《After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!》Chapter 5: That Time I Had A Festival


I'm quite surprised it only took what, two or so hours to have an entire festival or, well, celebration set up. I'm really impressed.

Though I do want to forget that I was used a political tool by a Queen who I considered a normal friend, best to forget that for the next few chapters.

Right about now I'm mingling in the streets looking for the girls, but I can't find them anywhere, I am receiving a few cheers which should give away my location. Where's the plot convinience that usually happens in anime right about now?

"Dantes!" a voice that I can't make out calls out to me

There it is! I smirk and turn towards the voice with a pleased face and I feel a swift slap against my face? Wait that's not supposed to happen. I open my eyes and its Allia in front of me. Oh yeah, I did give her a little bit of a scare, deserved that one I suppose.

"Hey, girl..." I say, my voice a bit unsure

She does look quite annoyed or mad, sometimes I can't tell.

"Care to explain what that was?" she asks

"Which part?"

"Don't play smart with me! What are you? What power was that?!" she sounds a bit more angry than amazed which is understandable

"Well, I am the hero that was summoned a while ago, just things didn't really go as planned."

"And that's the truth?"

"Yes, I've never lied to you, you know."

And that is a fact I like to be proudful of!

"Then why did you never mention this? You've known me for a while now!"

Is five months a long time? Time does move a little slower here from what I gathered so maybe its actually longer. Have I been here longer than six old world months?


"It never felt important to discuss." I chuckle nervously "And you never did ask where I came from."

Her arms begin to shake and she raises a fist, I think I can see an eye of hers glow red with fury, but before she could act I feel something tackle my face.

"Dantes" Tyra says in her charming monotone voice

"Mentor!" I can hear Kua not too far either

I glance over and see both her and Nyllie coming towards me, they all look well, that does make me smile. Not a minute later and all of them are here around me and Allia. I see Kua and her exchange a heated glance for a second.

"Desk girl." Kua smiles through her teeth as she looks at Allia

"Midget" she replies in turn

They inch a little closer to each other before I speak up to stop a possible bloodshed.

"Ah yes, let me introduce you to the girls. Nyllie, Tyra this is Allia, she works at the adventurers guild. Allia, this is Tyra, my...herald...and this is Nyllie, one of the rescued slaves from the docks."

She crosses her arms while looking at me in annoyance for a second before easing up and giving them a little bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you two." she then looks to me again "You sure seem to be popular Dantes.." she says, I swear I can see a vein on her head pulsate a little

"Yes...well...like I said I will be leaving soon and well, leaving with them as well."

"Where to exactly, hero?" she asks, a little condesendingly

"Well, um...good question...."

"To wherever he is called." Tyra butts in

"Yes, yes! That! Naturally." I speak after her, going with her flow


"Well, surely you'll need to travel somehow." she says scratching her nose

"Correct. We won't fit on the cart because of her." Tyra points to Nyllie

Nyllie in turn blushes and looks away, crossing her arms as well. Tyra isn't wrong, Lamia are large and the wagon was barely enough for her. I can't exactly buy more carts, well I can or I could ask for some. I might get free stuff now because of my identity, but that seems a bit cheap.

"We can use the Outlander." Kua speaks up

All of us turn to her.

"What?" I ask

She smirks and places a finger on her cheek.

"There is a spell that can move the entire tavern."

"But you aren't a mage, neither am I. Tyra is a Druid and I don't think Nyllie can use magic." I glance at her

Nyllie nods.

"I can punch things really hard, but can't do magic."

A monk Lamia, huh. That's new, for me at least.

I glance back to Kua.

"It's a scroll...."

Wait, she doesn't mean from the library.

"From the library.."

She does mean from the library. I nod as she speaks.

"She's right. We'll still need a few wagons, but we can move the Outlander without much difficulty."

Now the stares turn to me.

"What? You guys thought I was crazy before, now look." I chuckle

"There's a difference between traveling and taking down three golems you know..." Nyllie chimes in

I shrug and pull both Kua and Nyllie close in.

"How about we forget about this stuff and go about enjoying ourselves." I suggest

Tyra nods with agreement.

"W-Whatever.." Nyllie says

"Yeah!" Kua sounds cheery, probably trying to take her mind off things

"Since it's already going on..." Allia replies, she sounds bossy, kinda cute to be honest

"Now, um....what do you guys usually do during something like this?" I ask

"Well, you have the bonfire dances, the city center market stalls give away their special fruits which aren't usually on display. Children get to play knights and thiefs-"

Is that...fantasy cops and robbers?

"-and dancing, pub crawls, probably not ours since Kua closed it down." Allia explained

"Our pub? Planning on joining us?" I chuckle

"W-What I...you....ugh, never mind..." she sighs and blushes

"Well we should start somewhere and perhaps end at the Outlander, I can serve you all drinks myself, free of charge." I say

"You'd charge us if it wasn't a festival?" Nyllie asked

"Well, I can't be making exceptions, not frequently at least."

"What a charmer you are Dantes..."

I try, I really do, but not now. Well, time to party! I let go of Nyllie and Kua and throw up my hands into the air.

"Let us enjoy the night!"

    people are reading<After being reincarnated as the strongest hero I decided to open a tavern and wait until I have to save the world!>
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