《Enter into naruto verse》Unexpected interuption


.... As the time passed many groups were kicked out due to being caught cheating.

..... naruto was even more glad that he hadnt even thought of cheating. He was also thankfull for eds insistance on studying. He had even been able to get half the answers from ed wich was quite surprising.

.... He knew he wouldnt be able to get them all but he figured a 60 would be passing so he pressed on.

..... ok times up twerps said the instructor. Now for the curveball. You have one final question that has to be passed to continue.

.... if you fail, you will never be advanced and stuck at genin level forever. You have three minutes to decide

...Naruto was sweating bullets. How could he ever be hokage if he was only a genin. Then he remembered eds advice, its mindd games and a test of your true capabilities in chunin exams.

.... i dont care no mater what im stayin yeah who cares if your genin forever, your still a ninja.

.... the instructor was happy inside. He waited for anyone else to leave.

.... a few more left but most stayed.

... very well you all pass... its a ninjas resolve that is important.

... .... bang and anko rolled thru the window. Why so many you seem to be loosing your touch.

... no worries these are the best of the best. She seemed sceptical. Well whatever they will still be cut down by half.

..... this news startled the remaining groups.

..... so you have 1 hour meet at the forest of death hahaha.. poof.

.... the forest of death. Naruto was a little pleased. He new that area well. He ssf pent many months there camping at least on the outskirts of it. Though that explains why he was kicked out a while back.

.... most teams immediately went to the rally point. No one wanted to be late.


... naruto and his team where there chatting happily although they were nervous. They were clearly the youngest group there.

..... so guys said naruto i think we will be ok i have many descrete camping spots spread out through the forest of death. His two teammates were quite surprised.

.... did you pre plan this they asked. No replied naruto but i have spent much time here training and away from the people that usually bully me.

... the two then remembered how badly naruto was treated and it made sense.

.... so i suggest we camp at one of my sote first and then get our bearings. The two quickly agreed.

.... so said anko looks like everyone is here. Each team line up evenly to get your scroll....

... ok now that everyone has one here is your task. Meet in the center of the forest of death within 3 days, but you can only clear if you have both scrolls. Task begins now.

... poof and off everyone went.

... ..

... there was a sound ninja group that was heading further in. They were looking for a good campsite. Thats when they noticed a little patch of grass that was i little woerder than the other area.

.... im going to check it out ok you 2 stand guard ok. They nodded. He approached and felt around, then lifted a well hidden handle.

.... stay alert you 2 im headed in. Curiosity got the best of him. He looked around to see a comfy littlr campbset up. Haha just our good luck we found a c a camp site.

.... ok guys come on in it looks safe, it wasnt until the door closed behind them that something went wrong... fizzle poof a nockout gas was released before they could do anything.

.... naruto and company headed in carefully. Afraid of running into anyone to strong to deal with. It was a little while later that naruto signaled for everyone to stop.


... every thing looks good but let me check he then hit a small pressureplate next to the handle. It was then he noticed three ninja passed out probably from his smoke trap.

... hey guys im checking something first be on the lookout. The 2 nodded. Naruto then went into his camp site. Did i really just defeat 3 sound ninja with a smike trap to funny.

.... he decided to check all three. It wasnt until the third one that he found the scroll. haha im just going to strip you three and leave your cloths somewhere for you to find.

... sorry guys i hot bad news. We cant use this site its got a couple of squaters. But we get to head straight to the tower no so lets go. His two teammates were dumbfounded.

... what, the two couldnt believe there luck. If we head straight in its probably safer to said chris. Naruto had no objections so off they went.

.... Although quick they were still able to avoid a great deal of trouble and only had to fight a couple teams, who they let run away.

.... once inside they were suprisdd to find they wernt first , but still happy they had passed. Now all they had to do was wait for the task to end.

.... 2 days later the task ended.

.... .... ..

.... congrats on passing this section of the exam. Before the finals however we still need to eliminate many more. From here on out it will be an individual battle royal .

.... groan all this and we still wont necessarily make the finals mumbled naruto. Matches begin tomorrow rest up patch up as nd meat at the training field said anko.

... from here on the matches are deadly, you can withdraw if you feel uneasy she said. Almost no one withdrew. Except for kabuto.

...... .... ...

.... ... anything interesting asked a voice from behind kabuto. Responding kabuto said, no orochimaru sama.

.....Except my information about naruto seems off. Also saske should still be in the village even though he wasnt chosen to participate in this chunin exam.

... well there loss replied orochimaru, ill have to visit him later. Slither and he disappeared.

.... ...

..... naruto was happy. He had passed the next set of qualifying rounds, and even made a new friend. Hinata was shy but she had helped him when he was injured.

..... no its time for the final assesment said anko, those that are left have a week to prepare. Give it your all.

... ... ...

..... naruto visited ed. He I passed. To bad you dont get to watch the finals though said naruto the tickets are all bought up.

....ed smiled. Actuslly i do have one though i have to sit with some representatives from the hidden stone village.

.... naruto was suprised. The tickets were ever so hard to come by.

.... ... ...

.... it was an exiting couple of days and they were now aproaching the finals.

.... it was garra vers the 2 tails. They were just sbout to both go to beast form but ... zzzzzz. Boom.

..... most people in the stands had been put to sleep before the explosion started

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