《Enter into naruto verse》Chunin exams begin


.....So it had now been almost 2 weeks since eds arrival to the hidden stone village.

... it was late at night, and the kage was meeting with one of his shadow guards ( elite jonine gaurds).

... so have you finished the check on that young merchent my teacher was interested in asked the kage.

.... yes kage sama, most of what we found before was acurate. We still cant find a place of birth or home village but intelligence suggests he live in the wildernes areas. He has been traveling to many villaged including two other hidden villages.

.... he has a contract to regularly deliver supplies to the village hidden in the sand,. Also hes on friendly terms with two Jinchūriki, one tails and hidden leafs nine tails.

.....Also of note it seems our own two tails has an interest, they met after she was assaulted on the way back from mission and treated her with a splint and cast. Although unnecessary it left a good impression on her.

... hmmm thats odd she dont like anyoneand barely takes orders perhaps we should .... ah ive got it said the kage.

.... relay this message to ms nina and the 2 tails they are to report to my office asap.

.... yes kage sama . Poof.


... the next day both the 2 tails and ms nina were waiting in the kages waiting room. The kage is ready for you both now. Understood they replied and entered.

.... good day to you both said the kage. You as well they both replied.

... you probably wonder why i asked for you, they nodded.

... well both of you are friendly with that new merchent. I was wondering if you could get him to deliver this letter to the hokage of the hidden leaf before the chunin exams happen.

.. the 2 tails spoke first, but kage same hes just a civilian cant you have a couple ninja do it.

.... the kage chuckeled, ahh its true you do seem to fancy him a bit hey he said. She blushed and went silent.

... no matter said the kage. I know he offers services like this from time to time and its not vital intelligence, so im considering it a test of character for him.

.. the 2 tails smiled at that. Why then did you ask for me said ms nina. He he replied the kage. Well i intend to have the 2 tails enter this chunin exam.

... ms nina was shocked, but still why me sir. Two reasons replied the kage. First your friendly with ed. And you will be needing to inform liliana that she and you will be going as guards for the 2 tails

.....after the last attack i cant send her by herself anymore. So consider this a new ninja team. You miss nina are the lead followed by the liliana. And since the 2 tails ( name is now adrianna) is not a chunin yet you must guide her safely to the leaf village.

.... adriana you are dismissed pack your things and ready to head out asap. Yes sir she replied. ..poof she was gone.

.... ok why the secrecy now sir. The kage sighed a bit. Things are strange ms nina. The assault on the 2 tails leads to somewhere in the village itself. I cant find where.

.. what thats impossible replied ms nina. Is it said the kage, and ms nina frowned. Surely just because of fear people wouldnt do such a thing.

.... weather for fear or profit or spite i know not. So ive had to think outside the box. I dont know who to trust and something unnerving is going on.


.... to top it off i feel theres more to ed than meets the eye, hopefully good. So far all things point to simply a wandering salesman but, you want to be sure replied ms nina. Yes he said. So once you reach the leaf village have the 2 tails stay ill have 2 other misfits help her during the exam.

....Then you and your great granddaughter come back immidietly the exams will take a while.

....Also he said on the way out try to negotiate a fair transport price. She ssid yes sir but remember im retired next time she winked.

. .

... Ms nina approached ed who was just finishing packing up his stuff that hadnt sold. Ah ms nina what can i do for you he asked.

..... well you see mister ed i have a favor and a small commision to ask of you. Ed was worried. You see my great grandaughter has been given her first assignment leaving the village, a sort of spoof mission for testing if you will.

.... you see she needs to guard s caravan and since your leaving today well i was hoping you could voluntere to give the hokage this letter and thus she would get a gaurding assignment a win win you see.

.... ed thought about it for a moment, well im going that way anyway so sure. Great she said we leave now come along.Fkk thought ed what crap did i voluntere for now .

.... at the gate ed saw liliana and the 2 tails waiting. Oh fukkk thought ed what the. Well mister ed and mis rinea meet your escort team to the hidden lead village. Well liliana and adriana now its time to head off we cant be late for the chunin exams. Ohh fkkkk thought ed is it that one and off they went.

. .... adriana was quite happy, finaly i get to prove myself she thought if i pass these chunin exams people will finaly have to start respecting me a little.

... ms nina approached ed, thanks for agreeing, and dont worry about your saftey. I am after all a jonin, even though im supposed to be retired. And my lil liliana is a chunin as well so you should be quite safe. It would actually be as n a rank escort if you think about it.

.. ed laughed dryly trying to hide his nervousness. He was still worried it was going to be that disastrous chunin exam, oh curse the transmigrator luck he thought.

... ah we also intend to purchase some of your dried jerky as well testing out there field reliability. This perked ed up a bit. Atleast hell make somd coin this trip.

... With such an escort ed had told rinea not to bother summoning yipper. It be a give away he said. So they continued the journey merrily.... ...

.... liliana was happy for the first day or 2 but by the 4th the long hours were stressing her missions were harder than the books and training. And it was uncomfortable sleeping on the go. Atleast ed had made a nice fluffy bed in his carriage.

....Though she had to sneak in when ed was in it hehe, he was wuite surprised to find himself waking up next to a little girl.....

... ... ..

... Orochimaru was upset and lashing out at those nearest him nothing had been going his way lately. He couldnt convince the hidden sand village to assault the leaf.

...So he had to bribe and threaten another group to do it. Though he did cripple the hidden sand village kage. How were they getting the supply's to keep the village going. He was at his wits end.


.... ....

... a man in a mask and red cloyd outfit sat in a cave. Those two useless bastards have atleast done something usefull. They managed to infiltrate the hidden sound village. So thats where the traitor orochimaru is thats good to know.

.... ...

.... After a long treck ed and company arrived at the hidden leaf village

...Ahh mister ed said the gaurd nice to meet you again what can i do for you. The usual merchant pass he asked. Ed said yes and i also have a letter for the hokage from the hidden stone village.

.. very well i have to send the letter to be inspected first said the guard. Understood said ed.

... also who are the new people with you. Ed replied the one over there is here for the chunin exams i believe she has the appropriate paperwork. The gaurd took it

... very well you may enter but dont cause trouble. Ed thanks for the products, my little brother enjoys them. Not a problem he replied and the group entered.

... now all we need to do is find a hotel for adrianna here and mission complete said ms nina. Ah well lets check a couple hotels shell we and off they went.

. .. many hors later the group was dissapointed all the hotels were booked. Is it always this difficult asked ed. Ms nina replied, not usually but this promises to be an exciting chunin exam. So many villages participating its bound to csuse a commotion.

... hmmm i wonder thought ed allowed, if your not picky i might have an idea said ed. Well i dont see much other choice said ms nina lets go with it and off they went.

... soon they approached a rather run down area. Ms nina began to frown. Knock knock..... poof and splash. Haha got you mr ed said a laughing orange bandit like young man .

..... naruto i appreciate a good joke but be mindfull of your surroundings. I have company. ... sorry mister ed but ive missed you lately due to training formissions, and now finally the chunin exams he said.

... eds heart was sinking further... arnt you a little young for the chunin exams asked ed hopefully.

.... nah my sensei has been guiding me and my team plus with the successful capture of a hiiden mist missing nin, a corrupt buisness mogel and helping the village recruit a powerful new ninja ,(ie haku)

... my team got permission to enter this yesr. Though most seem to fancy saskes chances just cause hes as n uchiha, hes 2 years younger than me said naruto grumpily. Though his team mate sakura is quite cute said naruto with a smile.

.... well naruto do you know anywhere i could have a felliw exam taker stay as he pointed to adrianna. Well have i guess she could stay next door its empty ill talk to old man hokage smiled naruto.

... thanks naruto i owe you said ed. No worries wait at my place while i talk to the old man and pooof off naruto went.

... ohh thats new must have been a shadow clone mumbled ed. Ms nina startled what do you mean shadow clone, thats a jonin level jutsu, and hes competing in these chunin exams.

.... ah well you see hes actually a bit like adrianna over there, hes the nine tale Jinchūriki naruto uzumaki. Youd have us stay near another Jinchūriki whom we dont know she started on ed.

.... dont worry hes a good kid a bit of a goofball though ed admitted. Well we really dont have a choice at this point said ms nina grumpily.

....But i expect you to chaperone her and no funny buisness, here is your payment for delivery. Bonus for new task and ticket for chunin exams, dont worry its a yood seat, you have to cheer her on she winked.

..... ed stood there dumfounded as ms nina and her great granddaughter left. It was at this time an orange blurr came tunning.

.... hehe got the key from the old man got to clean up though he said leaving a small trail of blood....

.... ed entered the apartment to check on naruto. What happened to you. Ahh this little broken nose aint nothin ive had worse. That girl sskura gets angry every time i ask her out.

.... ohh replied ed, perhaps you should look for a less violent girl hey said ed as adrianna and rinea stood behind him.

.. nah i like em fiesty replied naruto, besides who else should i go after hinata. She faints every time i say high.

.... ed laughed. Thanks for the help naruto im sure your busy with training.

.... yep me and rob just got kicked out of the forbidden forest though, i was told not to go back for a while by gramps. So i have to find a new place to train now.

....Ed was getting more and more concerned. Everything seemed to point to that terrible event.

... no worries naruto lets first set the ladies up un the apartment for now since the chunin exam will likely take quite some time ok.

... rogger boss will do. Come with me ladies ill show you next door .

.... ...

.... so naruto how goes your training asked ed. Quite well i keep up with the physical training you taught me and even managed the shadow vlone jutsu as well. Naruto smiled happily.

... thats good , hows your team treat you. Asked ed. Not bad really and i spent most my time camping in the forbidden zone training so all we really due is missions though .

....Naruto i know its difficult because certain circumstances make you different than others but you have to get some friends if you can. Life sucjs alone.

.... i know replied naruto but other than chad and his uncle most people treat me like the plague.

... well said ed i heve sn idea to help with that. Naruto smiled what is it more training. Yep replied ed but mental not physical.

... huh, replied naruto. Well since were alone ill tell you a secret naruto. You like that young lady over there are whats called a Jinchūriki. Basically you contain in yourself a massive chackra reserve.

.... but how come i aint noticed anything in me replied naruto. Ed facepalmed. Well its locked away mostly to protect you but its there. Its also very angry so lets go over a plan and see if we cant help you het on talking terms with it atleast.

..... edward found a great usolated location about half an hour outside of the village.

.... now remember naruto this creature is immensely powerful, and very angry. Its been locked up and controlled for hundreds of years so hes going to be grumpy, remember his names karuma.

... ed then shot a bunch of needles into naruto, paralyzing him. Naruto was startled. Sorry naruto only way I know how to raise your adrenaline levels to reach optimal state of fear.

... ... boom boom went the veibs in naruto as he tried desperately to get hi km self out of this percieved crisis. He soon entered a strange dark place flooded with red liquid substance.

.. it gave him the chills. Still he went deeper and deeper until the hairs on his body warned him of immenent danger.

.... he was drowned in the red liquid by now, with only his head above it. It was then that he saw the scariest thing hed seen so far in his life.

... hehe lil brat thats right feel the fear .i wont save you like last time boy.

.... it was then he remembered the feeling of raw power he had that enabled him to aid the jonin sensei in capturing that hidden mist ninja, and being able to coerce haku to come to the village.

.... thanks karuma said naruto.

.... brat how do you know that name said the beast still growling. Ahh i have a friend i think hes my friend. And he told me your name.

... haha haha laughed karuma evily. That boy thats got your body paralyzed right now growled karuma.

... um yeah replied naruto.

... hes a strange one he is growled karuma... and so there coversation continued.

... ed carefully took out the acupuncture needles , he assumed it was fine now.

... not long later naruto came to. You could have warned me a bit said naruto a little pissed.

.... if i did it might not have worked. The mind is a funny thing , you needed to believe you were in danger. So howd it go asked ed.

.. . He is super angry at everything like you said. But he has agreed to lend me a nit of chackra in a pinch. Though he did it before on my last nissomion though said naruto.

... well better than nothing thought ed. I suggest you spend the rest of the time studying, i think the exam is going to be quite tough, i have some study materials for you here. Noooo always study with you cried naruto.

.... well you need to have basic first aid incase you or an ally is hurt. .. .. and that should keep you occupied for a week.

..... naruto was happy to have ed helping him even though he did dislike studying.

... ....

..... A week later the chunin exams began. Naruto felt he and his team were well prepared.

..... ok now thaqt you have as ll made it here we have a test for you. Groan moaned naruto a little loadly and many grumpy looking ninja laughed.

.... yes for some of you this test will be daunting. But it is required to move on to the next stage, if you look around the room you see many experienced Procters. They are to note down who is caught cheating. If your caught 3 times you will be removed, oh and your team as well hehe.

.... naruto decided it be best not to cheat he wasnt very sneaky. When his test paper arrived he groaned even louder. The only good news was he had seen several questions from eds study guide.

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