《After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!》Chapter 6: That Time I Had A Dream


You know after I said let's party everything went blank. Now I'm in what looks like a castle with an emo fetish. I'm not dead, I know that much. Which is in turn very relieving.

So what'll this be? Dream that can kill me? Foreshadowing by the evil guy? Wet dream maybe with the discovery of a new fetish?

"Help" A voice calls out

A call for h-

Wait a minute. What? Help? That's different. Alright man, get a grip. I slap my face a little and look at my surroundings.

So, just a hallway and I'm at the dead end, may as well go.

I step forward and hear an echoing chuckle, then a scream of pain. I remain stern as I walk, can't show fear right about now.

I glance at the walls, no candles or torches, but my sight is fine, I'm surprised my passive abilities work in my dreams as well. Though when I look up I see the vastness of space, stars and everything replacing the roof.

It's beautiful in that existential kind of way, but that raises a lot of troubling questions. I spoke with divinity before, but does divinity here in general dabble in the affairs of the world?

Is there something more powerful than a god here?

Do gods hold domain over dreams? Or is that something worse...?

I suddenly feel less jokey and more concerned to be honest. The questions that fill my damn head right now are infinite I swear. Are gods even present? Was there only the goddess? Are the gods weak? AHHHH.

Alright.....calm down.....

That's right, take a few deep breaths and keep moving. I blink a few times as I continue on and then I notice the cracks on the walls. I think about stopping, but shrug off the feeling. Then the walls crumble to dust and there I am. On the floor in the realm of dreams.

Certainly a spectacle. It's beautiful, not really any other way I can describe it. I can see stars in what is probably the billions. So, dreamland is what I'll call the place for now. If I go to sleep, my spirit or something leaves me to the skies where the dreamlands are. That's my guess. And space must be the barrier or the roof so that one doesn't go further. Does that differ to other races?

I can ask a few people now that I think about it.

I see the end....it's just a door? No walls or anything, just a door. I glance back as I near it and see the floor behind me disappear with each step. I see how it is. No coming back.

Once I reach the door I grab and turn the handle, there's a blinding light as I step in, but it fades rather quickly. I rub my eyes and open them.

It looks like a shrine, a shrine to what I don't know, but from the statue and pillars placed around this room it does give it that vibe.

"Hello.." a voice bounces around the place, feminine and a little high pitched

I don't think drawing my bow right now would the best, think I'll play along.

"Evening or morning. Can't tell the time here." I chuckle

Yes, perfect conversation with whatever the hell I'm talking with.

"Have.....you.....come to.....save...me...?"

"Do you need saving? I don't exactly know where I am. Land of dreams would be my best guess."

The feminine voice chuckles.

"You are the hero, your existence was confirmed after you released your power, many thought that you had perished in the summoning. Some were glad. Some were saddened."


"And you?"

"I am glad you are alive and well."

"Well....thank you I guess. So, if you don't mind me requesting, could I see you?"

"Is that what you wish?"

"Well I find face to face conversations a little more useful and prosperous."

There's a sudden swishing sound in the air before someone pokes my back. I glance back and see no one, then look down and my heart stops for a second.

It's a...child....?

"Hello, Dantes.." she says

"Yes, hello..." I scratch my head for a second "Are you a kid?"

She begins to pout and does look a bit cute then she begins to lightly punch my stomach which tickles me a little.

Her eyes are red, skin pale, black hair as well. Picture perfect image of a gothic lolita.

"No. I am the grand vampire of the hidden kingdom!" she declares rather proudly

I raise my eyebrow.

"Vampire? Hidden continent? You're going to need to be a little more specific, I have never seen a map of this world."

She looks a little disappointed, deflated as well.

"I, Yuma am the Dark Queen of the hidden continent."

"But, you aren't the Queen of vampires?"

"I...." she looks away and scratches her cheek "no...."

"Are you five hundred years old or something?"

"Eight thousand actually."

Ah, gothic vampire loli, got it.

"And you need me?"


"For what exactly queeni?"

She presses her index fingers against each other and looks side to side before answering.

"I...need you to save me from my prison in the Hidden Kingdom."

"Does that have to do with saving the world?" just need to know


"Alright, can you tell me where this Hidden Kingdom is?"

"Um....not exactly...I'm forbidden from speaking its location to anyone."

"I see.....that complicates things...quite a bit....."

She glances up.

"Will you still help me?"

"Naturally. I now have my first task in saving the world. Do you know what's out there? I heard demons among other things."

She chuckles at that.

"Those demons are but grunts, they hold no real power. Your true enemy is much worse."

"Thought as much...."

"I suppose this is where I let you wake up. May I ask a favor of you?"


"Do you mind if I summon you here in your dreams to talk..? You're the first person I can talk with normally in a while."

Isolation...I can partially relate to that and knew a few people who were forced into that kind of life. I smile at her.


She smiles and snaps her fingers. Everything goes black for me and I feel something soft against my face. What is this? So soft I could sleep some more. It also feels squishy, the good kind. Why does my head hurt as well?

Why do I feel partially restrained as well? I open my eyes and see skin, then boobs...

Oh, I'm buried in someone's chest. And the headache gets worse. Fuck that hurts like a bitch. Did I drink? Or, get drunk rather. I also feel naked. Which isn't the best sign given where I am right now. This chest isn't Sefarina's so I didn't go back in time, nor did I return to the palace which is...good.

I manage to pull myself away from the lustrious chest and see that it's Nyllie who was holding me close. I look around a little dazed, okay. No one is wearing anything, except for Kua I think.


I wonder if the whole underwear thing would make its rounds here. Could I start that business I wonder?

I pray multiverse theory is true and that some iterations of myself is the inventor of underwear in a fantasy world, but that does bring about the other version where I am a failed businessman in a fantasy world.

You know what I think I'm thinking about this a little too much.


This is I think my room, smells like booze that's for sure. Um...Nyllie next to me, Kua at the door who has clothes because plot, I think that's Allia's legs on the other side and Tyra is sleeping peacefully beside the bed.

I wonder if this chapter will have a flashback part.

I glance out the window, its day as I expected, but everything seems a little quiet, I do crack open the window a little, need some fresh air. I quietly get out of the bed and make my way to the door. I gently pull Kua aside and lay her down and head outside.

Well now, look what we have here. I even recognize a few of these people. The entire hallway is filled with passed out men and women.

God, these people literally have no concept of underwear, that's what probably took me the longest to get used to when I arrived. I step around the sleeping drunks and leave the backrooms. The kitchen is luckily empty, now the main part of the Outlander has more drunks, but thank whatever lord looks at me that the bar is untouched.

Did I bring half the fucking city to my place?

I head back to the backrooms and return to my room. Question is what to do now? Hmmm. May as well lay back. I step over Allia and slid back into my bed, back into the clutches of Nyllie, I shut my eyes, but I can't sleep.

Why? I feel something weird, not a physical weird.

Is it guilt? Why would I feel that? It took me a month to not go crazy...

Shit I feel the responsibility weighing in on me. I don't want to say I'm scared, but I have a fear present. Be it of the things I have to face tomorrow or the things that I have to face down the line. It's up in the air.

Before the next thought comes I feel someone's breathe on me, hot breathe. Nyllie probably woke up. I feel her push me away slowly and like that I open my eyes. We stare at each other for a second before I speak.

"I have absolutely no idea what happened last night. So hows your morning?"

"My...head hurts...."

"Didn't take you for a drinker."

"Well...sometimes one is enough to...motivate me for more..."

"Ah, I'm the same..." I chuckle

She chuckles along with me for a second.

"Mind if I ask something?"

She raises her eyebrow and nods to me to go ahead.

"Is everyone in this world so comfortable being nude?"

She looks confused for a second before she turns entirely red. Ah, the realization came to her. I glance around and find that blanket o mine and grab it and throw it on her.

"Thank you..." she says silently

"I'll go wake everyone up, just stay here."

She nods to that and I slide right out of bed and head to my closet and put some clothes on. I make my way back to the kitchen and grab a pan and a wooden spoon. I open the door to the backrooms and the main section. My time as the morning rooster has arrived.

"WAKE UP!" I yell as I begin to slam the spoon against the pan over and over

The noises of sudden awakening are beautiful. I walk to the backrooms as I ring the morning bell and see some of the people on the floor looking horrified. Most likely the confusion.

Thank god this isn't a hentai series.

This went on for the next hour as I got everyone awake and out of my place. I gathered the girls around a table. Kua looked sleepy, Tyra the same as usual, Allia looked like a mess, morning hair and all that. Nyllie, still a little red.

"So, anyone know what the hell happened last night?" I ask

"Um..we drank?" Allia says

Oh shit, really? I never would've guessed. I do love the sass from her.

"Last thing I remember was you saying we should enjoy the night." Kua says

"Me too..." Nyllie adds

"I know what happened." Tyra says

We all look at her.

"Don't you have a hangover?" Allia asks

"Fairies are higly resistant to alcohol." she says

"So...what exactly happened." I ask

"Well, Kua and Allia immediately went to the nearest stall that happened to sell mead. They then convinced Nyllie to take a sip and she quickly got drunk. Dantes was approached by few of the city people and began to ask him questions about his power, some women approached as well. Nyllie and Kua then dragged him to them and pestered him till he gave in and drank..."

Well, at least it didn't get violent.

"I remember Allia and Kua having a light brawl with two other girls."

Well, at least there wasn't any property damage.

"A small building collapsed."

Oh for fucks sake!

"I'm afraid to know, but I need to ask. How did we end up here?" Allia asks

"Well, Dantes stopped an all out brawl by inviting everyone to drink, but he tripped and knocked himself out. Nyllie carried him all the way and didn't let go of him."

Goddammit. Why me? As I rub my face from embarassment I glance around. Tyra whispers a few things to both Kua and Allia that makes the two go red, last night being a wild night is an understatement. On the other hand I can hear Nyllie muttering.

"I've held a man with my tail for over an hour....now I'll never get married."

Huh, so that's a thing.

"Alright. Best to forget most of it. I have some news. I know where were heading first."

They all look at me.

"The Hidden Kingdom!"

"What..?" they all say

"What, is that not a place?"

"You...you do know that's the kingdom that erased itself from the world and is the birthplace of most evils, right?" Allia asks

"Well, certainly that would have been nice to know. There has to be a way to get there."

"There is." Tyra says

"See guys? There's always a way."

"Um..Dantes...the way she is probably talking about has to do with the elves, correct?" Nyllie says

Tyra nods

"The Elven kingdom is a mess right now, civil wars and invading demons, dragons even." Allia says "Getting there might be easy, finding a way to get to the hidden kingdom? Almost impossible."

"Well, we haven't tried anything yet. So we don't know if its impossible."

"You're dead set on this aren't you?" Allia asks

"Of course."

"Then I'm going with you."

"Your offer is appreciated, but not needed." Kua butts in

The two glare at each other with death in their eyes.

"I'm fine with it."

"But mentor-"

"We need all the help we can get, plus she's an elf. It's her home, it only seems right."


"Suppose we should get a map." I suggest

"I can get some supplies from the guild."

"I can pay for them."

"Considering your identity I think most people will be very adament on giving you what you need."

"Fair enough...I suppose.."

Allia stands from the table and heads to the door.

"I shall be back soon then."

I nod and she leaves.

"Hey, Kua, can you go and find the scroll?" I ask

She pops up from her seat nodding and heads off.

"What do you need me to do?" Tyra asks

"Sit. You too, Nyllie. I'm going to make you two breakfast and then for the others."

They both nod. I get up from the table and head back to the kitchen.

I stand there alone in the sudden quiet.

The journey begins.

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