《HoneyComb》Ch2-I can't beelieve this!


Bee, what is bee? Bee is elegant, bee is loyal, and most importantly, bee is huge!

Like, this is ridiculous. What’s the point of large bees?! Are there even flowers big enough to collect pollen from? Sigh, At least it’s obvious I’m not on earth, and because I’m a bee I can do whatever I want without harming my social life, like a video game, but lethal.

I take a few steps down the nest, it is roughly 50x50 meters in diameter which is absolutely ridiculous! But don’t worry, the height is only about… eh, let's say… 120 meters, yep, totally necessary. And let’s not include the probable underground height.

The nest's shape is roughly, like an hourglass. I’m above the middle where the sand would finally fall. Luckily all of the exits have a little balcony to stand on, so I didn’t fall as soon as I left the tunnel.

This is… scary, I’m not scared of heights, I'm just… I’m scared of falling, yea…

I start slowly crawling down the sloped wall. This is very difficult, I'm basically walking upside down. I observed the area while climbing, it looked very nice, especially that super shiny smooth surface that appears when the wall slopes outwards… WHA-

When I place a claw where the rough surface ends, it slips for there is nothing to cling to, so, like the majestic creature I am, I did what any bee would do.


I squealed, er, scream? I sqrealmed, yep, that’s now a word.

I tumble down the side of the bee nest, the wall may be smooth, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfectly flat, so, on occasion, I hit an outwards dent, either sending me flying, or I slam into it just to continue falling.

This… went on for over a minute. Half way down I stopped ‘sqrealming’ because I didn’t feel any pain. Probably because I’m an insect. But that doesn’t mean flying down a hill or slamming into a random dent feels nice!



Ow… I don’t feel pain but ow. Good thing I landed in a meter of snow, why is it so deep? How would any flightless animals survive this? At least the hole I made is shallow.

I roll onto my legs and crawl out of the hole I was in. It's a bit cold, but I got my fluffiness to keep me warm.

Now that I’m on the ground, the nest looks way more ridiculous, so do my sisters, they're humongous, but there seem to be three types of bees.

1: bees who are just born

2: giant bees with no stinger

3: bees half the size of the giant bees with long and sharp stingers with powerful looking mandibles

I’ll call 1 juvenile bee, 2 cannon fodder bees? Why else should you need large defenseless bees, and 3 soldier bees, because they look strong. I wonder which one I might become?

If it’s determined by gender then I’ll become a soldier bee, maybe I can deal with the gender swap for now, great power comes with great sacrifice… sacrifices.

Any way… I should start flying, my not so fluffy claws are cold,

*bzzz* *bzzz*

I start flying off the ground, I won’t go too high because there’s no need to, and falling doesn’t sound fun. So I only go a few inches off the ground, then head towards, my flying still isn’t perfect so I’m a bit wobbly- Ooo, a flower.

In front of me was a white flower sticking out of the snow. Its petals were like a sphere with its sides cut off so you can see the inside where the pollen is.

I fly towards the flower and land on top of it and climb down to where the ball of pollen was.

Ok… how do I do this? I eat it and let pollen collect on my body, right?

I stick out my bee tongue and start sucking up the pollen while rubbing my body against the stamen to let it build up. Once I can no longer feel any pollen coming from the flower I crawl back on top of The flower.


So now I put the pollen on my body in some kind of thing on my legs, I think.

I use my two front legs to rub against my fur to collect the pollen stuck to it, once I’m unable to collect anymore I rub my front legs against my back legs and the pollen starts building up quickly. Once I finish I do it again to not leave any pollen behind, now I have a small glob of orange on my back legs.

Done with this flower, I fly off to find another flower when suddenly a yellow screen appears in front of me causing me to fall for a second, but I quickly right myself.

[You have collected pollen from an orbit flower! ⅕ pollen collected!]

[you have gained extra pollen for collecting from a new flower!]

I suddenly feel slightly more weight on the back of my legs, but right now I was too focused on this strange board to care.

Uhh, achievement get! Obtain pollen… so this is like a video game… there seems to be quests, I hope they aren’t repetitive or boring.

I decide to look for more flowers to see what happens if I finish the quest.

[You have collected pollen from an orbit flower! ⅖ pollen collected!]

[You have collected pollen from an orbit flower! ⅗ pollen collected!]

[You have collected pollen from an orbit flower! ⅘ pollen collected!]

[You have collected pollen from a web flower! 5/5 pollen collected!]

[You have gained extra pollen from collecting from a new flower!]

Well, I finished it, I even found a new flower, and as the name suggests, it looks like a spider web.

[5/5 flowers collected from! You have gained the skill (pollen collection lv1)]

Oh sweet, I can collect pollen better… I’ll just make my goal maxing it out for now, nothing better to do. For now I need to return to the nest, my bee stomach is about to explode and the pollen on my legs are weighing me down, the pollen is covering half my leg!

I go to fly back to the hive… but it’s nowhere to be found, this slightly worries me, but I gather up some resolve and lay on a nearby flower. I mean, one has to come by eventually, there should be millions of bees in the nest.

So I waited… and waited… and waited… till it was night.

What!? It’s night!? It was just a few seconds ago! I must have been caught up in my thoughts, but I would have noticed another bee the size of a human's head. Oh, these flowers must be big… No! You're getting off track again!

Ugh… I guess they're not coming, and they all must be asleep now that it’s night. I guess I can fly in one direction and hope I’m lucky enough to find the nest.

And my stomach is empty too… I guess I’ll eat some of the pollen weighing me down.

[you have successfully wasted pollen ment for the hive! You have gained the skill (conversion lv1)]

I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to waste it! I promise!

No matter how much I complained it never took back what it said.

What does this skill even do? I can guess the pollen collection, but this?

[conversion: increases the rate that pollen is converted to honey, also allows you to store it for longer without digestion. Gained from accidentally digesting honey meant for the hive then filling your stomach again immediately]

That doesn’t make me feel any better, but this skill will be of use. Shouldn’t I have a social stomach though? Or do icey bees have none?

Well, I guess I’ll get going… somewhere. I’ll just follow the moon. So, with that, I flap my wings and start heading in the direction of the moon

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