《Conquer Your Own Fate》Chapter 7: Arrogance led to his demise


During Rein's life, there was nothing that can't be accomplished. What other people do that take tens of year, he can just accomplish it within few months. What other people can't achieve for all of their lifetimes, he can accomplish and accumulate it just like breathing an air. The word genius was not enough to explain his feat.

He was a monster to an abnormal degree. The people around him rather than respect, they were afraid of him looking him as like a God or demon. It was natural. People fear of something that can't be understood with common sense. Rein was exactly that 'something'.

Moreover, he also has dueled with several gods who was famous and proud for their monstrous prowess but still defeated by Rein ultimately.

However, he personally didn't care about it nor try to fix people's perception of him.

"So what? it's natural for me to be superior to others. After all, the moment when I was born, they were all below me."

He was undeniably arrogant and proud of himself.

Although, this itself has no problem. It is a natural thing for a human possessing power higher than anybody to have bigger pride and ego. After all, isn't that human nature to be flaunting their own accomplishment?

Rein himself is also the same.


"I'm bored."

He was feeling empty. rather than feeling lonely of being different than everybody else, he didn't felt a sense of accomplishment for all the problems he faced can be solved easily with just a swing of his fist.

even so, it looks like fate has given him chance to relive his boredom by releasing the biggest disaster in the world.

[Foolish human, grovel in your feat! feel my power and succumb to it for eternity! ]

A God who comes out of nowhere and without warning descend itself to Rein's world and wreaking havoc just like a typical demon lord.

Hearing the news, Rein immediately got interested and decided to subjugate the bastard to give himself a challenge.

"I hope this guy can relive my boredom."

lightly thinking like that, he headed to the place where the asshole is while gathering his comrade to defeat it.

However, isn't there a proverb for people who overestimate themselves?

Arrogance led to your demise.

True, Rein himself is a supreme that will be superior to anybody else. If the circumstance and opportunity come to him, he really has the power to become the number one in the world. Even so, due to him being strong the moment he was born and easily defeat others without effort, he didn't learn the most important thing in his life.

Before picking a fight, assess own and your opponent skills.

No matter what your status is, no matter how big your power is, it doesn't have any meaning to fight someone who has overcome every aspect of your own. It is not shameful to realize your own weakness and run away. You can fill in the gap and rechallenge your opponent to win. However, it's not bravery to fight someone that is stronger than yourself in every way. To put it bluntly, it's just purely idiotic.



" *haah* *haah*... this .... isn't *cough* possible!!" (Rein)

[Hmph, the loser's bark? it's not like you are a dog. You are just an idiot who overestimates your own strength.] (Satan)

"tch!? *haah* *haah*.. da- damn youuuu!!!"

the result of his fate was beyond grieving. No, it was despair only. All of his comrades are in a severely injured state.It's to the point of one gentle tough can end their life away. Rein himself was only barely intact. His body is full of injuries, the curses are restricting and polluting his mind. At best, standing is the most he can do.

(.... Why ... Why did it become like this....)

Looking at his own and comrades' state, his heart felt pained, frustrated, and most of all... regret. All he wanted to was just to find someone who can relive his boredom. In the beginning, he wasn't that close to his comrades nor cared much about them either. However, when it reached this point, waves of endless sadness and heavy guilt crushed his mind.

At the same time,

" So,... this is what it means *cough* to lose..."

In the past, there was someone who cared about him and warned him that he will lose one day for his own blind arrogance. He himself dismissed it as just weak's rambling due to their jealousy. As for now, he can't rebuke it that way anymore.

It was hopeless to the point of no saving. no matter how much he's going to change himself, no matter how much he deeply regrets it, it won't change anything. All he could say is only one thing.

"It's... all... too late." (Rein)

Some people said that there's no such thing as too late to fix their own mistake. Or, they also say that mistake is necessary for their own growth. However, they can only say it easily to the other party because of they themselves know nothing.

Understand it and experiencing itself are a whole different thing.

[tsk, if you want to console yourself in your pathetic situation, do it in the other world. I'm going to puke just looking at you.] (Satan)

Not only he didn't respect his enemy, the asshole is spouting out derogatory words to Rein as if it was nothing. However, Rein didn't feel anger nor desire to rebuke it.


"Haahhh... I'm..... tired." (Rein)

He was regretful. He also can't accept this result. Even so, there's nothing he could change by cursing or wailing his emotion.He just feel.... empty.

[pft, puhahahahaha!!!! What the hell!? to think my enemy is this kind of trash. Fine then, at least you relive my boredom a bit, I will kill you and your comrades without feeling much pain.] (Satan)

Ending with that, he exudes an energy ball that can destroy one small continent and release it to the sky. The ball which was sent to the sky was slowly descending. After all, he is a sick bastard who likes to see people's despairing faces and enjoy it.


It was ironic.

He who was always feeling bored now is going to be killed by the one who is thinking the same way. Maybe this is karma to himself.

"No... you... can't die....now..." (???)

[hmm?] (Satan)

"Eh... A...thena ?" (Rein)

A gorgeous woman who has long silver hair, golden eyes like a serpent is standing between Rein and Satan. Before the bastard exterminates them, Athena stands in front of him to protect him.Moreover, not only her, others who have fallen stand up one by one to protect him.

[hoohh, looks like you can still stand. Even so, what can't you do?]

they didn't answer. No, they themselves already know the answer that they can't defeat him no matter what they do. Nevertheless, they still can do something to overcome this situation.

Athena and the others turned their heads to Rein.

Rein didn't see any hatred or frustration from their faces toward him. Instead, they only smiled and say one thing barely.


"....!!! What do you--"

plan to. Before ending his words, they already face Satan and prepare the last attack by sacrificing their lives. In one second, a gorgeous and large magic circle appear below Satan.

[wha--- are you fu*kers insane!!?? do you plan to seal me by erasing your lives!?]

They didn't respond. No, there was no need to. The moment they can't defeat this guy, they already prepare this without discussing Rein. Moreover, there is one more magic circle surrounding Rein.

"...!!? this is sealing... no, teleportation !? WHY!? why do you save someone like me!? I don't have that much worth to be saved!! I was the one who led you guys to this!!"

At the same time, Satan and Rein rampage around the barrier circle to break it. One to save himself while one is to stop his comrades. No matter how much they attack the barrier and struggled, the barrier isn't even budging nor showing signs of a crack. Moreover, there are chains coiling around Rein and Satan to stop their movement.

[Fuuuuuuu*k Youuuuu!!!!!! Release me!! release me this instant!! Damn itttt!!!!!!] (Satan)

Ending with his last struggle, Satan is surrounded by lights and engulfed by it. In the next moment, he had been banished and been sealed in the gasp between dimension.

Even so, it didn't change the fact they are going to die. The ball exudes by Satan was going to land in a short while. Moreover, they didn't have the energy to move from the place anymore nor energy to live anymore due to the price of the sealing. They only turn their backs and see their friend who is still struggling inside the barrier.

"....Why? WHY IS IT DAMNNIT !!!!? Why you don't save yourselves !? I know you guys still have that much power!!! So why!!?"

They still didn't respond, from the start until the end, they only smiled at him without feeling regrets to their options. After all, Rein himself didn't know this, but they were saved in one way or other by Rein himself.

They were all Gods who have many enemies. Even so, Rein didn't mind these things and interact with them. Moreover, he also helps them defeat those enemies without receiving anything. Although he was cold, he was a precious friend. To them who have eternal lives, They feel blessed to have someone who accompanies them.

"Kuuck, why is it..... Answer me...." (Rein)

Is it due to exhaustion or despair? in any case, Rein slumped to the ground and mutter his sentence many times even though he didn't get the answer.No, maybe he knows it but didn't want to accept it. If he accepts it, he can't forgive himself.

He who was an arrogant bastard was treated as a friend and was protected until the end.

"..... Goodbye. ...... Thank you......for accompanying.... us."

It was a weak voice. If he didn't pay attention to it, even Rein will miss it. However, Rein understood that it's their last and separating words. In a matter of seconds, the ball is going to descend.

They are going to die without leaving any piece of dust.

Before that, Rein raises his head and weakly smiles to them while crying.

"Thank you... and goodbye...... my dear friends."

It was short. Even so, they feel worth it being able to hear those words.Ending with his last words, Rein was engulfed by the light and teleported to somewhere.

They didn't know where they send him.

However, they know and believe that Rein can overcome any kind of situation.

They didn't hope him to get revenge.

They only wish for his happiness for the rest of his lives.

At the same time, the ball descended to the ground.

It was in an instant.

All of them were engulfed by the dark light and ended their lives.

With this, it was the end of Rein's grand, but tragic tales.

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