《Conquer Your Own Fate》Chapter 8: Nature of Humanity



"... uhmmm.."

In the middle of white space, A man is lying or to be accurate 'floating' in the middle of the space. Although, if anybody looks at his present state, it's clearer than the fire that he has experienced something major as his clothes are all messed up. Even homeless looks better than his ragged clothes.

..... Although, it may be fan services to women as they are able to look one of the most well-sculptured body for free as this man's feature is top notch.

"... (open eyes) hmmm...? Oh, right. I died again."

Of course, this person' identity is James, who is the inheritor of the supreme Rein.

In fact, this kind of event is not the first or second time but already occurred repeatedly due to the countless death count by his heartless master.

If not, he won't be so nonchalant and calm for knowing own's death.

... He doesn't even remember how many times he died anymore after passing hundreds and now almost reaching thousand. So maybe, he becomes numb to it which can be dangerous in a certain perspective.

"Haaahhh.... Seriously that demon teacher, can he give leniency to his cute student? I don't even know how can I keep my mental intact after dying many times."

Ignoring the fact he's dissing his beloved(?) teacher, it's true that it's almost a miracle for James able to keep sane after experiencing death.

No matter how much mental power a person has, it is no way possible to stop from your mind breaking after being killed for hundreds of times including the stress of training continuously with less to none rest period.

Only a machine with no feelings can achieve it.

Even so, he had some guesses.

First is his potential or, to be accurate to Rein's potential. As a supreme who can surpass the gods who appear in legend, it is natural for his mental prowess to be improved tremendously after having a contract with Rein.


Secondly is he himself. Although it sounds embarrassing for himself to think of it, it can be due to his determination to keep stronger faster than anything else without being sidetracked.


"This space.... huh" (James)

[..... ave..... woken.... up?] (???)

"hmm ?" (James)

In the middle of his thoughts, a gorgeous and beautiful woman is standing in front of James. Long silver hair, golden serpent eyes and beautiful face that toppled any other woman he ever has seen appeared in front of him.

Although, her condition can never be said as perfect as her body is half transparent like a ghost. Moreover, her face has overcome white and close to sickly pale.

If people in the real world see her, they will definitely think they are meeting a ghost without a doubt.

"Ah. Hello, miss. Thank you for taking care of me as usual." (James)

[....i..t's ....o..kay....] (???)

In responding to his gratitude, the woman faintly smiles back to show she doesn't mind.

However, James shakes his head again for receiving the same response.

"Even so, please let me say my gratitude to you for helping me many times. Thank you for supporting me all this time. Without you, I'm sure there is no difference between me and a doll." (James)

Yes, this is the third reason for his intact and normal mental state. This mysterious and beautiful woman, although he doesn't know the specific, he instinctually able to tell that she help her.


"Umm... I know you can't speak much so I won't ask the reason. But, can I do anything for you? You already have done so much for me." (James)

While still smiling brightly to him, the woman shakes her head gently for expressing that his gratitude is enough to receive. Also, James doesn't know but this woman also has ulterior motives in the beginning.

Nothing is absolutely free in any situation. Even if there is, there will be payment in some kind of form in the near future.


That is the one lesson he will never forget after living in the business stage for a long time until he gets sick of it.


[... I.... my..self....wan...ted to.... do... it....] (???)

Although her voice is barely audible, James can clearly detect that she is speaking the truth, which is weird. Even so, no matter what purpose she has, he can only say his thanks.

"..... Fuuuuu... This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. .... I understand. However, please tell if you encounter any kind of problem you can't individually solve. No matter what the price is, I will help you." (James)

Repay the gratitude you receive however you can no matter how small it is.

It was something forgotten in the modern society as people generally create a good relationship only by calculating their profit and bright future obtain from the other party.

James himself even feel idiotic to personally give favor to someone who helps him even though she doesn't want to.

...But, maybe this is why he ran away from his parents, created future and all of it just,... no not 'just' but for his dream.

(I'm really a human to the core.... haha.. no matter how I see it, I'm a foolish person just like any other superior race commented in a fantasy story.)

Having a mature personality to make his situation favorable, but possessing a childish and ideal principle to stay true to own feeling.

Contradictory and conflicting to no end.

That is simply the nature of humanity.

[....Yes.....I.....Will] (???)

The woman responses to his feelings simply with a smile. However, with this, she is convinced that she support the right person.

"Fufu... I sure hope it won't come through. I don't want you to get hurt in any way. You are an important person to me."

[...!?... uhh....] (???)

.....To anybody who's hearing this conversation will definitely make their face cringe and think in one thought.

(How does he can say those embarrassing words boldly!!???)

Which is also the thought of the woman right now coincidentally. She knows that he doesn't mean THAT kind of thing but can't help feeling embarrassed.

.....In fact, it's much worse to say it with no underlying thoughts.

"Hmm? is there a-- *priiiinnng*"

Before ending his sentence, his body is slowly dissolving into blue particles, signaling the time for coming back to his hellish days.

"Ah. Looks like the time is up. Please take care of me if I come back again. Goodbye again miss." (James)

[....(Nods)] (???)

"Right. One more thing." (James)

[...? (tilts head)]

"(Oh, that's cute.)... No, it's nothing. I will ask it after I finish my business."


"Yes, see you again."


With that last word, he has vanished from the space.


(....haaahhh... Why does his successor is so different than him? It's much easier to interact with him if he acts coldly too. It's really bad for my heart.)

The woman never asks his circumstances but she knows who he is and what he is doing right now as she is deeply connected to the original supreme in her past world.

(Well, it's not bad though. He never even look at me as a woman even once. This one is much more relaxing to hang out with.)

While thinking like that, she unconsciously smiles remembering the past conversation just now.


It looks like there's going to be a warm spring for the beautiful War God who never falls in love.

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