《Conquer Your Own Fate》Chapter 10: The Moment of Separation.


- Limited Space (Rein Only)-

".…Haaaahhh…" (Rein)

In the space created personally for him, Rein is currently reminiscing his actions.

Defeated pitifully by Satan.

Pitiful body condition due to the curses.

Trick a weak human for his vessel.

(...I have already fallen this deep huh…)

If the past Rein in his original world sees his present state, he will definitely scoff at him and dismiss it as some illusion.

Rather, he will comment,

"Huh? Who the fuck are you? Do you want to impersonate me or just want to embarrasses yourself?

Like that.

To him who have walk a golden road in all of his lifetime, these events are the dark spot he feels shamed of for entire lifetime.

Shame, regret, frustration, etc.

(Damn you Satan! You can only have that smug face only for short moment!)

Ultimately, it led him to deep hatred and desire of revenge toward the main perpetrator who make him to this state.

If Rein himself is able to calm his mind, he will be able to pinpoint his own mistake clearly.

He may be arrogant with no bottom, he is not stupid in any sense.

Firstly, if he realizes that Satan is much stronger than him, the best strategy is to gather information about his enemy as much as possible to increase his winning percentage.

Secondly, during the battle itself. If he can coordinate with his teammates, they are able to exhibit higher amount of power compared to individual performance only.

However, all of this is just the if story and will not happen anymore.

Moreover, even if Rein has the brain to process his mistake, it is useless if he himself has blinded by unlimited anger.

Worse, he may not even admit it due to his ego.

(Damn it!! Why is someone like me have to resort on dirty tricks!)

Right now, the notion of him lying toward James itself is the worst disgrace to him.

He understands that it's the highest chance and realistic plan to do on his current state, which is why he can't accept it.

The proud tyrant have fallen into sneaky bastard with no moral.


….. If his fallen comrades see his present state, they can only feel one emotion.


They will neither feel angry nor regret to save him as they did it without wishing anything in return.

However, they will feel sad as they want him to be happy for the rest of his life.


He only become a blinded avenger who can't see the surrounding.

(.…Yes, hold it. Everything is for my sake. Even though this hurts my pride, it's only for a short moment.)

Rein has said that James is similar existence to him.

Both of them are people who only cares about they one-selves the most.

Rein drag his "friends" to kill Satan while James refuses his father' wish for chasing his own dream.

However, there are huge differences between these two.

Ego and Care.

To James, he won't hesitate to do these as his pride is none to less after living in the world of backstabbers for many years.

However, he will reconsider the chosen target as he doesn't want to hurt people that are dear to him.


As for Rein, even though his pride may hurt, he won't even hesitate to pick his own family for accomplishing his plan.

They can be said as a coin with two different sides. Same essences but with a different personality.

(Prepare yourself, stupid inheritor. I will steal all of your existence for my own sake.)

"... I won't let anybody stop me."

The Avenger has already resolved himself.

The gear of his life is moving faster and faster until no break can stop it.

Now, the climax of his life is just a few steps away.

-Rein's Personal Space-

Last day of James' training

*Claaang**Claang**Bzzt**Claang* (sfx of knives clashing each other)

At this moment, a ridiculous but grand duel is occurring between two parties.

On the one hand, there's the ultimate student who only has military knives on both hands but with injuries and scrapes all over his body. However, his movement is stable and showing no signs of ragged breathing.

On the other hand, it's the demonic teachers who have multiplied himself numbered hundreds surrounding his single student.

At one glance. It is clear to deduce who is going to win.

However, If there are spectators, they will have their eyeballs pop out of their sockets seeing the unbelievable scene.

Currently, Rein is dodging multiple knives strikes each with different directions only with minimal movement and near miss at all times.

Moreover, each time he moves his body, his hands will cut the enemies on their vital points precisely with no hesitation. Even the best action movie can't be compared to this scene.

The duplicates all tried to dodge, but even that is predicted and mercilessly slashed.

…..It was almost the embodiment of the death god itself.

One second, Two seconds, Three Seconds.

As time passes, the body count of the teacher is accumulating until it can make small pile of body mountain. The total amount of blood flows on this fight can be accumulated for one pool easily.

Even so, both side didn't stop.

Instead, the student is steadily improving with pace without error.

Faster, sharper and more precise.

As for the result?

*zhuup* (stabbing sound)

*Thud* (body fell)

….All of the duplicates each who represents ultimate weapon are all decimated in a matter of few minutes.

"Fuuuhhh…. you have come this far huh?" (Yuuji)

"Well, I'm sure it's because of certain someone who teaches me with great passion and loving care. No words of thanks I give can express it." (James)

Hearing the sarcastic words from his student, a mix of wry and bitter smile formed on original Yuuji's lips

"Hah , you sure become more and more cheeky like me. Is there a curse from Asako that we all be the same? (Yuuji)

"Then I have to give gratitude to that too. It give me motivation in this hell, you know?" (James)

"Geez , will it kill you losing on the argument?"

"It does, literally."


That is quite true as Yuuji always ends his life by pouring salt to the wound. Now, it is funny since the situation is reversed.

"Well, I guess the rest is enough right, teacher? Or do you need more time for planting the bomb?"


".….Shit, found out huh."

"Of course, you never talk this much unless necessary. I know much about you, teacher."

On the conversation, Yuuji is always sweating and breathing roughly while James is faintly smiling without breaking it from the beginning until the end.

Which is why,

(It gives me bone chilling nerve to the core.) (Yuuji)

The stage of this fight is is the middle of forest where all of the Yuujis' prepared their formation and weapon to the best they can.

Magnum, assault rifle, landmines, RPG,etc.

All modern weapons starting from small to large destruction power are possessed by Yuuji to kill this man in front of him.

At this moment, there is no place in modern world more dangerous prepared by Yuuji. Even the best army gathered all over the world numbered ten thousand fully armored, they could still lose.

And that overpowered squad is killed by just this one man in front of him.

"Fuuu…" (Yuuji)

In any case, he has started the job and almost begun to finish it.

No matter what the result is, he won't stop in the middle and finish until the end, want it or not.

That is the curse and restriction placed by Rein.

"Well, you do a good job student, I give you that." (Yuuji)

"My,my. It looks like the sun will rise from the west tommorow. I wonder what other surprise will teacher prepared for me." (James)

Instead of answering his disciple' taunt, he gives the best present he can to overcome this hopeless situation.

While smiling, Yuuji leisurely said,

"Don't worry, I'm sure you will hate it to no end."


After that one small sound,


A large scale explosion covering 50 meters surrounding James.


*Shoong* *Shoong* *Boom* *Baaaaam*

A mix of handguns, machine gun, missiles and RPG targeted toward James.

All of these are gimmicks readied by Yuuji predicting this outcome.

Just like James, Yuuji has also study,understand and accept James' growth. Then, all he has to do is just prepare the weapon to cut his throat while he is on weakest and laid back state.

Just for one person, it was literally overkill to no end.

(In any case, with this it will--) (Yuuji)

".…be all over right?"

"!? Wh- *zhuup* kuh!!?"

Just like the replaying of the past scene, the whisper of the death god speaks closely to the ear, but with one difference.

The ending is the opposite of the usual routine.

" *thud*(Body fell) Haaah, haaah… haha, looks like I was read like a book, huh?" (Yuuji)

"Fufu, like I said teacher, I know a lot about you." (James)

".….Does knowing can it overcome those fu*ked up situation?"

"Ah, well I had some tricks and skills to spare. It was a good surprise to you too right teacher?"

".…Yeah, it does, damned student."

Although he is cursing right now, Yuuji is inwardly proud of himself able to keep up with this monster even until the end. Of course, he's also happy for that weak student become this much Strong on Short period.


(My job…. is done.) (Yuuji)

"Hey stu- no James."

".…What is it?"

With the brightest smile he can make, Yuuji said it with gentle voice.

"Congratulations. You have passed." (Yuuji)

Just that. That four words.

"Ahhh….. I see." (James)

"What… *cough* you don't look happy. Do you want *cough* a medal?"

"N-no, but you will--"

"Yeah. Disappear. My job….. is done."

".…. Can you stay teacher? I owe a lot to you. I haven't return it back ."

At that time, after Yuuji had ask those question, he misunderstood him for an dangerous entity. Something inside of James makes him afraid to no end. In the end, this man in front of him has also this gentle side too.

The difference may be drastic, but it's still the same person.

Consciously, Yuuji makes a smile after hearing those words and seeing Rein's genuine sad face.

"...Annoying. I only need one Amane in my life." (Yuuji)

"...Haaahh.You really are a feminist, teacher." (James)


Ending with that, Yuuji's body is slowly dissolving into blue particles, showing the sign of the ended contract.

He's going back to the old world with no memories remembered in this space.

(it's a bit of… shame.)

"Hey,…James" (Yuuji)


"My part….is done. Now, it's…your 'turn'."

While extracting his bloody hand, James hold and held it strongly for afraid of losing it.

'Turn'. That word only has implicate lots of meaning. Even so, James has understood the event coming to him.

The moment he make a contract with Rein, it is unavoidable.

"Yes, I know te- …..No, Yuuji." (James)


"Yuuji, I know it's only been a short while but these three months is one of the happiest moments in my entire life. Sure, the training was hard as hell and you are a sadist…..But, I was glad. Because I myself wanted to do it with no one forcing me.I can be me without hiding myself. That's why."

"Thank you for leading me all this time, my dear friend."

"Hmm… You are welcome, friend."

Ending with that,Yuuji leaves the world with a nice smile.


[The contract occured between Kazami Yuuji and Rein has been accomplished]

[According to the contract, Kazami Yuuji will lose all of his memories occured in this place in order to remove unknown variable]


[Notification has been immediately send to Rein informing the result of the contract.]

"........Haaahhhh. I really don't like this kind of conclusion."

While slowly standing up, James slowly prepare his heart for the upcoming cruel event he don't want to face.

Even so,

"Yeah….., It's my turn to do the hard part."

He needs to face it.


[Rein has come to the contractor's location.]


[The condition of the contract between the Supreme Rein and James have been met.]

[The last code will now begun to commence under the call of The Supreme Rein.]

It's the last fight before the beginning of the journey.

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