《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》16 Calm before the Storm


Today it was rather cloudy outside, I'm suspended from school, thus It's a good idea to go greet the Masters at Ryozanpaku.

I'll wear my Shinobi clothes and go to ask for a fight, I would be most happy to fight with Master Shigure, but anyone's fine.

I silently sneak inside and sit down in front of the small table at the entrance, the first to see me was Miu, whom greeted me with a really slow flying kick, I didn't even have to move to evade it, of course it changing directions was rather brilliant, but still too slow, a blurry figure passed the corridor as the Elder appeared sitting before me.

-Yashin of the Heartless Style greets the Elder

-Pitiful style, well not a bad name indeed, so did you come to challenge or just to talk?

-I want to challenge the Dojo

-10.000yen per challenge

-Alright, but I also want Shirahama Kid to see the fight if it's possible, maybe he will learn a thing or two

-Then maybe I should face you myself then?

-Please Instruct Me

-You know you are not completely lost yet, you can still walk out of the shadows, Life is like a fleeting cloud and your talent is not bad, how about becoming my personal disciple?

-A dragon teaching a wolf how to fight? that would be interesting, but how about we postpone that conversation for after this spar

-That would be impossible, since our disciple hasn't finished his schedule yet, so you will have to come in 9 hours 43minutes 19 seconds from now if you wish for your conditions to be met

- I ask the elder to select the location?

-What about your place?

-Technicaly it's not mine and I would prefer not to damage it

-Then how about the mountain over there?

-I'll also bring an audience of my own if you don't mind

-Why should I, after all you've already threated us to Lunch and Dinner, Miu go buy something good for us to eat

-Why is she not at school?


-Oh that? You see all the students are abstenting from lessons in protest of Kenichi's suspension

-Really ballsy of them, it's just three days after all

-You really are sly, you know full well what this protest is about, it has nothing to do with the suspension, the students don't want Kenichi to leave the Shinpaku alliance or its disbandment

-That's surprising, so it's like choosing the lesser of two evils

-You might be trying to change your group, but the stains of the past cannot be washed away cleanly, there will always be traces left behind

-If so then Shinpaku alliance will fall first, because a trump tower built on lies will not be able to win against a dirty and soiled brick

-An ant hive with too many queens will eventualy crumble

-An ant hive using bird chicks to guard it from danger is no better

-You're Starting the Cock fight before the bets are placed, aren't you afraid of making a loss

-You win some, you lose some, isn't that what life is all about

-Will life without her be worth living?

-As long as I live I will fight, as long as I fight I will eventualy win, as long as I win I will get my prize

-Will the Prize be worth the losses?

-Loss is also part of the learning process

-You see yourself a teacher, but you were a student not too long ago

-A good teacher learns from his student, a good student doesn't exist, but in the mind of his teacher

-The meaning of Existance is what we give it

-I never seek a meaning as all my words are but air

-I hope your fighting abilities are as good as your words

The elder stood up, seemingly I won in this duel of words or the elder got bored of this game. Miu however was rather shocked to see her Grandfather serious, it's strange, but I couldn't feel the elders emotions at all, he trully is strong.

I went to Ragnarok's HQ and gave a message, all Leaders and Warriors were to come to witness a once in a lifetime show, Odin was also included and this was an Order he will regret disobeying.


I found "Kitten" playing with the other Kittens, there were two that didn't seem to be getting along, they were Buchi and Noir, the newest Kitten in her collection. I heard her father forbid her from bringing any more kittens.

-Kisara, tonight will be the greatest fight in my life, would you mind spectating?

-You do know that it's going to rain tonight?

-Does it matter?

-If you promise that you will win

-That's hard to promise, the enemy is an immortal geezer that could probably crush me in seconds if he trully wanted to

-Then what's the point of this fight, if you don't fight to win

-Knowing one's self, I wish to know how far is the peak

-I knew it, you're acting like an idiot again

-Promise that you will come

-Promise that you will win

-If you will come then I promise I will win or die trying

-Idiot! don't say such things

-Didn't you tell me to win?

-What has dying to do with winning

-Unless I put my life on the line there is no way of me winning

-Then why should I go see a fight where you are defeated?

-Because you give me strength, you existance inspired me on the world of martial arts, you are the most precious thing to me in the world

-I'm not a thing, I'm a human being and If you dare die in this fight I will personaly Kill you, you hear!

-Then should we go?

-Go where?

-To the place where the battle will take place

-Are you gonna wear these clothes when fighting?

-If you wish to make it a show, then lets go tell father, I'm sure he'll be happy to film a good movie, He's even looking for talented actors, you should give it a try

Mr Nanjo was somewhat interested in seeing this fight in person, leaving the criminal stage was a handful, it took ages to talk with the others over the reasons and they agreed on a compromise, which is money laundering through producing movies that nobody sees.

They had 8 hours to set the cameras and make him a good costume, they even made a costume for the elder if he wished to of course wear it, they even prepared a contract with a good amount of money. The whole money laundering thing happened in the cinemas and video rental stores, the movie itself has to be a cheap production, but still not too horrible as to not move suspicion. The title of the Movie would be a "Duel under the rainy sky"

At the Ryuzanpaku Dojo, Kenichi was exhausted, but he felt strange when he heard that some Dojo Hunter wished him to be a witness to their duel.

Was there even a meaning to this? Listening to Miu the person was really skilled, but both of them had no idea that it was in reality Yashin from their class and leader of Ragnarok, they had never seen him wearing his mask and shinobi clothes before.

The time of the duel was approaching and he was surprised as all the Masters were also going out to see the duel, there was even a television crew or something set up at the spot, they even begun to talk with the elder, signing a 1.000.000 Yen contract for the movie, they even gave him a crazy mask to wear, that looked like a tengu, while his opponent was wearing a rather frightening Hannya mask and a weird ninja looking outfit.

The Sun was going down and the light projectors were almost ready to go, the Duel would begin in the dark and dropplets of water had already begun to fall. Kenichi looked at the other side of broad field and could see all the Ragnarok members there, even Kisara was there, he had an assumption of whom the Elder's opponent was, deep inside however he didn't want to believe it.

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