《Enter into naruto verse》Continued interest


... oh these games are quite nice said miss nina. I really like the chess game, most students wont like it. But the other games even though there fun still teach. How did you come up with these ideas if you dont mind me asking.

.... ed was a little startled, and quickly came up with a reply. I had several dreams and when i woke up i came with them maam he said a little shiftily

.... Ohh she replied a little unsettled. Is it the same for your books i see here or are you perhaps a middle man for them. They seem a little advanced for a how old are you sunny she said.

.. umm im not entirely sure he said to her honestly. This startled ms nina. How can you not know how old you are.

... well maam to be honest with you i dont have any parents ms nina not sure if they ditched me or died he replied. And thus i have had to fend for myself in the wilderness since i was aware. I have kept track of the seasons since i started being curious and assume im about 11 or so years old. I should turn twelve soon its about to get cold.

.. ms nina had a depressed look on her face. Um sorry i have had to deal with many orohans because of the wars i should have known better. Its just your so inteligent i assumed you had family and scooling im sorry she said.

.. dont worry about it ms nina many people ask and i dont really remember my parents so its no problem. Still she seemed rather upset but still slightly off about something. So she purchased a chess set and some jerky.

..... ...

.... after ariving at the kage's office ms nina approached the secretary. What can i do for you ms nina asked the secretary. Id like to see the kage if possible. The secretary frowned.

... you know he is quite busy, but i will ask him, so she then got up and knocked on the door. What is it miss knockers he said with a grin. Your old teacher ms nina would like to speak with you.


...hmm did she say what about, no sir she replied. Very well ill listen to her for a while maybe it will defeat the irksome nature of all this damn paperwork.

.. he has ageeed to see you please be breif he has a lot of work . Thanks miss knockers much appriciated and so she went in.

.. what can i do for you ms nina asked the kage still filling out paperwork. I was wondering how thorough a report tou did on that nerchent selling the odd knick nacks and such she said, his name is edward.

....ahh we did a pretty good check on him i dont mind sharing the report with you since its not secret but why the sudden intrestasked the kage. She replied no reason hes just a bit strange, wgat with sll those different toys and books and such. And after recieving the r eff port she left.

... shadow report ... poof , you guys did a thorough check on that merchent correct. Yes kage sama, as full a report as is normal for a civillian sir. Very well find out how long hes here have him stay a little longer if you can. Also spend z bit my time searching info on him, my teacher doesnt take an interest if there just odd understood. Yes sir... poof.

.... bob recieved another visit. Ahhh im going to have a heart attack if you guys keep poppin up on me like that. The anbu asked what can you tell me about that merchent named ed he asked.

.... bob was a little nervouse now. Not much sir he entered a few days sgo, and i gave him a weeks pass sir. Well said anbu san you better give him atleast another 2 week pass you cant afford many more fuck ups can you now bob...poof and anbu san was gone.

.... What have i gotten myself into now, better make the pass quick and get it to him sigh my peacfull gaurd duty life how i miss it.


... ed had recieved a suprise visit from bob asking him to stay for two more weeks witch suprised ed. But he still had alot of stuff to sell so it was ok to extend the trip. He just had to remind rinea not to use any jutsus if it wasnt absolutly neccessary


. .. Ed recieved another visit from ms nina. But this time she had her great granddaughter with her. I told her about your games and she insisted on coming, she seemed very interested in the chess but due let her play some of the others ok young man.

... no problem ms i doubt mind helps to sell things when people see others using the items hehe. No problem and the granny went a little wats away to the park to mert up with some strange old guy.

.... did i just get put on babysitting duty by that sly old lady hmmff im not a baby my name is lilian nina. Haha said ed see your lil after all im going to call you lil nina for short, and all of a sudden he recieved a kick to the knee.

... Dont call me that for your information i am already a chunin and the guys tease me with that enough as it is. Ed was shocked you a chunin, he said suspiciously, you cant be more than 7 years old.

..... hmmff she snorted im 9 fool. And ive mastered 2 types of chackras at my age already she smirked. Oh thats pretty impressive then, well take a seat and ill teach you some games here.

... ...

.. So asked ms nina to the shady gentleman next to her. Did you find the information about that young man over there.

... yes he replied . Nothing special about him ither than he seems to have no parents. He also has never hired any ninja escorts despite making several dangerous trips, even going to the village hidden in the sand.

.... He even seems to be on friendly terms with that monster garra the one tails who kills without batting sn eye.

.. ms nina was shocked. How is that possible for a covilian crossung that desert without even ninja escorts and carrying a carriage or two is insane, though i have watched his workout he kind of reminds me of might guy in that sense she said.

.... well thats all we have on him, most places hes been to treat him nicely and dont extort him much. But thats it. Thanks again replied ms nina. Dont forget i still want the other books as well. Poof he dissapeared.

.... .

..looking over at her great granddaughter enjoying herself she sighed. Am i just being paranoid about this, she doesnt usually take well to bad people.

.... ssd's o she walked over and decided to buy 3 more games from ed. So liliana whet games did you like . She turned to her great grandmother and said so far, all of them hehe.

... well to bad dear im retired you only get to pick 2 of them. Ok great grandma i want a chess set and the monopoly board please, also can i have a bag of jerky to i havent tried it yet.

... ahh such a nehotiater you are dear. Very well lets go now. Thanks for watching her ed she can be a handfull and i had to meet up with an old acquaintance. No problem im not really to busy at the moment he said.

... also here are a couple books on the house thos ones medical knowledge for basic field aid, and this one is a surprise. No problem said ms nina gathering up the purchases and gifts.


.... So liliana what did you think of him asked ms nina. Hmm she said, well hes a little strange but considering hes grown up by himself, he seems nice. Also very intelligent for someone his age, oh and hes so cute she said with starry eyes.

... oh dear said ms nina has my great granddaughter actually got her first crush she chuckled.

.... ooh hes just so cute said lilliana and hes well muscled without being grotesquely beefy. But hes got that little man stealing woman with him ohh i dont like her. And he said im to little hes only three years older than me.

... that was more indept an answer than i was expecting. I suppose its time for the birds and the bees chat said ms nina. What are the birds and the bees replied liliana... and so that was another conversation

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