《Conquer Your Own Fate》Chapter 9: Everything I Do is For Me Only


- Rein's Personal Space-

During the time James is recovering his own soul for the next deadly schedule, a confrontation is occurring between Rein and Yuuji.

".....Hah, so what." (Rein)

When Rein has summoned Yuuji to train James, he only gives requests to him only on one thing.

Make James become a worthy successor for himself.

This request is simple and easy to understand at a glance. In short, 'train him so he can become like me'.

But, that's only on the surface.

In fact, the truly smart people will find it weird when they heard the word 'make' and 'for me'.

Rather than successor, it's close to 'use' him for himself rather than goodwill.

Most of the times, it's easy to discover people's lie just by observing their body language and face unless they are FBI who have special training.

However, what happens if you mix it with some of the truth on the recipe?

Rein has already expressed himself to James.

Recover oneself.

Defeat the enemy Satan to save the world

Need James' help to inherit his power.

All of this is true, to a certain extent.

"Which is why you can say it shamelessly without digging your own grave." (Yuuji)

In a sense, what Rein doing right now is the exact same thing done by politician and government to the society.

Opening a campaign to express goodwill.

Doing a speech to give a statement to the people for explaining their actions.

Although not all of it, most of the activities are usually a cover-up so they can commit their actions openly just like dressing a pig in a prom dress, especially during turbulent times such as war.

Of course, Yuuji himself who has received the mission from the government himself already realizes their true nature since he's the "cleaner" who disposes of a factor that will disturb their plan.


"I know the client's purpose even without them saying it." (Yuuji)

Rein's objective is truly simple.

Use James' body who has been trained to make it as a vessel.

Kill the bastard to complete his revenge and clear up his pent-up frustration.

That's all.

Supporting his successor? Saving the world?

He himself only use it for the cover to complete his own desire.

Nothing else, nothing more.

"After all, it's the deceived ones that are at fault, not the deceiver right?" (Rein)

"....Yeah. Just like you said." (Yuuji)

Responding to the typical antagonist line, Yuuji only shrugs his shoulder and answer it plainly without a fluctuation in his voice.

"After all, I'm also the same since I train him without telling anything." (Yuuji)

"Kuh, kukukuku.... there's nothing you can do. After all, I'M THE ONE who summons you with that purpose, and that purpose only." (Rein)


Some people may feel betrayed after seeing their closed ones' opposite side or when they uncover their masks, just like this event.

Even so, both sides don't have any fault in the open as one party is free to believe what they want to believe and the other is necessary to keep a safe position in the society.

Feeling betrayed because of you pushing your own ideal?

What a joke.

"You say that I'm hesitating? Hah, save the sleep talk while you can. Even before I died, I'm just a selfish prick who stomps on other people for myself. What only changes is that I only do it sneakily." (Rein)

"I see. Well, it doesn't matter much though. What I do won't change a bit." (Yuuji)

".....You sure are indifferent. That's unexpected. When I see your memories, I thought you will act like a savior and save your cute student even by sacrificing own life."

That is true.

In his world, he didn't hesitate in saving the heroines many times even though each time he will risk his own life on a thin line.


"Like I said, it doesn't matter to ME. Even if it is, it's not worth the price." (Yuuji)

"What do you--.... ahhh... haha. HAHAHAHAHA!! Right, That's right!! Of course, you won't care!! After all, humans only take care of their own asses the most!!" (Rein)

What does Yuuji get for exposing Rein's true self to James?

Disposal and be screwed on his life by this asshole in front of him. After all, Rein still has that much power even though he's not on the optimal state.

Then, what is the best logical answer?

"I will just train him then I can watch on the sidelines seeing him save the universe." (Yuuji)

Yuuji didn't change even after being summoned and restricted by Rein. However, it's not like he will save all the person he only met just because they're in trouble.

Especially if it will make trouble to him and most of all, his close people on his world.

"Ahhhh.... I'm really glad, Yuuji. If you act like a hypocrite after this, it's hard to find a replacement for a talented guy like you, you know? Kuhuhuhu.... then, please continue to train him okay? After all, it's for 'your sake' too." (Rein)

"Of course. I don't want to die yet either. In 24 days, he will be the best marionette for you. I will assure you. Then it's your freedom what will you do to him. I myself won't intervene no matter the result is. Of course, you can still continue your "observation" if you haven't trust me yet." (Yuuji)

"No, no. Your words before is enough for me to trust you. Now then, adieu my friend. I also need to prepare on my side. After all, I have 'promise' to keep for my cute inheritor, you see?" (Rein)


"Well, do what you need to do. I will also do mine." (Yuuji)

"Hahaha... right. One more thing. Tell to him that I won't be meeting him after he finishes his training. I will meet him ONLY when he's complete. Goodbye."


Disappearing, Yuuji exhales a long breath of sigh in his mouth.

"...Haaaahhh... Sorry student. At the time you die, at least I will listen to your complaint no matter what it is."

This is not the first time he has done dirty jobs like this. In fact, it's just one of the countless that makes his hand smeared with blood for the pretext of better future.

That's why he will just do it with the same feeling.

"..... chi."

Of course, it didn't change for leaving a bad taste in the aftermath.


-Same Location-

After a few hours have passed, James has finally recovered and appeared in front of Yuuji.

".....mmmph. (Stretching) Hppphh... Fuuu. Hi again teacher. I will still say the same but, can you please have mercy on me, please?" (James)

It is really a weird meeting between student and teacher as the student has been killed brutally every time he died.

On normal situation, it's not strange at all to take revenge for the accumulated hatred.

(Well, I don't mind though.) (James)

It looks like Yuuji's head won't fly away before he finishes the job.

".....Yeah, if you want to, I can make it relaxing for you. After all, we don't need to rush." (Yuuji)

"(blinking eyes)........Ha?" (James)

For a moment James freezes for a few seconds not understand it.

That Yuuji, being nice to his student? Moreover, to a man?

(Is he on the right mind?) (James)

"Is your head okay teacher?" (James)

What a very rude thought to his own teacher. But, his suspicion is justified as the amount of evil (?) actions done to him are countless and each is worse than before.

"I see. I understand. Let's go with the special course then. I'm sure you will soon think that hell is much more comfortable." (Yuuji)

"I deeply apologize my venerable master. This foolish disciple deeply appreciates your huge kindness to this lowly one." (James)

"What the heck." (Yuuji)

While doing a slapstick comedy, Yuuji is more surprised and disgusted that this guy can do perfect dogeza (kneeling) in perfect form on one second without hesitation.

"Haaaahhh. It's fine. I won't do it. Just stand up immediately. It's creepy looking at you like this." (James)

"No, no my beloved master, how can I disrespect you? I will do this until--"

"Do you really want to do (special course) it?"

"(Stand up immediately and salute) No, sir."

..... Truly a reflection of a man with no sense of pride at all.

"...tch. Do what you want..... Hey idiot student." (Yuuji)

"Yes, what is it, sir?" (James)

'Is he to keep going like this?' while thinking that, Yuuji decides to ask the question he's been holding back.

This may endanger himself, but he can't hold his curiosity.

"If, like I said if. What will someone feel if the actions you do is just for naught? Moreover, what if it's going to be used in full by another party?" (Yuuji)

"...Hmm? what do you mean teacher? Are you worried that I'm gullible?" (James)

".....Something like that." (Yuuji)

By knowing his personality, maybe Yuuji will think that this kind guy will just be mad and feel hopeless about it.

....However, he never thought even on his dreams that his answer is too far compared to his expectation.

"...Ahhhh... I see."

"What is-- Tch!!?"

For a moment.

Just for a second. Yuuji can clearly feel it.

"Well, if I already get involved in the other party's trap, there's only one thing to do right?"

What is the true self of this guy.

While faintly smiling, James simply answered to his teacher.

"I will just use him/her back so I can get the most of it without caring. After all, there's no need to hold back to those kinds of people right?"

".....Is that so?" (Yuuji)

"It is teacher. It's just something obvious to do. Is there something wrong?"

"....No. Let's stop with this talk and continue with the training. We have many things to do."

"Understood teacher. Please take care of me until the end."

"...Yeah, I will."

From this conversation, Yuuji finally understands what this guy-- No, what this monster is.

He has offended something that's not supposed to.

It even makes him feel fear for a long time.

(...haaah.. I accepted the wrong job. It looks like my life is set in stone.)

Rein has clearly think that his plan is going smoothly.

He is the chess master while James and Yuuji are the chess pieces.

It is true. There's no error in the process currently. In fact, it's much smoother than he thought.


The prey and predator haven't been decided yet.

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