《A Cleric's Life for me.》3: transdimensional doors do not sober you up.


Without making it too long Jack told me the important parts of the dreaded email. Basically the system was stat based and I would have a character sheet. I would be given a guide that was a part of the church of change and their job is to assist me in transitioning and in every day life. Jack had already assisted with a race change but that he would also help with class selection for 1st level. He told me there's a combat system and a skills system. both are similar to games I had played but balance was much more of a concern and some things aren't going to be similar. In general infinite money glitches don't work. the magic system won't allow it. Wish is essentially not existent. The spell is there but it takes world changing power to actually change the world. No person has successfully cast wish for really anything but minor bobbles that would be easier or cheaper to get another way. Eternal life is much less of an issue and is quite common. The caveat is that if you want kids you just can't be an eternal. The system won't let you. If you try you are almost guaranteed a horrible death and a child that never knew his parents. Jack hinted that this does cause issues but to a level he or the other gods wouldn't let any eternal screw up his world. There was a progression system that mostly gave a minor benefit and that not many use it. It sounded too good to be true.

I was pretty confident I was going to enjoy this world but I asked Jack "what was the point? Do I need to do something for you or save a princess? What's the catch?"

Jack looked at me with my "dude... really" look and said "I am a god. The god of this universe. There's many gods of this world and other worlds but I am THE fucking god here. I don't need anything from you. You vomited on me and I thought it was funny. It didn't even really touch me."


I looked at his shoes and pointed down. I didn't say a thing. I just pointed and looked down.

Jack said "Ah fuck did I miss some" And I replied "MADE YOU LOOK".

Jack stared at me with a blank face but I knew. Oh I knew that hurt him. That a dumb fucking mortal that vomited on him and pulled him away from whatever he had to do got one up on him. I knew it would bug him for a while. He just seemed like that guy. Then he fucking smiled. That damn smile while looking like fucking Neal, the lawyer that took everything. The smile that says better than any words can convey that "You don't know the cost yet".

We continued talking about all the options available for classes and what I wanted to doo. I wanted to be a bad ass spell caster but I also wanted to help people. My reasoning was my last life was so pointless. Jack talked me into being a Cleric. He said it would be a pretty good fit as I'd be able to do all the normal cleric-ie things and I could get a pretty expanded list of spells in this new universe. I could pretty easily be a cleric in full plate armor standing among heroes keeping them alive and throwing fireballs or radiant scorching light! It sold me immediately. He even offered to let me worship him. I thought with how helpful and powerful he was it COULDN'T be a bad idea. He even gave me an extra spell to find a familiar. Everything seemed so great and I was on top of the world.

A shimmering portal opened in front of me to send me to where ever I wanted to go. I really didn't know anything about the echo universe but I got a list of starting towns. I filtered the list down to nice climates that I should find pretty comfortable and just chose one. I chose the starter town called Sneles mainly because it was a small port town in a pleasant climate with a cool name. Thinking of cool names I asked Jack if I could change my name to Rich, which seemed a lot more common than Clayton. He laughed and said I could just tell people my name was Rich when I got there. I waived good by and Jack disappeared.


I stepped into the portal. My stomach wretched while my body felt like every piece of it was ripped into another direction and I was carelessly deposited naked as the day I was born onto the cobblestone and brick streets outside the only Inn in Sneles. Oh yeah, and my drunken state was back as a kicker. I promptly threw up and curled into a ball facing away from the mixture of bile and vodka that apparently did not age well while I was talking with Jack.

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