《After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!》Chapter 11: That Time I Had A Date


I strecth out my arms in my bed then glance to the left. I see outside, I see some people playing, kids from the looks of it...or well I think.

Elven aging is....weird.

We arrived last night and set up the tavern at the edge of the city. I won't even try to pronounce it. Can't read shit here.

None of the villages came which still bothers me. We did notify a guard so I can hope that they get help.

Oh yeah, I'll be busy today, tonight, this noon? No idea. Ailla and I never talked an exact time, but so far I think I got up earlier than I expected. Even if I could oversleep I didn't want to.

I wonder how much time we have.

I wonder that if I die in this world will I be reincarnated again? Or....will that be it?

I hate it when I get like this, my mood gets ruined and I feel like doing nothing, but reflecting on how insignificant I am in the bigger universe.

Then I realize that I was picked

That I am the supposed hero of this world.

That I have to save them out of duty.

Do I have to save them?

What's stopping me from leaving?


I sit up and crack my back, then stand, I pull the curtains closed so the public doesn't see my nuts. I do a few little stretches and went to get dressed.

As I open the door I see Allia.

"Morning." I tell her

She looks at me, surprised a little.

"Morning to you too, I didn't expect you to be up so early.." she says

"You were going to wake me, right?" I asked

She nodded.

"Thought we might start a little early."

"Given that I don't know any Elvish or this city at all, I'd ask that you lead this date." I replied

She smiles which in turn makes me smile as well.

"Great, glad you can make educated decisions." there it was, that charming attitude "I'll give you thirty minutes. Meet me outside."

I nod and she leaves.

You know, I am actually looking forward to it. I haven't had a proper date in a while. Thinking about now, last dates I had were in college, didn't turn out the best.

Maybe it was me, maybe it was the girls.

Who knows?

I head out into the main room, none of the other girls there weirdly, no customers either sadly. I don't feel hungry either. Best to eat during the date. I head to the door and step outside.

The air hit my face and the sun shone into my eyes. Once my vision cleared I saw the outskirts of the city. It looked peaceful, like the old place.

Weird. It feels nostalgic. Very nostalgic.

We placed the Outlander not too close to the main road, there happened to be an empty space, proabably reserved for later construction, but I suppose that can wait while we're here.


I remember last night before we all went to sleep, Ailla talked to us about possible locations. She also commented that ancient pillar didn't help narrow any location down, but she did manage to list a few locations.

One being the capital and two other cities that were less than two weeks away from this one.

Overall it wasn't bad, did get me thinking if we'd have to go to some of the other nations. Hopefully not.

Concerning military prowess, the Elves excelled in magic and ranged combat, humans, beast folk or demi-humans or some other specific name were more close quarters types of fighters, but that didn't mean magic wasn't a big part there.

You know, in the back of my mind I thought that the elves were going to be all ellegant and shit, like from books, movies and stuff, but they seem, pretty normal.

Though I'm guessing that the normal sentiment becomes different the richer you are.

But I don't think I'm going to meet any rich folk, anywhere.

But that begs the question. How fast does word travel? Locas does know that I am the hero from legend and they are quite the trade hub and the city had a port.

Questions for later...again....I suppose.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked back.


It was Ailla, she changed clothes.

Damn, she looked cute.

White blouse that let me see some of the goods.

A little midrift.

Knee length skirt.

I feel underdressed.

She looked at me, seemingly waiting.

Ah, yes, I know.

"You look great." I tell her

She smirks, it's what she wanted to hear clearly.

"I've already told the others to hold down the place so today we shouldn't be bothered." she said

Oh, nice. That's good to know, saves me some time.

"I'll assume you've already planned out where we'll go?" I ask

"I asked around some of the locals, they recommended a few places to eat, see."

"Seems like this won't be a few hours. You planned a whole day, didn't you?" I chuckle

She almost laughed, but did nod.

"So, come on, let's go." she says

She grabs my hand and starts pulling me toward the city. She looks excited, she looks happy.

And all this feels quite calming.

It doesn't take us long, but Ailla did take me to this high end place from the looks of it. She handled everything.

I could only watch, Elvish sounded weird. I tried comparing it to the languages I've heard and encountered in the old world, but nothing could compare. It really was alien.

I think that's good. It's new and it doesn't remind me of the old world.

Though, I suppose that all the nice the atmosphere had disappeared after I took a few glances around. Most of the other Elves that were eating paid no mind to us, but there were a few that were looking at me with racist or xenophobic eyes I won't lie. Maybe it was both? I don't know.


I really didn't see that many other people when Ailla led me through the city. Seems Elven cities were almost all the time, Elven.

I didn't mind, nor did I care. I wanted to enjoy the day with Ailla, but there was a little weird thing. I felt like I was being a little watched, not by the Elves, but by something else.

Must be the wind or something.

The food came and we started to talk. She told me about why she left and asked about the old world where I lived. I might have said a few white lies about the old world. But that isn't important.

The food was amazing, I knew a few of the recipes from Locas, but Elven food was just something else.

You could say that it hit different.

We stayed there for about an hour before paying and leaving.

Once we left the whole day just went by like a breeze kind of. Some parts I don't remember, some I vividly do, but the main thing I do remember and do know is that I was having fun and I think Ailla was having fun as well.

We looked at a statue that was over ten thousand years old.

We visited old religion churches that had become sort of heritage sites.

I never guessed she liked history or maybe she just wanted to enjoy history with someone else.

She took me all around, showing me Elven foods and sweets. Some were amazing and some were absolutely terrible.

We shared laughs and fond moments.

But even during all the fun I did feel like I was being watched. No idea by who or by what.

Next thing I knew she was leading me to a single large tree on a hill. The tree resembled a willow tree, but was about four times larger than a normal one in the old world. It had a lovely little glow, no bugs either which was a plus.

She was holding my hand tight as she led me and soon we reached the tree, standing next to it.

"Well...that's certainly something.." I said

"Do you like it?" she asks

"Yeah, yeah I do. I never really saw stuff like this. Anything you could consider magical was...different entirely." I replied

"There are few like this left, their true names are lost. To my knowledge there are only three in the Elven Kingdom. They are important to my people."

"Is this like a place where you bring people?"

She nodded.

"If one choses to, they bring one person most of the time. That other person might be someone they value as a friend, a close sibling or someone they care even more deeply for."

"I..I see.."

Why the fuck did I stutter?

She reaches out her other hand to mine. She holds it tightly as well.

I glance to the side and see the sun slowly setting. This is...quite romantic...

And if I know Ailla....she planned this...

Not bad. Not bad.

I look her in the eyes as she does the same.

"Dantes..." she says

"Ailla.." I reply

This feeling is...familiar. The odd feeling of 'in the moment'

I feel her pull me a little closer and I let her. She begins to lean in.

The thought crosses me. Do I want this? Will we become a thing?

My mind wanders around with these ideas, but I don't notice her getting closer and then it happens.

I feel something at my leg, then something at my arm and then I'm out of her arms and on the ground.

Fucking cliche author.

I glance a little and see Tyra on my leg, Kua on my arm and Nyille on all of us.

"Can someone explain this?" I ask "And can you all get off me?"

As the three get off me I sneak a glance to Ailla whose looking away, but I swear I can see a smirk.

I lined the three up and put on an angry face.

"I'll guess that the odd feeling I sensed were you three. Now, explain."

"We were just...seeing the sights.." Kua says, chuckling nervously

Nyille glanced away like she didn't know anything.

"Kua suggested we follow you two." Tyra said

All three went a little silent. I rubbed my head. Great. Didn't expect this.

"Wait..how didn't I hear you?"

Kua chuckled a little "Invisibility potions..."

I give her a death glare.

"We'll talk about this later. Everyone home! Now!"

The three nodded and started going away just when Ailla broke into a laugh. She laughed for about a minute before wiping a tear away from her eye.

"Oh that was great. You should've been more careful, Kua." she laughed

I swear i can see a vein buldge in Kua's forehead. She didn't say anything, but cursed under her breath.

Ailla approached me and placed a kiss on my cheek in full view of the other three.

"That last part was a little joke, but the rest...thank you for it. Thank you for the date, Dantes." she said with a smile and began approaching the others

As she passed then she grinned and I could see Kua fuming, Tyra blussing with curiosity and Nyille trying to contain herself.

Slowly they all got farther and farther away from me until I was alone.



Fuck me, I'm harem protagnist.

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