《After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!》Chapter 12: That Time I Had A Trial And Won, Then Got Tricked


After my little date, Allia and I once again were in the town.

This time on business.

We were on our way to the town center, to speak with the leader or leaders, but they took Allia first to meet with them and she's been inside for about ten minutes and I'm out here sitting like a child waiting for his mom.

Well, Allia would make a good mom. I wonder if that's a stereotype of elves..?

Okay, Dantes, let's not head down that train of thought, maybe in another series or if the author changes my mind or if any viewers vote.

But as I mumble and fumble in my mind the doors to the town center open and out steps a lovely young lady. She invites me inside speaking in a language I can understand which is nice. Though I do think I should learn Elvish among other languages.

She leads me inside and as I look around I see quite a few old people. Seems like, "Village Elders" are a thing here and they are quite literally elders and elves are O to the L to the D old here.

"Allia tells us that you claim to be the greatest bowman in the world." a voice speaks to me

It takes me a second before my head snaps to the voice, it's coming from some old dude, I can count the wrinkles on his brow and face and neck, fuck he's old. I cough into my fist and straighten myself out.

"Yes, I do. Well, not claim. I know it." I reply, maybe a bit more dickishly than I had hoped for

Allia isn't rolling her eyes so I suppose I didn't say anything wrong. Not yet at least.

Around the room I hear varying scoffs from the Elves and then they begin to speak amongst each other. Some shout to the one that spoke to me, some spoke more calmly. Feels like Dragon Age now that I think about it.

Maybe there's a reason I'm not understanding this stuff. Like, plot or saving time.

I glance to Allia who simply shrugs at me not knowing what to tell me. I feel a little bad for here. The arguing goes on and on before a little light bulb turns on in my head. I snap my fingers and step forward.

"Hey! Wrinkles!" I call out to the old guy that talked to me

Now Allia faceplams instead of doing the eye rolling so that's better maybe.

The council let's call them for now goes silent and all eyes go to me. The old man doesn't say a word, oh right he must be expecting me to talk.

"Right. So, how about you pit your greatest archer here against me. If I prove myself then you've got no reason to doubt me right?" I suggest

The council began the discussions again to my annoyance. I thought we could get this over with rather quick and move on, but oh well.

I find myself a place to sit down and Allia would come over to me.


"I probably should've just suggested that in the first place, sorry Dantes." she says

"Nah, don't worry about it, I'm guessing you already had your hands full with them. They've got no reason to believe me to be the great hero so, may as well try and showcase it." I replied

"Just don't go overboard like in Locas, it might be a bit too much for a small place like this." she suggested

Oh right that does make sense, wouldn't want to blow away this whole town. I'm quite the terrifying person when you consider my powers.

I'd nod to her.

"Yeah, didn't plan to." I totally was, but not anymore

After what seems like a fucking eternity the old guy finally calls for me. There I stand at the center of this fucking building again when the old fart speaks.

"Your challenge is to be accepted. But the rules shall be created by us." he says

Great, I thought as much. Trying to fuck me over.

"I accept." I say

Of course I have to

The old man would nod and would turn around and call out to someone.

"Avarina!" he yells

A second later this hooded woman would appear from the crowd of elders. She was a bit taller than me and was equipped with a really beautiful bow and some special looking arrows. She'd address the old guy in Elvish.

He, I think at least, he explained to her what was going to happen. She didn't really react much, just nodded and headed outside.

"The rules are as such. You must provide your own bow and must be blindfolded while shooting." he said

"But-" Allia wanted to rant, but I caught her arm

She glanced back to me and I just smirked.

"Don't worry. I got this." I tell her

She doesn't seem all sure of me, but she relents and I step forward.

"I can agree with those terms. Can we start now?" I ask

"If you wish." the old guy says

I'd simply nod. Should be easy I think.

I was lead by some guards to an open field not too far from the town, no sign of any monsters which was relieving at least. The girls had to stay a good distance away from because they thought I would quote on quote cheat.

Finally it was me and this Avarina standing next to each other. She took a glance at me then took off her bow.

"The challenge-" she began, her accent showing "is to hit a single target." she points off into the distance

I focus and look forward until I can just about see a tree with a hole in it.

"The tree?" I ask

She'd nod.

"Dead center is the target." she explains

"You've done this many times before right?" I ask her

She nods again

"I'm the only one whose gotten close to hitting the mark precisely, but based on what the elder told me, you'd have no chance even if you'd be a magnificent bowman." she says


She's a proud kind of Elf. I don't blame her though.

I shrug.

"Well, you might just be surprised." I chuckle

I extend my hand and summon forth my bow.

No reaction from her, that's kinda disappointing. That's like...fine...nevermind...I think it's cool

She draws on arrow on her bow and pulls back the string hard and after about thirty or so seconds she lets go.

The arrow flies forward cutting through the wind until it hits the top of the hole. She scoffs and steps to the side, I hear her mumbles stuff under her breath, she's probably pissed.

I stand where she stood and glance over my bow, then I glance up to see the Elf again, she hands her a rag.

"Ah, almost forgot, thanks." I tell her taking the rag

I line up my body and stance before putting on the rag. I summon an arrow and place it onto my bow.

Pulling the string back I take a deep breath and hold it and focus. The sudden feeling of everything around me comes to me until I let the arrow free.

It flies almost double the speed at which Avarina's arrow did until it goes dead center into the tree hole. I unsummon my bow and take off the rag.

"Did I hit?" I ask like I'm mentally deficient

Glancing to my side all I can see is the hooded and well masked Avarina staring in the direction of the tree. Now she's speechless. Fuck yes!

"How..." she asks

"Practice." I tell her

I turn around and begin walking back until I hear her voice.


I glance back.

"Oh, sorry. Here." I hand her back the rag

She grabs my hand and looks at me, I can't really make out her eyes at all oddly. Damn plot armor.

"Teach me!"

"What?" What?

"I've never seen an archer more precise then you, human, please. Teach me how to become a better archer."

Her grips gets tighter, fuck she must be strong.

"Uhh..."I mumble like an idiot

But before I could speak or even put together a single comprehensible word the old guy shows up.

"Well, Avarina? Has he failed like how we expected?"

Damn, he's kind of a dick.

Avarina let's go of my hand and looks at the old guy. I can see a crowd gathering now.

She falls to her knees and shakes her head. She speaks something in Elvish and the old guy's eyes go wide.

A lot of arguments begin to happen at that moment. None of which I can understand. I see Kua far off in the distance waving at me.

I wave back and give her the thumbs to not make her worry.

Two guards show up looking exhausted suddenly, they go to the old guy and start blabbering about something.

Alright, this is getting annoying.

"Can we please talk in a language I understand?!" i shout

Silence. Great.

"Listen, I'm Dantes, I'm the fabled fucking hero that's here to save the world. I'm looking for some ancient pillars in the Elvish Kingdom. Could I get some help with that?"

Silence again, I'm on a roll.

An older woman steps forward, moving past everyone.

I can see the girls approaching in the background as well, my shout was pretty loud I'm guessing.

"You speak the truth? You are the hero?"

I simply nod.

"Some of the priests and priestesses can show you the pillar that you are looking for right here." she says

Lucky me.

"I would be very grateful for that." I lightly bow my head

The old guy begins to protest, but oddly stops after the old woman looks at him says a word or two. Odd, but finally someone SHUT HIM THE FUCK UP.

Avarina just stands there, almost like in a trance. After a light discussion and me informing the girls we were lead not too far from the field to a little stonehendge type place. It almost looked like a gate.

I stopped with the girls a little before approaching, I got a bad feeling.

"Kua, you're in charge if anything happens. And protect these people if anything happens." I tell her

"Why, what's wrong?" she asks

"Nothing.." nothing yet at least "It's just for safety. I'll be back in a minute, you guys probably shouldn't get too close if this is some ancient magical pillar."

"Wise." Tyra says

"B-be careful." Nyllie huffs

"If you need a translator you know I'm here." Allia says

Kua simply salutes with a smirk.

I nod to all of them and head up the this small group of Elven boomers. Oddly, Avarina is there as well.

"Should you be here?" I ask her, but get no response

"Great hero.." one of them begins

Oh, flattery, nice.

"Your arrival was unexpected, but welcoming." another continues

"Well, I do like to surprise people." I say with a chuckle

"Now, to thank you and surprise you.."

Oh god, please tell me this isn't some Elven GILF orgy I've gotten myself into.

"We'll send you to land of Shadows.." one finishes

I sigh, thank god it isn't an elven orgy, I mean....





Suddenly some stones begin to glow immensely and Avarina is sucked into a newly formed portal and I'm getting pulled as well. I summon an arrow and shove it into the ground to not get pulled instantly.

I look to the girls who are running at me.

"Cultists! Or something! Protect the village!"

I summon a little messaging cube and toss it forward at them, the arrow in the ground looses and I'm dragged into the portal.


And I enter a brand new Dimension away from everyone.


I didn't expect that.

Not in the slightest.

Fuck old people.

    people are reading<After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!>
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