《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》22 Tournament part 2
The Arena was Rumbling again with noise as the second round of the Tournament was about to begin, the groups that passed were all nervous to some point, while the people on the stands were all excited and hopeful, hopeful that their bet would earn them the jackpot of a lifetime.
My eyes fell on a real beauty wearing a wrestling mask, with long blond wavey hair, which earned me an elbow from Kitten. She's so adorable when she's jealous. Ukita seems to have moved on a bit too fast, as I can feel no hostility nor envy from him whatsoever.
The first to fight was that blond girl that I talked about, her outfit was more like that of a stripper's than a wrestler's, Kisara was holding my eyes in order to not allow me to look at her ass and bouncing boobies, she's so adorable. I told her to wake me up when the match is over and she seemingly relaxed a little.
I don't know why but for some reason, I felt the excitement from all of the men in the colloseum, but I wouldn't care less about a fight of that level, there's nothing to get from it. Lets focus on having a good rest, after all I'll probably be fighting since there's not many people in our group able to fight now that Takeda, Freya and Thor were injured last night.
Of course the real reason why I sleep a lot is because my concept of time is different than theirs, just imagine a 5 minute fight lasting for an hour instead and everyone moving like turtles, I'll die of old age before it finishes.
At the middle of sleep, Kisara begun to Nag me, hitting me in the nuts to wake me up, I opened my eyes in pain, it wasn't anything excruciating, since she didn't use Dou, but it felt uncomfortable. On the stage was a forest and the Elder stood there in a stupid mask, while Kenichi and Miu were Prone on the ground.
The masters Said something about the Elder using 0.0002 of his power, well they weren't wrong, by my analysis he's sort of sleepwalking, his steps are unbalanced and his way of using his strength is like that of a child throwing a tantrum. There's not a hint of martial arts in his movemets, it's just brute strength that induces fear in his opponent's hearts, even his speed isn't that great, he moves at around the same speed as them.
I should probably thank Kisara, because of her waking me up I saw another of Elder's abilities, although a rather weird one, talking two sentences at the same time, it's just using super speed to talk gibberish. I really want to know how the old man's brain works.
He just talks the words of the two sentences alternatively in different tones, thus giving the illusion he's talking two sentences at the same time, rather Elaborate for a useless skill, if you ask me.
After the Elder gave up there was a small break before our turn to fight came, for some reason the crowd wasn't at all interested in the fight, I didn't know why, but our chances to win had changed to a 1-1.1 chance, meaning that we were a favorite to win. Something that made our opponent the capoeira team rather angry.
As we were entering the stage, with full confidence, for some reason at the last moment Sieg decided to join us. Flying a private plane over the Island and jumping off from incredible height, Now with Niijima in the mix, out team has a proper 5 members.
Kisara asked me to not interfere in her fight, I would have loved to argue about it with her, but she was really determined. Niijima seems to have some plan, he purposefuly irritates the opposing team, don't know how that would work.
He tells something to the others and gets beaten up, don't know why, but I think he deserved that. One second into the Match, Ukita goes and grabs their leader by the shoulders before being totaly destroyed.
Now we're left with 3.5 people, if you can even count the Goblin king as a person. The fight begins and our team is at a visible disadvantage, I simply stand there slaping away attacks as if shooing flies.
The Goblin king irritates one of their members to the edge of the stage, only to have Ukita throw him off the stage. He then went and ordered Sieg to Help, whom before that was being beaten up by the oponent team.
Then Siege proceeded to beat up his opponent and go fight their leader, before the battle was however concluded he suddenly went to sleep.
Kisara was winning until they double ganged on her, I would love to help her, but seeing her determination and excitement, I could do nothing but entertain my own opponent, whom is now panting while glaring at me as if I'm his archnemesis.
Ukita went to help her, only to have one of his fingers broken by their leader and lost conciousness, should I also move or can she make it by herselves. She seems to have it under control, she beat the girl and now only their captain is left, I slap the guy I'm facing unconcious and sit down to see how she does.
She "Meowed", Kitten you don't have to act like a cat to win, she is however using her Dou Ki, although in really short doses and after a rather hard fight, at last she did it, I think she should have mastered the use of Dou Ki. How didn't I think about it what she really needed was a good enough opponent to make her progress, If I had asked Violent Miu to help her, maybe she would have made more progress than when fighting with the Valkyries.
After our Victory that weird Ponytail guy appeared to make a scene with Shirahama Kid, something about Killing a pankration team or what-not, don't even know whom they were, don't really care.
It was however his turn to fight and he was good, I'm sure he's already a master at such a young age, well I'm probably younger than him, but that's not the matter here, the matter is that he's dangerous, even without using Dou Ki he already moves at a speed faster than regular people, I think I might have to fight him seriously at some point, maybe even kill him, if it comes to that.
The next round started Immidiately and it was us against this guy, I was about to have a warm up, until the Goblin King Announced out Surrender. Kisara was Enraged, while I could only laugh at this Divine Comedy, this guy simply sent Shirahama Kid to his Doom.
I don't doubt that Shirahama Kid has become stronger over time, but this guy is not something a regular person can defeat, he's a real talented martial artist, I'm sure tht he might even become one of those Masters, like the Guys from Ryozanpaku.
Of course the Goblin King's decision was mostly based on his good understanding of Shirahama Kenichi, He said he knew we could defeat him, but it would have no deeper meaning, him losing to Shirahama Kid however would be a Huge blow and have more meaning to everyone.
The next round was Ryozanpaku vs the Wrestler team, but under the ponytail's threats to give up or be destroyed they begun to fight. The Referee allowed it, mostly because he was already irritated with our surrender and now ponytail was making his tournament suck and insulted both him and his disciples. In the end however he gave up, the reason was because of the Chaos Spreading outside, everyone begun fleeing for the shelters, there's a fucking war going outside, I think he will just try to escape.
Watching Shirahama Kid get beaten up isn't even fun, his opponent isn't even doing his best and he's totally destroying him. What? We're leaving so soon, well It's no surprise since they're practicaly bombing the place and I have to make sure that Kitten is safe.
Master Shigure is escorting us out, we are running away or rather they are, for me it's just walking, Another Old Geezer is at the roof, watching us, suddenly a tank blocked our path, Master Shigure stays behind to deal with It telling us to go on.
The Geezer "ambushes" us, well ambush is a strong word, he just stalked us for a good few minutes until we reached the gate. This person is funny he wishes to adopt us as his own children, that bastard Goblin King, he hides behind Kisara, knowing that's the safest place to be since I'm still here.
Kisara jumps at him, the world froze, as now I was angry. The guy was still moving but at the speed of not even a snail, I begin by removing his fingers off of her, next lets make him dance in super speed, I wish to know how well his body will feel after the world returns to normal.
He cries in pain as his body collapses to the floor, he shouts for his backup only to learn that they were betrayed. As Tanimoto-sama appeared once more to tell us that they have secured the ship and also to be shocked himself, because he didn't understand what had happened, honestly everyone present was in shock, at one moment the old guy seems like an immortal God and at the next he's lying on the floor like a dog, they didn't even hit him yet.
Of course I don't have to explain anything as moments later the Big Screen is on and people's interest shifts to the fight between Shirahama Kid and Ponytail which is still raging on. All the focus is on the screen, while Kisara is really confused how she ended up in my arms. At one moment she was being bent like a wet Noodle and the next she was safe and sound and everyone's kicks, strikes and punches threw the giant to the floor, was he really that weak?
Only Tanimoto-sama could put 2 and 2 together and made a conjecture of what might have happened. He however didn't want to believe that was possible, after all we were around the same age, how could an early teenager be a super master?
The fight was getting interest, I took Kitty Away and went to see the fight in first person. Kisara was even more confused when she saw that we were back at the Stadium and Kenichi was now equaly fighting Sho Kano, whom I like to call ponytail guy.
Why I came here however was because of what he did Sei Dou Roar as One, last time I used it I nearly died, I have to admit that Shirahama Kid has gone a long way from what I thought. He could now match a person using this technique, but something feels off, why does it feel as if he's not using the technique at the moment?
How come Shirahama Kid is stronger when he's unconcious, rather than when he's concious, it makes no sense. What an idiotic way of killing a good move, Using Sei Dou Roar for short amounts of time in order not to overtax your body, sounds simple, but in reality once you come out of the technique you are left vulnerable to counter attacks, on the other side it only takes a single second to kill someone.
In the End Kenichi won and some idiot with a gun decided to intervene, well might as well help them out, The bullet is so fast, I have to go faster to make it, I had seriously underestimated the speed of a bullet, even with the Dou activated and the world frozen I might not make it. What's that Ponytails guy doing, why is he jumping in front of them, He's literaly forcing me to do this.
I activate Sei Dou Roar as One, The world froze completely the bullets stopped In midair, but I feel my body getting heavy, I have to do whatever I have to do fast or my body might suffer the same thing I did to that "stalker" old guy.
I Reached the bullets and finger flicked them into the sky! I then deactivated the ability, but I still felt sore, I fell to the ground helpless to do anything for the next few minutes, everyone seems to be so fast now, I think that I'm going to sleep.
I don't know what happened after I fell unconcious but they told me that because of my interferance Ponytail survived. Truthfully I don't remember why I saved him, I was trying to save Shirahama Kid, but ended up saving someone else instead. Well it was a clankfest of activity giving me no time to think, first Miu jumping in front of Kenichi, decreasing the time I had to react, then ponytail jumped in front of her further decreasing the distance the bullet had to travel, did they really believed that a human body has enough muscle to block a bullet from an assault riffle, It's not a handgun you know.
The problem is that after he learned that he would become a martial arts cripple Ponytail has fallen into a deep depression, Sei Dou Roar does that, he overdid it and thought it was a good idea. But I can't judge him, I too am at my weakest.
-Kitten, where did you learn how to peel apples like that?
-You idiot! Don't call me Kitten in public
Ponytail seems really angry as we share the same hospital room, even without my super powers I can feel his jealousy. I also think He hates me for not letting him die protecting his love. Well whom told him to jump into the bullets I was about to deflect It's all his own fault, seriously.
While in another room lay Kenichi with his own group of visitors and of course his teachers over his head threating his wounds. As for me I was being detained together with Kano, since we weren't part of their side, even Allowing Kitten to visit me was a huge favour, since they are trying to recruit me, a man that can stop bullets in midflight from the other side of a stadium in just seconds. The price for doing so was muscle cramps and temporarily losing all my super abilities.
Of course I was better off than ponytails, whose arms had bullet holes, it seems that the bastard with the assault riffle had shot again after I fell unconcious, no doubt why Kitten tells me that I do things half heartedly, I trully did a half-assed job once more.
Of course the alternative would have been killing the assailant to avoid this from happening, which was as simple as poking him to death.
After Kitten left to do her own stuff, I was left really bored lying in a bed next to the depressed guy.
-Why did you save me?
-Don't thank me Ponytail, I wasn't even trying to save you
-Thank you, you blew my best Moment!
-Fuck you, it's because of you that I'm in this state, I originaly planned to save Shirahama Kid since Kitten would be sad if he died, but then Violent Miu decided to act the Part and I know that Kitten would be even Sadder if she died, but then you had to do shit and jump in front of them, I didn't even have time to think at the time as I simply saved you by reflex, seriously speaking I don't give a shit even if all three of you died, but that would break Kitten's heart
-You know, you talk to much
-I know
The guy seemed a bit more cheerful for some reason that I could not understand, maybe he felt better about himself learning that there are other people like himself that don't give a damn or just found it funny that people like me exist.
-So how do I call you, Tiangu or Tiger like she did the other time she came
-I would prefer is you don't call me anything, if fact I'm not talking to you, you don't exist
-You're a funny guy, I'm Kano Sho and I sincerely thank you for saving Miu's life
-I don't need your thanks ponytail
-As you like champ
-You think I'm stupid, although Shirahama technicaly won this tournament, if your team hadn't given up, the Champions would have no doubt been you guys, you can even fucking stop bullets, I thought only my master was strong enough to do so, but here is a Kid even younger than me and he's able to accomplish something that even my master wouldn't be able to
-You talk too much
The guy begun to laugh and wouldn't let me in peace, in the next few hours he begun telling me the story of his life, his drama and his shortcomings, how he hated being born in his family, how he hoped to change his fate one day, something about birds and chicks, please take me out of here!
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