《Evil Cultivator》Chapter 4


"Guards, they are here!" Vlad shouted as loud as he humanly could, hoping this bluff would scare them.


"Fuck Arthur seems like we were found out, we need to get out as fast as we could, what lady Abigail asked us to do is done." One of the guys said rather unfazed.

The other guy whose name was Arthur simply nodded his head, giving a last look in the direction of the scream, as they both disappeared.


Vlad was still hiding in a corner, praying to every god that his bluff worked, he waited for a couple of minutes before looking to find out they were finally gone.

'Well, that could have ended badly, but why couldn't I control my body.' Vlad finally felt relief, as he believed the danger was finally gone.


Just as Vlad was celebrating, the same two men were looking down on him from a rooftop.

'Look, Arthur, we caught the lamb, seems like he was bluffing, I checked the whole area, there were no guards, he has some serious guts, should we just kill him?" One of the guys said as he was looking down on Vlad.

"Well we weren't paid to kill him, we did what lady Abigail asked, this should be enough, the girl's life was destroyed by her aunt's commands, these noble family politics are quite harsh," Arthur said as they both once again disappeared.


"I should check if she is still alive, if she is I should probably let the guards deal with her," Vlad said as he thought about the girl.

Mustering some courage, he approached the unconscious lady carefully, still a little vigilant.

Looking at the young lady up close, Vlad was disturbed to see her face was covered with multiple injuries, her expensive clothes were also torn, as he looked at her naked body, she had a surprisingly well-developed body, with her perfect round boobs and a slim waistline, she was like a celebrity in his previous world, but her facial beauty was destroyed, so Vlad failed to get an overall impression of her.


Pushing these thoughts aside, Vlad approached the unconscious lady, as he tried to see if she was still breathing.

"Well looks like she isn't dead, hurray," Vlad said in a sarcastic tone as he felt her breathing, Vlad was just thinking about what to do when suddenly a thought struck him.

"Well if she wakes up now and puts all the blame on me, I am dead, should I kill her?" Vlad thought as a heinous thought appeared in his mind.

Rape was capital punishment in the empire, and the punishment was immediate execution.

Like she had just read Vlad's thoughts, the young lady suddenly woke up and grabbed Vlad by his neck, Vlad tried to react quickly as he moved, but the young lady was so fast that Vlads efforts were futile.

"Who are you?" the young girl said in a threatening tone.

"I tried... to help you...I promise." Vlad replied weakly.

'My neck is getting crushed, the grip strength of this young lady is terrifying, no matter how much strength I use I can't get out, I need to do something.' Vlad thought rapidly, as he decided to say something.

"I bluffed and made them run away, now I was checking if you were still breathing cause I thought you were dead, I am sorry..." Vlad rapidly said everything he could hoping that would clear her misunderstanding.

It seems like she had finally realized this weak fellow couldn't be the previous guys, as she loosened her grip a little.

'Fuck....I need to get out of this predicament, I can't match her strength, I need to find some way to sneak attack her in the back.' Vlad rapidly thought as he felt her grip loosen a bit.

Seems like she could almost read Vlads thoughts, as she again tightened her grip.

"Don't try anything, if you want to survive." the girl said.

"o..k!" Vlad replied dismissing his previous thoughts.

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