《Art of Betrayal》Chapter 11.
- Brom -
Brom didn’t know how to feel about the entire situation he had found himself in. He realized moments too late that Varia’s outburst at the pool could have been a precursor to one of his episodes. He rushed from the water, worried that his brother was about to walk into certain death. The severity of Varia’s episodes could usually be gauged by how quickly they elicited a personality change in him, and this had been swift and profound. He should have caught it right away and talked the other down by he still had the physical strength of Maddox, Sabre and the elves to back him up if needed.
Instead, so caught up with the thought that his brother was fucking his friend for sport, he had missed the obvious signs. Brom was unaware of the extent to which the Graves limited Varia’s power, and so he was sure he would come up on the wreckage of the tree-house and several murdered elves and one murdered brother.
As he approached, not only did everything look normal, there were no sounds of fighting or death. Brom had impatiently taken the lift to the tree tops, but there was still nothing alarming, and the elves looked no more on edge than normal. Brom climbed the branches to the opening of the house above, not wanting to burst in if nothing was wrong or the two were getting up to something.
The scene he came upon was far different from what he expected. Varia’s hand was retracting from Maddox’s face beneath him, the boiling shadows calming as Varia inexplicably came down from his rage. But more than Varia’s episode being suddenly snuffed out, Brom was confused and a little angered by the scene that unfolded after.
Maddox comforting Varia. Varia being comforted. Brom couldn’t hear what was being said nor could he read their lips, but he could see the looks on their faces well enough and read their body language. It wasn’t sex, but it was intimate. More intimate than he had ever seen Varia or knew him capable of. It seemed indecent and shameful for him to be watching, so he slipped from the treetop as silently as he had come, dropping back to the forest floor. His path crossed with Sabre coming from the bath, but he did not know how to answer the other’s look.
“Maddox managed to calm him.” Brom shook his head, looking back towards the canopy. “I don’t understand it.” Nor did he like it, though he couldn’t properly say why. He too had little experience with his emotions and so he struggled to place the bitterness he felt.
Sabre huffed in obvious annoyance to the entire situation, casting a glance up towards the tree house. “Maddox is a fucking idiot.” Sabre grumbled, causing Brom’s lips to twitch in agreement. “Does it… seem like it’ll stop soon?” Sabre asked Brom quietly. Even he seemed unconvinced.
Brom gave a humorless laugh. “When have you know either to let go of things readily, especially when it comes to each other?” Brom replied in Nihalian. Brom expected that both would continue whatever this was, until it destroyed one or both of them. Considering how quickly Varia’s episode had come on this time, it was likely to only get worse as time went on.
Though Maddox had apparently developed the skill that, until now, only Brom had managed. But while Maddox had been able to calm this storm, would he be able to continue to do that? And what if it was Maddox who had the issue? Were any of them capable of calming that beast?
“We’ll have to keep an eye on them. It would be problematic if Maddox lost sight of his purpose.” Brom told the other as they returned to the city village gate and admitted back in. Not desiring to pace the small tree-house and stew over his brother’s new relationship with Varia, Brom and Sabre took to the market place. It was a nice distraction, but despite neither of them speaking on it any more, Brom knew Varia and Maddox would not stop, and it could very well destroy not only both of them, but everyone.
- Maddox -
Maddox had no idea how close he had been to death. He had been prepared to defend himself, but he had no idea to what extent. Besides that, he was not concerned for himself and would not have noticed how close Varia had come to killing him. What had concerned him was the feral look in Varia’s eye. There was no recognition of Maddox in them when Varia attacked, only a murderous hostility. In that moment he worried he wasn’t dealing with Varia at all, but rather the demon. Or worse - a Varia gone insane. But the episode ended thanks in part to the magic of the Graves, and Maddox was now left alone with Varia, and Varia was….
Maddox didn’t expect the apology, and his face showed his surprise at hearing it. But he smiled at Varia, closing his eyes as he listened to the other’s breathing calm. His thumbs stroked against Varia’s cheeks, their foreheads pressed against each other’s still.
“Have the voices quieted at all? Are they the same as always or…?” Maddox asked cautiously, searching Varia’s gaze to gauge whether he was alright or still being tormented.
“They’re louder than usual… but...” Varia whispered in return, but his words trailed off.
Maddox’s gaze found Varia’s lips and were trapped there, wanting to kiss him, but not wanting to have his life threatened for it. Still, the hand on the other’s cheek strayed inwards, his thumb brushing over Varia’s bottom lip, freeing Maddox’s eyes to find Varia’s again. He shouldn’t be surprised that he wanted the man again, but he did, as much to comfort him as to feel his body.
Varia was watching him, his focus returned, the intensity of the ice in his gaze chilling Maddox to his core. Plump lips parted for Maddox’s thumb, before he slowly kissed it. As the other’s mouth parted for his finger and then kissed it, Maddox felt himself instantly grow hard.
Who knew Varia could act this sexy.
Varia’s hand ghosted across his arm, moving over the hand Maddox had cupped on his cheek. His fingers pushed their way between his. Maddox wasn’t sure at what point Varia became adorable to him. It seemed that it happened suddenly that he went from thinking the other a brooding hobgoblin to endearing, just short. It had certainly been a sudden change that murderous intent had changed to sexual appetite, and one was as addictive as the other. He found himself wanting to be inside the other and touch him just as much as he had wanted to spear Varia through with a sword just a month before. How quickly one’s perspective changed when you knew just a little more and had different motives. His hand reflexively closed around Varia’s, his eyes inviting the other to embark once more.
“I don’t want to forget the dream. I don’t want it to be over.” Varia whispered suddenly, his hand lifting from Maddox’s chest to brush against his cheek instead. “I refuse to let it be over.”
Maddox’s lips turned up in a smile that was both pleased and nervous. He said nothing in reply, unable to form words that would have meaning to the other. Instead he closed the distance between their lips, choosing to express his agreement that way.
Unlike the night before where he put Varia on his back to save his leg, the other was showing no pain in their current position. So Maddox allowed the other to stay, feeling that it was better for Varia to feel in some kind of control. One hand slid under Varia’s shirt, tracing his spine but not removing the material. His erection was nestled under Varia at just the right spot to be suggestive.
Though Varia had expressed desire for the dream to continue and had definitely turned Maddox on, he was unsure whether Varia’s desire was the same as the night before or something just short. His lips left Varia’s and traveled down his neck, more careful not to leave marks but fully intent on giving pleasure. The hand trailing Varia’s spine slid back around front, lifting Varia’s shirt to give Maddox access to the other’s nipples which he licked and sucked, one at a time.
Varia’s erection began to press against Maddox’s stomach, his hands brushing through Maddox’s hair, pushing it back. His back arched under Maddox’s own hands, his ass rolling back and down, rubbing against Maddox’s covered erection.
Varia’s hands were suddenly beneath Maddox’s shirt, pulling it up and over his head and throwing it aside. Varia seemed much more eager this day, his lips exploring more. They traced along his collarbone, his shoulders and then again to his neck. They lingered there, teeth grazing against the tender flesh, tongue calming the reddening marks he left behind.
Thoughts and concerns Maddox perhaps had about keeping his body hidden were forgotten once more as Varia’s flesh met his, warm and yielding. Maddox moaned softly against Varia’s flesh as he shifted over him, brushing against his erection and running his hands through his hair. Small Arcturian curses left him as Varia bit into his skin, returning the favor along Varia’s collarbone. Maddox’s hands undid and pushed Varia’s pants off of his ass. His hand slipped between the other’s cheeks, a finger gently rubbing against Varia’s heat. He felt his cock twitch in anticipation, desperate to feel him. He inserted a finger slowly, probing for the knot of nerves that would stoke the other’s lust even more.
Varia’s hands suddenly dropped to Maddox’s pants, pulling the ties holding them in place and exposing his cock to the warmth of Varia’s hand. Another curse left Maddox’s lips, his eyes closing as he pushed his face into the crook of Varia’s neck, inhaling deeply. He felt Varia’s lips pull back in a cocky smirk against his own neck. In retaliation, one hand closed over Varia’s cock while the other continued to stroke inside of the other.
Because it was day time, Maddox did not take nearly as much time touching and preparing Varia as he would have had it been night. After all, they had no idea if or when someone may come to check on them for one reason or another. So rather than delay, he helped Varia push his down his pants, sliding Varia upwards so that his cock was positioned between the other’s cheeks.
Maddox pushed forward, pressing his lips against Varia’s deeply. With a careful, slow motion, Maddox slowly impaled Varia on his cock. Varia’s hands gripped Maddox’s shoulders, his legs spreading around Maddox’s hips. A deep moan bubbled from his throat, breaking their kiss and pushing his face against Maddox’s shoulder. His ass clenched against the pain, the muscles in his sides and back quivering.
Maddox allowed Varia’s body to take him in at its own pace. There hadn’t been anything for Maddox to use as lubricant, nor was there sufficient time to prepare the other. He slid in to the hilt, his hands and lips kissing and stroking apologizes over the other’s body.
They sat there for a moment, Maddox’s cock filling and stretching Varia, throbbing inside of him with anticipation. Varia gave himself adequate time, before finally he slowly lifted himself with his thighs, sliding up on Maddox’s cock, before lowering himself.
Maddox’s hands found Varia’s hips, keeping him steady and guiding his motions as well as providing something else for Maddox to focus on besides the soft pressure all around his cock. Varia’s strokes became faster, rougher, riding Maddox as if he were born to do it. One of Varia’s hands slipped from Maddox’s shoulder and tangled in his hair instead, his lips beginning to gently bite and kiss at Maddox’s shoulder and neck once again.
Maddox’s hands squeezed the taut flesh of Varia’s ass, pulling his cheeks apart as Varia picked his pace up. One hand broke away to stroke Varia’s cock, his thumb slowly brushing over his slit and stroked down his length.
Maddox loved the hands in his hair, the shifting and pulling allowing cool air to hit his scalp and send shivers down his spine. His lips found Varia’s, nipping at his bottom lip, before Varia pulled back to look at him, an arrogant smirk appearing on his lips as a moan left Maddox. Maddox growled at the smirk, before Varia claimed his lips again. He smacked Varia’s ass softly.
“Arrogant bastard.” Though an insult, it was said with a measure of affection and another stifled moan as Varia’s body closed around him, bringing Maddox nearer to climax. He didn’t slow himself though, didn’t try to drag it out, not this time. His feet braced against the bed, beginning to thrust his hips upwards to match Varia’s strokes. Their strokes quickened, became harder, desperation taking both of them. He was still afraid of being caught in the act, therefore he wouldn’t attempt to stop himself from filling Varia with his seed. He was also no longer convinced that this would be the last time they would be together like this. There was no need to savor it as if it were the last, though a part of him did and wanted to give as much pleasure as possible because of it.
Maddox burst moments later, his face burying in Varia’s neck, his hand on Varia’s cock stuttering in their motion, though still determined to bring the other over the edge with him. He continued his thrusts, pushing his seed deeper into the commander. He was rewarded, a warm wetness spreading over his fingers as Varia shuddered over him.
A deep breath left Varia’s lips, before he slowly pulled back from where he had pressed into Maddox’s shoulder, gazing down at him. Maddox stared up at him, slowly lifting a hand and pushing long raven strands from where they stuck to Varia’s forehead. Varia’s gaze softened on Maddox at the gesture, before he leaned forward, kissing Maddox softly. Maddox returned the kiss, perhaps too eagerly. They remained like that for a bit longer, before Varia slowly pulled back. A sigh left his lips, a small hand leaving Maddox and instead pressing against his own forehead. Varia slowly shifted off of Maddox, allowing his cock to leave the tightness of his body.
He wiggled back into his pants properly, before flopping down on the bed next to Maddox, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. “I’m sorry I tried to murder you.” Varia grumbled, his eyes closed tightly.
Maddox grabbed the small cloth from the side table and wiped his hands and body as Varia lay next to him. A hearty laugh left him at Varia’s apology, having not expected it in the first place, especially after he was just inside of the man.
“Which time are we talking about? Surely you aren’t apologizing for your entire military career.” Maddox quipped, finding the entire apology unnecessary. “You’ll try again, I’m sure. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” Maddox added as he pulled his shirt back over his head and fixed his own pants up. He ran a hand through his hair to bring back some semblance of order.
Varia snorted through his nose, cracking his eyes to scowl at Maddox. “Despite how this turned out, you should not have followed me.” He murmured.
Maddox raised an eyebrow at that, turning his body to face Varia from where he sat on the edge of the bed. He flashed Varia an amused smirk. “Varia, I’ve been chasing after you for the last fifteen years. Why would you think that I would stop just because of a change in circumstances?”
Truly, following Varia had been as much out of habit as concern. For over a decade Maddox’s primary concern was finding out where Varia was, what he was doing, and stopping him. Now that Varia was supposedly their ally, his job had been to keep an eye on the other to make sure he didn’t reconsider and switch sides once more.
He didn’t know HOW to ignore Varia, even if he wanted to. So whether it was chasing after the other to stop a military attack, or because he was having a mental and emotional breakdown, it was second nature to Maddox.
“Enemy or ally, you are stuck with me hounded in your footstep, a shadow you can’t quite manipulate or control. Might as well get used to it, short stuff.” Maddox said, ignoring the glare that he was met with as he took a cheap shot at Varia’s height.
Maddox’s stomach rumbled and he recalled that they had not yet had breakfast. The both of them had expended quite a bit of energy, and he was starving. Maddox rose to his feet, holding a hand out for Varia to take. Once he did, he pulled him from the bed and to his feet.
“Let’s see if our hosts fancy feeding us.” He said, moving towards the door. However, before he got there he doubled over and crumpled to the floor.
An ear splitting keening was in his head, echoing throughout the entire forest. Cithrel was screaming in Maddox’s head, a combination of the sound audible to everyone and Cithrel’s own whispering. The tree-house shuddered, the branches above trembling. The guards burst into the door, clearly expecting the source of the problem to be coming from something Varia and Maddox were getting up too. But it was not coming from within the village. Somewhere, someone was using dark magic to cut down a tree. The sound was more a feeling than one he could hear clearly. It felt apprehensive, angry, sad, scared, urgent.
It was strong magic too, had to be in order to be cast in the Graves or to affect them from without. Maddox gasped, lowering his hands from his head, before he looked to Varia who stood beside him. He was worried the keening would set off Varia, happening so soon after an episode. But instead of looking at him, or looking distressed, Varia’s eyes were cast to the side, staring at the wall near them. Maddox turned his eyes to follow Varia’s gaze and felt his chest tighten.
The shadows splashed across the wall were twitching and shifting, curling towards Varia, reaching for him. Maddox didn’t know if Varia was doing that, or some other force. Either option could be bad. Varia had been complacent for the most part since they had arrived, and Maddox truly felt that it was due to the lack of his powers while there.
Maddox didn’t have time to dwell on that, however, the keening and pain ripping through his skull again. Maddox gasped, his eyes closing once more. He heard Brom, heard Sabre enter. He felt Varia’s hand move to his back, before slipping away. He could faintly hear them speaking in the distance, but it was muffled. His eyes watered from the wailing, consuming his senses. If he hadn’t known better, he would say that it was he that was being cut down, not a tree leagues away.
But more than the wailing, which was taken up by the elves in the village and across the forest, Maddox was downed by the reverberation of something darker growling through his bones.
Like calls to like. Blood to Blood.
The trees of the Graves were not easily felled, either by purposeful means or by acts of nature. There was dark magic at work and the Graves knew. Maddox knew. The sympathetic harmony Cithrel had with the Graves meant that the recognition that they felt was also felt by the sword.
Someone crouched near Maddox, asking how to help. At least he thought that what was being said. Rather than fight, Maddox pointed to his sword. The hilt pressed into his hand and the wailing immediately began to ease. Maddox could breathe easier, and he could focus his eyes at least. Sabre and Brom were there, Daylor and other elves. Varia was not anywhere in sight, and Maddox wondered if Varia had left to escape him. But Brom remained, and if Brom remained, then Varia would return.
Maddox groaned, rising to shaky legs and stumbling to the shelves where he took several of the herbs the elves had left them, shoving them into his mouth. The bitter flavor hit his tongue and made him scrunch his nose in disgust, but it drowned out everything else.
The wailing was now a distant whimper, the thrumming of dark power a faint feeling of unease. Maddox leaned against the shelf, sword propped against his shoulder.
“Are you alright?” Came Broms voice. Maddox lifted his head, turning it back to look to his companions.
“I’m fine. Are the elves going into the forest?” Maddox replied to Brom.
“Bullshit you are. They said something about dark, demonic magic in the Graves. I thought that sort of magic couldn’t penetrate.” Brom’s tone was accusing, as if Maddox had lied to them and led them into a false sense of security.
“It can’t. Someone must have cast something just inside the Graves. More than likely an elf of a less peaceable nature. I don’t think it’s to do with us.” Maddox assured them, though it was doubtful they were convinced.
“So you’re saying its coincidence that we get chased here by blood magic and then someone is casting similar magic in the Graves? I’m not buying it.” Maddox shrugged his shoulders at his brother, earning him an annoyed curse. “There’s no benefit to targeting us here. And we weren’t targeted by the Blood Beasts, we just got too close. It’s unlikely anyone even knows it’s us here in the first place. Whoever cast the blood magic wasn’t after us. If they were they certainly wouldn’t have used it to cut down one of the trees. There are other wars and conflicts besides the one between Arcturus and Er Rai.”
Sabre sighed as Maddox spoke, moving to sit down in one of the chairs in the house. "No one even knows we're alive. We were behind nearly a full day from reaching Emeriss, so it's likely we were thought to have died in the blast. Whoever is attacking the Graves is not doing so for us." He muttered, watching Maddox with concern etched on his face. Maddox was thankful for his friend and his voice of reason, though Sabre seemed more annoyed with him as of late.
Varia was escorted back into the room then, the elven guards on his tail. He looked less than pleased, though that was normal for him. He shot a glare back to the guard who had escorted him back, prompting the man to leave quietly, before he flopped back to the bed.
“They seem concerned, though not as concerned as you lot seem. The elder will arrive tomorrow at dawn. It seems they want us out of here as quickly as possible.” Varia murmured, shooting a glance to Maddox. “They are in no need help, or at least they don’t desire it from us.”
Sabre snorted, the reason in his voice lost the moment Varia moved in. “You mean they don’t want to unleash a demon in the Graves? How strange. You do such good for everyone else who crosses your path. Shame they won’t utilize your kindness.” Sabre drawled, leaning his head back to peer up at the ceiling rather than Varia.
Varia shot a seething glare at Sabre, a huff leaving him at the man’s words. "I hardly remember your name. If you're concerned with how I do things, perhaps you should considering being more useful. What do you bring to the table?" He shot back, though his words were less angry than they normally were.
"If by more useful you mean more prone to demon possession, then I'll pass." Sabre replied, before huffing as well. "In any case, we should get this over with. The peace is nice, but the last thing we need is Varia to massacre a bunch of elves."
Maddox listened but didn’t speak as the two spat obscenities at each other. His head was throbbing with a migraine and he felt ill from the leaves he had ingested. It didn’t help that breakfast was still not forthcoming, and he mentioned such to the elven guard before the other left. The other two had fallen into a tense silence, which he was thankful for. He waited until something was brought before saying anything, chewing on some sweetened bread with raisins.
“Whatever is happening in the Graves is not our concern, neither are the elves. I’m sure Daylor will be more than happy to blame us, but as Sabre said, no one knows we are alive so it’s unlikely they are trying to kill us. That being said, if someone is bold enough to use blood magic in the Graves then there is a dispute among the elves that we don’t want to get involved in. We should make ourselves scarce as soon as possible...which may still not be for a few days.” Maddox spoke between bites.
“Are you sure this is our best option? If the elves are waging their own war, as you said, it’s best we steer clear. There has to be someone else that can help us with Varia.” Brom pressed.
“Even if that was true, and we had any better relationship with them, I still need a new scabbard for my sword.” Brom made a noise of annoyance.
“We can get you a scabbard in any number of cities or villages. That’s not a reason to stay.” Brom argued, but Maddox shook his head. “An elven blade needs an elven scabbard, and this blade needs a particular one.”
“Maddox, there is a blacksmith in the city below us. How long can it really take for them to make what you need? Why are you stalling us here?” Brom was agitated but also suspicious. It was normal, Maddox reckoned. He was concerned for Varia.
“I’m not stalling, Brom. I’m not very keen on sticking around longer than necessary. The ones that make the scabbard I need are already on it and hopefully will have it back to me in a few days. The Elders are already on their way and this is the best option. If you can pose a reasonable alternative I’m all ears. But it doesn’t make sense for us to spook over every little thing and screw ourselves over in the long run.”
Brom gave a curse in Arcturian and moodily flung himself against the wall, arms folded. “This better not have anything to do with you sleeping with Varia.” Brom said in their native dialect, eyes glaring dagger at his brother.
Maddox held his heart as if stung. “Nice to know you think so little of me. I would not jeopardize your life for a piece of ass. Not even Varia’s well-toned one. Relax, Brom. He’s not a naive maiden I’ve taken advantage of.” Maddox was thankful that Brom chose to speak to Maddox in the language, since speaking about how well molded Varia’s body was in a language everyone there knew was likely not something Varia would appreciate.
The jesting was cut short as Daylor appeared in the doorway, eyes narrowed and body rigid in anger. “What have you to do with this?” Daylor hissed in elvish to Maddox, who ignored his hostile stance and picked at a piece of fruit.
“We have nothing to do with this, Daylor. No one knows we’re alive.” Maddox replied in the common tongue.
Daylor was unconvinced. “You expect me to believe that you being chased here by blood magic has nothing to do with it being cast in our midst?” His tone was incredulous, the hand on his sword tightening.
“I don’t expect anything from you, Daylor. But it is the truth nonetheless. The first was accidental and incidental and the second a coincidence. Do you expect me to believe the elves don’t have enemies among themselves capable of doing this?”
Daylor seemed to seethe at that, his eyes darkening. His eyes cast to Maddox’s sword and back at the man, switching back to elvish. “No one of our kin would cast such forbidden and abominable magic except at your behest, death walker.”
Maddox raised a brow and gave a simple smile. “Are you sure about that?”
Varia sat on the bed, shifting uncomfortably at the tension in the room. Brom also remained quiet. But Sabre, bless him, did not.
"The blood beasts from before weren't aimed specifically at us. As Maddox said, it was a coincidence they had begun chasing us. Whatever is happening out there has nothing to do with us, despite the company we keep." Sabre said, shooting a glare to Varia, being met with one in return.
"Having faith in your kind is admirable, but evil lives in all races. If another elf wanted to do harm to the forest, tradition and belief wouldn’t stop him." Varia said, his eyes focused on Daylor, likely attempting to take the attention off of himself once more. Varia’s gaze was bright and focused, leveled on Daylor. He was clearly anticipating a fight, something Maddox was trying to avoid.
Sabre glanced to Varia as he spoke, before looking back to Daylor. "Little psycho is right, despite him being an evil little shit himself. It's likely it's another elf. None of our enemies know of our survival, so it's unlikely we’re the target."
Daylor wasn’t going to take their word on it, Maddox knew. He had already made up his mind about things and would not be swayed, least of all by Maddox’s companions. Lucky for them, Daylor’s opinion of the matter was not the one that held sway.
“Whatever you believe, Daylor, the fact remains that if you want me gone you’ll have to hurry along the Elders and the Walkers. You can’t kick us out until then.” Daylor glared at Maddox a moment longer, looking between him and his sword. It was clear he was debating something, that some kind of bluff had been issued by Maddox that the elven guard was debating calling.
“You are a liar.” Daylor hissed but Maddox cut him off with a dark look, his hands slipping down the sword to one of the ties holding the wrapping on it.
“Would you like to find out? Shall I put everyone at risk to satisfy your mistrustful heart? How much of the old stories do you know, Daylor? How long have you conversed with the Walkers?” Maddox flipped his grip on the sword and held it out, point first to Daylor. “If you think I am lying, Daylor, prove it. Go ahead. I dare you.”
One tie was near the tip, within Daylor’s reach if he so chose. He glared at it as if doing so would undo it for him, or allow him to see the truth. “Your guard will be tripled. There will be no mercy for deceit.” Daylor said after a moment and turned on his heel, slamming the door shut.
Maddox lowered his sword, leaning it back against his shoulder. “You two should probably get back to your hut and stay out of trouble until it’s time to go. Rest up and enjoy the tense reprieve before it gets violent.”
Varia leaned back against the bed on his arms the moment Daylor left, visibly relaxing. Sabre and Brom didn’t need to be asked twice to relax away from the others, and Sabre rose to his feet, stretching his arms above his head.
“I always thought your connection with the elves was… different.” He spoke with a chuckle, all indication of animosity gone once more. “Thought you perhaps had an elven lover, but I see that they dislike you more than the rest of the world.” He spoke, patting Maddox’s shoulder before he gestured to Brom, who looked as if he had something to spit out to his brother.
“Shall we? I’m sure your brother and his pet demon would like to spend the rest of their day wrapped in the arms of perversion, and we’re just in the way.” Sabre took a cheap shot then, one that Maddox didn’t have the energy to snap back at. Not after dealing with Daylor and Cithrel. He would comment to the other later, set him straight, but for now he let Sabre poke fun all he wanted. He knew the other was unsettled, was uncomfortable to say the least with these new developments.
It said a lot that Sabre was still joking about it, however harshly, and still trusting him. A trust that was probably wearing thin, but which hopefully would last a bit longer. There was much that Maddox had to say to Sabre without the other two, but not among the elves whose hearing was much too good to hold secret conversations in their midst.
Varia rolled his eyes as the others left them alone once more, flopping down onto his back to stare at the ceiling. The two sat in silence for a moment, before Varia sighed heavily.
“Are you alright?” He asked Maddox, though the words seemed strange on his tongue.
At Varia’s question Maddox snorted, putting his weight on his sword as he got to his feet and moved towards the bed. He pushed Varia over so that he could lay down, hugging his sword to his chest with a groan. “Ah, now you care. And here I thought you were disappointed that I hadn't keeled over and died. Run to get help did you?”
Maddox wasn’t really that angry that Varia had disappeared. It wasn’t much the other could have done and he wasn’t sure how he would have taken a panicked Varia in any case. Also given that Varia’s powers seemed to have come back to him a little during this whole thing, Maddox was more surprised Varia hadn’t tried to kill him. Part of him, at least, believed that Varia was only being amicable because he had no choice and no powers to act as he pleased.
Varia grunted as Maddox pushed him over, rag dolling against his arm and remaining where he had rolled. He shifted onto his stomach, folding his arms beneath his head to watch the Captain beside him. "I left because you were useless. I don’t know the elves and their strength, but I know mine. If there was to be a battle, someone would have to protect your worthless ass." His words were harsh, though noticeably less harsh than the things he normally spat at Maddox, but his tone was soft and even. It still held a sharpness to it, but it wasn’t dripping with malice when he spoke to Maddox, not anymore.
Maddox grunted in amusement at Varia’s excuse.
Protect me? Varia? As if.
But it was a nice excuse so Maddox allowed it. Perhaps it was true in some way. After all, Maddox would be pissed if someone else killed Varia, so maybe Varia had indeed sought to protect Maddox from whatever was coming, if only so that he could land the killing blow himself later.
"If the elves chose to kill me instead, what will you do? What will happen to your plan? I don’t suppose I'm the only person you could use, perhaps it would be best to find another." Varia spoke, sighing softly as he peered at Maddox from under the wild mane he sported.
Maddox gave a groan at Varia’s questions, rolling onto his stomach and sword, face buried in the pillow for a moment before turning toward Varia. “They can’t kill you, not while I’m here anyway. They’d have to kill me as well and they wouldn’t dare. At this point, with the bombing of Emeriss, it probably wouldn’t work without you. With my allies crippled and uncertain, and being terrible at subterfuge, you are the best bet. Getting cold feet? Feeling uneasy about going against your maker?” Maddox joked, releasing another groan into the pillows as his stomach rolled and head throbbed. With his shifting and rolling the back of his shirt had rolled up to show the tip of the tattoo on his back. “Don’t worry. I have no plans to throw you away just yet. This level of animosity is nothing.”
"So I'm your only hope then. Without me, your plan could likely fail. I won’t forget that." Varia replied with humor in his voice, before his eyes shifted downwards. It was a welcomed change to the normal emotionless hostility. Charming, in a strange way. This Varia was so different than the one Maddox had spent the last decade fighting.
Maddox smirked at the thought, his eyes closing as he listened to Varia breathe next to him. If Maddox had known what would come next, he would have made sure to keep his cards hidden. But Varia was observant, far more observant than Maddox would have wished him to be.
“I don’t suppose my purpose has anything to do with re-establishing the Aesir reign. Not that I would expect truth from you if it was.”
Maddox didn’t mean to react the way he did, and surely doing so tipped his hand quite a bit. But his mind was stressed and he was already on edge, so there was no way he would have not reacted in some form. His hand shot out and covered Varia’s mouth, the face turned towards the other set in hard and cold lines, though the voice remained at odds. When he spoke his voice was light and amused, as if responding to a joke.
“What nonsense are you talking about? The last of those died out, what? Two, three decades ago? Even if we’re trying to dispose of the Council, reinstating a corrupt regime doesn’t help us any. I already told you, my job, meaning your job, is to topple the current status quo. What goes up in its place is another cell’s mission.” The grip on Varia’s face was strong enough to bring it close to Maddox’s mouth where the captain switched to Arcturian and dropped his voice to barely a whisper. “Whatever you think you’ve gleaned, keep your mouth shut. To Brom, Sabre, everyone.”
“I’m sure Er Rai intended to expand, set one of their own on the icy throne. But with the bombing, who knows if that’s even viable.” Maddox continued in a normal voice, releasing Varia and sitting up again, the shirt falling over the mark on his back.
It was several decades since the last bit of fighting finally died out, the last of the Aesir lineage perishing in the great cleansing. The council was terrible, a totalitarian government uninterested in the well-being of their people. Any interest that they had in their people was only creating complete subservience to Arcturus and the council. No one alive now remembered how the Aesir’s were during their reign. All mention of the old monarchy had been wiped clean from the pages of history in Arcturus. The statues had been toppled, replaced with war heroes and council members.
Despite Arcturus' recent conquests and gains, the dictatorship was still new, relatively speaking. The country struggled greatly under the Councils reign, and it had been suggested the war was brought upon by their need to survive the harsh colds. There was wide spread famine when Maddox and Varia were young, one Arcturus was still recovering from to this very day. Nihal had ceased all trade with the increasingly hostile country, which had triggered Arcturus to dispatch troops in the desert. The thought that Nihal and Er Rai would seek so desperately to change Arcturus that they would let its people starve was a huge driving force in rallying the people behind the efforts.
As far as the world knew, or anyone remembered, the Aesir monarchy had been even more tyrannical than the current Council. It had oppressed its people, bringing them to near ruin. Indeed, the last king of that monarchy had been such, but he had also been a puppet for the current Council. The prosperity and good the clan had brought prior was erased with the books of Arcturus, the minds of the people washed into thinking what they had now was the best they could have.
But it was a carefully constructed lie to cover the proof against which had almost been lost. Varia surely know nothing of which he spoke and speaking too loudly of it around others would bring more ruin than he knew. Because the only ones that had claim to the Arcturian throne were the Aesirs and Arcturus still believed in its birthrights.
Concerning enough, Varia didn’t seem surprised at the way Maddox reacted. His eyes narrowed, but he maintained a composure that Maddox never knew he had. Varia lay in silence for a moment after he was released, his eyes burning into Maddox’s back. Maddox didn’t turn to look at him, for fear of what his expression may tell.
He felt Varia shift on the bed, before feeling small hands run up his arms, pulling him back to lay. Varia shifted over him, leaning down to press his lips against Maddox’s jaw. If this was an attempt to make Maddox forget what Varia may have found out, it had a good chance of working.
“It will be difficult to convince my people to back either. It will be difficult to convince me to back either, but that is a problem for another day.” Varia whispered against Maddox’s jaw.
“Do not think your cock is so magical that it has struck me blind.” Varia whispered in Arcturian as he pulled his head back, folding his arms over Maddox’s chest and resting his chin against them. “The peace we’ve found here will not last forever, and soon you’ll have to answer questions you may not want to. I will not blindly fight for you, I will not be your weapon to use, no matter how badly you desire me to be. This is an alliance. Treat it as such, and I will bring you Arcturus.”
Internally Maddox was still panicked just a bit. Though it didn’t seem that Varia was reacting adversely, it had still not been the plan for Varia to know anything about the plot to restore the Aesir clan to the throne. But even if he was panicked, that resulted in a cold and calculating Maddox and the internal him had pulled back from Varia, poised, wary, waiting. Now that someone else had voiced it aloud, had noticed, it put everything in jeopardy. Very, very few knew of the plan. He had not even told Brom or Sabre about it, nor did anyone in his cell know of his ulterior motives and plans. One of the elders that was meeting them knew of it and had likely told those among the elves that needed to know. The queen of Nihal knew as did a chaplain in Er Rai, but only because both harbored others of the line, further removed than the heir.
Who the heir was Maddox had kept a close secret, telling no one and letting all come to their own conclusions. All the others knew was that the heir lived and was protected. That was all anyone needed to know until the current government of Arcturus fell and the land was open and vulnerable. A key to getting it that way was Varia, for he commanded the loyalty and thus swords of much of the military. Maddox needed the other on his side if he was to put the heir back on the throne and if Varia knew that plan and at any point rejected it or Maddox, he could tip the hand and bring it all to ruin.
But killing him wasn’t an option, for without Varia there was no easy way to unite the military and bring the land to heel. So far, though, it seemed Varia was not inclined to dismiss Maddox and his plans out of hand.
At Varia’s words Maddox’s eyes shifted, became considering rather than cold. He did not shift from Varia’s lips, merely allowed the other to do as he wished as he considered the meaning of Varia’s words. An Alliance.
“In alliances both parties make plain what they want and are willing to give. I have told you what I desire, and what I can give, if there is more that you wish you will have to speak plainly.” Maddox said softly in the same language, his free hand threading through Varia’s hair, fisting it and bringing the other’s lips to his before relaxing his hold.
Maddox understood Varia’s hesitation and wariness. While Maddox could gain everything he desired from Varia, there was little to assure the other that once it was done he would receive the promised compensation. Maddox was helping him with the demon problem now, and they were fucking, but both of those served Maddox as well. At the same point, even if Maddox used Varia to quell the rebels in Arcturus, if Maddox didn’t hold up his end of the bargain Varia only had to say a word before the military would flock to his side.
“Besides, I think I’m getting the short end of the stick. You offer me Arcturus in exchange for the world, it is not you that should be worried.” Maddox teased as Varia allowed his head to move back to where it rested on Maddox’s chest.
At that, however, Varia’s gaze grew colder, that same distrust Maddox knew too well flashing across his face.
"You say you're delivering me the world, but you know I'm delivering you far more than just an icy wasteland. I'll get freedom in death from you, that much I'm certain of. Once you're finished using me, I do not want to be used any longer. That is what I want, and if that means death, then so be it. Death is freedom, death is mercy, and I'm content with that." Varia muttered.
Death again. Varia is such a morose and cynical little person.
Maddox understood, at least. Maddox was in a position only Arcturus had been in before, though their relationship had proved to be much more intimate lately. Arcturus had molded Varia, used him his entire life, gave him a purpose, and they absolutely relied on him. Yet they had deemed him too strong, too much of everything they were, and they had cast him aside and attempted to erase him from the world. It was a natural response to not trust Maddox to deliver on his promises.
Maddox sighed and didn’t seek to argue with the other over it again, for his words would fall on deaf ears. It wasn’t as if Maddox knew what would happen once this was all through, if he would even be able to deliver Varia anything besides torment and death. He hoped that wasn’t their future.
A sigh left Varia lips as he shifted to sit up off of Maddox. He leant down, brushing his lips against Maddox's softly, before he rolled off of the bed. "If I think of anything you could give me, I'll let you know. For now, I'm content with being free, through death or not." He said, moving across the small room, crouching near the book shelf. He returned a moment later with a book, one written in the common tongue, sitting next to Maddox and flipping it open. Maddox pulled the other within reach of his arms, wrapping around Varia’s waist, his sword sandwiched between them.
The other said he was fine with death, but Maddox felt that there were many other things the other would want instead. Books, were a good start, for clearly the other hadn’t been lying about being able to read. While he surely didn’t know a wide range of languages, Maddox was sure he could find a good few books in Arcturian.
Maddox let the other read in peace while he snuggled into the other’s side and fell into a doze. The rest of the day went by with only the barest hints of tension still in the air. The extra guard remained, but they received no more visitors save those bringing food at the various hours. In the afternoon Maddox taught Varia a few more tricks he had learned to keep calm and control the demon. At some point they fell into bed together again, likely due to the lack of much else to entertain them.
When the guard came to bring them dinner, Maddox addressed him in politely concerned elvish. “Have all the others come back safely? Was whatever hurt the Ancient one captured?” Maddox asked the man who startled, clearly not told that Maddox understood or spoke their language.
The fact seemed to soften him a bit, especially as Maddox asked after the welfare of others. “The party returned safely. It seems that it may have been dark elves from near the mountains. The party was unable to speak to a leader...but there was something strange…” The elf cut off as another called to him sharply, beckoning him away.
Maddox considered the other’s words. It confirmed that it was not an enemy after them, which was good and likely to annoy Daylor. But between dark and light elves, the former were less likely to harm the Graves. It was exceedingly strange and Maddox got the feeling that the elf had been about to say more before he was stopped. Perhaps answers would be forthcoming tomorrow at their meeting with the elders. Maddox filled Varia in on the news and they waited for the next day and the Elders.
- In Serial484 Chapters
Digging To Survive: I Can See Hints
After being awakened from their slumber, billions of people found themselves dispersed in various sealed crypts. Surrounded by earth, they each had only a shovel. They had to dig their own tunnels in order to advance to the next crypts. Nobody could predict whether it was a crypt full of supplies or monsters ahead! Klein was also forced to join in the digging, but he could see hints. [Dig further and you will end up in magma.] [It’s not a bad idea to dig to your right. After you enter the crypt, dash for four meters and stab the underground creature in slumber to death with a spear.] [A baby lamb is awaiting you on your left.] While everyone else was still exploring cautiously, Klein was already loaded with supplies and was dominating the underground world. While the rest were still stressed over their next meal, Klein was already trading with others with his leftover food…
8 1197 - In Serial42 Chapters
Never Die Twice
Now available on Amazon Kindle! Walter Tye is the best friend any adventurer needs. He is the smiling shopkeeper next to your local dungeon, the one who sells you these cheap healing potions. When you need information about a monster, Tye always knows. He wants to help; you can trust him.He is also the undead necromancer ruling said dungeon, getting paid to solve problems that he caused in the first place. But don't tell anyone that... Story sponsored by knightaether.
8 258 - In Serial15 Chapters
Other Tales of En
Welcome to The Other Tales of En, a place where I put short stories that didn't get to be told in the main series. These are scenes and tales of characters I just had to have more of, moments I needed to see, and self-indulgent interactions. I hope you love them as much as I do! Chapters are labelled with initials of the Tale first and have notes for their beginning and end. Any chance of spoilers are listed for each tale below as well as their initials. TABLE OF CONTENTS Tale 1: Taff and Adon (T&A) The tale of when Taff and Adon first met. Slight spoilers for Starchild but not really, let's just say Adon's version of the story in Stormspeaker wasn't *quite* accurate ;) Tale 2: Vai and Echa (V&E) The tale of the meeting everyone tried to prevent. It was bound to happen and this is how it went. Spoilers for Children of the Bear, particularly Fiona's Tale, I recommend reading when you are finished with that series. Tale 3 [IN PROGRESS]: Echa and Tryst (E&T) The tale of how the cowardly pirate and the bitter slave fell in love.
8 144 - In Serial48 Chapters
Heart of Fire
Five stones, two estranged siblings, one ex-fiance, and not one spark to protect herself. Syra is the firstborn heir to the Montari Dragon Clan. She is also a flameless runt--a fact her younger siblings, Cassius and Petra, often repeat. But, she is also a Lightblood. Blessed with high affinity to the land's mana flow, her magical prowess is her one redeeming quality. But when the Ignis dragon, Marrak, attacks the neighboring human kingdom and kills her father, it is her trademark skill that provides hope: shapeshifting. Nine years after she infiltrated the human city, Marrak resurfaces. With her cover blown, she's sent into foreign lands to hunt down five powerful crystals and stop him from rebuilding the weapon that would leave him invincible, and both human and dragon lands destroyed. But war is brewing in the human kingdom. Social unrest is shaking every city and the web of rebellion is on the hunt for Lightbloods, making her a glowing target. Enemy ears are everywhere and secrets run deep, even in the people closest to her. And as a wyrmling who can't breathe fire, she is left with bickering twins and a bitter prince in a world where monsters don't always wear scales. **Contains depictions of: PTSD, substance abuse, child abuse**
8 68 - In Serial41 Chapters
The Ash Earth
Another chance at life? Hell Yeah! As the strongest Soul Cultivator, Rihan sat in the Pinnacle of the Martial World but was taken down by the Ancient Gods and his lackey. He was killed by the Ancient God and returned to his 11-year-old self. Given another chance to change his destiny and save his loved ones. With another hope to battle the Ancient God, he will once again set out with the vast knowledge accumulated from his previous life. Training faster than anyone else, and holding the knowledge from the distant future, he will set out to settle the enmities from his past lives as he climb to be the strongest again. "I can't believe I'm returned back to my 13-year-old self," Rihan's eye looks determined, "I will beyond the Ancient Gods and be a God-like being that dominates everything in this life!" *A new chapter will be released every 2 days.
8 198 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Forest's Guardian
Follow Iago, a man with a past unknown even to himself, who has dedicated his life to defending the Beasts of the Awakened Forest - sentient creatures with magical abilities highly sought after by poachers. He must battle Mages and foot soldiers alike, all while attempting to gain the trust of the Beasts as a whole, and grappling with his own motivations for what he does. Things were looking up for the Forest, until a new threat emerged, and the poachers gained far greater resources and numbers than ever before. Now he must face off against an Archmage - and the support of the Forest is not guarenteed. Old powers must be persuaded to assist, or the Forest will fall forever. I'm writing this for fun and don't think it's particularly good, but it's fun to write so I figure I may as well upload it here! If you give it a read, thank you, and I hope you enjoy! Trying my best to release a chapter every other day, barring most weekends/holidays (though I will still try to get them out, but I make no promises) [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 89