《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》15 Blurring the Clear Sky


The next day at school Shirahama Kid approached me once more.

-Now your Girlfriend is no longer in Ragnarok, so you can leave right?

-No, now I have to make sure that Non in Ragnarok dares to mess up with her, thanks you a bunch for Forcing me to become the Leader of Ragnarok


Everyone in the classroom was once more shocked and begun to gossip, even the Goblin whom was eavesdropping fell on his butt out of the shock of what he had just heard.

-Isn't the leader, Odin?

-Not anymore, the moment he decided to seclude himself and let the organization deteriorate, he lost the privilage to have the final say in anything, by the way I think he really hates your guts

-So, can we talk it out now?

-Nope, that wouldn't be interesting to anyone now, would it, I don't want to bore Kitten to death, Oh and tell the masters that I will be coming dojo hunting some of these days, It would be a shame if they lose because there was no one home but their weak disciple

-I'll take you on!(Miu)

-Violent Miu, you're strong, I won't say that you're not, but you are not on my level now, maybe if it was a week ago, you would be able to crush me, but right now I'm already a Master

-Then What's your Style?

Truth was she caught me there, I haven't thought of what to call it, lets think of something strong, like Heartless, right.



-No it's heartless! not pitiful

-Whatever you say Master of the "Pitiful" style

-Fuck you!

I felt really embarassed, of all the words for heartless, that was the first that came in mind, I had completely forgotten the word had two meanings, but we will see who is pitiful after I go Crush their Dojo.

I'm no longer the weak person that was beaten up near death every day, I'm now a master of the Pitiful Style. Fuck them!

The next day I was the joke on the street the Ragnarok's new master the Pitiful Fist. Of course I wasn't an idiot to care about all this, because no one dared to laugh in front of me and I didn't care what cowards did behind my back, if they wish to mock me they have to do it in front of my face and if they do, they would better be ready for the consequences.

A stupid thug in the streets had the stupid idea to do just that, it's funny how he's also a member of the Shinpaku alliance. I want to see what their General will do after seeing all of his limbs dislocated.


While at the HQ Loki approached me.

-Leader, Sieg has turned coat and joined the Shinpaku alliance!

-Isn't that good news? why are you so anxious about it, to begin with I don't see why we should even care about the Shinpaku alliance, let them conquer as much as they like, then you just take the head and everything becomes yours

-It's not that simple, this is a blow to our troops morale, many others will turn coat if they learn about this

-Let me ask you Loki, when is a dragon most angry?

-When it fights?


-When it loses its pray?


-When it can't find a worthy opponent?

-Wrong again, it's when it's woken up, we need time to reorganize and regroup, we are that sleeping dragon, the Shinpaku Alliance is but the Carp that's trying to leap over the Dragon's gate, can't you see that they are not a dragon, on the other side we have Yomi, a genuine Dragon that is approaching with rapid steps even as we speak, we have to be prepared, from now on begin with gathering information and categorise our enemies to Little and big fish, those whose depth you can't understand are sharks and their list you have to give to the Honor warriors, their job will be fishing for as long as Ragnarok exists, I don't care what they do with their opponents, lose or win is all part of war, the punishment for losing is more training, the punishment for leaving the group is becoming a fish in the ocean

-What about "Kitten"?

-It's simple, tell them that they can fight her as well, but if they overdo it against her I will personaly come to crush them, also the real Honor Ranking will be created in two weeks from now, after the next training

-Leader I think that we need more managing stuff, 22 people are not enough and some of us are not really fit for the job

-Then let me ask you, what makes a good leader?

-Their ability to think and analyze any situation?

-Close but not

-Their Heart and spirit?

-Wouldn't say that's even close

-Their ability to make comrades out of enemies, like Shinpaku Alliance

-Nope, it's the leader's ability to select and manage competent subordinates, without them you are a leader of nothing and if they are incompetent it's even worse than having no subordinates at all

-So you are telling me to find people?

-You're really smart, but there's an even better idea, why don't you go scout a certain person called Niijima to join us, after all Leaders no longer need to be strong fighters

-It won't work, he's too ambitious

-Then ask him this, how far can his pockets stretch, because this will be a long fight, we're not going to attack them at all, lets see how long they can last without bullying and gathering resources, this will be testing both their resolve and ours, of course I won't stop anyone from having a skirmish or two, battles are expected in war, the problem is how long they can last without a final confrondation


-Won't that just give Shirahama Kenichi time to become even stronger?

-You're like Odin, only focusing on a few generals, but not the emperor himself, Shinpaku Alliance isn't strong and Shirahama Kid isn't like Violent Miu whom sticks her nose into every dangerous situation, unless provoked he won't even move, he's probably being manipulated by Niijima into thinking that he's doing good, while in fact he's just helping the establishment of another deliquent group

-But, that doesn't solve anything and we're still looking for sponsors

-Why don't you just put this rumor around, just say that Shinpaku Alliance is a deliquent group and sent all his achievements to his parents and after a week if they come seeking trouble just let the police take care of them, I want to see what will they do

-Are we going to be taking protection money like before

-Of course we will and anyone that refuses will be crushed

The meeting ended, I could feel a hint of disappointment from Loki, he probably thought that I would tell him to crush the Shinpaku alliance or something, I however am more interested to see what will Shirahama Kid do after he gets scolded by his parents for being a deliquent.

The next day, Kenichi and I were called to the principal's office, our parents were already there waiting. For some reason Kenichi's father had a hunting riffle in his jacket, was he yakuza or something?

-I've called you both in order to warn you, if we find proof that any of you is a deliquent you will be expelled from the school, I'm especialy telling this to you Shirahama, the last month there's been multiple rumors that you have begun beating up people, we have no concrete evidence at this time and everybody knows that a school newspaper is not valid evidence, but this is your first and last warning, if any teacher sees you fighting in or out of school ground, you will be expelled

-What if I'm attacked, isn't fighting back in self defense alright?(Kenichi)

-Self defense is of course completely legal, but do you know what's even better, avoiding a fight, now both of you give hands and then promise me that you are not part of a deliquent group

So criminal organizations are alright, but deliquent groups are bad, well since I'm not part of a deliquent group anymore, it's all good and dandy.

Kenichi however didn't see it that way, he snapped and begun to shout at me.

-You liar, you're the leader of Ragnarok!(Kenichi)


-Everyone knows that it's a deliquent group!

-At least I'm not in the Shinpaku Alliance, I've heard they have been famous for going around beating up people

-That's not what they do, they're just friends hunging out together

-That's what all Biker gangs do

-They're not evil!

-Can you even represent them?

"Both of you stop this instance! as I see you are both Suspended from school grounds for three days, when you return I don't want to hear even a rumor that you're part of some deliquent group, that especialy applies to you Shirahama, If the Newspaper Club tries to get you expelled, come find me immediately, don't go seeking trouble with them and both of you in these 3 days have to leave your groups, Otherwise you will be expelled!"

The principal was really angry, but I was rather happy about this, I was even happier when Shirahama kid approached me with a happy face afterwards.

-So now you're leaving Ragnarok?

-Why should I Assault General Kenichi?

-But you're Fenrir!

-Who's that? Oh I forgot, the Leader of Ragnarok, what relation do I have with him? Sir Assault General of the Shinpaku Alliance, I'm just a common member of the group, all I have to do is not fight and that proves that I've left the group

-But that's Cheating!

-No, that's the cruel reality we leave in, if you don't act as a deliquent, nobody will believe you're a deliquent, just ask Tanimoto-sama, also Ragnarok is Changing, it's moving on, you can rest assured that there will be no final confrontation and if you want to fight me, I will just call the police, I advise you to do the same

-But, I'll be dead before they arrive!

-That's not my problem, I've resigned from fighting, but if you want you can go find Fenrir any time if you want your ass kicked

Shirahama Kid run while crying like a little girl to his friends for support, Now all that's left is to cut all visible stings associating me with Ragnarok, because from today on Fenrir will be the Leader of Ragnarok.

When I arrived back to the Estate, there was however a huge surprise waiting for me.

-Who is that?

-This is Ms Sato, she's a child psychologist, she'll be coming twice a week to help you overcome the stress and pain your kidnapping has left you.

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