《History's Strongest Disciple Fanfiction》13 Big Bad Wolf


Today I decided to return to school, I only lost a week at most, but I feel dead inside. Goblin Niijima came to our classroom, but I ignored him completely.

Truth be told right now I don't want anything. I feel a void inside, as if my heart has been replaced with a rock. Everyone moves so slowly that I'll grow old before the class is over. The Principal asked me to come see him, they are asking me if I'm okay and if I want to see a specialist due to having been kidnapped and tortured for such a long time.

I don't know why, but a tear came out of my eye when I heard the word torture, I trully feel tortured, not in the body but in my very soul, I don't know what to do, I'm lost.

I was given a card of the said specialist, a psychologist, whom I would probably never visit.

I don't have any club activities, thus I decided to head home. Shirahama Kid was in front of me, shouting something about his sister missing and trying to throw a punch at me, I evade with a small motion and walked past him, after all the world doesn't revolve around one person, that's simply stupid, he can just go solve his own problems.

Violent Miu decided to throw a Kick, I just move out of the way with a side step and walk away, I'm returning to society and to do so I have to become as slow as a slug again, well maybe pretending to be a snail will turn me into one eventualy.

I hadn't noticed it before but I'm still wearing that stupid glove with VIII on it, I'm supposed to be the 8th fist or something, right there was also that, well I should go see what're they all about.

I go to their gathering place, it was just where Kisara said it would be, I can see her hunging out with those losers, she seems rather happy, I should go sit down.

The first to notice me was a random punk.


"Who are you and why are you sitting with the leaders!"

I ignored him, everyone begun to look at me, only Kisara could recognise me as my features had changed once more, I seemed slimmer and paler than before, the others had only seen me once, during my fight with Odin, some still didn't believe that I had defeated him, mostly those that don't understand how High level the Duel really was.

"You get away from the leaders right now!"

This punk seems to be blind, all I had to do to shut him up was raise that glove I wore on my hand and suddenly his barking was replaced with whinning for mercy, I could hear his despair, but I didn't care about it at all, what I really was interested was In the tune Kisara gave, she was confused.

-I came to ask, does your group have a purpose or are you just interested in making money?

-I'm gathering a group to counter "YOMI"

-What's that?

-They are the scouts of Yami, if any of us catch their eyes, we will be scouted and have a brilliant future, if we fail, we will die, how does that sound for a goal?

-You're lying, what's your real goal?

-Defeating Kenichi

-Are you some sort of mentaly retarded person, why do you want to defeat someone as weak as him, what do you gain from doing so?

-I will prove that I'm stronger than him!

-So you are saying that you united all of the local gangs, gathered the best martial artists you could get your hands on and angered the Yakuza, simply to defeat Shirahama Kid?

-As we are talking he has probably already defeated Hermit or died trying

-So you told them to abduct his sister in order just to defeat him, you know how stupid that sounds

-We abducted nobody!

-Oh, my god, you are stupid, I told you Kisara that your leaders were stupid but you didn't believe me, in other word, you are telling me that you used as a pretext the arrival of scouts from Yami to gather everyone here and then went on to use them for your own desire to defeat Shirahama Kid


-It's not just that, I don't want those outsiders from Yomi to rule over our Region! We are all locals of this area, we grew here and we deserve to be in charge!

-Well I don't meet your sentiment and the only reason why I'm here is because of Kit...Valkyrie

-It doesn't matter why you're here, as long as you will lend us your strength in the upcoming battles against Yomi, I don't care what you think of me

Truth is that I don't give a fuck as well, I used Dou Ki and went behind my Kitten, standing in her shadow, looking at her confused back.

Suddenly another man sat next to me, he had long silver hair and a weird coat and hat.

"Your song is Amazing in Si Minor, La Si La fa Do Si La fa Do Mi..."

I don't know whom he is, but I just ignore him, looking at my Kitten's back, now she looks happy again. Would she really be happier if I disappeared from her life or am I over analyzing things?

"I believe that it's about time we begin to move"

Odin said and he begun to walk and everyone followed behind.

The walk wasn't long, we headed towards an abandoned church, I could feel the presense of people not too far away, it was two familar people, Masters Akisame and Sakaki, although I don't know what they are doing up that tree.

He stopped us at a distance and went to greet Shirahama Kid. While he was doing that I went to greet his masters. By silently sitting next to them and no letting out a word.

Even as the match of Shirahama Kid and Hermit finished, the masters still didn't notice me sitting with them, or maybe they simply chose to ignore me.

It only took a second for me to return to Kitten's side. During that second that I moved, the two masters turned around, their faces no longer as happy as when they were watching the match, but terrible as if they had just seen a ghost.

The outcome of the incident was the Nine fists becoming eight again as Hermit quit. I'm kind of envious of him really, leaving this group of chunibyo idiots, if only my love wasn't on such good terms with them.

Right now she's taking a bath, I think I will go join, so bye for now. Whom am I kidding, that would be just stupid, time is of no essense and people are not ants. We have feelings and desires, if we however act on them alone that will make us no different than wild animals.

"Be helpful if you're going to watch, either way and give me a towel"

I was shocked, mostly because I didn't know how she knew I was watching, even masters couldn't detect my presence.

"Buchi told me, now bring me a towel"

I could see a small kitten at my feet, purring while rubbing on my feet, the other kittens seemed too afraid to even approach me.

-So why did you enter my room without permission?

-I love you

-Did you come to my room and peek at me bathing or to tell me you love me?

-I really love you

-Is this some sort of sick game!

I begun to cry, while hugging her, she felt disgusted by my touch, I didn't care as I kissed her, she felt anger, but also warmth, we took it to the bed, she felt fear, but also excitement, I don't know if I should believe in what my ability tells me, but from now on I will try to be the one on top, because I can no longer trust what Kitten says. Half of the time she's lying, the second half she's uncertain of what she wants.

The two emotions became three, the full spectrum of her emotions begun to unveil before me, I could finaly see it, whom she trully is, what she trully desired, a frightened girl facing a wild dog.

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