《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》14 New Dawn
Today was a special day as I'd discovered Kit...Kisara's heart, her spectrum of emotions, her likes, her dislikes, they were all there for me to see, all I had to do was stay close and observe.
Today school was a really interesting experience as I begun observing everyone around me in a new light of exploration. There were three people in class whom were terrified of me, two were Shirahama Kid and Violent Miu, the third one was some transfer student called Tanimoto, he seems just as weak as Shirahama Kid, but he seems to be some sort of Idol, because all the girls in class are all over him.
-Soryu did you listen to what I just said?
-Of course teacher
-What did I say?
-You talked about...
-Alright you can sit down now, please don't wander around and pay more focus to the lesson
The teacher seemed a bit embarassed and sorry for making a mistake, Violent Miu for some reason has hostility, I don't know why, but her eyes are glued on my glove.
"Did you hear last night Thor of Ragnarok lost to the Shinpaku alliance"
"Tanimoto-sama please help us draw a horse, you're so talented in everything"
"Tanimoto-sama please eat lunch with us"
I was getting sick of all the pointless chatter around the classroom, suddenly Shirahama Kid approached me.
-Yashin please leave Ragnarok, they are Evil
-They aren't Evil, they are stupid, it's two different thing
There was an uproar as most of the classmates either begun to gossip about me being a member of Ragnarok and half that I called Ragnarok stupid.
-Then why don't you take your girlfriend and leave Ragnarok
-Otherwise what, you will exact justice and punish Evil
-I don't want to fight you
-Then you've chosen the wrong crowd, half of the people in this classroom would give a hand and a leg to see us fight for their entertainment
-Martial arts aren't ment for entertainment, they are a form of self defense
-Of course they are, by crippling or killing your opponent
-That's not true
-Then how many people would have died if Master Akisame wasn't there, how many have you sent to the hospital
"Stop trying to twist everything to fit your own sense of reality"
The one whom spoke was surprisingly, the last person I would imagine these words coming from, Goblin Niijima, whom had been evesdropping this entire time.
-At last the protagonist Arrives, everyone sieg hail to the great ruler of the Cheapupaku Alliance, a group build on lies, deception and misinformation, I don't even need to read to know that half of the things you have been telling about Shirahama Kid are blatant lies, this Kid would never go of his own accord to seek trouble, unless someone instigated it from behind, you're probably also the reason why he had problems in the karate club in the first place, because you are envious of him, your little pitiful ego cannot tolerate that the weakling that was once as weak as yourself is now doing well and even got a girlfriend, thus you want a piece of the pie without putting any effort, you think that if you play your cards right, he will see you as a friend and protect you from danger, but all that you're doing is pushing him to a cliff, the poor kid is lucky that his masters can still keep pace with your bullshit Niijima, because once you push too hard the he will fall hard and might never be able to recover, so...hope Niijima...hope that your...luck...is good.
I disappeared in front of everyone's eyes into a blur, appearing at the entrance of the school, waiting for Kisara to arrive.
Kisara wasn't too happy to see me, but when our lips touched I could feel a warmth from inside her, I don't know what love looks like, but I'll take what I'm given. Other girls that saw this had begun to gossip, even the teacher whom saw it quickly ratted everything to the principal of the school.
After a phone call to Kisara's home, he couldn't but sigh after learning that the two kids were already engaged and would get married when they were of age.
After passing through home for Kisara to shower and get changed, we went to the HQ or something, she said that today they were lynching Thor, whom wanted to leave Ragnarok.
Kisara didn't really want to go, but it was the rule set by Odin, whom was sort of the leader. I could feel her conflicting emotions, as she looked at how the others beat the weird fatty wrestler up, but deep inside she was sort of happy that he wasn't dead or crippled.
After Freya's and Thor's own instigation she too threw a kick and then everyone looked at me.
I didn't even flinch as I put my foot under his belly and lifted his whole body in the air, whirling like a round ball from the side, I caught it with my foot again and had him fly some more, again and again until the man threw up all he had eaten and lay disheaveled and weak on the floor.
-Is that enough playing around?
-We're not playing around we're serious!
-Sure you are Freya, as sure as Loki over there and Red ridinghood standing silently there
-He's berserker
-If he doesn't stop glaring at me he might become the bedzerker
"Come to think of it the number of fists are slowly diminishing, before Yomi even arrive, we might already be wiped out by Shinpaku Alliance"
Kisara said with a smile, but deep inside I felt her sadness and unwillingness to give up her place in Ragnarok.
The one however whom I found an Eyesore was Loki, he was irritated and hostile towards me, but to me he seemed like an angry wasp, trying to sting me, the posibilities of dying by a single wasp aren't very high, unless of course you are alergic to them.
I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about all this, maybe I should go train a little more, after all this so called Yomi might actualy be stronger than I think, it's always better to be prepared.
I went back home and entered my low oxygen darkness training chamber and begun to meditate, with my heart steady and without anger or distactions I begun to sink into the void of non existense, I was becoming Darkness itself, a state of existance close to that of a dead person.
I don't know how much time had passed, but right now Mr Nanjo was going crazy, he disturbed my training to give me some letter. The Idiot Loki had abducted Kisara, he said that If I didn't submit to him, I would never see her again.
He has guts, that's for sure, does that Odin know about what his lackeys are doing behind his back. Although I found it strange that the Yakuza would be afraid of a stupid group like Ragnarok, but when Mr Nanjo told me that it was mostly because of their backer, Master Ogata, I knew that this wasn't a simple matter they could just solve.
After joining Ryozanpaku for that short amount of time, I knew what those Masters could do and Master Ogata was no weaker than any of them. I had never won a single Spar in Ryozanpaku and even now I'm not very confident of winning against a real Master.
I didn't wait long and appeared at Ragnarok's HQ, the place was deserted, the only punks I found there also knew nothing about the matter. I begun to scourge the city at insane speeds, starting from the outskirts, The city however is huge, it's good that everything is slow as a snail, but in my haste I no doubt must have missed all and any clues.
My Anger exploded when I saw a track with tied people inside, I demolished it, but it was just some human traffikers or whatnot, I went on through a rampage in the city, anywhere where I could see a person tied up or unconcious was a potential clue.
It was at the moment that I saw some half naked Valkiries fighting Loki's shadows that I knew that there was something really wrong going on.
"You bastard Loki, you think that I can't tell where you are!"
I appeared in front of Loki, holding him in the air by the neck like a Piniata.
-Wait I can tell you where Kisara is if you help me against the Valkyries
-You bastard, even now you have the guts to lie!
-Wait, I might not know, but the Valkyries do
I felt a sense of anxiousness from Freya, whom looked at me with her unfeeling eyes, keeping her poker face intact.
-Do you know where Kisara is?
-She's betrayed Ragnarok and joined the Shinpaku Alliance
-Is that so? Well that's good, then from now on I'm the leader of Ragnarok, you idiots will listen to me, Odin has lost his qualifications to fight Yomi or even be the leader, if you see him, tell him that if he wishes to take back his seat as leader he has to come find me, I'm living at X estate
-Oh, I forgot about you, well we no longer need a battle strategist, what we need is an information and logistics guy, as we're going to gather investors, also you guys should all gather for training at X estate once a week, starting from tomorrow, I don't care how many underlings you bring with you to train, but from tomorrow morning and every week, we will be having training sessions, just so that you understand how much of a loser Odin is, I will be teaching you the same technique he knows, if you can learn it or not is up to you however
'Since I'm a terrible teacher'
-Master Ogata, won't like this(Berserker)
-Master Ogata can tell me that he doesn't like himself, anytime he likes, the question is do you want to become stronger or not?
Everyone looked at and no one answered, but I begun to laugh as I detected excitement followed by fear.
"Tomorrow morning at X estate, anyone who doesn't know the way wait at the HQ I'll have a bus ready to take people from there"
I went back to the estate and found Mr Nanjo, he told me that Kisara had alrady returned home with another kitten, one she called Noir. I talked to Mr Nanjo about my plans of integrating Ragnarok into society and that of course we need an investor.
Then he went on complaining that some insane invisible man had just destroyed every single business he had owned, he was even thinking of retiring, since recovering from this blow was impossible, he wished to just convert to legal business.
I didn't know what to say, since even without his investments we could still use the estate's vast garder as a training field and hiring a few busses wasn't such a huge loss, at least until he discovers that it was me whom ruined his business, well shit happens I guess.
The next day there were rumors about a super hero of justice or something, whom in one night uprooted most of the Yakuza in the city, saved dozens of kidnapped people and even helped catch two serial killers.
I however didn't want to have any association with him as first thing in the morning I went to wake up Kisara.
-Wake up sleepy head
-Mom, we have no school today
-Wake up Kitten! it's time to go for training!
-I'm not Kitten and what time is it?
-6 O'clock
-You training junkie, let me sleep in peace! Stop dragging me
I dragged her out of bed and shoved her into the bath, after making sure that she was ready, we went downstairs.
The buses with members of Ragnarok begun arriving one after another, Kisara looked with surpise, fear and resentment at the people that came out of the buses.
"They who have come here are now the core force of Ragnarok, those that didn't will become either subordinates or will be trashed mercilessly, If anyone wants to leave Ragnarok, he's free to do so, there will be no Lynching because after today there will be non that will want to leave, Kisara go stand next to Freya and the others and I won't take no for an Answer!"
"Out of all of you, only 15 have the ability to and not surprising many of them are Loki's subordinates, the two who aren't are Freya and probably Odin, if he cared to lead that is"
"From today on there will be two rankings, The Honor Ranking and the Subordination Ranking, I'm the Leader, but under me will be those 15 individuals, they have the responsibility to lead and manage Ragnarok, select the managers for territories etc etc, The Honor Ranking is a ranking of strongest to weaker, those that are strong have to be shown respect, even if you're a leader, if your subordinate is higher in the Honor Ranking Show some damn respect! Lastly I don't give a shit if you are Kind, Cruel, Good or Evil, we are not some sort of Super Hero team or Villains in an 80s cartoon, this world is ruled by profit, if you have money and power you are king, if you have only strength you're a subordinate of the one who has it, want it or not one can't survive depending only on his fists alone, this is not some Jungle or wild mountain range, we're in a city, Lastly I don't give a fuck if you bully others or do something stupid with your free time, but be sure that you know what you're doing, don't go beat up someone only to end up in a jail cell, that would be pathetic!"
Everyone looked at me as if they had eaten shit or as if they were seeing a crazy person, that sort of expression was on their face.
"So lets begin with training, starting with some light exercise and followed by sparring"
Everyone was confused, but they non the less did some light running around the estate, many couldn't however keep up and I had to drag them up and going, everyone was shocked to see two of me at the same time, then there were four and as the people dropping increased so did my bushins.
At the time we finished one Lap, everyone was tired, only a few could still go on. Then we begun to stretch, not much of a surprise there.
"Now we shall begin the spar, come forward 10 at a time, the rest will be the gallery, I will be everyone's oponent, the meaning of this sparring session is for me to assert your combat ability and level-headedness, so keep your calm and make groups of 10"
I was surprised to see an all girls group, with Freya and Kisara in it, but I don't really care. What they all saw was the first 10 people coming forwards, it was Freya and her Valkyries, the girls were fearless.
What they faced was me turning into 10 Bushins, each fighting with a different person, each fight lasting no more than five minutes as they all lost at the same time, but only Freya and Kisara stood up after the fall, the others were totaly exhausted.
Out of all of them, the strongest was Berserker, his fight lasted for 10 minutes, because I enjoyed it almost as much as he did. Of course I was using not even half of my ability, but once he went berserk, it was really enjoyble to fight his free-style mixed martial arts, he's using anything that works to win.
After this day and the training Session Loki was no longer one of the Firsts, but he was one of 22 Leaders of Ragnarok and since 12 of them used to be his subordinates, I don't have to tell you what his control of Ragnarok was.
Although I said there will be no lynching of those who leave, it doesn't mean I'm going to protect them or anything, unless they try to touch people I care about I don't give a damn what they do in their free time, if they want to go seek trouble be my guests, as long as Ragnarok stands I don't care about anything else and as long as I stand, there is no way to stop Ragnarok.
- In Serial688 Chapters
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