《Art of Betrayal》Chapter 12.
- Maddox -
The elders arrived in the early morning, but Maddox and the others were not given an audience until after the midday meal. The group was taken from their temporary homes and brought to a large hall, built high in the trees in the middle of the town. The middle of the hall was opened to the bright blue sky above, vines twisted up the trunks of the trees the hall was built in. Guards posted along the edges of the room, small scones on the walls glowing soft blue, and through the light of the sky Maddox noted that there were other high-ranked elves in attendance with the Elders.
Elder Zeale sat directly in the middle, head held high, looking as haughty and arrogant as the bitch was. That self-importance slipped a bit when Maddox entered behind the others, clear blue eyes flashing to the sword at his hip that no one dared take from him. He saw the edges of her eyes tighten and the barest downturn of her lips.
Elder Viansola sat to Zeale’s right, poised and dignified and yet kind, as if the entire situation amused her. Viansola was the one who raised Maddox. She was a motherly figure to him, and knew his quest well. He was glad to see her. She inclined her head towards Maddox in greeting as he caught her eye, a long golden braid sliding over bare shoulders. Maddox caught her eye for a brief moment, before her attention swept the rest of the group and landed on Varia.
Maddox knelt and placed his sword beside him on his right and pressed his hands and forehead to the dirt before the Elders. “Well met and good health, Elder Zeale, Elder Viansola.” Maddox said in polite Elvish and also repeating in the common tongue for his companion’s benefit. “Good health indeed, Maddox. You are looking better than expected.” Viansola said, her tone holding an inner joke, though her eyes only shifted from Varia briefly.
Maddox turned his gaze to the side, allowing them to fall on Varia. He was clearly uncomfortable. His arms were folded tightly against his chest, his eyes focused and wide as he considered the guards and the elders. Viansola’s eyes were locked on Varia, and Varia took notice soon enough and held her gaze. His brow twitched, and Maddox wished he knew what Varia was thinking just then.
Maddox’s attention was drawn from Varia as Zeale clicked her tongue in annoyance, less than pleased with Maddox and his companions. “Surely you didn’t come all this way to grovel for the demon, tainted one. What is it you’ve returned for?” Her words were biting, a deep anger underlying her words. “You never should have returned here, especially dragging another hell stricken man.” Zeale continued, her eyes turning towards Viansola at her side. “His presence here is a plague, both of them are. If that demon escapes that tiny man, it will consume us. Condemn them and be done with it, Viansola.”
“He comes here toting our brother as if he is some mighty weapon to bring us to heel. He brings a demon into our home. How much longer will you allow him to offend us by allowing him to live?”
She certainly wastes no time in advocating for my death.
Maddox felt Sabre and Broms eyes on him, and he felt the slightest twitch in Varia as the other listened. They wouldn’t understand her words, but her biting tone and aggressive movements would be clear enough to them. This happened often however, and it never worked. To fuel her anger, Maddox kept the pleasant look on his face, though his eyes hardened. What she said did not bother him, but he felt the slight shift of Varia’s feet. He was preparing for an attack, and Maddox couldn’t blame him for that.
He kept his eyes on Zeale since she was technically in charge, though his words and their politeness was directed more towards Viansola. “Surely you have heard news of the destruction of Emeriss?” Maddox knew they had heard but waited until they acknowledged it. “In the aftershocks, while protecting my comrades, the scabbard for Den-Cithrel was destroyed. As the Elder is aware, it is precarious and risky to allow him to continue is such a fashion. That is the primary reason for my visit.”
Viansola glanced briefly at the bone-sword, her eyes growing sad a moment before her gaze flicked back towards Varia. “I was under the impression that the one behind you was an enemy. Yet I have been told you seek counsel for him. You realize it would be much simpler and better to put him to rest, as Elder Zeale suggests.”
Her tone was one of suggestion but Maddox felt she was also of the mind that Varia was better off dead. She might be curious as to why Maddox decided otherwise, but she was at least in agreement with Zeale on that score.
“Respectfully, I think there is another option.” Maddox offered, holding his hands palm up before the Elders.
Viansola laughed as the others frowned. “Don’t you always. Out of respect we allowed your first request. Do not think we have such fondness for you that we will extend our assistance again.” Viansola warned.
Maddox considered his next words carefully and switched to the common tongue for the benefit of the others. “I do not ask your assistance on a whim. It is to mutual benefit that the creature in Varia be sealed and the other given the means to train himself. The elves have been thus far protected by the Graves and by the countries surrounding it. With the capital fallen the enemies are emboldened and there is little to keep them at bay. If even other elves have taken to the Graves with forbidden magic, it is only a matter of time before Arcturus learns of it as well, and your neighbors no longer look kindly upon how you’ve avoided the wars thus far. If you need to be convinced the threat to you is real my brother can better explain, but it would be simpler to have Varia bring them to heel.”
Viansola shook her head in amusement, raising a brow. “And has the cursed one promised to do such a thing?” She asked in elvish. She turned her attention to Varia once more, her speech switching to perfect Arcturian. “And why would one given to death agree to such a thing? Surely a quiet death would be preferable to you than the agony of struggling, especially given your current state?”
Varia clearly withdrew when he was addressed. For a commander who had very likely spent much of his life sitting on war councils and addressing leaders in almost the same sense, he seemed immensely uncomfortable. Perhaps because Varia was not the one in control in this instance. He was standing where many others had likely stood before him, begging for their own lives as he passed his own judgment. But despite what Maddox may or may not have noticed about their current situation, he had a much larger concern.
Maddox confessed he was curious how Varia would answer Viansola. So far Varia had only really expressed a desire to die on the ice as his one form of freedom. Here was Viansola, offering him that without any of the work Maddox would make him do for it. To be honest Maddox felt himself unsure, anxious that Varia might take her up on her offer.
His head turned, his eyes watching as Varia took a slow step forward to stand at his side. He shot Maddox a short glance, before he slowly bowed his chin towards Viansola.
“I do not have time to die, nor do I wish to die just yet. I need to return to the ice and deliver a violent death to those who have wronged me. Once I get my revenge, I’ll accept whatever fate comes to me.”
When Varia said he wanted revenge instead of death, Maddox was a little surprised. Of course Varia would want revenge, but that hadn’t been the primary subject of their conversations. Maddox should have been happy that Varia chose something, anything, over death but...Was it disappointment that he felt? It was something unpleasant, lurking at the edge of his awareness. There was something, some other answer he had wanted from Varia more, but what that was he couldn’t say.
"So we are being asked to let this demon continue to live on the off chance you can defeat Arcturus? I believe you will run back to your masters as soon as you possibly can, like the dog you are." Zeale spoke in Arcturian before Viansola had a chance to respond.
Maddox felt his face twist into a scowl, but he felt the anger radiating off of Varia next to him. Varia’s gaze snapped to Zeale, his arms dropping from where they had crossed over his chest. He took a step forward, though if it was to attack Zeale or to merely remind them that he was not shackled was not clear.
Maddox shot a hand out, grabbing Varia’s wrist to stop whatever he may or may not have been planning. Stopping whatever violent thoughts Varia may have been having then was reflex by this point. Varia turned icy eyes over his shoulder, locking with Maddox’s for a brief moment, biting his tongue when Maddox shook his head briefly.
Zeale’s lips pulled back into a condescending smirk at that, her eyes shifting to Maddox. "You and the demon are tainting our lands with your presence, and your perversions. Perhaps he isn't Arcturus' dog any longer, perhaps he is yours." She addressed Maddox this time in Elvish, before turning back to Viansola. "My men have reported to me that this alliance is appearing to be more than that. The hero of Er Rai has been falling into bed with the Demon of Arcturus. Any attempt to save him is no doubt due to the tainted one wanting to keep himself satisfied. Once he has used up the Demon, he will surly cast him out. We should not risk such a thing." She spoke to Viansola, waving a dismissing hand towards Varia.
I could let him go right now, and he would tear this place to the ground and you with it, you stuck up bitch.
It wasn’t so much that Zeale was flaunting him and Varia sleeping together, he had expected that. It was more that she was implying that he was willing to put everyone at risk for what amounted to little more than great sex. Sabre had said something similar and it had hurt then too.
I shouldn’t be hurt nor find it surprising that they are taking it that way. It’s fine that they think that. It doesn’t matter what they think of me, as long as they do what I need them to do.
"Perhaps we can assist your people. Sending one of us to deal with whomever cut down the trees would save face. Varia isn't good for much, but he's good at killing. Same with Maddox. We can prove our good intent by offering you our help." Sabre suddenly spoke up from behind the others, his words aimed to Viansola.
Luckily Sabre spoke up, offering a solution better suited to the situation than what Maddox had sitting on his tongue.
This is why I drag Sabre around all the time. Fucking politics.
Viansola watched them carefully, noting the flare of indignation and anger in Maddox, the feelings of his comrades. A light touch on her elbow and she half turned to the Walker that sat behind her. She nodded once at her words before turning back to the group. “Now, now, Zeale, they are only human. Many a man has had his heart swayed by a warmed bed, and who is to say it is being swayed against us.” Viansola said in Elvish, still with too much amusement in her voice. “Besides, everything considered, I think their influence on each other is more beneficial than not. Even as one man his death could prevent hundreds, thousands of others if thrown against the ice kingdom. Let us not be too hasty to throw away gifts given freely.”
Viansola switched to the common tongue, considering Sabre’s proposal. “I think that is a great idea and convenient as well. The Arcturians can investigate the dark elves for us while Maddox and his friend can gather the provisions for the purification.”
Maddox raised a brow. “Wouldn’t it make more sense if I went with Varia to speak with the elves?” He didn’t like this, and wasn’t sure what Viansola was thinking.
She shook her head. “You can’t always be there to tell him right from wrong, Maddox. He’s a grown man, I’m sure they will manage. Your brother’s elvish is passable enough.” Viansola said dismissively.
“You are to find the reason why they have used forbidden magic in the Graves, and bring the culprit back here for justice if at all possible. A simple enough task I think. If he can make the right choices and avoid temptation, perhaps we can agree to aid you in this. Is this also agreeable to you, Zeale?” Viansola tilted her head towards the woman at her side.
Zeale leveled a cocky gaze onto Maddox and Varia, her lips twitching upwards into a smirk. "It is agreeable. Allow the demon and his keeper rest for now. Tomorrow they will go. If the demon returns, then we will attempt the ritual to purify him. If he does not return, then we are rid of him forever."
Varia didn’t say anything for a while, his eyes leveled on the elven elders. It was almost concerning, and a small ball of guilt dropped into Maddox’s stomach. Did he not even trust Varia to know how to behave like a civilized person? He wasn’t any better than Zeale if that’s the case.
Varia’s eyes finally flickered back towards Maddox, before he pulled from his grip. Varia turned his head towards Brom, before back towards the elders. He lowered his head towards Viansola, acknowledging her rather than Zeale. “Very well. We’ll leave at dawn.” Zeale stood at his words, giving the group a brief nod, before she exited the room without another word.
Viansola folded her hands in her lap, her eyes crinkled in that forever smile as she studied the men standing before her. “I do apologize, my friends. I must speak with Maddox alone. Dinner will be in your rooms when you return.”
Maddox expected Viansola to pull him aside to speak with him. She was one of the few in the world who knew his secret. She was one of the few people in the world that he would mean it when he said he trusted her. He needed her advice on a multitude of things, Varia, his mission, his purpose.
He gave the others a nod, catching the suspicious look Sabre shot his way, before he was left alone with Viansola.
- Sabre -
“Sabre, how much do you trust Maddox? I’m asking you honestly.”
Sabre turned his gaze to Brom as the two moved back to their own temporary home. Varia was escorted to the edge of the village away from them. Brom had not spoken the entire meeting, and had kept his own counsel afterward. Brom was not much of a talker as it was, and what little conversation he did have with Sabre was usually brought about by Sabre’s vocal dislike for Varia.
Before Sabre had a chance to answer such a strange question, Brom continued. “I only got a gist of everything said. My elvish is rusty and more prone to understanding everyday language than the highbrow stuff Maddox likes to speak. What I understand is that the elves know about Maddox and Varia, and more than a few have concerns. There’s Varia’s history, and his current affliction, sure, but there’s something else regarding Maddox. In particular, there’s something that Viansola is concerned about. Something regarding Maddox’s sword for one, and something else, something secret.”
Brom turned his gaze towards Sabre, shutting the door to their treehouse behind him. “You should confirm with him his plans, his feelings. Something isn’t right here, something he isn’t telling us. If we continue to blindly trust him, I’m not so sure we will survive whatever the plan is. I’m not sure that our survival is even necessary.”
I trust Maddox with my life.
That’s what Sabre wanted to declare. He did. He did trust Maddox with his life, but only because Maddox had proved time and time again that he needed Sabre alive and well. But for how long, that was in the air. Especially now that Maddox had gained the little psycho as an ally.
Everyone has their own agenda. This is nothing new.
Sabre has his own agenda, Brom has one. Varia has one, and Maddox has one. Perhaps Maddox’s was larger than the others, required more pawns, more death, but Sabre was confident in Maddox. His plan, whatever it may be, would only serve to better the world, and that’s all that mattered.
Still, Sabre understood the apprehension. He felt it too. He wasn’t sure what triggered it more, the elves, Varia’s clear effect on him, or the feelings Maddox clearly had. Maddox’s motives were one thing, Varia’s were another thing entirely. Sabre had known Maddox for a long time, long enough to know that no other being had every affected Maddox so. Whether or not Maddox or Varia themselves knew, Sabre could see the beginning of a vicious internal battle inside Maddox. Varia had caused a great deal of pain, but this would be different. This one scared Sabre.
“I will pick his brain. Despite my trust, I’m not sure what his plans are, or how any of us fit into them. Hopefully he will be more willing to speak without the demon nearby.” Sabre finally said, sitting on the bed and pulling his boots from his feet.
Brom watched Sabre, his impassive gaze not giving away any of his feelings. “Good.” He murmured.
Sabre eyed Brom hard, letting his boots drop to the floor loudly. “Though he is your brother. You subjected yourself to Arcturian abuse for his sake. The mission you’ve been undertaking for the past ten years certainly doesn’t convince me that you’re afraid of his intention.”
Brom sat near the small table in their room, glancing at Sabre and holding his gaze as he considered his words.
“Every day that we spend here, I find that I know less and less about my brother. He half raised me, I’ve been fighting for him most of my life. I’m being called to question the blind loyalty I have for my brother. The loyalty Varia and Maddox both command is perhaps as dangerous as what Arcturus instills into its soldiers. I’m finding that I have an issue with Maddox sleeping with Varia, even if I’ll admit Maddox is doing a hell of a job keeping Varia distracted and calm.”
He’s jealous. But not of the attention Varia’s getting from his brother, but because Varia’s been so focused on Maddox.
Sabre sighed, a wide and toothy grin pulling at his lips. “Well, that much I can agree with. I rather like having the Demon of Arcturus so calm and complacent.”
Brom snorted at that, shooting a scowl towards Sabre in response to his smirk. “He isn’t. He’s had much happen to him recently and he hasn’t had a moment to deal with it. He’s teetering on the edge, and the elves know that. They’re separating him from Maddox hoping that he fails.”
“You’ve kept the little psycho from doing much worse in the past, I’m sure. I wouldn’t be too concerned.” Sabre murmured, flopping back on the bed, kneading his knuckle between his eyebrows.
“He wasn’t possessed by a demon then.” Brom responded, causing Sabre to snort out a sarcastic chuckle. “Says the man who didn’t have to find his friends and family torn to shreds. He may not have been a demon to you, but he’s earned his title to the people of Nihal.”
Brom grew quiet at that, allowing Sabre to finally allow himself to shut his mind off, ignoring the sounds of the forest. Eventually he found himself drifting into a dark and dreamless sleep.
- Maddox -
Viansola kept Maddox back a moment so that they could speak alone. It took over an hour before he headed back to the hut he shared with Varia, deep in thought. She had spoken on many things, not just a few involving Varia. As one of the few people who knew his true aims she was in a better position than most to advise him on many matters, and to caution him on others. While it seemed that she in general did not think his and Varia’s interactions were problematic, just the opposite, she did have a few words of caution Maddox hadn’t considered. And her words of caution were not just in regards to Varia, but also Brom and Sabre. Maddox spent some time before night fell sitting in the high branches of the treehouse, thinking, deciding.
He understood now what Viansola had intended by sending Brom and Varia to deal with the dark elves, and Maddox, though uneasy, had to concede the wisdom. It would be a much needed character building exercise for both and would show with more clarity if either was up for the tasks ahead, many of which they did not even know.
But even if Varia succeeded in his quest, even if he survived the purification and sealing, even if he learned to control his demon, was there a place for him at Maddox’s side? Maddox had promised the other freedom, Varia had wanted that in death, what did Maddox want for him afterwards? No, even before that, even before he was to bring Arcturus into Maddox’s waiting arms, could Maddox keep the other by his side? Without telling him everything? Was that what he wanted? A week ago it would not have even been a thought. A week ago he would have said he’d use Varia however he needed, tell whatever lies he had to, without a care as to whether the person at the end was one even capable of wanting freedom. But now? And the others? He had never wavered in his purpose, not even a little, until now. No, he wasn’t wavering. He would finish what he started, just…
Maddox came down from the treetops, the guard on them lightened again per Viansola’s order. Maddox entered the hut, closing the door behind him softly. His eyes landed on Varia and he considered him for a moment. He sat on the bed the two shared, a book in his hands.
He was so beautiful just then, the light of the moon shimmering against his porcelain skin, wintery eyes lifting to meet his own. The softness that gaze held when he looked at Maddox was unlike anything he had ever thought Varia capable of.
Maddox stood there for a moment, before crossing the room and taking the other’s face in his hands, his lips covering Varia’s. He didn’t want to think about his feelings for the other, what he was and was not willing to do to Varia in order to get what he wanted. He didn’t want to think about the promises he had made, the ones made to him. He just wanted to feel Varia’s skin against his, hear the other’s pleasure ring out through the trees.
His hands were under the other’s clothes, seeking to free him of them as quickly as possible. The book Varia was holding thumped as it hit the floor, Varia’s hands snaking around him to grip at his shoulder, another tangling itself in Maddox’s hair. Varia pulled him forward onto the bed, onto his body, settling beneath him. It made him feel so powerful, to have the Demon of Arcturus lay below him.
Maddox stripped the other in record time, his hands sliding down the other’s sides and pulling off his pants, tossing them aside before sliding upwards and doing the same with the other’s shirt. He pulled his own over his head, breaking their kisses only long enough for the fabric to pass between them before claiming the other’s lips again. His hands gripped his side, feeling the muscles flex beneath him. Maddox’s other hand slid up Varia’s thigh, enamored with the soft skin of his former enemy once again.
One would have thought the other going off to die for how desperate they seemed, how determined Maddox was to commit every inch of Varia’s skin to the memory of his lips and hands. His lips left Varias to trail down his body, tasting the other’s flesh from neck to navel and beyond. He didn’t think as his mouth took Varia’s cock, didn’t pause to consider what he was doing and why. He forced his mind in the present, seeking no motive for why his mouth moved even lower other than to please the other. As his tongue dipped into the other, hands kneading the flesh of the other’s thighs, Maddox felt only contentment and the need to convey what he was feeling to the other.
It was madness, what he was feeling. If he had stopped a moment to think about it no doubt he would have scared himself as much as he was scaring others. But that was likely why he didn’t stop, why he continued to probe inside the other until he was slicked enough to dispel discomfort. Maddox was impulsive, brutish, a world-class debaucher that ran the world with Sabre, starting fights as often as cleaning them up. He had discipline when needed but never was he swept away by his emotions or anyone else’s. Yet here he was, bound by some feeling of foreboding, by some need that he could not explain.
In sudden frustration Maddox flipped the other onto his stomach, ignoring the grunt of surprise and the glare cast over Varia’s shoulder and leveled on him. Maddox leant his head lower, biting Varia’s shoulder as Maddox’s fingers slipped inside the other, stretching him once more before positioning himself. His face nuzzled Varia’s ear as one hand found Varia’s, slipping between the other’s fingers as his cock slipped between the other’s butt cheeks, pressing inward.
Varia was his. His prey, his rival, his to dominate and defeat. He would let no one else have him, kill him, bring him to ruin. “You are mine.” Maddox whispered in Arcturian dialect as he slid in to the hilt.
A choked moan left Varia from below Maddox as he pushed into him fully. His hand squeezed Maddox’s, his body flexing around Maddox’s intrusion as it tried to adjust and relax. Varia pressed his face against the bed, before he turned his head, his cheeks flush and his eyes narrowed.
“A-Am I? How do you assume that?” Varia hissed in Arcturian, though his voice trembled. A smirk pulled at Maddox’s lips.
The obvious answer to Varia’s question would be to point out their positions. How could Varia not be his in a conquering sense? If he felt for Varia less, if he had seen him as he saw any other male or female he fucked, he might have pointed to that as the first reason. It was surely a claiming and dominating position that even dogs used. But that was not why Maddox had him thus and not the thought that consumed the other’s mind.
He did, however, at Varia’s question and the slight challenge in it, thrust his hips a little harder, push a little deeper, to drive home the point, fueled by Varia’s moans. “Because, I won’t let you go to anyone else, be conquered, defeated, or killed by anyone else.” Maddox’s hand came around Varia’s hips to encircle his cock, stroking the hardened member gently, and calloused fingertips brushing over the sensitive head.
“This is mine.” Maddox said before catching Varia’s lips in a kiss that held until it had to release for air. “This is mine.” Maddox’s lips moved to gently kiss Varia’s temple and whisper, “This is mine.” His hips slowed, aiming for depth over speed, his breath in Varia’s ear. “Your strength, your weakness, your dominance and submission, your life and your death, I will claim all of it. You are mine.”
The obsession that had started purely as a need to conquer the other on the battlefield had changed to wanting to possess the other completely in other ways. But it was exactly that desire that Viansola had warned him against. If ignored then he could lose Varia, if not to others than to Varia himself. Treating him like a tool rather than a person would not distinguish Maddox from Arcturus and in the end Varia would turn against him. Yet, that desire taken too far threatened Maddox’s purpose and mission. He could not afford to get so caught up in Varia that he lost sight of what he was supposed to be doing, everything he had worked for. But how to walk that line was something Maddox had never had to learn. If Brom had never discovered another side to Varia, if Varia had been a little more evil, a little more intent on killing Maddox, maybe they would never have gotten this far.
Maddox bit Varia’s shoulder as his hips moved faster again. Now it was a game of whether he could complete his task before Varia brought him to ruin.
Varia’s rolled back, meeting each thrust of Maddox, pulling a moan from Maddox’s lips as well. Maddox covered every bit of skin he could with kisses, claiming Varia as his wholly and completely. Varia had always been his, even before this, before the caves, before the burning of Emeriss. He had belonged to Maddox for far longer than either of them would ever admit, and Maddox belonged to Varia in return. No one, but each other could tame each other the way they could. No one was worthy of them, no one but each other.
Maddox’s hips pushed deeper, faster, his one hand squeezing the others, his other hand stroking Varia’s cock harder, faster, urging him to reward Maddox. Varia was intoxicating and he wanted more, he could never have enough of him. His scent, the sound of the soft, beautiful moans that rolled from his lips. The way his gaze softened when he looked at Maddox, the way his lips parted, the flush that met his cheeks when he was nearing completion.
You are mine.
Maddox felt the surge of electric pleasure begin to form in his stomach, moving lower with each thrust of his hips. The room was filled with the sounds of them, flesh meeting flesh, Varia’s moans, and Maddox’s moans that only Varia could pull from him.
Maddox’s lips met the back of Varia’s neck, biting the flesh beneath his hair softly. It happened so fast Maddox was nearly taken off guard. The gasp that left Varia, the wetness spreading over Maddox’s fingers, the way his body seized below him, constricting around his cock as he thrust deeper and harder.
A moan cracked from Maddox’s throat as he came shortly after, his hips bucking inside of Varia with every spurt, pushing his seed as deep as he could. He wanted it to spread in Varia, to warm him, to reaffirm the fact that Varia was his and only his.
Maddox drew a shuddered breath, his hand sliding up Varia’s chest, grazing across his hardened nipples and reaching up to pull Varia’s face back to his own. Their lips met once more, a heavy breath leaving Maddox. Even then it was still as intense as the first time. Varia was going to destroy him.
His body trembled as he came down from his high, his hips slowing to a stop. He didn’t want to part, he wanted to stay inside of Varia forever. Was this love? Or just the effects of being left alone with Varia? He couldn’t say, but he didn’t want it to stop.
With a grunt, Maddox slipped out of Varia, pressing his lips against Varia’s temple as the other hissed when his body was left empty. With a heaving grunt, Maddox flopped onto his back next to Varia, pulling Varia to lay across his chest. He drew a breath, his eyes closing as he stroked the hair on Varia’s temple. His arm bent behind his own head, taking the moment to just enjoy the silence and peace he seemed to find with Varia.
It was no joke to say that the sex he had with Varia was the best, and that was an accomplishment. With Sabre as a best friend, Maddox got around a lot. Even considering all the kinky people he had been with and the things he had done, the relatively vanilla sex he had with Varia the last few days topped it.
But the strength of his orgasm and the pleasant tingle in his body was not what he was thinking about that moment as he finally opened his eyes to gaze at the stars peeking through the canopy. Instead, he was thinking about the things he had said to Varia and the things he had discussed with Viansola.
“Don’t die.” Maddox whispered softly in Arcturian. “Don’t die, and don’t fail. It’s not allowed.” Maddox restated, his hand never stilling its motion through Varia’s hair. “We’ve spent a decade trying to best the other. More than that, if you die during some stupid task from the elves, it will render all those years meaningless. The Varia I respect and consider my equal does not fall so easily. So keep your temper, don’t be stupid, look after Brom, and make it back to me.”
Maddox was more than a little nervous with just Varia and Brom going out on their own. There was a mild concern for assassination, but mostly that their training in Arcturus had conditioned them to the sort of responses that would not serve them well.
“I don’t say this because I need you for Arcturus. You dying would complicate that as well.” Maddox conceded. He still wasn’t looking at Varia. “But almost as long as my purpose, you have been there. If you suddenly died it would make trouble for me. A worthy rival is needed to make a person strong and decent. I do not yet consider myself either. So you can’t die yet. Not until I’m ready to take up my sword again against you.”
Varia was quiet for a long moment, his head turned from Maddox. Maddox lowered his eyes to the back of Varia’s head, wondering for a moment if he was speaking his feelings out loud and Varia was asleep. But worse than that, he was dismissive.
"Worried that I can’t control myself? It'll be fine. Your elven friends will get their answers.”
Maddox felt his brows crease, a soft sigh leaving him. That wasn’t what he had meant, but there would be no convincing Varia of that. Varia had it already in his mind what he considered his use to Maddox. And he wasn’t wrong, not completely.
Before Maddox could attempt to correct him, not that he would have tried, Varia’s hand slid up his stomach, finally turning his head to face Maddox.
"I won't die, not by the hand of anyone other than you. You promised me, and I intend to hold you to your word." Varia whispered, before he leant up, gently kissing Maddox’s jaw. "You are strong and decent. How much that means coming from me, I don’t know. But you are. You're the strongest person I've ever known, and despite how much of a shit head you are, you're the most decent as well. You're unlike anyone I've ever known." Varia spoke softly in Arcturian, shifting to lay down properly against Maddox’s chest once more. "I won’t leave you, not yet." He whispered, his fingers tracing soft shapes against Maddox’s bare skin.
Varia’s promises were oddly comforting, and Maddox knew he would keep his word. Varia didn’t die easily to begin with, and that he would only allow Maddox to kill him meant that he would try that much harder to stay alive. The other’s assurances that he was decent were less believed. Considering his point of reference was the rest of Arcturus and Brom. Maddox might be better than them, but only by a smidge. Maddox didn’t tell him that though. The longer that Varia thought him the better guy, was good for Maddox. He supposed that, where Varia was concerned, he was the best option, after Brom.
He looked down at the other as the promise not to leave him just yet echoed in his mind. Maddox’s hand twitched in the other’s hair, belying the emotion he felt. It was unknown yet what those words truly meant beyond that they would let no one but the other kill them. That, and perhaps that they now knew more about each other than anyone else did. Which didn’t say they knew a lot, but still. At the moment that was enough.
Varia bent his head, kissing Maddox’s chest briefly before he stood. He took a rag to clean himself, before pulling his pants back onto his body. He didn’t bother to do them up, instead flopping back onto the bed next to Maddox. “What did she say to you when you stayed behind? You’ve been awfully concerned with my death since then.”
Maddox turned on his stomach as Varia moved from his arms, pillowing his head on them to make them forget their emptiness. “I was concerned when Viansola proposed the task, not what she said after. You don’t speak Elvish and Brom likely is rusty. The Dark Elves are more inclined to want to harness your power and will seek to tempt you. If they can’t they may try to kill you and they might have the means. I am also not entirely sure than Zeale or Daylor won’t have someone come after you to ensure your failure.” Maddox said, partially avoiding the question. “The blood magic weakened the Graves. I’m sure you’ve noticed. Until it’s purified that will remain. As you get closer to the source of the magic that restraint will weaken...and not just on your power. Blood magic calls to demons...it’ll make it harder to control. Then again, it’s not likely a heavy spell was used, so you may be okay.”
A soft sigh left Varia, his eyes focused on his own fist, flexing it against his leg. "I've dealt with worse situations with worse handicaps than these. I'll be disappointed if they don’t send assassins.” His gaze lifted, turning to Maddox once more.
"I'm less concerned about the elves and more concerned with Dor’Goth. Without you, if he does awaken how will we defeat him? You know most about such things and... as much as I hate to admit, you are the only person that can stand up to me when I'm myself. If you aren’t there... and he takes over... how would you ever find me? How will you..." he started his last words, but allowed them to fade off.
Maddox allowed an arm to slide over Varia as the other shifted to lay back down next to him, watching Varia’s profile. "I suppose that is what the elves want anyway. Viansola seemed keen on keeping me alive, but I can’t imagine she would be very put off by the idea of me dying in some stupid, elven quest." Varia said, his eyes focused on the sky above, watching as the clouds passed by the canopy. "Brom would be put off by it... and you would maybe. I don’t think anyone else would be."
Maddox sighed as Varia spoke, before he sat up. He studied the other for a moment, a small feeling of anger bubbling in his chest. He was so beautiful, and Arcturus broke him. Everyone he was ever in contact with broke him. Maddox broke him, Maddox turned him into the Demon of Arcturus just as much as everyone else had, and he wasn’t sure that he would be able to fix him.
“Come.” Maddox whispered, standing up and offering Varia his hand. Varia was voicing concerns that Maddox could help, or at least give reassurance too.
Maddox spent the majority of the night teaching Varia various techniques to help in case the demon decided to make an appearance. He made sure to mix a small herbal drink that should assist Varia in maintaining control. He also created a weak amulet of cloth, wrapping it around Varia’s left wrist. It was to act as a first line of defense and as a warning if the demon drew too close to the surface. It would glow, and inflict a minor burn, hopefully to snap Varia out of anything too dangerous.
Of course, Maddox also reminded Varia’s body once more why it should return whole and well. But the morning had come much too quickly for his taste, and with the sun, Varia would leave.
Maddox watched as Varia prepared for the journey, his arms resting on his thighs, his eyes following Varia around the room as he busied himself. Varia dressed himself, donning that heavy fur cloak, strapping the weapons the elves gave to him to his body.
Varia’s gaze changed the moment he placed his hands upon a sword, a new sword. An elvish sword, though it wasn’t enchanted by any means, it was a better blade than the one he had gotten in the village.
Varia gave Maddox a nod, preparing to leave when Maddox grabbed his wrist, bringing him close. He gazed up at the other, thumb on his pulse.
“Don’t fear. If you lose yourself, I will find you. Like calls to like. Cithrel knows your feel now, I’d be able to track you. I’ll be waiting for you to get back.”
Come back to me.
Varia gazed down at Maddox, lowering his head to softly press his lips against Maddox’s. Maddox drew a deep breath, wanting nothing more than to pull Varia in and force him to stay. But Varia broke the kiss much too quickly, and turned to leave.
Maddox sat still for a long moment, before he lifted himself from where he sat, moving out of the small room and into the dawn.
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A lonely exploration of Tao
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] When Avery crosses over to the Prehistoric land of the Chinese myths, accompanied by a game-like system, he is eager to start his new exciting life and dominate the world. Unfortunately, he is stranded in an inhospitable land devoid of life, and the system is barely enough to keep him alive. He has to honestly rely on himself to get stronger, and without guidance he needs to pioneer a cultivation technique suitable for him. A solitary life of meditation, slowly delving into the secrets of the universe, forging his own path and making the best of unfortunate circumstances. Maybe one day he will triumph and escape, revealing his brilliance for the world to see. _____________ Hi, I am the author vaurwyn. I am a huge fan of complex magic systems, so this is the major theme of the book, an ordinary man exploring a Taoism-inspired magic system. Release schedule : Once a week, Saturday at 7pm (Except during Writathon)
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***Hiatus / On Hold***Do immortals exist? What if i told you they do exist and you can become one. Join Kiryu as he treads on the treacherous path of becoming an immortal and uncovers the hidden side of the world you thought never existed. Creating a harem is a bonus :)WARNINGContains blood gore sex torture etc etc :)[ Working on rewriting chapters one to twenty six currently ] [ 4/26 done ]Link To Old Version All 26 Chaptershttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1xkHVCanGOLpoQW2qdjfNl6hTqUqpez2sy5BNsF3Uh2A/edit?usp=sharing
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In the year 2081, the science fiction virtual reality game Breach is at the peak of its popularity. A former e-sports player is suddenly brought into the championship tournament to replace a fallen member of his former team. He is forced to deal not only with the personal problems that originally caused him to leave, but with the eccentricities and intrigues of the other players, including the questions of whether last year's winning team cheated.
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Set in Song China, a pair of homeless orphans, Muyou and Yiqi, were wandering across the land. With only each other to rely on, they embarked on a journey into the Jianghu. In this journey, they aimed to shake the World and leave their legacy behind. However, two orphans were simply too insignificant in this vast Jianghu. Watch how they carved out their own path, and also attempted to shed some light on the mystery of their parents’ sudden disappearance.If the traditional path rejects me,Then let me create my own path.A path which nobody has tread before,A path which defies conventions.Feel free to input your comments and thoughts, and what I can improve on!Website: www.worldofjotham.wordpress.com and https://silvalibrary.com/
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