《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》21 Tournament part 1


The lights were out and the tournament was about to start, everyone was anxiously waiting at the waiting rooms. Entering the stage after we were called in.

We were the first team to compete and our opponents would be some mercs, from the so called Black Force, don't know why they named their group like that, but on the other hand Shinpaku Alliance isn't any better.

Niijima has been looking at me all of this time, but unless Kisara asks me to, I won't even lift a finger, but all she does is look around distressed at the huge crowd, it's probably her first time in a Stadium.

Only now does Niijima learn that we have to send 5 people, his vision once more falls on me, while Kisara seems to be lost in thought for some reason.

A guy wearing glasses whom I hadn't even perceive existing till now wanted to go first, something about proving himself. Inside however he's anxious, angry and afraid.

The fight goes just as predicted, he's only able to score one punch before being overwhelmed by the more experienced opponent. The opponent is about to destroy him, Niijima threw the towel, but the referee denied it, the match would go on. Kisara looked at me with puppy eyes, I can't resist her, Shirahama Kid Charged towards the stage, but I waited until the oponent came closer to the glasses guy, at that moment time froze. I walked to the stage and lifted the idiot's fist towards the opponent's face, which I punched real hard, before returning to my seat.

The glasses guy lifts his foot, trying to kick empty air, the audience was in shock as no one saw how this student's fist had blown the guy away. The glasses guy however wasn't any better that the unconcious member as he held his fist real hard, all his muscles were in pain, his body didn't react well to super speed movement.

To explain it with single words If I move something places, there isn't any special effect, but If I try to change their state by applying force, for example kick a ball, it will shoot like a rocket once time goes back to normal.


The poor guy was holding his bloody fist in pain, but I could see inside that he was happy to have won. As for the Opponent, he was shot dead by his own teammate, while unconcious, they didn't even wait for him to be sent away, it was rather brutal, but I don't really care about what they do with their people.

The team however had suffered a psychological trauma and the next to come on stage was their team's leader, the man whom shot his own team mate.

Since the glasses guy was probably out of comission, from our side the fighter was Freya, don't know how they decided that, but she seemed quite confident in winning. I was surprised but in the end after a somewhat weird fight, she defeated her opponent.

Because she didn't finish him he tried to kill himself, he was a man with a large ego and a bucket of pride, if not for the Referee saying that the loser must obey the winner's decision, he would have probably killed himself after leaving the stage.

With this second victory the match was decided, with 2 wins 0 loses

The next groups took the stage and it was funny because the next group was the Ryozanpaku Elder wearing a mask he didn't even use his Bushin, he just put a wooden doll with a wig at the stand, it was funny how the Referee allowed for this matchup, even thought the audience was in an uproar, there wasn't even a team of 5, he was alone against five people.

The result was total anhilation of the enemy team, of course one of them turned out to be a master in disguise to look like a young man.

Shirahama Kid's turn was next and seriously I just took a good nap through all of it, until I woke up from all the noise, to see something really strange or really stupid. Ki Emission, trading one's life energy to create a powerful blow that against an expert is no different that healing them.


The principle is simple you Overflow his system with energy so that it self destructs, It's like pumping too much water into a baloon, if the balloon is little, the smallest of amounts is deadly, if its large then all you do is making it larger.

The night after the tournament I sat with Kisara, we were all alone, I felt her anxiety and fear for the future.

-Kitten, if you had to chose between desire and virtue, what would you chose?

-What's that?

-Lets say there are two sides, on is ruthless both to others and themselves, but for their short life they can do whatever they like and die without regrets, the other side lives a long life full of good and bad things, dying with regrets

-Which is the Life giving fist and which is the killing?

-What do you think?

-I think you should stay with us and stop worrying about the future, when the time comes to decide, I know you will make the right decision

-Maybe you're right Kitten

-And stop calling me Kitten!

Suddenly Ukita came running asking us to help Kenichi, Kitten kicked me in the butt, it was cute, but I took the message.

Time froze all around, I went to look around the Island, A guy Carrying Violent Miu was flying in the sky as gravity didn't seem to apply too well while in super speed, I jumped and took her out of his arms, reversed time to my "Normal" and when I hit the ground stopped time again, I found Shirahama Kid and put her in his arms.

I then went back to look at the guy that was slowly falling with a real stupid expresion on his face, I just stood there to see it all happen.

-Who are You?

-Why is it always the same question?


-whatever, I only came to see you stupid mug when you understand you're no longer holding anything, I'll be taking my leave now

The guy begun to weight his hands only to discover that there was nothing there and the Mysterious Master had disappeared.

I didn't know about what happened next as I came to search for Kisara, whom was behind, but the result was that Freya, Takeda and Thor were taken out by the strange guy trying to kidnap Violent Miu, he turned out to be a really violent guy, even shirahama kid was in a really bad state.

Kisara begun to complain that I did a half-assed job, that I should have stayed behind and help them, but I saw no reason, after all she wasn't there and trying to intecept a guy whom Shirahama kid couldn't take on, was it really a smart move for them to do in the first place?

Of course nobody understood logic in this group of muscleheads, there was only friendship and emotions speaking.

Kisara wouldn't even talk to me the whole night, due to this event, saying that this was all my fault, something about power and responsibilities and bullshit.

Does she take me for some sort of super hero or something, I'm just a simple human, I'm not trying to save the day or something.

Everyone however agrees with her, it's not like I owe them anything, I don't even know who they are, well maybe I know Freya out of the three of them and Kenichi, but who are Takeda and Thor to me, they are nobodies.

Is it wrong to not help when you can? Is it right to barge into other people's matters just because you can? Is it my fault that they are idiots?

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