previous speech of the Emperor.

'Well, this is a foreign world, entirely different in terms of cultural and societal value, I will probably take some time to get used to it.'

Vlad still didnt know if this was a dream or real, but he wouldn't mind finally getting out of his previous world, he wasn't overly attached to the earth, he had no family, no lover, few friends, and most importantly he found earth rather boring.

Suddenly a smile crept of Vlad's face, he was getting excited, but this only lasted a while as he stepped out of his shack and headed towards the ration hall, he already knew the location, so it wasn't hard.


Whilst walking through the route he remembered, his eyes were attentively scanning around, the architecture of this place was like medieval japan, both women and men roamed the street in the same medieval clothing, sometimes he saw a random guy who was dressed luxuriously in a silk kimono.

'These guys should be the nobels, army commanders or businessman, as this is the capital of the large empire, a lot of business goes through this place and it was also the central hub of the Imperial army.' Vlad recalled his memories.

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